Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)


I havent been swimming for ages. Exercise can make u feel sick so it take easy and slow. Go swimming on a light tummy and eat afterwards (sorry if i sound like your mother lol). Sorry u were sick, thats rubbish :-(

We havent watched this series of the apprentice. We were at my mums til quite late last night and went straight to bed once home. We love to go to bed early but usually watch tv until late.
Ive got another friend round today who i havent seen for ages but knows the siruation. She will be the last visitor who i need to speak to about this, as everyone knows who needs to. Then tonight we are out for an indian for our friends birthday and tomorrow night out for a meal for SILs 40th. I might dress as a fairy lol that would surprise everyone!
I hope u have a fun weekend and your niece has a lovely birthday.

Not long until your scan! We are on countdown again :)

Lol at you dressing like a fairy, that would be so funny! It would definitely give them a surprise!

Thanks for the food & swimming advice. It's really annoying cos the only time I can swim is between 1&2 & I don't think I could wait til 2 to eat. I think I only need to be in for half an hour, so I'll probably eat lunch at 12 & swim at 1:30. I guess I'll just have to experiment & see (hope it doesn't go horribly wrong - distance to toilet is what worries me most!) I tried on my swimming costume & it's v tight over bump - it squishes it so I look fat rather than pregnant. At least it makes my boobs look more in proportion! If I get on with swimming, I might have to invest in a maternity swimsuit.

I hope you have a good time with your friend. It will be good that you don't have to go through the whole story again after this unless you want to. Do you find it difficult to talk about? How are temps and spotting looking now? Are you still trying as much as possible? Still nothing here, I'm beginning to think we just won't do it the whole 9 months! I thought you were meant to feel extra horny in the 2nd trimester, but I feel nothing! I'm so lucky DH doesn't mind!

Sounds like you have a fun weekend planned, lots of nice food! Hope you enjoy!

My friend has cancelled her visit as her husband is poorly and she has to take him to hospital. She is coming next Friday now. Ive made new plans to go for a nice walk with my brother and his family.

We havent had sex for 4 days! So my plan of doing it as much as possible isnt going well lol. and my temp went up high today, but i really dont think i will of ovulated. I think my body is just going crazy! Im expecting to wait ages for AF.
My spotting has stopped but i think it may return if we have sex.

I so wish i was still pregnant with a healthy baby :-(. My DH is great at keeping me positive and to be honest, with everything we have been through i think we are doing really well. But our friends baby is due in June, so its nearly here and then we will be the only ones without a baby! I think it will be difficult once their baby is here as i feel our life with change a bit. I just need to get another bfp.

I hope u have a nice swim. xxx
That's a shame your friend cancelled, hope her husband isn't badly ill? Glad you were able to come up with a good alternative plan!

I wish you were pregnant with a healthy baby too. I think doing really well too, considering all you've been through. If you weren't such a strong couple, you could have just given up. You so deserve another BFP and you will get one, one day. At least you started trying young, you've got plenty of time, you haven't got your biological clock ticking loudly. It's unfortunate all your friends have kids, that must make it harder. I'm lucky that none of my friends my age have kids, although that wasn't much consolation while trying (especially as my unsubtle SIL put enough pressure on for 100 people!). You've just got to concentrate on what you and DH have & try to ignore what your friends have. Your LO will be the youngest in the group and will always be the most spoilt. Your LO will be so precious cos it will be so wanted, you'll never take having kids for advantage, & you'll be better parents for all you've been through. It will happen for you. But don't be hard on yourself when you aren't feeling as positive. You're allowed to feel down, you've been through such a lot this year. Remember I'm always here to listen.

I managed to swim 12 lengths yesterday, which I was pleased with. I think they've made the pool longer while I've been away - bit harsh of them, it's now so much harder to swim a length!! I didn't feel too sick, I ate a chocolate bar & had a drink as soon as I was out! (Defeats the point of the healthy swim, but never mind!)

I've decided to wear a new dress I got from New Look today that's navy with white butterflies all over it. I'll wear that with leggings, my tiara & necklace from my wedding & my wings! I can't find my glittery makeup - I have v fine craft glitter that I may mix with moisturiser to put on cheek bones, depending on how mad I'm feeling! I bet my niece is excited about it already! It doesn't start til 3!

Hope you enjoy your SIL's celebrations. xxx
Thanks for all the kind words and advice. I really appreciate it.
Have they really lengthened the pool or are u just joking? Lol i couldnt tell :)

My friends husband has pneumonia but is out of hospital now and has meds, so hopefully he will be better soon.

My temp went down again today so i knew i hadnt ovulated. We had sex last night and no bleeding so far but sex did feel a bit uncomfortable. I hope everything is ok.

Your outfit sounds nice for the party. I hope u have a good time! If the strong winds continue then u can fly there like a real fairy! Have fun. Im off to work now.

How was the party? I hope u all had a fun time. What present did u buy your niece?

Our meal out for SIL was nice. It makes me feel sad though that i should be pregnant and adding to their family. They were all so excited before.

What are u doing today? DH is playing golf this morning then we are meeting friends for Sunday lunch in a pub somewhere. We have spent a lot of money eating out this weekend! Opps!

My temp is still low today. No bleeding and we dtd again last night. We are probably using up all our energy for nothing at the moment but its fun at least lol.


How was your party? Did your SIL like her presents? My niece's party went well. I was the only adult female, although one man (my BIL's cousin) dressed up as a pirate. The little kids seemed to like that I was dressed up. My niece looked very pretty in her party dress. The people that ran the party are on to a good thing - if you want to expand your business into parties, I think you could make loads! They charged £200 for 1.5 hours of 2 people entertaining & then 30 min of eating. They didn't provide the food or the party bags, so had no outlay really, they just brought a photocopied picture for people to colour in. Basically £50 per person per hour! Not bad!! I told baby that in afraid they won't be having so much spent on birthday parties - I don't see what's wrong with doing the entertainment yourself!

Baby was given a party bag, which was funny. Surely no other baby that hasn't even been born yet has had so many presents!! I think my DH's family are slightly insane!! It was a rattle soft toy. My SIL put the party bags in clear bags with pink ribbon for girls, blue for boys, so baby's had both a blue & pink ribbon.

What are you doing today? DH is working this morning, then we're off to the cinema this afternoon to see Star Trek (or is it Star Wars?). (Guess whether its my choice!!) I don't like going in the daytime, it seems a waste of light, but the weather is meant to be horrible, so that's not so bad.

Tomorrow I'm going to a talk on epidurals & TENS machines at the hospital, did I say? I've signed up to go, but am not looking forward to it now! Hope it doesn't freak me out! My midwife led centre seem to be putting pressure on me to give birth there, so I signed up to go to this at the hospital to see if I will want the option for an epidural & therefore want to be at the hospital.

Hope you have a good day. xxx
We were typing at the same time! Mango has been my favourite fruit during this pregnancy, I can well believe the baby may actually look like a mango!! xxx
Yes we were writting together!

SIL loved her presents thanks.

Thats sweet that baby got a party bag and it had pink and blue ribbon. I cant wait to find out which u have! Not long and u could find out :)

Enjoy the cinema! I feel sorry for u having to watch either star trek or star wars. I hope the cinema do nice sweets/ice-cream/popcorn lol.

Good luck tomorrow. Try not to worry about the birth. U will get a beautiful baby in your arms and it will be totally worth it...but learn about all the drugs u can take lol. Im sure u will be glad u went tomorrow afterwards.

Have a nice day xxx
Good luck today!

I had a down day yesterday. We went out with out friends for lunch (they are expecting in June) and i felt so sad afterwards. Then DH and i watched a film 'sliding doors' last night and she loses her baby and i was crying uncontrollably. I felt so sad. DH was crying too and we were just hugging in bed. I dont feel as bad this morning but its horrible waking up and realising it is real and i get a sinking feeling. Sorry, i dont want to drag u down. Just need to write down how im feeling.

How was the cinema? Which film was it?

Not long til your scan....3 days??? Xxx

Hope you enjoyed your meal out? The cinema (Star Trek latest) wasn't too bad, I wasn't too bored. I think the 2 scoops of ice cream probably helped!! Poor baby didnt like the loud noises, he was kicking lots at the start of the ads. I was worried about him, but they not actually feel scared do they? I was considering walking out if he kept it up, but he settled down after a couple of ads. I thought as I wasn't scared, he would hear my heartbeat being normal & be ok.

I've had a rubbish start to the day today with some projectile vomiting - lovely. Only 3 days since last bout. I'm a bit distressed that its still happening at 19 weeks when I'm taking tablets, but I should just be pleased it isn't everyday & I'm not as bad the rest of the day. The dr said I have to go back for tests if its still happening at 20 weeks, so I'll just have to see how I am then.

Thanks for the advice re the lectures this evening. I think I'll take notes so I remember what they say. It's from 6:30 to 8:30 & I'm normally in bed by 9 at the moment, so I hope I can stay awake. Poor DH got up at 4:30am for work, so he'll be exhausted too. Hope it's lively to keep us awake!

Hope you have a good day. xxx
Oh no, poor you, having a bad day yesterday. I remember sliding doors, not a good film for you at the moment (although it's quite good normally). I feel so sorry for you and DH. At least you have each other to go through this with. With lesser couples, it could drive a wedge between you. That moment first thing in the morning must be horrible, when you forget for a few seconds & then have to remember. Don't be sorry for telling me, I don't mind listening at all, I wish I could do something to make it better. Nothing but time passing is actually going to help though is it? But you will get through it.

Hope you have a better day today. xxx
Thank u. I know it will get easier with time and if we can eventually get another bfp, then we can focus on that.

Sorry u have been sick. U are almost 20 weeks so maybe u need to tell your doctor. I dont know.

U keep calling the baby a he?? Is that what u think it is?
I dont think baby could be scared in the cinema but i guess it is loud. It will feel protected by u and it is very safe inside u :). It might just like star trek!

Let me know how your hospital talk goes tonight. Hopefully u can keep awake! :) is your DH going with u? He will be tired after such an early start.

How are you feeling today? How was the rest of yesterday?

The talk was better than I expected. It was interesting & quite informal. We watched a video on all of the methods of pain relief, then an anesthetist spoke about the epidural. We got to handle te tube they put in, which was tiny - you don't feel it when it's in apparently. You have numb heavy legs but can still move about on the bed. Apparently 50% of first time mums have them. It all seemed good & I dont think I'd be scared to have one. I think it has made me decide I want to have the baby there, where I can have one, rather than the midwife led unit.

We also got to try out a TENS machine, which felt weird. Have you ever used one? I think I'll probably hire one for labouring at home.

When we came home, we found our whole village didnt have any water, which was annoying. Luckily we had some bottled water so we could use that to wash our hands etc. We had to rashion our toilet flushing! It's ack this morning thankfully!

I don't have any feelings about whether baby is a boy or girl, I just call him "he" cos I don't like calling him "it"! I've always done it in my head, since I found out, but now I do it out loud, cos when I feel him moving about, it's like he has a personality. I do apologise to him & tell him not to worry about me calling him he if he's a she! Sometimes we call him by both the boy & girl names we've chosen merged in to one (sorry, we're not telling anyone what they are) My DH says "sort it out, son" when he's kicking me, but thats just what everyone says at his work, he'll call anyone son! I do t have dreams about baby or any other inkling about the gender. We're not going to find out on Thurs. DH really doesn't want to & I read in my pregnancy book that it can give you extra motivation in the final stage of labour. Having said that, I wouldn't be upset it baby accidentally flashed us!!

(I hope you don't find it too upsetting when I talk about baby like that)

Weather looks terrible here today, warnings of heavy rain. I think you might escape the worst of it. How are you're daisies getting on?


I like hearing about your baby. I want u to enjoy your pregnancy. Hopefully i will get pregnant again. But im very used to people telling me about their children when i was ltttc so im ok with it. Ltttc has kind of prepared me for this loss, as im used to everyone else being pregnant and not me.

The weather looks ok here so far. DH is going to cut the grass and i will water the daisies! Hopefully they will grow.

Im glad u got your water back on! I was working yesterday and that made me feel better. Im gradually dancing more and more again now. Since being pregnant i havent done the splits or high kicks or big stretches but im getting back into that now which is nice. I can teach without doing it all myself but i enjoy joining in, especially in my oldest class where i make it quite challenging.

My temps the same. I think i will have a long wait for AF. This whole baby thing is just a big waiting game isnt it?

Im glad u enjoyed the hospital talk. Sometimes i think they can tell u too much. Id rather just look away and let the docs get on with it and not know what they are doing. I had to give birth without any info of what would happen and it wasnt bad. Obviously it is different with a full term baby. My SIL had an epidural and liked it as she could move her legs etc. Go for that if u need it. At least u know u would like to have the baby at that hospital :). Is it far away?

Have a nice day xxx

Has the rain arrived? It rained constantly here from midmorning til bedtime yest, it was rubbish! Looks a bit brighter today.

I was worried the talk would tell e too much, as I usually prefer not to know. I definitely didnt want to see the needle they inject you with, I never look when having injections. Luckily they were very sensible & said it all in a positive & non-panicky way. Te hospital is about 35mins if no traffic, whereas the midwife unit is 15mins on rural roads so mo chance of traffic (although maybe a tractor!) That was one of the things that was putting us off. The other problem is the parking at the hospital - when DH took me to A&E there he had to queue for 40mins to park. I'm just hoping we'll arrive when it's less busy or they have some sensible parking plan for fathers to be.

Scan tomorrow morning! I'm excited & nervous! Last time I was told I'd have to drink more for this one, so I'll be drinking loads this time, which I don't normally do early AM, hope I can keep it down!

Do you watch Eurovision? We do, every year, it's our/my guilty pleasure! Sometimes we have family round & have European food! Last year my parents & brother came round & we wrote amusing scorecards on all the acts. I'm looking forward to it again ths year. I don't think I'll be able to stay up for all of it tho, I'll record the results & watch them the next morning. Then, if the weather isn't too rubbish, we're going to go out to spend some time together to celebrate our wedding anniversary. It isn't actually til Wed, but DH is working then. We're not going to do much, as I don't enjoy meals out still, so we'll just go somewhere pretty for a wander. I've got his present sorted, so that's good.

I'm still trying to book our hol. There's too much choice & I don't know where exactly to go. I'm hoping to make the booking soon. Do you have any plans to go away?

I'm glad your able to enjoy dancing again. Exercise always makes you feel a bit better. Do you have to make up the routines yourself or do you have to learn set routines for their exams?

Hope you don't get washed away today! xxx
Yes the rain has started :-(

Im working in my shop today. At dancing i do different things per school term. So for exams i have to teach set work but then when i do a show i make it all up myself. Im planning my Christmas show now im not pregnant anymore. I enjoy shows the most and so do the children.

The hospital isnt too far away then. Hopefully baby will come at a quite time, with an easy car parking space.

Good luck with your scan. I hope it all goes well. At least now u can feel baby so know he/she is in there moving about. It will be lovely for u to see him/her again. Best of luck! What time is your appointment?

Is Eurovision on this sat night? I will probably watch it if we are home. I used to watch it every year but havent for the last few.
Will be nice for u to celebrate your anniversary. I cant think what u will of bought for leather??? Gloves,...sofa,....wallet...erm...whip! Lol

We havent booked a hol yet either. We might go away fir our anniversary and then id like an abroad hol in Oct to take my mind off my due date. We went away last Oct too.

Have a nice day and look forward to your scan!! Xxx
Oh dear that your temps still low. Maybe it's good though that your body is taking its time to get back to being fully ready. Maybe if you have a long cycle this time you can be more sure that it will be ready to receive the fertilised egg, if you are lucky enough to catch it. Have you read anywhere about how long it usually takes to get your AF?

My appointment is 10:30, so I don't have to wait all day like last time. My DH has taken a half day, so he'll be home at 10 & I've swapped days so I have whole day off too. If it all goes well we're going out for lunch after at our favourite cafe (we went there Sat, but twice in one week is fine & not extravagant at all!!). Then we're going to an independent pushchair shop to see if they have anything different.

How many days a week is your shop open? Do you have other people working there when you're not?

Lol re whip! Don't think that's quite appropriate at mo! I wonder what he's got me.

Yes, Eurovision is Sat night.

I'm doing my usual pre-cleaner tidy, so I'd better get back to it!


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