Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)

Here are my websites so u can have a look at what I do:

Thank you for sending the links. I love the design of your website, the butterflies are so pretty! You do so many classes & you've managed to find loads of people to hire the studio out to, you're such an entrepreneur. I wish I lived near, I'd like to do tap dance fit & Irish dance! I must look into whether we have anything similar near here. In my old flat I tried to find something nearby. I only found line dancing, which was cool, even though I was younger than everyone else by about 50 years! I did it for about 3 months, but it was a 30min car journey away & it became too much.

I love your shop, it's so pretty & pink! It's the sort of place I'd love to browse. Is it key rings on the counter in the pic? They look cool. Do you have to do a lot of work on the website to keep it all uptodate? T made a website for my boss a few years ago, it was v hard work!

I'm currently waiting for T to wake up. He didnt get in from work til 3am, so I don't know when he'll wake up. We have watched the video every year so far. Sometimes I watch it during the year too, although I can't convince T to! We have 2 videos, neither is official. My cousin is a professional wedding videographer, but he didnt want to work at our wedding. He videoed some bits & edited them together a bit. My uncle also did a video on his little handheld camcorder. He learnt how to edit it & added music to some bits. Both videos are very different, but I love them both. We didnt want an official video as we both felt uncomfortable with being filmed, so ths way we didnt really know it was happening.

I got my dress cleaned after the wedding & packed up in a box. I haven't dared to get it back out, I don't think I'd fit it back in! I don't think I'd fit into my wedding dress, even before getting pregnant.

Last year on the anniversary, t was working days & I worked in the AM. The Olympic torch was going through the town where I work, just past the end of the road where the office is. The church bells were ringing all morning, there was bunting up & it felt lie everyone was in a celebratory mood, which I decided was for my anniversary!! I went out to watch the torch go past, wearing my red, white & blue hair clips! It was a lovely sunny day last year, like the wedding day. It's grey & horrible today & I've started the day by throwing up, so it's not v similar to my wedding day so far!

Do you have any more opks left or was that the last one? At least doing them feels like you're doing something. Have you ever tried a saliva microscope? I dd tat for a couple of cycles, saw some ferning around the right time, although I wouldn't rely on just that. I lied the pretty patterns it made! It made me feel more hopeful when I saw the patterns.


To C and T,

Congratulations on your anniversary! We hope you have a lovely day full of memories of your wedding and plans for the future. Next year you will have a speical little someone to share it with who will be yours as a marriage and no body elses. That child will strengthen your bond even further and unite you forever.

Best wishes,
J and R (and Hollie)
Above is my anniversary card to u! Lol

Im glad u like my business and websites. They are just free websites so are very easy to alter and update as i need to often. R has built websites before too and they are hard to do. Shame u dont live closer to join some classes :) and if u have a girl she could come to my dance school. R and i went to ballroom dancing classes for 2 years but we dont go anymore. We used to go on a Friday night with friends and then to the pub afterwards.

We didnt get an offical wedding dvd either but our friend videoed parts of the day and its nice to look back on. Weddings are so expensive, u cant have everything. We have a couple (married) friends who are professional photographers who did an amazing job with our photos and took them from first thing in the morning until the end of the day. I didnt get my dress cleaned lol it is still hanging in the bag as i left it....opps!

Its nice that last year seemed like a celebration for u with the olympic torch. My 18th birthday was on the queens golden jublee in 2002 and that felt like a celebration for me! Lol

Sorry u have been sick today :-( are u going to tell your doctor?
Ive got one opk left but im not going to do it yet. My nipples dont feel sore anymore. I had a temp rise this morning but it cant be ovulation as my opk was neg yesterday. It must be an odd spike like i had last week. My body is obviously confused. Lol.
Ive never tried or even seen a saliva thingy! Only heard about them a few times on here. Are they any good?

Hope u have a lovely day xxx
Awww, thank you for the anniversary card, very sweet of you! We enjoyed celebrating & watching our video. I gave T a leather notebook & a leather key fob embossed with a "dire wolf" from his favourite books/tv show, Game of Thrones. He gave me a leather covered journal. We take a photo of ourselves together on the day each year to put in our anniversary book. This year I made sure my bump was visable in the photo!

In the afternoon, when T went to work, I looked through the wedding albums. I only got round to putting all the photos in albums just before our 2nd anniversary. We had a professional photographer but we also put CDs on everyone's table & asked them to send us their photos. We ended up with 2500! It took a long time to chose my favourites! I've ended up with 3 albums, but the last one includes our honeymoon photos too. Where did you go on honeymoon? We went to Sardinia. The wedding was on Sat & the flights from our local airport was only on Wed or daytime Sat, so we went the following Wed. On the Mon T had arranged for a surprise night in a nice hotel in the Cotswolds. It was still sunny then, so it felt like we were abroad. The whole wedding & honeymoon was so nice, it's a shame you can only do it once!

Where did you go to uni? I went to Royal Holloway, University of London to study Zoology. I got I'll in my last year & have never used my degree, but I loved my time there. (Luckily I managed to graduate, with a lot of extensions on my work, lecture notes from my friend & using marks I'd got in earlier years to boost my 3rd year marks)

That's cool that we all celebrated your 18th! They even put a big parade on for you in London! Was some of the bunting last year for you too?

How's your temp today? I wonder what your body is up to. How many days has it been since you stopped bleeding?

I don't know if I should ring my dr or not. I definitely dont feel as nauseous as I did. I'm only being sick every few days. I might wait & see if I'm sick again in next few days. I've been fine this morning. I forgot to order a repeat of my anti sickness pills yest. They run out on Sun & it normally takes 2 days to get the repeat prescription. I hope I can convince them to do it more quickly or I will be in trouble on Sun!

Looking nice & sunny today, hope it stays like this. Hope you have a good day. xxx

Im glad u had a nice anniversary and lovely thoughtful gifts! Gives me some ideas :).

We have our wedding pics in a photo book album rather than a traditional album. Our honeymoon was in the Maldives. It was the most amazing place! We didnt wear shoes for the whole holiday. You go out for a meal with sand between your toes, it was heaven on earth. We bought a photo album when we were there but i still havent put any pictures in it yet. I must do that soon!

I went to Sunderland Uni. I got a 2:1. You did well finishing uni when u were ill. How did u first realise u were ill? What was your first symptom or sign?

I havent bled for over 2 weeks now. My temp is low again today lol. I knew i would be in for a long wait. Id love AF to come for my birthday! But i will be lucky if it comes by July at this rate.

Last year on my birthday we had a jubilee garden party and bunting & decorations up for the queen. I dont think i will be able to do that for my 38th birthday as the queen is getting old.

How horrible is the killing in Woolwich? So discusting. The country isnt safe.

I hope u have a nice day xxx

My cousin, who's the wedding videographer, went to Sunderland. He studied photography. He really like it there. He was there about 10 years before you!

When I was at uni I got tonsillitis in Jan really badly twice in 2 weeks. The second time I was sent home for 2 weeks by the medical centre. It was the day before one of my exams & all I was concentrating on was the exam - I remember complaining to the dr that I fell asleep when I was trying to revise. I was shocked when he said that's cos your body needs to rest - it hadn't even occurred to me! After that, I just couldn't get fully better. I felt achey all the time & had mental exhaustion - I couldn't remember what the end of sentences were when I was talking. I struggled on, got a bit better over the summer, started working full time & then completely collapsed. That's when I became housebound etc. Not a good time, but I'm so grateful I'm so much better now.

It's good you've had 2 weeks without bleeding. If you counted the 1st day of no bleeding as day one, when would you be due a non-clomid AF? When I had what I think was a chemical & bled for double my usual length of time, my AF came about on time if I just counted from when I stopped bleeding. I didn't get the usual cm pattern, so I do t know if I ovulated that cycle. But that was very different from what you're going through.

I liked my ferning microscope. I definitely saw ovulation one month. The next month it was confusing, but it was a confusing cycle anyway. I was put off opks cos of the urine you have to use - if I remember right, doesn't it have to be not FMU, but when you haven't drunk for a while? I always drink loads throughout the day so found it hard to find a time. With the microscope, I just had to use first saliva of the day. You can't drink anything, even water, for 2 hours before. I think I liked temping best, but maybe that's cos what I was doing when it worked!

We had a 3rd applicant yesterday, but this was the worst yet. We asked for a covering letter, as the ability to write well is crucial. This person just wrote one poorly formed sentence. The cv was v lacking in words as well. I won't be recommending we interview them, although my boss is soft & might want to give her the benefit of the doubt!

My brother's home again today, so I'm picking him up from the station later. T worked till 3:30 this morning, so he won't be awake for ages. I'm hoping to go swimming again today, I just have to spend a few years shaving first!!

I think baby might have had hiccups yesterday! I felt about 10 very rhythmical kicks/movements. It's a bit early to feel it, although I've googled & some people do. He was either hiccuping or tap dancing! He's moving lots this morning, which is nice, cos he's been quite quiet lately.

What are you up to today? xxx
I didnt wake up til 11am! Terrible but i couldnt sleep all night because the wind & rain was keeping me awake. Poor R left at 7am for work.

Im cd32 now but if i count from when the bleeding stopped im on cd18. My cycles can be anything from 30-47 days. Counting a long cycle means i should have AF by about 22nd June. Seems ages away! Ive got my appointment on 27th june so if it hasnt come by then i can tell the hospital i guess. My temp was high this morning so its pattern is going up and down lol its crazy! I havent dobe my last opk yet. I will save it until i get symptoms like sore nipples again as that is usually my indicator of ovulation. With the smiley opks u can use FMU so they are better than the lines, i agree they are a pain if u cant use FMU.

With your condition u will always need to be careful of not over working and over tiring your body - but u dont need me telling u that lol.

How is my writting? I know i always spell things incorrectly. You write beautifully. I can tell u are a clever person. Has T got a degree? R does but it took him ages to get it as he was working at the same time and missing lessons and exams because he prefered working and earning. I think his heart wasnt in it as his parents really wanted him to go to uni and kind of pushed him. Whereas i always chose what i wanted to do myself so worked hard. We both went to local uni's so didnt need to move away or get loans.

The inlaws came round last night. They are going on holiday for a week now in their caravan.

Today im working in my shop and then doing DIY at my mums this evening & weekend. We started the task again on Tuesday and are making good progress. During this kitchen task i have lost my nanna and given birth under terrible circumstances. No wonder the job isnt complete yet!

Have a nice swim. Xxx

How's the DIY going? Do you enjoy it or has it become a chore now? How much more do you have to do? Lets hope nothing else goes wrong while you finish it.

I think you're writing is really good, you would definitely get an interview! I did History A-level so had to write loads of essays. My Dad would check them for me, so he always made sure I phrased things correctly. He's a solicitor, so he's very hot on correct grammer!

T has a Maths degree. He was the first in his family to get a degree. He doesn't use it now though. It's a shame, cos he's almost embarassed he's got it, as he's surrounded by people who don't have degrees at work. I'm proud of mine, even though I don't use it! What did R study?

We both went away to uni. I have a huge Student Loan, but I haven't earned enough to pay it off yet. T didn't take a loan, he just worked all holidays to pay for it. The nearest uni to us would be about an hour away, so most of my friends went away to uni.

I suppose at least you have the hospital appointment, so you know you will get checked, but it does seem a long way away. What's your temp doing today? Could it be the low temp that was the wrong one, not the high ones?

We got the rain and wind at lunchtime yesterday. It was so cold! I actually put more heating on as my family were complaining it was so cold. Rubbish weather! Luckily I got my swimming over and done with before it got too bad - 20 lengths this time. I didn't feel sick, so it was good. (I've been sick again this morning - I'm thinking I might go to dr next week. It so hard to know how much is too much)

I think I could feel baby kick with my fingers yesterday as well as internally. I called T over, but of course baby stopped then. He then started again as soon as T went away lol!

We're going shopping today. T wants to travel over an hour to one town for a specific reason that has something to do with my birthday. I wonder what he's up to! It's my dad's birthday next week, so I'll be buying something for him. They are going on holiday to Nepal in October (which is complete madness, as my dad doesn't have the best of health & hasn't been camping since he was a teenager, yet they are going on a trek! And they'll be on the other side of the world when/soon after baby is born! But never mind!) so I'll probably buy him something from his favourite outdoors shop.

Are you ever allowed to borrow your in laws' caravan? I've only been in a caravan once, but I have romantic ideas about being snuggled up in them. I expect the reality would be quite different!

Hope you have a good weekend! xxx
Good afternoon,
Ive just finished work. I hope u are having a nice day and a good shopping trip. What is T up to? Lol

R did a computer studies degree (something like that) lol. Sunderland uni is an hour away from me but i drove there each day. It was only for my final year as i did an HND first at Teesside then topped it up to a degree at Sunderland.

The inlaws caravan is their pride and joy, we have never been offered the luxary of borrowing it. I havent been in a caravan since i was little and dont remember it much. We sometimes go camping but only because our friends enjoy it and we all go together. We have a tent and Hollie loves it but we wouldnt go on our own - i dont like it that much! Lol now our friends have babies we havent been camping for a while....yipeee!!!

My temp was down again today. See what happens in the next few days. Now u have been sick again id go see your doctor. I hope u are ok?

Now for a weekend full of DIY. I like it but it does start becoming a chore when the job drags on. The kitchen is almost done. We need to lay the wooden floor and do the splash back and all the finishing touches now. We are getting a chinese for tea/dinner so that will be a reward:)

Why did u chose the name Pansy as your name on here? I was supposed to be mrsbroodypants but i missed the 'S' off when registering lol silly me.

A banana??? I did not expect to see that!!

I've never been camping. I don't think it would be my type of thing. I go to the loo in the middle of every night, even when not pregnant, so that wouldn't be fun. Plus I like a comfy bed too much! We already have a 5 foot bed (king?) but I want a 6 foot one (super king?) - I need more space! T is 6'1" & takes up as much space as he can! I'm 5'7".

Did you get the floor down? I hope you enjoyed your reward.

Our shopping trip was exhausting but I got a few things. I took forever to get there as we got caught up in traffic going to Cornwall on hol. I bought some new maternity jeans & an extra long normal top from Primark to cover me up, as most of my tops leave a gap now. It tricky to know what to buy, as nothing fits for long, so I'm just going to buy as cheap as possible.

Lol re missing off the s! I chose Pansy at random, it was just the first flower that came to mind. I joined in Feb, so we'd probably just planted some! I wanted something where there was no link to me, as I was keeping TTC secret.

It looks like a lovely day here again. I think you're meant to have a nice day tomorrow too, but we will have rain. Today we're probably going to a house with pretty gardens for a bit of a wander.

Are you both working tomorrow? T is till 3pm.

A banana! It must be a cheeky monkey! Lol

I always need a wee in the night too and when camping i make R come with me because im scared on my own lol.

We have a king sized bed too and id like bigger. I love sleeping and need my own space. R is 6 foot but im only 5'2".

The weather was boiling hot yesterday. We ended up helping my mum do some of her gardening so we could be outside enjoying the sun. We will do more DIY today.

Im glad u enjoyed shopping. Id of just bought cheap mat clothes too as u arent in them for long. Do your shoes fit like normal? Something people need bigger shoes. Im a size 3 or 4 and R takes a size 10 although he will try to squeeze into a 9 because he thinks they look nicer lol. What size shoes are u?

My temp is high today. Its the highest its been all cycle. It will probably be low tomorrow though lol.

Enjoy your walk in the sun today. Xxx
My feet are size 8! T says I have clown feet! His are size 10. My best friend is size 3-4 so she sometimes buys children's shoes! Can you get away with that too? I've always found buying shoes to be a nightmare. I think tey are the same size at the moment, although they definitely ache & feel more swollen than usual after walking fir a while at the moment.

We ended up going to a more local view point yesterday for a picnic as we were too tired to go further. It was beautiful up there, we could see across to Wales (I don't know how far that was, but it was a long way! I'm rubbish with distances!). It was quite breezy, so we were a bit cold. It's really windy today, I can here it whistling under the door again. Sunny at the moment though.

We went to the garden centre, yet again, on the way home. T bought more plants which he planted in the evening. I think letting him take control of our garden may have been a mistake!! He's enjoying himself though, and it does look pretty.

I'm so tired today after quite an active weekend. Baby was kicking really low down which was quite uncomfortable. I put a post on here & people seem to think he is kicking my cervix! It makes me jump when he does it. So far today he has been kicking in a different place, higher up, so I hope he stays in that position! T felt baby's head or bottom for the first time yesterday. I could feel him pressing against my stomach wall & could see one side was slightly higher than the other. When we pressed, we could feel a definite start & end to the hard bump. At least T has felt something now, even if baby stops kicking whenever T tries to feel him.

Are you going to watch BGT this week? I will be recording it & watching it the next AM as T doesn't really like it. He's not really into reality shows. Sometimes he'll watch Strictly with me if he fancies any of the celebs or if his favourite dancer is still in it. I like Dancing on Ice, but he'll never watch that. I don't mind watching it on my own though.

How's your temp today?

My plan for today is to work on my quilt. I haven't done any for a few weeks. Are you both working! Did you get the DIY done yest? xxx

My temp has stayed high today! So i could be 2dpo or my body could be playing tricks. The weather is warm so i hope thats not a connection.

Yes i will be watching BGT and Corrie is on each night this week too. Im in for a treat! Lol R likes to watch them too, although he doesnt have a choice as im in control of the remote in our house! :).

Yes i can even buy childrens clothes. I have a coat that is aged 12-13 and a cardigan aged 9-10 years!! I remember being on a night out once and i kept getting stopped by women who liked my skirt and asked where it was from, i had to tell them it was a childrens skirt lol.

Sounds like u have had a busy weekend but a lovely one. We did more DIY but not a lot. R had a works do last night so we stopped DIY early for him to go out.

I cant believe how much u can feel the baby move and kick. It must if grown so much since the size my baby was born at. Im so glad i didnt get to a higher gestation where i could feel the baby, as it would of been even harder for me. Hopefully i will get pregnant by the time u give birth. We are not planning on telling anyone if we do get lucky until after the scans/tests. I will tell u though of course!!!

Enjoy doing your quilt. Im going to a garden centre with my mum now before work, she wants to buy some plants.
Have a nice bank holiday


How exciting that your temp was still high! Hope it's stayed up today?

How funny that everyone loved your skirt! I can't believe you can fit into size 9-10 yrs! You must be able to get some bargains. Do you find it hard to find your size in adults clothes? I don't expect everyone stocks it.

I finished my quilt! It took all day as I had to sew all the way round the outside by hand & my hands get sore if I don't rest. Here's a pic of it:

I like the back as much as the front, it will be hard to decide which way up to use it. (Don't judge my furniture tastes by the colour of the seat it's on btw. We inherited a 3 piece suite from my Grandma. It's in really good condition & includes a sofa bed, but neither of us like the colour.)

Did you enjoy BGT? I'm pleased with the ones that got through, although it was a shame the big dance group didn't get through. I thought the magician's act didn't work as well as it had done in the audition.

I've got to cover for my colleague at work this afternoon, so I've got a long day. I'm also working tomorrow - training my boss in what I do so she can do it if I'm ever off. I don't think she'll be able to remember how to do it unless she practices regularly, but never mind! I've then got all day at work on Thurs & we're off on holiday for the weekend at lunchtime on Fri, so it's a busy week! I feel exhausted already!!

I probably ought to go & get dressed. It's so dark here cos of the rain, it feels much earlier than it is!


Wow your quilt is AMAZING! I cant imagine how u have made that. It looks professional like from a shop. Its lovely! I like both sides. Well done! You are so clever.

My temp dropped a tiny bit but FF still gave me crosshairs and says im 3dpo. Im not so sure but im happy that i must be getting closer to AF.

I mostly buy adult clothes as childrens often have logos on like a big pink butterfly or something lol. I can usually find my size ok.

I liked BGT. I thought that big dance group was good. I loved those opera singers the best, they were brilliant! I didnt like that magician, he scares me lol. Its clever but im nit comfortable watching his acts. Im too scared that someone will get hurt. I know thats the whole point but i dont like it lol.

Sounds like u are busy. Take it easy when u can. Where are u going this weekend? Is it in the cottage with your parents? I cant remember.

Ive got my niece (4) and nephew (7) sleeping over in Sat night. They have not slept over without their parents before. Im so excited. They are so cute and R and i will enjoy looking after them.

P.s your furniture is retro! :)

Take care and have a nice day xxx
Yey re your temp! How exciting that your body is back to doing what it should! Not quite AF in time for your birthday, but maybe in time for R's bday? (Not sure he'd see that as a good present would he?!)

Thank you for your compliments about my quilt, I can rely on you for a confidence boost! :). The thing I love about sewing is you can make things look good if your patient enough, it's not like other crafts like painting, where it always looks homemade.

How exciting that your niece & nephew are coming for a sleep over! We love the excitement of having our niece & nephews over, although they're not quite so cute anymore. What have you got planned? We often watch a film with the boys (who are now 8 & 11). Our niece just loves going to the park & helping with cooking or watering the garden!

I'm pleased the comedian won last night! I wanted Jack & Cormac to get through though. I'm glad the soul singer didn't get through - I don't quite believe her shy act, having seen her on the Voice. It's rubbish it's not on tonight cos of football!

My boss doesn't like any of the 3 applicants for my job! I thought one of them was good! The closing date is Friday, so it could be tricky if no one else applies. She has a mad idea about someone else editing the work externally, which I don't think will work, but then I won't be there to have to deal with it!

Better go & get ready for work again. Still haven't packed anything or washed what I need to take to Cornwall (yes, weekend with my parents). Might have to find some time to do it...!

Hope you have a good day. xxx
You need a PA or get your cleaner to wash and pack for u :).

We have the rain here now. Opened the curtains this morning to a totally different world, foggy, grey and damp! Yesterday was lovely i was gardening for hours at my mums.

On Sunday we are having a little lunch with all my family at my house. Just sandwiches etc.. So im going to let my niece and nephew bake cakes on Sat afternoon ready for the lunch. I thought they could design and decorate placemats (just A4 paper) for themselves and one each for R's niece and nephew who will be coming Sunday. My niece and nephew love art and drawing. Then i thought we could watch a dvd on the evening. Im going to do pancakes for breakfast and then we can walk Hollie. Afterwards they can help butter bread etc for the lunch or make decorations to put up. I want them to enjoy themselves so they want to sleep again lol.

Yes the comedian was funny and i liked the girl who also got through. Her song at the piano is really catchy but i dont like the outfits she wears lol. I liked duet where the male dancer throws the woman about but its a bit limited. I didnt know the shy singer was also on the voice, i will have to research that! Shame its not on tonight :-(

I hope someone clever enough applies for your job. Its good that they are finding u hard to replace.
Im working in my shop today but off to Sainsburys first.

Have a nice day xxx
Your weekend sounds lovely. Decorating placemats sounds such a good idea - I might steal that next time I have my niece over, she would love that! Pancakes for breakfast sounds good too - lucky them! They will def want to come back! Is your meal a pre birthday gathering for you / you & R? Have you decided on a joint present this year or do you decide after? T didn't have any luck with buying my present when we went out on Sat, but there's usually something I like in Cornwall, so that's his plan now. He's taken Mon off work now, so we can stay till after lunch, so it will be nice long break. (Still haven't packed - starting to panic now as its meant to be in the car tonight so we can just go tomorrow when T comes home).

How's your temp today? Is your LP usually 14 days? (Is it LP after O? My brain isn't working this morning!)

It's my cousin's child's 3rd birthday on the same day as yours. She absolutely loves Abney & Teal - do you know it? On Cbeebies. I made her Abney & Teal dolls for Christmas & I make her Poc Poc biscuits when I see her. I designed her an Abney & Teal card on the computer last night, but I can't get it to print properly. Our printer is on the blink. I'm hoping I can print it at work today sneakily. Abney & Teal is a really sweet programme & I enjoyed making the dolls, although they took forever!

Hope it's less rainy there today. It's horrible here, but meant to be nice tomorrow.


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