Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)

Ooh, you've changed from "broody" to "hopeful", that's good! Xxx
Yes im feeling hopeful right now :). Lots of ladies on my 'bfp by oct' thread are getting their bfps! It gives me hope... oh im going to be dissapointed i bet! But keeping hopeful at the moment!

The red mark had gone off my nephews head by the time his mum came home but i still told her about it. She goes back to work on 1st July and i will be looking after him every tues morning and fri all day so im just practising in preparation!

Im at my mums now. We have just eaten a massive roast dinner :) yummy!! R is doing a spot of DIY then we will be going home to watch BB and eat ben & jerrys cookie dough ice-cream in bed!!

Ive half done my exam paperwork, i can finish it tomorrow.

Im quite good at not packing too much but then id probably forget half of what we need. Does T not help pack? R never does. He doesnt even know what ive packed him until he sees on hols! There is no way i could go away and not know what i was going to be wearing!

I hope u have a brilliant holiday xxx

(Don't read this if you haven't watched BB) I'm so glad Sallie went! She really didnt do herself any favours in her interview or Michael's. What a nasty girl! Hope you enjoyed your ice cream in bed.

That's good that people on your thread have got BPFs? How many? How long after their loses? Definitely good to be hopeful, there's no point not being. I don't know if I'll have reception on hol & if T gets up at same time as me I won't be able to write, but do keep me updated with your news. Have you ever given in and tested early? I used to get so close to doing it, but in the end I wouldn't want the disappointment. There may have been times when I tested after AF arrived tho, just cos I couldn't believe it had really happened. T always wanted to be with me when I tested. You tested when R was at work didn't you? Would you do that again?

That's lovely that you'll be looking after your nephew. What's his name? You'll be able to bond with him so well. Do they live near?

T packs his own clothes, I usually pack his underwear & everything else & then tell him to pack everything he has forgotten. I couldn't cope with the responsibility of choosing all his outfits for him lol! He's probably more into clothes than I am, he definitely likes clothes shopping more than I do & I often think he is better dressed than I am! I think it's easier for men. It definitely is at the moment - I have so few clothes that actually fit comfortably. I also have a really bad tendency to spill food down my bump! I didn't used to spill food before, i think its cos I'm further from the table. I've got to try to keep my clothes clean on hol - I think I'm going to cover myself in serviettes before eating anything!!

Sounds like T has woken up so I had better go & get dressed and pack the last few things. It's a 3 hour journey, nothing compared to what we do when we go to France, but I expect it will still seem long enough.

Hope you have a good weekend & a good week if I can't talk to you. Good luck to the kiddies with the exams.

Talk to you soon. xxx

Im going to miss u!!
I will still write to u and look forward to u writting again.

I didnt have time to watch BB last night (saw corrie instead) so i didnt read what u wrote :) thanks for the warning.

My brother, his wife & my nephew live in my village so only 3 min drive to their house. Infact, my brother bought back our family home that we grew up in. My mum sold it in 2000 and we had lived there all our lives so its a special house to us. My brother bought it in 2012. So i love going there to see them. My nephew is called James. He has the same initials as i had with my maiden name. I was given the same initials as my dad who was called John. My middle name is Amy. Do u have a middle name? Will u give your baby a middle name?

I have never tested early but i do get tempted as the ladies on the thread are getting their bfps early. Im going to my hospital appointment on thursday when i will be 11dpo im tempted to test that morning but dont think i will. I think i will test when R is home but not tell him im testing unless i see a line. Im 6dpo now so time is passing :).

Finished dancing for today but need to go back later to set up for exams. Having a chinese now...yum yum!!!!

Take care hun. I hope the journey was ok. Have a fab hol xxx
Hope you have had a good start to your hol.

I watched BB. So glad Sallie went. She is such a nasty girl. She made a right fool of herself during her interview. I wish she hadnt of been still sat there during Michaels interview. She was so selfish chipping in all the time lol.

The ballet exams went well. Im tired out now. Got modern exams next rest for the wicked!
Im thinking of testing on thursday morning before my hospital appointment.....cant decide.
Im 7dpo now and i had sore boobs at 7dpo on my bfp cycle. Ive got no symptoms so far!

Anyway, thought id write incase u get chance to read.


Thanks for your messages, it's lovely to still have updates.

What does R think re testing on Thurs? I can see why it would be good to know before your hospital appt. it's tricky, cos if it was negative, you still could be PG as its so early. 11dpo right? As long as it doesn't make you give up hope, it probably wouldn't do any harm. But then it might not be conclusive. Tricky! Sorry I'm not being much help! But it's your decision.

We're having a lovely time here. The lodge is really nice, much more modern than I was expecting, must've been redone recently. T & I have been having a table tennis tournament - its 2 all so far! We've also played table football (I'm rubbish!) & pool. Haven't been swimming - the pool is indoors but feels v cold. No time so far anyway!

Yest we went to Leeds Castle. Pretty grounds. We got lost in maze for ages! There were peacocks there displaying - I haven't seen a peacock for years. They reminded me of brides!

Today we're off to the seaside! Margate & other places along the north coast of Kent. It was vaguely warm yesterday but no rain, we're hoping for better today. We also went to a chocolate cafe yest - had milkshake & chocolate crepe - yum!

Glad your exams went well. Let me know if I miss anything good on BB. Internet is rubbish here so I hope this posts!

Have a good day & week if i cant post again. xxx
PS James is a really nice name. It is a name that both T & I chose when asked for an opinion. My brothers middle name is James cos I chose it when 3. T's nephew's middle name is James as that's what T chose when 25! We found this out before we met, when we were emailing!

My middle name is Frances. Baby will definitely have a middle name. I love the name Amy. We can't have a name beginning with A as our surname is a profession, so it would be like calling the baby "A Zookeeper"!!


Im glad u are having a lovely time, visiting lots of places and the lodge is nice. Its fun that u are playing games together. Let me know who is the TT champ once the week is up :).

Im 8dpo now. No symptoms. I havent spoke to R about testing. I think he would think it was wrong to test early. Last time i got pregnant 2-3weeks on cb digital at 15dpo so i didnt get to see the 1-2weeks. I will just see how i feel on Thurs.

Lucky that u didnt get rain yesterday, it was thunder and lightening here and raining heavily!

My other nephews middle name is James. I think my brothers just really like James Bond so name their children after him :).
My nannas name was Amy.
My brothers MIL is called Frances.
I wonder what your surname is? Lol probably not zookeeper :).

Im going to watch my nieces sports day this afternoon as long the rain doesnt cancel it.

Enjoy Margate! That reminds me of Del Boy coz they go on a jolly boys outing episode.

Have fun xxx

Im going to look after baby James again today.
Im 9dpo now and no symptoms. Im comparing temps and symptoms from my clomid bfp and clomid bfn cycle. Its looking like the bfn! :-(

Hope your having a good time xxx

Hope you have a lovely time with James. It's a shame your symptoms aren't the same, but maybe it doesn't rule you out yet. It could just mean a different pregnancy this time. Maybe you would only get those symptoms with first pregnancy. I don't want to give you false hope, but you're not out yet. Or maybe it was wrong tube & you'll get lucky next time.

It was so windy & cold by the sea yest! We didn't see the sun all day! Whitstable had some nice quirky shops. Margate was faded, Ramsgate had lots of posh boats. We played crazy golf twice - I won a free game by getting the ball in the last hole & making a bell ring (v loudly, for ages!!). T beat me in both games, but the first was v close - 1 stroke in it.

We're going round some national trust properties & going to an outlet village. Hopefully we'll be home early as we have an early start for our trip to France tomorrow.

Did the sports day go ahead? It would be cool if my surname was zookeeper! I don't like my married name, I'm always coming up with alternatives for T to change his name to - I haven't tried zookeeper yet!!


Sports day went ahead, it was nice to watch all the children. It's been a sunny day today so i took James out in his pram. I only got home an hour ago and as i was feeling broody i did a ic hpt. It was stark white, a total BFN. I know its too early but some people do get BFP's at 9dpo and it wasnt FMU but i had an urge so just took a chance lol. Really don't think i will be pregnant this month but if AF comes in good time and ive had a regular cycle then i will be happy with that! Ive got more clomid, so more chances!

It's a shame you dont like your married name. I actually prefer my madien name too but my married name is fine. I have wellies with my maiden name on!!! Theres a big clue :)

Enjoy your time in France xxx

So confused about what country I've woken up in today lol! We had a lovely day yesterday - we explored a couple of towns & drove along the coast. We went round a huge supermarket & T stocked up on wine for Christmas & giving to people when we go round for meals. I stocked up on chocolate! We bought some cakes at the end of the day which we haven't eaten, so we've still got them to look forward to today!

I'm exhausted today & I assume T is too as he's still asleep. Hope we have a quieter day today!

Sorry you got a bfn, but as said it was early and not fmu. Have you redone it today? Good luck with your hospital appointment, I hope they find everything is back to how it should be. Do you know if it will be a chat or if they will be doing any tests? Let me know how you get on.

Thats a big clue to your maiden name, I can only think of one brand of wellies! My maiden name was a girls name, so at school I was always annoyed by my teachers calling me by my surname! At least with my new name that wouldnt happen!

Good luck for today. xxx
Thanks, our appointment is at 2pm. Im not even sure what will happen! I cant be there long though as i need to get to work.
I tested yesterday fmu and today 11dpo fmu and both bfn. Nevermind, i wasnt expecting to see a bfp, i just enjoyed testing. I dont know why im doing it as i normally wait :).

Sounds like u are having a fun*packed holiday. U have done loads. Wine, chocolate & cake...yummy!!
What day do u travel home?

Your maiden name could be Lynsey or Hannah? I know people with those girls name surnames.
Im guessing your married name to be; bingocaller or roadsweeper!! Lol or Tailor?
Im not very good at these guessing games.

I hope u enjoy the rest of your hol and can chill out a bit today. Have fun


How did you get on? Hope it went well & didn't bring it all back for you.

We're home early today & eating in the lodge. We've been for a walk along the white cliffs of Dover, which was really pretty.

I haven't heard of anyone with either of those names as a surname! I don't think there are many people with my maiden name. I'll give you a clue, my initials were a chemical that used to be in aerosols & is blamed for green house effect!

Hope you got on ok. xxx that right? Was your surname Carol??
Does your married name begin with an H?
I love these guessing games.

Ive got af cramps now :-(.

Hospital appointment went well. It did bring it back and i felt like crying at times but stayed strong. Doc said i might fall pregnant naturally now but if not pregnant in 6 months to take clomid.....opps! I stayed quiet but R told him i had already taken clomid and he said ok thats fine. He said we should have a healthy baby next time FX. I said i have less chances because of my blocked tube and he told us my working tube can pick up the egg from either ovary! Id heard this before but not from a pro. I came out the appointment feeling hopeful. So if af comes i am hopeful for a new cycle.
Also next time im pregnant i will get more care and extra scans. We asked for a copy of our babies notes as they take them away and he will send us them in the post. I just hope i can get bfp asap and live happily ever after!!

Walking along the white cliffs of Dover sounds lovely. Hope u have had a relaxing day.

Yep, I was CFC. When I was little I used to find it strange that egg boxes had "CFC free" written on them! My surname wasn't Carol though.

My married name doesn't begin with an H. It's earlier in the alphabet than that, although my children will be further down the register than I was!

I'm glad your appointment sounded hopeful. Oops re the clomid - I'm glad that's fine tho. That's amazing that either tube can pick up the egg - I thought they were far apart! It's good that you're not necessarily at a disadvantage. Shame you've got AF cramps now. At least it's not an extra long cycle. You'll be able to get on to the next cycle soon.

Who's up for eviction on BB? I don't know if I remember any of their names! Who do you think will go?

It's meant to rain here today so I'm not sure what we're up to. It's our last full day, we drive back tomorrow. The table tennis is v tense - 4 tournaments each! Today will be the decider. T is thrashing me at pool & table football so we've stopped counting them!!

Have you got James again today? Or does that not start yet? Hope you have a good day, whatever you're doing.


Ive been looking after James again today. Home now and staying in to watch films with R tonight....lucky me lol.

Is your maiden name Claire?

In BB Dexter and Jemima are up for eviction. Gina was up too but got saved by the public earlier in the week. Gina did well in the shopping task so deserved to stay. I hope Jemima goes tonight!

Good luck with your TT. Hope u can win!

Ive got more dance exams this Sunday so need to do more paperwork. Not long til the end of term. I break up for the summer on 21st July.

Have a lovely last night on holiday and a safe journey home tomorrow.


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