Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)


The weather is still miserable here!

I havent heard of Abney and Teal before lol usually i do know childrens TV. You can get personalised cards from M&S. I just ordered R's niece one as her bday is 12th June. She likes Emily Button which is only available at M&S. Emily is a doll with a few teddy friends and there are books and all sorts. I bet u could even make a doll like her :).

Yes my lunch on Sunday will be a little bday party. Just an excuse to get everyone together really. We havent even discussed presents yet lol there is nothing i want except AF.

Its nice that T is off on Monday so u dont need to rush back. If i lived closer id offer to help u pack lol hopefully u will get it done today and in the car tonight.

My temp is high so im 5dpo. I had light AF cramps and backache yesterday and during the night. My LP is usually about 14 days but anything can happen after a loss.

I hope u have a lovely weekend away. Im guessing u wont have internet so i will speak to u when u get home?

I hope the weather does improve for u. Xxx

No one has heard of Abney & Teal, it's amazing! It's about the only CBeebies show I know, so I always expect everyone else to know them! I feel I must send you a pic! Here they are:

And here are the dolls I made:

The bear (Abney) was on a diet when I made him!! He was really tricky to make from corduroy so even though he looked a bit odd, I couldn't make him again.

Glad you are definitely in the TWW, that's encouraging. Can you get the temp rise without actually releasing an egg? Or has your body released an egg without the clomid?

I was awake for 2 hours in the night worrying about work, how silly! My boss mucked something up yesterday, it was entirely her fault, but I was worrying about that! And then I was worrying about packing! I didn't get back to sleep till 5:30. When T's alarm went off at 4:30 it was a song I like, so I was singing along - I don't think he really appreciated it! I can't sing at the best of times, but it was probably a bit much first thing in the morning!

I convinced T it would only take him 2 seconds to put the bag in the car when he gets home today & that gives me all morning to pack, rather than being stressed last night. So I still haven't packed! But I do now have 5 hours to do it!

There's no phone or Internet reception in Boscastle, so I won't be able to talk to you, unless I find they have wifi. I feel really cut off from the world when I'm there! My best friend's grandad is really ill in hospital, there's nothing they can do, they are just keeping him comfortable. I really want to be able to be there for her if anything happens, but am worried I won't be able to. Her DH will look after her though, & she knows I'll be thinking of her. There's not much I can do anyway.

A weird BGT last night with lots of buzzing! I liked luminites (?) - I didn't know the song before. Do you have any little boys coming to your classes? Preschool were really cute! When I did tap there was one boy there. He's now a west end choreographer!

Hope you have a lovely weekend. Hope you enjoy the sleepover & your party. In case I can't get back on here on Mon, have a lovely birthday!


Your dolls are amazing! U are so good at making things. How long does it take u to make one doll? How much does it cost for all the materials? You could sell them! You could make ballerina dolls and i could sell them in my shop. If u sold loads on ebay or T did u a website u could stop worrying about work and sew at home with your baby. Id give it a try if i were u. Your dolls and quilt are brilliant!

BGT was good. I liked luninities too. Pre-skool were class and i hope the dancer man gets the wild card.
I used to have one boy at dancing but he left to do ballroom. I dont have any boys at the moment.

Im 6dpo but i think u can get a temp rise without an egg. Also ive got one blocked tube so if i ovulated from that side, id get a rise but no chance. I just want AF to come. She might be here by the time u return home.

I hope u have a lovely weekend away. I'll miss talking to u :).

P.s i cant sing either! Lol

Woohoo I have Internet! (really shouldn't be so excited about that!) The owners of this holiday cottage own the house next door & let you use their Internet, so reception is v poor, but there is some!

How are you? Excited about today? When do they arrive?

It's as lovely here as ever. We arrived at 5:30 yest after a very hot drive down. We stopped for icecream on the way! My parents were meant to join us later, but they didn't finish work till late, so they are coming down this morning instead. It's v odd to have the whole house to ourselves.

I've been awake since 5am as the curtains are very thin. T is still asleep. I'm doing my usual AM routine of letting my breakfast go down & writing to you! I'm glad I have you to write to, I'd feel lonely in the mornings otherwise!

I think we're going to a National Trust house today & then maybe the beach. It looks sunny but windy. It's a bit cold in here, but I can't work the heating!

Oooh, I can hear T moving about! Hope you have a lovely day. xxx
It sounds nice. Hope u have a lovely day on your walks.

Ive not slept much as have strong af cramps and pink spotting. Im hoping af comes full flow today then i can start clomid tomorrow. I dont know why it would come at 7dpo but i guess its just messed up or i didnt o.

Im going to collect my niece and nephew when i finish work. So excited but im tired out and crampy now.....not good timing but they will help take my mind of it and im a step closer to a bfp!

Have a lovely family day xxx
Morning! How did you all sleep? I hope you slept better. Did the kids go to bed well & to sleep quickly? When did they get up? Are you up with the birds too?! Did you all enjoy the film? What did you watch?

Do you usually get painful AFs? Poor you. I'm lucky in that I just got a tiny but of cramping on day one. I used to get more pain when I was younger. When I was bad with ME, my AF would make me a lot worse. It's good you've actually got AF though, that was quicker than it could have been.

It's odd having my parents with me in my usually quiet breakfast time! I had to ask them not to talk to me while I was eating, as this is the worst bit. I slept a bit better, managed to go back to sleep in the light.

We had a lovely day at the country house & then at Padstow. We shared our Cornish pasties with a robin! He kept fetching bits of pastry & flying off to his nest with it. He would come right up to us for the pastry!

We're going out for Sunday lunch today by a nice beach. It's meant to be less windy today. Both T & I have red noses from the sun yest! My mum has a cold some I'm avoiding her as much as poss!

Hope you have a lovely birthday party & enjoy the preparations with your little helper!


Ps I saw your sausage dog pic in a pet shop yest! I have only ever seen it as your profile pic before, it was funny to see it here!
You're not a banana anymore lol.

Af came full force yesterday, so im cd2 and take my first clomid tablet tonight. I know, with my irregular cycles i thought i might of had to wait a lot longer for af. I get bad cramps but only for the firdt day or so.

My niece and nephew have been brilliant. We watched 'surfs up' which us a cartoon about surfing penguins. My nephew is busy writting his own story about surfing this morning and my niece is playing in the garden with Hollie.
They went to bed very good and had 2 stories. He went straight to sleep but she got up twice but then settled ok. I hardly slept because i was listening for them all night lol.

Sounds like u are having a nice time. Thanks for finding time on your holiday to message me. I hope your mums cold goes so u dont have to avoid her lol.
I saw a robin yesterday too, it was sitting on my mums wall.
Strange that u saw my sausage dog pic! When i was in a garden centre i saw lots of pots and things that said Pansy on! I thought of u :).

We are going out for a walk soon when R gets up. I hope u have a lovely day.


Happy 29th Birthday! Hope you have a lovely day! Hope all your wishes come true this year!

Love, Catherine xxx
Hello! Happy birthday! Above is your birthday card. I wrote it in the sand at sunset on Trebarthwith Strands beach yest. The sea took my wishes away to you!

What are you doing today? Do you have the day off? If not, will you tell the kids/wear a badge? I think you should def wear a badge!

Did your party go well? Did you enjoy it? We went for a walk along the Coastal Path to a lovely pub for Sunday lunch. At the start of the walk my mum stopped some dolphins playing at sea! (she's really good at spotting things with her binoculars!) We watched them jumping the waves for about half an hour from the clif top! It was amazing! There were at least 3 of them, but maybe more. I've never seen them in the wild before.

It was v sunny all day & both T & I have red faces, despite sun cream! My hands look ridiculous cos I had long sleeves on, so they are red & then white!

We're going home after lunch today. I think we might go to the beach beforehand.

Hope you have a lovely birthday!

Just noticed your clomid post - woohoo!!!
Aww thank u for the lovely card! It is so sweet. An amazing idea to write in the sand! Thank u, it's brilliant!

Im really tired from yesterday. After our walk, we prepared the food and then everyone arrived. It was lovely and sunny so we ate outside and the children were all playing together in the garden. R's parents stayed til 9pm which would be ok usually but as i hadn't slept well the previous nights i was yawning a lot lol. Hollie is tired out too, i can hear here snoring now!!!

R went to work today at 6am. My friend (pregnant one) is coming round soon and then im off to work as normal til 8pm. Im going to take sweets for the children at dancing. I like them to know it's my birthday as children always ask "how old are u?" and as i only look young i like their parents to realise im actually older than they think lol. It's quite sad actually that i am often older than their parents now lol.

Ive got lots of nice cards and presents. SIL got me a lovely bag from Laura Ashley. R and i are celebrating tonight and having fillet steak for tea! Im sure he will give me my birthday card/presents I told him not to get me anything so maybe he hasn't, we shall see :)

The weathers been nice for your holiday. Ive seen dolphins wild on holiday, but not in this country. They must of been lovely to watch. How old is your mum? My mum is 62.

I hope you a good time at the beach and a have a safe journey home today.
P.s I saw another robin in our garden yesterday! I havent seen any dolphins yet though lol xxx
Good morning!

I hope you and Hollie are less tired today. Did you enjoy your birthday tea? Did R take you seriously when you said not to buy anything? What's your new bag like? I hope you enjoyed therest of your birthday.

Did the kids enjoy the sweets? Lucky you, looking young. No one ever thinks I'm younger than I am. People think T is about 5 years younger than he is, so everyone must think he's my toy boy! I've even got some grey hairs which show up clearly in my dark brown hair at the moment. They seems to have doubled recently & I'm not 100% sure colouring is safe, so haven't. I think T has some grey hairs too, but he is blond, so they are barely visable & might just be v light blond. What colour hair do you & R have?

Where were you when you saw wild dolphins? I'd only ever seen them in captivity at Marine Land in southern France, which was amazing, but not quite the same. How lovely that you saw another robin. We heard loads of birds singing yesterday when we were on the beach (but no seagulls, weirdly) but didnt see anything interesting. I paddled in the sea for a bit yesterday - it was freezing! But it was nice to do.

We got home at 6 yesterday to find some ants have moved in! Yuck! We've never had them before. We were too tired to deal with them yesterday, we'll have to do something today. I'm not sure what though? There's no clear nest area, it's just like they're wandering wherever they want! Nice!!

Does your clomid give you any side effects? How many days do you have to take it? Is it right that it makes you release more than one egg? Or just makes sure you release one?

I wonder if I'll be able to remember what to do at work today or if my brain in still in Cornwall! I've got Thursday off & T as taken Thurs & Fri off, so he only has to work 2 days this week! Hope this nice weather stays till then!

How far from the sea are you? We're about 1:30 from nice beaches. Does Hollie like swimming? Tal (my parents Labrador) loves the sea & any water.

Both my parents are 61. We had the big 60 celebrations last year. For mum, whose birthday is first, we stayed in the same place in Cornwall! For Dad we had a surprise party over Jubilee weekend.

Hope you have a good day. xxx

I showed R the pic u posted of my message in the sand! He thinks it was a really nice idea too. I told him it's your birthday soon and he said i'd better get myself to the beach! Lol. We live about 15 mins from the beach but don't go very often. Hollie likes the sea or any water in fact! She likes to jump in rivers for a swim. She didnt used to like it but R threw her in once and now she loves it. Our friends have a golden lab and she loves swimming too.

I saw the dolphins when i was on a boat in the sea in Greece in 2002. I went with my college to do dance shows there. It was great fun being in holiday with all my college friends. Most of us still keep in touch.

The children at dancing liked the sweets. I bought 50 packs of 10p sweets and the shop keeper thought i was a bit strange lol. After work R cooked our tea and i had a bit of wine (first time since bfp) but i didnt really enjoy the wine. He bought me a lovely card. He is so sweet and writes all nice things inside :). He didnt get me a big present, just some of my favourite chocolates.

I didnt picture T being blond. Its strange how ive got a picture in my mind of what u both look like and i will be very wrong lol.
R has black hair (he says its dark brown but looks black to me). He has some grey hairs! Ive got brown hair and one grey hair and im proud! Lol its my I.D. :)

Im cd4 now! I take one clomid tablet from day 2-6. I take it at night so i can sleep through any side effects. It should make me release an egg, at least one. It can make u ovulate a few times! So i have a higher chance of twins etc. Someone on here ive just seen got bfp on clomid is having quads! Lol

I hope u have got rid of the ants!? U can buy ant killer. My mum had some ants before and the killer worked.

R and i are both off today so are going for a walk now then to my mums for DIY fun!!!
Have a nice day at work if u can remember what to do :).


What a lovely day to have off yesterday! Is it sunny there too? It's so nice here. Hope you were able to get out and away from the DIY for a bit!

You're so lucky living 15 mins from the sea. Is it a nice beach? Pebbly, sandy? Tal loves any water too, but he won't jump in, he has to walk in very carefully so he knows how deep it is. He loves to retrieve rocks from the water. If you play ball with him, he won't give the ball back & won't fetch the ball until a 2nd has been thrown. But with rocks, he'll retrieve them and drop them at your feet like a good dog! Here's a pic of him searching for his rock on hol:

Crikey to someone having quads on clomid! That would be a handful (& a womb full!!) Does the clomid make you release from both ovaries each cycle or do they still take turns?

My poor mum is still ill on holiday. Rubbish timing for her. They are getting out and about a bit, but she's not feeling great. My dad wrote my bday card & gave it to T to give to me. I've got it on the mantelpiece ready to open, but noticed he's addressed it to Miss & my maiden name! Oops! I've only been married for 3 birthdays!! Poor Dad, he's very embarassed!

My cousin's wife has organised a joint family bday party for me & my 2 cousin's kids (3 & 15) who share your birthday on Sun. We're having a BBQ if its still nice. T is going to bake me a cake - he's the chef in our household. I always enjoy meeting up with that side of the family, so it should be lovely. What are you doing on Sun for R's bday?

Only 4 applicants in total for my job. We're going to interview 2 of them. I've got to create a proof reading & typing test for them!

Hope you are able to enjoy some more sunshine today! xxx

The weather is amazing here too. I left R to the DIY and did my mums garden. I have stratches all over my arms now from prickly bushes, i look like ive been self harming. Ive caught the sun a bit too!
The beaches are sandy but some are nicer than others. Places like Redcar, Saltburn and Whitby are close by.
Even when im off work i still go to the studio to open up for other groups. Last night when i was closing at 9.30pm there was a drunk man doing a wee infront of the door! How horrible! A lady from the class shouted at him. I had to get buckets of water to wash it away. Discusting man.

What plans have u got for your actual birthday? We might have a BBQ wuth friends for R's birthday if the weather stays nice.

This morning im going to my friends house as its her sons 2nd birthday tomorrow so ive him a little present. Its a book with a puppet to help tell the story.Then i will be working this afternoon.

Good luck with creating your interview tasks! How long left before u leave?

Ive only got 2 more clomid tablets to take then its bding time lol. Clomid can make u ovulate from both tubes but as one of mine is blocked i think im less likely to have twins etc unless i release a few from the working side.

I hope u enjoy your last day of being 32. My mum was 33 when she had me :). I will give u your birthday card in the morning lol.


Happy 33rd Birthday Catherine. I hope you have a lovely day and a fantastic year to come! Love Janine xxx
Hi birthday girl,

I hope u are having a nice birthday and are with T doing something special. Did u get some nice presents and cards?
Im waiting for british gas to come round! My brother works for them so he has managed to get the job of coming to our house. Our boiler is still playing up.
Then im off to work this afternoon.

Im CD6 now, so i take my last clomid tablet tonight! Its exciting to think that in a few weeks i could have another bfp! I order 20 digital opks and they have just been delivered! Im feeling excited and hopeful. Im going to be disappointed when i get af but a chance of being pregnant is better than anything.

Have a lovely birthday xxx

Thanks for the lovely card. Hollie is so cute! What a lovely idea!

I've had a really nice day. We've been to Weymouth, a lovely beach about 1.5hrs away. We had lunch in Costa, lay on beach (T fell asleep,) & paddled in the sea. It was so hot, but sea was still cold. I now have red feet as forgot to put cream on them - oops! We had delicious tea at Prezzo before walking found harbour. I'm knackered now!

T bought me a glass ornament that I have wanted for 12 years. Its irredescent bluey green with a silver frog on it. My friend bought me a pandora bracelet for my 30th & he bought me a frog charm to go on it (I like frogs!). My friend bought me a hedgehog charm for it. It's now looking more full as I have some cheap beads on it too.

I keep forgetting to ask - what are your favourite chocs that R bought you?

Did your boiler get fixed? How annoying that its still causing problems! At least you don't need heating at mo, but does your hot water come from there?

So pleased you have hope at the mo. Each step is one step closer. Now you have the fun part! (although if I'm honest, I never found BD as much fun as DTD pre TTC - seemed more like a job! How about you? But then again, I don't think I can even remember how to do it anymore!!)

So tired I can't write more, will write more tmr. Thanks again for card. xxx

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