Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)


I hope u have had a fab hol and the journey home was ok.

Ive been working all day. So tired now.

Im 13dpo now but didnt bother testing today. Im sure af will be here soon.

How are u? I hope u havent been sick anymore. Is baby moving around a lot? Have u bought anything else for baby yet?


I'm home! My bed seemed so comfortable last night! It's weird having stairs again lol!

How are you today? Has AF arrived? I hope not, but then if its going to, hope it doesn't keep you waiting. What film did you watch on Fri? My friend has told me I have to watch Despicable Me so I've told T I'm not watching anything else till I've watched that! Lets see how long my resolve lasts!!

You have guessed my maiden name, well done! We are waiting for one of my brother's to fall in love with a Clare so they can become Clare Clare! My aunt's middle name is Claire so she became Elly Claire Clare when she married my uncle!

I'm ok. I've found I get so exhausted after a few hours of walking around & my feet kill. I'm still feeling sick in the morning, until I've had lunch. I was sick before we went to France, but I think that's cos I got up so early. I managed to eat out ok on hol, with only a few dodgy moments.

Baby is moving lots! When I got home yest, he was doing massive kicks, I think he was excited to be home! T has felt baby kick twice, which I really like. The midwife said because my placenta is anterior, there will be an area where I can't feel baby kick which will be the size of a dinner plate. Baby goes missing for a while, like a whole morning, when he's hiding behind the placenta. Even though I know it's fine, it always makes me worry & I end up thinking "please kick" & then when he comes back, he gives me a proper pounding & I end up thinking that's enough lol!

When we were in France, we bought baby a puppet & Sophie the Giraffe teething toy - T has wanted this after reading about it on mums net, I've never heard of it. You can get it on amazon, but it's made in France, so it was nice to get it from the right country.

(I really hope me answering your questions about baby hasn't upset you, esp if AF has arrived)

Are the exams all day today? I'm not sure what we'll do today, apart from lots of washing! Probably go & visit family. I might try to watch Fridays BB to see who was evicted.

Good luck with the exams. xxx

AF has just arrived. Booo! But on the positive side i had another 29 day cycle on clomid so it makes me regular. Cant wait to try again!

James has a sophie giraffe! It squeaks and he does like to chew it but he chews everything at the moment lol.

I better go get read for exams. Catch up later.

Im glad baby is ok and enjoyed the hol :)


What a shame that AF has arrived. I'm sorry to hear that. But at least it was a short cycle. How are you feeling today? I always felt worse about AF starting by CD2 than on 1, hope you don't feel the same.

How did the exams go? Is that them all done now? When do the results come through?

We went to see my Large Blue Butterfly Ranger brother yesterday. We searched the hill where he works & eventually found him chatting to some members of the public. He seems much more confident since he went to Malaysia. I guess it's just cos he's 20, he's growing up! We had tea with my parents & my aunt who was staying with them, so that was nice.

We also went to see T's mum. My niece & youngest nephew were there with SIL too so the house was very full. We took them to the park to give everyone some peace. They seemed to enjoy that.

We live half an hour from the Glastonbury festival. We're expecting the traffic everywhere to be really bad today, with all the people leaving. I'm hoping our route to the supermarket via the lanes will be ok, but all the main roads will be jammed. We're not used to this much traffic here! We drove passed the site yest on the way to my parents - it always amazes me how big it is. It's just a field the rest of the year. My oldest brother is friends with Michael Eavis' stepson so he gets a free ticket every year! Emily Eavis, who's taking over the running of the festival, was in the year above me at school & in my "house", so I remember her well. It's weird to think what she's doing now.

Hope you have a good day. Is it today you have James or is it Tuesday? xxx
Sounds like u had a nice day yesterday catching up with family. I've never been to Glastonbury festival have u? Hope the traffic is not too bad so u can get your shopping.

Clare Clare would be funny! I like that :).

Exams went well thanks. Got some amazingly high marks. I find out their marks at the end of the exam session and then tell the children in their next lesson. Thats all the exams done! .....and relax! Lol

I look after James Tuesdays & Fridays so i will be there tomorrow.
Today ive got a relaxing morning before dancing. Im really tired from working the full weekend again. I'm still in bed at the moment. I must get up as Hollie will be crossing her legs! Lol

Did u watch BB. I'm pleased with who went last Friday.

Cd2 now. I'm feeling fine about af coming. It is a shame but i was too busy yesterday to think about it and didnt get upset. I start my clomid again tonight so i'm focusing on that. I had a 29 day cycle so thats exciting! And i got af on 30th which is the same as the cycle i got bfp, i had started af on 30th Dec. I'm good at finding rubbish to keep me hopeful lol.

Have a nice day xxx

P.s the other night R watched 'a good night to die hard' or something like that. I literally fell a sleep straight away and didnt see any of it! Well done Janine lol xxx

No, I've never been to the festival. I probably should have, growing up so close to it, but it only became more popular & less full of scary people since 2000, when I was ill.

That's great that your students got such high marks. It must be lovely to be able to tell them the results yourself, rather than tem getting it by post.

I watched the BB eviction yesterday - I was glad Jemima went too. I haven't watched last nights yet so don't know who's up this week.

I havent been forced to watch any of the Die Hards, thank goodness! I presume T doesn't like them, he hasn't watched that latest one. I think falling asleep was definitely the best plan!

What does R like to do with his free time? Is he in to other sports apart from golf? T doesn't really play any sports. He's just started running as he wants to lose some wait, but I don't know how long that will last! He loves watching the tennis & is interested in athletics. He's enjoying doing he garden & spends time researching things on the Internet. He lies watching American tv series too. It's tricky to think what he'd say we're his actual hobbies!

I've been sick this morning, I've no idea why. Maybe I ate my breakfast too quickly or something. It has really annoyed me, as I haven't even managed a week this time. I guess I should just ignore it, as its just a one-off, but I really want to reduce my pills & don't think I'll be able to any time soon. Never mind.

Hope you have a lovely time with James. Do you go to his house or bring him to yours?


Ive just got home from looking after James all day. He is such a good boy. I go to their house which is the house i grew up in :)

Sorry u were sick again. I hope that was the last time.

I fell a sleep watching BB last night so dont know who is up either. I will be watching it tonight....hopefully i can keep awake.

The only music festival i have been to is wakestock in Wales. It is a wake boarding competition in the day and festival in the evening. We wouldnt stay at the festival as it can be scary lol. We used to camp but on a nice campsite.
R would say his hobbies are golf, wake boarding, snow boarding and motor racing but he doesnt have much time to do them. I think his biggest hobbie is going to work lol. He has a mini motor bike in the garage. Its tiny and his knees are up by his ears when he rides it but he hasnt gone on it for a few years. He used to go to a local track. R is into cars mainly.

When is your next MW appointment?
My best friend is over due now so her baby should be born soon. I was hoping i would get a bfp before she had her baby and i did before but now the new plan is a bfp by October. Bring it on!!


Im going to bake some cakes now! Think i will make butterfly cakes :) yummy!

Those little motorbikes make me laugh (sorry if this would offend R). I just think people look so funny on them. Did he ever get hurt on it? They always look dangerous to me. Does he only snowboard on real snow or do you have an artificial slope near you? It's annoying how work seems to take up so much time!

My next MW appt is on 15th, less than 2 weeks away. I have to have blood tests to see if I'm anaemic at this one. When I had tests done when I was TTC the dr said my iron was low, although not low enough to require treatment. I wouldn't be surprised if they say its even lower now, even though I'm taking the pregnancy vitamins still. I hope I don't need pills, as I've heard iron tablets aren't that nice. I don't eat red meat so I think that's why my iron is low.

T's aunt gave us a Moses basket & stand at the weekend that her grandchild had hardly used. I've washed the cover on it & set it up in baby's room. I'm going to buy a new mattress & my mum has v kindly ordered a starter bundle of sheets for it. It might be a bit early to set it up, but I wanted to see what it looked like put together & clean. I can always wash it again. I want to have the essentials by the time I'm 30 weeks, just in case.

I kept meaning to ask how your friend is getting on. She must be very uncomfortable at the moment. I wonder how much longer she will have to wait. I really hope you not have much longer to wait.

Were your cakes nice? T went through a phase of baking cakes, I must get him on to it again! He's on a diet after our holiday this week though. He's very annoying - he loses weight as easy as anything & hardly ever puts on any weight. He will just diet for like a week & be back to normal. I'm very slow to lose weight & put it on very easily. It's nice not to have to worry about that too much at the mo - although I'm not "eating for two" or anything daft like that.

I've only watched half of last nights bb so I haven't seen their reactions to nominations. Is it just 2 of them up? I'll watch the rest later. I'm going to watch Murray too, whilst knitting. Last time he played I managed to knit 12 rows, I'll see if I can beat that this time lol!

I'd better get up - being lazy today as T is on nights so he's here this AM distracting me!

Have a good day. xxx

Hope you're ok? Hope I haven't offended you?

Murray's match went on for ages yest, so I got loads of knitting done. My hands were really sore by the 5th set, so I had to give up! I think I'll be at work on Fri when he plays again, so won't get any more done then. T wants to have a Wimbledon party with my parents for the final on Sun, so I'll be able to get more done then!

The weather's looking good for the weekend, I hope they're right. We're taking my youngest nephew (9) & niece (5) to Longleat Safari park on Saturday. We're looking after them while the older nephew is taken to Truckfest in Cardiff. I think we might have for the night too, rather than wait for the parents to return late at night. It should be fun (/exhausting!!) We went to Longleat last summer with my friends, it will be nice to go again with kids.

Our neighbours cat hasn't been round to see us for weeks - he's been hiding from us for so e reason, as if we've upset him. He's come round this morning & is sitting on my lap. I don't want to get up now, in case I upset him again! How silly!

Hope you have a good day today. xxx

Sorry i didnt get chance to write yesterday. We had a full on DIY day from early til late. We have stripped my mums hall and landing now :). So got a plasterer coming next week to do all the living/dining room, hall and landing. Its a massive job but easier than building a kitchen.

R & i also think the mini motor bikes look funny lol. He looks daft on it. He hasnt ever hurt himself. He snowboards on real snow like in Scotland but we do have a dry slope near us which i have been to before i met R. Does T ever go to the gym? We used to be gym members but not anymore as its so expensive. I used to just go swimming and no even work out! But as my job is fitness based it was just pointless for me really. I think R would like to re-join but i wont let him spend the money lol.

I hope your appointment on 15th goes well. Do u not like red meat? I love meat! Especially a nice steak :). There is iron in greens so u could eat lots of those.

Its nice u have a moses basket and can get excited getting it all washed and prepared :). Have u bought a pram yet? Im getting tips from looking after James. He doesnt have sheets in his cot, he sleeps in a growbag. Also u needs loads of bibs and i think the press stud ones are best as the velcro ones stop being sticky after a few washes! Thats my tips so far lol.

Did u watch BB? Good twist last night! I havent watched any tennis. I hope u are enjoying it. U have certainly done a lot of knitting! What are u making? I love Ts idea for a tennis party! I love things like that, i'd even dress as a tennis player!!

The weather is supposed to be lovely in July. I hope u have fun with your niece & nephew, especially if they sleep over, that will be exciting for them. Have they slept at your house before?

Hope u managed to get the cat off your lap :).
Have a lovely day xxx

Glad I hadn't offended you! What a lot of work you are doing at your mum's! Will you paint it after its plastered or will someone else? What colours will it be? Is there more that need doing after? How is the bathroom?!

T's never really been into the gym - he gets bored v easily! I think he might have been a member in his early 20s, but it didnt last long. He ran again yesterday - he looks so exhausted when he comes back, I feel sorry for him. I suppose I've got lots of exercise to come after October. But I think I'll stick to swimming, I actually enjoy that.

T was a star yesterday - he tidied our spare room & hoovered all of the upstairs while I was at work. The spare room looks unrecognisable! It's all ready for the kids to stay now. We've had all the kids to say before, but never in this combination. It's usually the 2 boys or the girl separately. We are going to be boiling at the safari park! The weather looks lovely! I just hope the pollen doesn't affect me too much. What are your plans for the weekend?

Thanks for the tips from James. That's a good point about the bibs. I haven't bought any of them - my mil has been the one buying them - we have about 15, but they are all Velcro. If I buy any I will try to get poppers. I've heard growbags are good, my cousin uses them. I don't know what age to use them from though?

I'm knitting a blanket for baby. It is a massive project, I've been doing it for weeks & I'm not even half way! I've still got 14 weeks to get it done though. It's plain white with a pattern in it from the stitches. I'm not working today after all as my boss is in & I can't get anything done when she is there - she comes up with new jobs for me which I wouldn't have to do normally. I'll watch the tennis instead, after cleaning the bathrooms, so I can get more knitting done!

I haven't liked red meat since I was about 15 - but weird really. It's not v convenient. I eat healthily otherwise & take the multivitamins, so I was surprised my iron was low before. I probably haven't eaten as healthily since being pregnant, which is really bad, but it's been a case of eating what I can keep down.

Hope you have a lovely day with James & enjoy some sun. xxx

Thats good how T cleaned so u are ready for your niece and nephew :)
And it great that u dont need to work today so u get to watch the tennis! I cant wait to see your blanket when its complete.

Im just trying to get James to sleep now. Im going to put him in his pram and walk into the village with him this afternoon.

Tomorrow after work we are going to our friends house for a BBQ.
My other friends baby hasnt been born yet but i text her yesterday and she has not replied so maybe something is happening!

On Sunday we have a bit nore DIY to do before the plasterer. Then we will paint ceiling and walls etc then wallpaper. Ince thats done then we are finished! Her bathroom is fine. The bedrooms need doing but we are not doing them yet. I think we need a rest lol.

I will take my last clomid tablet tonight then have a little chill out before ttc really begins!

Have a nice day!

P.s i dont know how old u need to be for a grow bag.


I'm so hot already! I never normally complain about the heat, but since being pregnant I've really felt it! I've been awake since 5:30, due to heat & probably thinking about today, although I was trying not to. I was sick before breakfast - if I don't go back to sleep after taking my morning pill it seems to happen. Probably the excitement of today too!

Hope you enjoyed the rest of your day with James. Have you heard from your friend? My baby developed a new trick last night. I was lying on my side & he kept kicking so hard on one side that he bounced off the other side. It felt like he was ricocheting backwards & forwards. He did this several times. It would have been more cute if I wasn't trying to get to sleep at the time! I sang him a lullaby & eventually he calmed down & went to sleep. The kicks have got a lot stronger in the last few days, I can see them on outside now.

Hope you enjoy your BBQ today. Is Hollie going? Tal gets bored when he goes to other people's houses- he is excited at first to greet everyone, then after a while he stands by the front door & asks to go & sit in the car! I think he likes his peace!

I haven't watched bb yet. My prediction is that it will be Wolfie & the other bloke who will have been voted into the luxury room. Don't expect I'll get dance to watch it fr a few days now! The kids are arriving at 8:30 & going home at 9am tmr, as they are going to the beach / to watch cricket tomorrow. My SIL has put a message on Facebook this Am saying she is feeling happy cos she knows they will have a nice day with us, so that's nice. She's not the type to say things like that normally.

When do you start the opk again? It's amazing you only have to take the clomid for so few days & they do their magic!

I'd better get dressed or the kids will find me in my nightie! T isn't even awake yet! Better gently wake him up.

Hope you have a lovely day at the BBQ & that your DIY goes well tmr. xxx

The weather is boiling hot! Roasting in my studio today.

My friend had a baby boy yesterday evening. They have called him not too keen on that name, sounds a bit girly. Im not coping very well. I feel really down. This has got my feeling sorry for myself. Wish i could be a good friend and be happy for them but i just feel so sad.

I hope u have a nice day and night with your niece and nephew. Enjoy the sunny weather!


I'm really sorry to hear you're feeling down. It must be really hard for you, thinking of what might have been. Don't beat yourself up for not feeling happy for them, it's completely understandable considering what you've been through, and so recently. I'm sure in time you will be able to feel happy for them, but don't worry about the fact that you can't at the moment. As my boss, the psychologist would say, fake it til you make it. Events like this will be hard, but hopefully they will get easier as time goes on, and each one is step along the way of the grieving process. You've just got to get through this now, which is the tough bit. Sending you lots of hugs.

Did you manage to go to the bbq or was that too hard? i hope it was ok if you went. I'm currently hiding from my niece & nephew! T has v kindly brought me breakfast in bed & I'm staying here till I can be sure I won't be sick. We all enjoyed yesterday, I'll tell you more about it another time.

I hope today is a better day for you, but be kind to yourself & allow yourself time if it is not. xxx

I hope u enjoyed breakfast in bed and havent been sick.

I felt so down yesterday. Had a little cry and moan to my mum and felt better for that. I didnt feel like going to BBQ because i know the hot topic would be our friends new baby but we went anyway and im glad we did. Im very good at faking it! I will fake it til i make it, i like that! Its not just our loss that is hard, its the tttc for so long. Our friends have a 2 year old whilst we are still ttc. Everyone who got married after us has a baby now and some 1 year old or 2 year old children. It just doesnt feel fair. But i have good and bad days. Considering everything i think we are coping very well.

I hope u have fun in the sun today!
Cant wait to hear all about your time with the children.


How are you feeing today? LTTTC must be so hard for you, especially when you are surrounded by others for whom it seems so easy. It does seem so unfair when you've been married longer. But you've got to keep believing that it will happen fir you one day, and every second of heartache will make it that much more precious. I think you're doing really well too, to keep on trying & not give up, youre obviouslya really strong couple. You so deserve your happy ending, & I'm sure you will get it one day. I wish I could wave a magic wand & make it happen for you.

The kids left at 9:15 yest, after playing a board game, doing some crafting, and going to the park - a lot of activity for that time of the morning! Longleat was really good. Aidan (9) took a lot of interest in the animals & enjoyed all the activities, like a big maze & an adventure playground. Hannah (5) is quite whingy, she has been spoilt a lot & has kearnt at home that the way to get her way is to pretend to cry. She soon realised that didn't wok on us, but was still more moany than the boys were at her age. She was cute in between though - she kept telling me she loved me and wished she could live with me! There was an activity book to do while we went round the safari & they loved that, especially when they got a certificate at the end.

Both kids made T happy with their reaction to his car. He has a Honda Accord Type R. I don't know what the technical terms are, but the Type R bit means it has 2 exhausts, is noisy & possibly a bit more sporty than a normal accord. For years he has just used it to get to work & back, as its old & uses more petrol than mine, so Hannah has never been in it. We used it on Sat as it has working air conditioning & mine doesn't. Hannah thought it was a new car & questioned him about it on the way - T said it was a sports car so she was asking if he used it for racing! All day she was asking me why he bought it, why he wanted it & telling me how much she liked it! On the way home she asked him to "turn the noise on" & was laughing with delight as he went in a lower gear to rev the engine (on an empty dual carriage way, all v safe!) As you can imagine, T was delighted his former pride & joy was getting such a good reception! Aidan said it was the most comfy car in the world, so that went down well too! I can't believe Hannah, who is usually such a girly girl, was such a petrol head! (When we first started going out, T thought his would impress me & was disappointed to find it didnt! I'm so not into cars!)

I can't believe how hot it is! I hate the fact that I am moaning about it, but I'm too hot! Yesterday evening I was boiling! Today we might go to the beach after work if we have time. Hope we do, it would be lovely to cool off. I'm meeting my brother's girlfriend for lunch today. She arranged it - it's really nice that she wants to get to know me. They have been living together since Xmas & been together just over a year. He had a dreadful girlfriend before who made no effort with his family & wouldn't bother to come & see us ever. We all hated her, but couldn't say anything. She cheated on him & broke his heart, he's still a bit scarred by it. She was destroying his confidence while she was with him - they lived together for 2 years. Amanda, who I'm meeting today, seems like she makes him happy & she makes an effort to come & visit us & his parents. It will be nice to spend some time with just her during her lunch break. (I can do further sister analysis on her to make sure she is suitable lol!!)

T & I enjoyed the tennis yest. It was just us in the end, my dad was too tired to come over (he has long term health problems). I'm glad it was just us as we were both crying when Andy won! Apparently my Dad was too - I would have found that so embarassing if we were all crying together!

I had better go & start making myself presentable so I don't embarrass my brother! I might even straighten my hair!! I always used to straighten my hair before the sickness, but haven't been bothered for months. I've also got to pack all the beach stuff as I'll be going straight to meet T afterwards.

Hope you are feeling better & don't get too hot dancing! xxx

Sounds like u had a fun packed time with Aidan and Hannah. Getting some practise in before u are parents yourselves. It's funny how Hannah moans and pretends to cry, i see a lot of children at dancing playing their parents like a fiddle. It's great that u didn't let her get away with it. R would of aldo loved her going on about his car! T and R sound similar when it comes to cars. Type R is something i am familiar with lol. R likes to hear his cars engine noise 'talk' and sometimes puts the window down to listen lol. When he had a focus ST it used to pop and bang and he loved that! Rediculous lol. I'm not impressed by cars either and am only interested in what colour a car is lol.

Yesterday we woke up to a loud noise and thought it was a bird flying into one of our windows. It happens sometimes because our windows are so large. But last night we discovered a black banana skin on the spare bedroom windowsill outside and a banana smear on the window which is shaped like a bird. R thinks that someone threw it but i think a bird was carrying it! It's a mystery!

We did a bit more DIY yesterday and helped mum with her garden. It is a very big garden and she cant manage to keep it all looking nice so she does about half and we want to make the other half maintenance free. It is over grown and we have cut it back many times, so we laid old carpet from inside over it and hope it will all die. Then we can do sometime to stop it ever returning......hopefully.

Today is quite cloudy here but still warm. My mum is coming to my house for lunch and then driving me to work as i left my car at her house.
I hope u have a nice lunch with Amanda and that she is 'the one'. It's nice she is making an effort with u, i think thats lovely.

I'm going to have a shower now before my mum arrives. I only straighten my hair after ive washed it and not every day.
Have a nice time at the beach!

That's funny that you're only interested with the car colour, that's exactly how I feel too. T has been thinking about what car to buy next for years & I have to pretend I know what he's talking about & care! He spends hours researching them, then changes his mind again a month or so later. At least it means he doesn't actually spend the money on them!

How weird about the banana! Why would so done throw a black banana? I think the bird option is more likely!

Cunning plan with the old carpet! Hope it works! What sort of maintenance free plans do you have?

It was 28 degrees again here yest, bright sun. It was 23 at the beach. We took my brother to Weymouth & arrived at about 4. We all swam in the sea! It was cold to start with, but then not that bad. I always think its an achievement to manage to swim in the sea in the uk! The boys then played ball games while I dried & we had fish & chips by the harbour for tea! A lovely evening! We got home at 9. Our bedroom was 26 degrees when we came home! We only got it down to 24 before bed, it was 25 again this morning - baking!

Lunch with Amanda was really nice. She is v easy to talk to. The hour went too quickly. She seems very sensible & does really seem to care about my brother, so it's all good. I wonder if they will get married.... It's so annoying when people are speculating about that, I'll keep my wondering to myself! My brother is 30 on Sun & she's just turned 29 - we think he might propose for her 30th! They'll have been living together for 18months then. I not think he's ready yet, but maybe I'm wrong.... Stop speculating Catherine!

I only used to straighten my hair after washing too. I didn't straighten it yest, I decided it was too hot after drying it. So lazy!

What are you going to do with James today? I wonder how he is coping with the heat. Will you be able to take him for a walk or will it be too hot? I think it's def too hot to go to work! My office is usually quite cool tho, so it shouldn't be too bad.

Got to wash my hair again as I got sea water in it - what a pest! But it currently looks like I've been dragged through a hedge, so I'd better sort it out!

Have a good day.


I havent had chance to write all day. Im laid in bed now.

I had a lovely day with James. I didnt take him out in the pram as it was too hot. But we sat in the garden in the shade and i put some bubbly water in the washing up bowl and his rubber duck and he played with those. He loved splashing his hands in and pulling out the duck and chewing it lol. The weather is so nice but he does get hot very easily.

Its great that u got to swim in the sea. Its been a long time since i have been in the uk sea! I bet the beaches are packed with this lovely weather. The fish & chip shops will be making lots of money :), and the ice cream vans! There is an ice cream van who drives near my mums house all the time. It gets quite annoying as he only has one tune...over and over lol.

R was talking to me about cars tonight. He was telling me how big his wheels are and then started listing his inch wheel size of all the cars he has ever owned, which is a lot! I told him it was the most boring conversation ever lol.

We both went and got our hair cut this evening. We got a last min appointment and there was only us in! We felt like VIPs! They give u nice drinks and massages too! It was lovely.

Im glad u liked spending time with Amanda. Funny that u think he will pop the question for her 30th! Sounds good.

I hope u had a nice day today and not too hot in bed! Its boiling!


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