Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)

Your wedding sounds lovely. I like the colour scheme. You are very crafty to make all those things, especially the flowers on the cake. I made our invitations and DH made our thank u cards, thats as crafty as we got. I had two adult bridesmaids, they wore pewter dresses. My two nieces were flower girls in ivory and my two nephews were paige boys. All the men/boys had matching dark grey suits with pewter cravats. I had two of everything, with two best men and two ushers! It was like noras ark, everyone two by two! Lol
What day did u get married on? Ours was a Sunday so we had Sunday dinner as our main course meal.
We got engaged at the Grand Canyon. We went to Las Vegas for DHs 30th. It was boiling hot! Funny that it rained when u got engaged. We went to a friends wedding where it thundered so loud in church! The vicar said "do u take this man.." then there was a massive clap of thunder! It was so funny as she is 29 and married a 51 year old so we all thought it was doomed anyway! Lol.

Im still spotting a little. I danced quite a lot last night and had more blood..opps! Maybe im doing too much too soon. We are dtd for fun but also just incase we get lucky but i need clomid for that anyway. My temps are middle ish. Not high like after o but not as low as normal. Todays was a little lower though! I take it at the same time each morning.
Good luck with doing your quilt today. I know it will look lovely.
Pewter is an unusual colour, I bet it looked beautiful. Very sophisticated! We had 3 ushers - my oldest brother & my 2 little nephews who we thought were too old to be Paige boys. We got married on a Saturday. I didn't realise you could get married on a Sun! We had a 3 course meal with 3 choices for each course. I wrote everyone's choice on their name card which made the caterer very happy - I knew so done would forget what they had ordered! We had our reception in a really bright & airy village hall & had caterers in.

Were you expecting the proposal? The Grand Canyon is an exciting place to get engaged! I had been dropping hints for a few months. He had even taken me looking in jewellery shop windows 3 months before to see what type of ring I liked!

Oh dear that dancing made you spot. Don't over do it. I suppose it's more like a wound than a normal period, so will spot for a while.

I'm back to day one on my sickness free days count :-(. I counted the days & it is 13 days I have to beat now. Oh well, gives me a new challenge! Annoyingly it was in middle of eating my tea which I was really enjoying, so now I'm going to be even more anxious about eating tonight. Hopefully it was just a once off (I really wasn't this scared of food before I got pregnant!)

I sewed on 10 of the 20 owls yesterday. It takes an hour to do 5, so this is definitely a labour of love! I went to a quilting shop to buy wading & they told me what to do next, as the instructions aren't clear. The last thing I'll have to dois sew round all of it by hand, so that will take forever! It will be worth it.

What are you up to today? It's raining this morning! DH doesn't get bank holidays off so I forget it is a bank hol. Is your DH working? We'll be tidying when DH comes back from working at lunchtime & then picking up MIL at 3:30. My parents have the opposite feelings about buying things for baby to my MIL. I hope my mum stands up for herself (& me) & doesn't just agree that everything my MIL likes. We're trying to get her to not buy too much too early & don't believe babies need every little gadget out there.

I'm holding iPad over my stomach so it's putting slight pressure on my abdomen & neighbours cat is leaning on me from my lap. Think baby feels a bit cramped cos he's kicking the cat! Lol! Cat can't feel it tho. Cat came round as soon as I got up as he was wet from the rain!

So u are definately feeling the baby move? Thats amazing. I cant wait to feel that one day.

DH and i are working bank hol. Im working today as well. Im going out tonight for my friends birthday. I dont really want to go but it might help me to get out. We are going to watch a show and then im going home but everyone else is going into town. Im not into going out anymore. Musics too loud and u cant hear each other talking. I dont see the point lol. So both of us tonight will be pleased when we get things over with lol.
Your quilt sounds difficult to make but totally worth it.

How did your meal go? All good and no sickness i hope?

I had a good night with friends. It was a drag act show and its given me another business idea! I love new ideas to expand my business empire lol.
I didnt drink and just drove home. I dont feel like drinking at all.
The weather is supposed to be nice and hot this weekend! That will be good :)

Glad your night went well! Are you thinking of doing classes for drag queens then??

Our meal went ok. The parents were all well behaved & I enjoyed my small portion of the roast dinner. I even managed a small amount of strudel for pudding! My mum gave us an outfit for 3-6 month old that's clearly for a boy - not quite sure what she is on! She said we had a 50% chance of being right! (I so want to find out the gender next week. DH has stopped saying no when I ask. I'm wondering if just us could find out & not tell anyone else. I'm dreadful at keeping secrets tho! I'm sure once we found out it would seem like a disappointment that we didn't wait for the surprise, but I really want to know now!)

It's sunny again today here. Are you going out to enjoy it today? Do you get hayfever? I do & they say pollen will be really high at mo cos plants are late & are all releasing at same time. I'm only allowed to take a nose spray & eye drops, hope they work! No chance of enjoying the sun for us today though, DH wants to go to ikea! It's about 90 min car journey away. DH wants bookshelves or something. We might go to a few other shops while we are there. I'd rather be at home, out in the garden, but never mind.

Do you have classes tomorrow or are you working in your shop?

Im thinking of setting up a drag act but i just need to find some men to dress up first lol. The show we saw wasnt that good so i think i could do a better job lol. Watch this space!
Its exciting that u can find out the gender next week! After what i went through its changed my opinion on finding out. If my pregnancy had continued then i would of wanted to know at 20 weeks. I think its nice to get to know as much about the baby as u can because time is so precious. My mum found out i was a girl and managed to tell my dad before he died. I just now realise how important that is. None of this really applies to u, so do what u and DH feels best. I might change my mind by the next time im expecting lol.
Lovely and sunny here too! We are going on this daffodil walk with friends to a caffy. Then we might do gardening afterwards. DH has bought a new hedge trimmer and strimmer so i think he wants to use them!
Good luck at Ikea. Poor u having to go there in this nice weather. U will have to buy something too! Use the long car journey to decide if u will find out the gender!
Im teaching tomorrow night.

Have a nice day xxx
Morning! How are you? I'm so tired from all the shopping yesterday! We left at 9:30 & didn't get home til 6:30, which is the longest I've been out throughout the pregnancy. Because there was no traffic we got to ikea before it opened! It was fairly painless in there, I just let DH get on with buying what he wanted. We then had lunch, went to Mothercare, George at Asda, Mamas & Papas & Next looking for maternity clothes. I tried on lots of dresses but none of them allowed room for my boobs! I did get some thin summer trousers & one top.

We then went to a big shopping centre & spent an hour playing with our top choice of travel system to make sure we still like it. We called in to Babies r Us & then ate out at Harvester. It's the first time I've managed to eat out since being preg. We chose Harvester cos I could eat the salad while waiting for the main course. (I find if I have to smell food but can't eat it, it all goes horribly wrong) It was very exciting to manage to eat out, even if it was in a Harvester!

It was boiling hot in the car & beautifully sunny. I wanted to be at the beach, not shopping! But it wasn't too bad, at least we weren't arguing - ikea normally makes us argue - I think it's the confusing furniture & lack of natural light!

How was your walk? It sounded lovely. Did you take lots of photos? Are the daffodils still looking good? They've mostly finished here. Did you do some gardening?

DH has been saying "maybe" every time I mention finding out the gender recently, but when I said yesterday we need to have a serious chat about this, he said we didn't need to cos we're definitely not going to. He was just humouring me. If he's a definite no & I'm undecided, I guess that means no. I will still give some more thought, to make sure I'm happy with it.

What are you doing before your dancing lesson? DH is working til 3. I think I'll do some work on my quilt if I stop feeling so achey. If not, I might just relax in the garden!


Another gorgeous day!
U did have a long shop yesterday. Im glad u got some new clothes. And got to look in baby shops!
Our walk was lovely. The daffodils come out a little later than flowers in gardens but i dont know why. They were lovely. We then had sunday dinner in a pub where dogs are allowed. The portions were massive so the dogs got fed under the table too! We then went to another village for a second walk and ice-cream. I really enjoyed it. Then my brother and his family came round to our house and we played in the garden with my niece & nephew. We were too tired for gardening afterwards! Garden can wait until tomorrow.
Im at my mums today before work. Eating her food and enjoying her garden with Hollie.
I hope this weather stays nice

Sounds like your Sunday was lovely! Hope you enjoyed the rest of the day at your mums. Looks like today is the last day of nice weather. I spent part of yesterday out in my comfy garden chair reading in the sun, which was lovely. When DH came home we went to town & bought an ice dream - yum! Today he wants to go out somewhere again when we come home from work, so that'll be nice.

Have you ever been to Kent? We're looking in to bring a cottage there for a week. There are lots of choices available, but we don't know where to go. I studied the Tudors for A level history so want to see Leeds & Hever Castle. We're thinking we might be able to go for a day trip to France & get a train into London. We've only ever driven through Kent on the way to France, so it'll all be new. I hope it is an interesting area!

How are you doing now? Has the spotting stopped? Do you have to go back for a checkup or anything?

Your a sweet potato, i love sweet potato...yummy!

Im still spotting really really lightly. But yesterday i had a big clot, that was a shock as i havent been properly bleeding for a while now. We go back in 6-8weeks but havent got an appointment through yet.
Oh if this weather is going to end then we had better make the most of it. We are gardening today!
I dont remember if i have ever been to Kent. Not for a long time if i have. A cottage for a week sounds nice.
My boobs have gone all little and rubbish now :-( if i could take a bit of yours, that would be great lol.
Funny that we talked about my check up today - i have just got my appointment in the post. Thurs 27th June.
Id love to be pregnant by then but of course that wont happen. Cant wait to get my cycle sorted so i can start clomid again. I will be so happy when my real AF comes!
How funny that you get your appointment date through today! It will be good to get the all clear then.

You're welcome to some of my boobs, I seem to have plenty to spare at the moment! I'll warn you though, they're still quite tender!

Hope your gardening is going well. I've just come back from doing a supermarket shop - the first one I have done on my own all year! I haven't even been able to go in them cos of the nausea, so it's a big achievement. When DH gets home in a min we're going to go out in te sun somewhere again. I can't believe it hot it is! Lovely!

It's 8 years today since I sent DH the first message on an Internet dating site! Can't believe he's been in my life for 8 years! Seems so long, yet feels like I've known him forever. I reread the message this morning - so cringey lol! Oh well, it worked!! He told me to send it to him today & he's going to reply & then we can compare it to what he originally wrote! Will be amusing!

I love sweet potato too! Have you had tesco finest sweet potato lasagne? It's so nice! V confused about the size tho, they come in all sizes! Baby's meant to be 14.2cm.


Yes the weather was really hot yesterday. We got lots of gardening done. Well done with your big food shop.

It will be 8 years in August since i met DH. If u messaged your DH first and i gave mine my number, then we both made the first move....go us!! Lol. I also feel like ive known my DH forever. I cant believe he is just someone i met! It feels like he has always been in my family.
I havent had sweet potato lasagne before. I might have to try that! Sweet potatoes do come in lots of different sizes lol. Are u feeling baby kick now then? That must be amazing.
Ive got a friend round today who i havent seen for ages but she knows whats happened and sent me flowers so i had to invite her over. I also need to go shopping for a little something else for SIL 40th. We have got her flowers if 40 roses that will be delivered on her birthday and a voucher for a meal for two at a big Hall near us - its a handpicked hotel. So i also want to buy her a little keepsake today. Spent a fortune lol.

What are u doing today? X
How lovely that your SIL will get 40 roses! I'd love that! And the meal will be lovely too. I wonder what you'll get as the keepsake?

It's unusual we both made the first move! I don't think DH would have made contact if I hadn't. I only had 3 days free trial membership to the site, so I sent him my email address straight away. We then exchanged long emails for 3 weeks before we met, so it felt like we knew each other when we did meet. I met up with him 2 weeks in a row & then I had a relapse of my ME so couldn't get out of bed for 3 weeks. He sent me a text saying he thought I was worth waiting for, which was really cute!

I feel the baby pretty much every day now, although only about once a day & some days I don't feel anything. Yesterday I hadn't felt anything all day & then DH was teasing me about the size of my bump & sort of grabbed/tickled it & baby kicked back! I imagined he was saying "yes, Dad, what do you want?" DH couldn't feel it.

Our trip out yesterday turned into a trip to a new garden centre DH has discovered. We spent an hour there, with DH choosing loads of plants! I was far too hot (I'm never normally hot, I love the sun) & kept hiding in the shade. We then spent the evening planting them all - well, DH planted, I supervised/encouraged!!

I've got to go to the dentist today :-(. I hate doing that! It's just a check up which I arranged early cos midwife said it was a good idea, but it's still scary! I hope she doesn't touch my highly sensitive gag reflex area - I still have to be very careful when spitting after doing my teeth. The appointments not til 3, so I'm going to distract myself with my quilt this morning.

Good luck with your shopping, hope you find something nice. Hope you have a nice time catching up with your friend. xxx
Oh no, i hate the dentist too. But to go when u might feel sick is the worst. Im sure the dentist will understand if u explain first :).
Our neighbour gave us some plants yesterday. They are giant daisys and i planted them a long our back fence. I hope they grow! They will look great.
Good luck at the dentist x
Back from dentist, all fine, phew! I had requested my check up after 7 months rather than the 9 months since last one she recommended as midwife told me to & she didn't want to do the check up! I sat in the chair & she said you don't need it yet! I had to convince her to look - v odd! Maybe I should have just taken the opportunity to run!!

That was kind of neighbours to give you plants. Hope they work!

How was your friends visit? What did you buy SIL?
Im glad u were ok at the dentist. Strange that she had to be convinced into doing her job lol.
My friends just left. It was lovely to see her. She brough her daughter who is 2 and she played with Hollie in the garden. My friend is getting married in Sept so we also chatted about her wedding. Their best man is my ex boyfriend. Her husband to be is best friends with my ex, that is how we met many years ago. Its nice that we are still friends. I will see my ex at their wedding lol that should be interesting!
I went all over town looking for something for my SIL. And i found the gifts in a garden center. I got her a nice mug with flowers & 40 on and a fridge magnet that says something nice about sisters.

You were right, weathers not as nice today. I think the weekend is better weather xxx
I love the gift sections at garden centres, you can get some really nice little gifts there.

Have you seen your ex much since you broke up? Did it end amicably? It could be awkward! Luckily the only men I'd have awkward encounters with live on the other side of the country, as I met them when I was at uni, so not much dance of running in to them! My friend saw one bloke at a wedding last year, but luckily I wasn't invited to that! She was v loyal & said he'd really let himself go, lol!

Weather is horrible here today, windy & rainy! Such a change! At least the rain will give the new plants a good watering, I just hole they don't all get blown over!

I started work on a draft ad for the person to cover my maternity leave on Tues. As one of the skills required I wrote "ability to work indecently"!!! Oops! I meant independently! Luckily I noticed it just before I printed it to show my boss!

What are you up to today? I've just got a dull day at work. Oh well, it makes the day go quicker & gets me one day closer to my niece's party on Saturday! I haven't tried on my outfit this week to check it still fits, hope it does. I think I've got an alternative if it doesn't. I bet she's excited. She chose her dress & accessories herself - its slightly OTT & gypsy-wedding ish, but she will definitely look like a princess. She told me the other week " I will look prettier than you at my party" - I wonder if she is telling her friends at school the same thing!

Hope you have a good day. xxx
Aww children say the funniest things! Im sure u will look just as pretty! :)

You must be catching spelling mistakes off me as i always make them. I have to edit my posts afterwards lol. I might apply for your job and you wouldnt realise you were interviewing me! :)

Yes the gifts at the garden center are lovely. Think i will go there again when choosing for other peoples birthdays.

I did see my ex a few times after we split up and we are on speaking terms. We text each other happy birthday & merry christmas if we remember. We were together 5 years and were engaged...opps! I dont mind seeing him but im just worried about seeing his girlfriend. She might beat me up in the toilets lol. I was really looking forward to going to that wedding pregnant, as they have a child together. Nevermind, i might be pregnant again by then! I will definately have to look my best and get DH looking gorgeous lol.

Im working today too. Boring! Hope u have a good day xxx
Hello! How are you today? Hope you haven't been blown away by the gales! Rubbish weather overnight!

I'm not having the best start to the day - didn't keep my breakfast down. No idea what that was about, I didn't feel sick & had taken my pill as usual. I hope it was just a once off & not a new surge of hormones.

I am considering going swimming today. I used to go every week before I was pregnant. I haven't been since as I've been worried about the sickness. (Exercise seemed/seems to bring it on) I don't know if I will go now, I'll see how I feel this morning I guess. I was doing 30 lengths before Christmas, I think i might just aim for 10 today & then build up.

Do you watch the Apprentice? DH & I stayed up to watch it (we've been going to bed at 9 - him as he gets up at 4:30am for work, me cos I'm exhausted!) but last night we felt like we'd been out partying for 2 nights so we were in bed by 8:30! We're felt so old!! But it was also lovely to be going to sleep lol!

Are you working today? Do you have plans for the weekend? Any fairy princess/pirate parties to go to??


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