Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)

Just been looking at my bfp chart & i got sore nipples on cd16 and a positive opk then too. But dont know if i ovulated cd17 or cd19 as i missed one crucial ive still got a way to go yet! I got the bding rota right though lol
Woohoo! How exciting! (Does that mean you ovulate today or you have ovulated? Sorry, still haven't got my head around opks!) Really good you're ovulating early again using the clomid. Fingers crossed for the rest of the cycle.

I'm afraid you didn't get the job, although your disguise was impressive - you really looked like a v nervous 21 year old boy! Poor boy had had no office experience & was clearly scared! We decided within 5 mins he wasn't suitable, but had to go through the rest of the interview. We were kind to him - we treated it as an experience for him, so hopefully he won't be as nervous at his next interview. He was sort of a computer nerd & wouldn't have fitted in at all. My boss has decided to increase the hours of the other 2 people who work there to over for me. I'm not sure how well that will work, but I think they will definitely want me back, so that's good!

Hope you enjoyed your takeaway & still had time to stick to the rota! It's v committed of you to do it that late at night. We never do it late at night, by the time we go to bed we want to sleep. It was convenient that T finishes work at 3!

Your snow holidays sound v cool, I'd love to do that. Have you picked up any Croatian from your niece & nephew? My cousins wife who is pregnant is South African & speaks Afrikaans, but they haven't taught it to their daughter - I think that's such a waste. If you teach children from when they're tiny, they pick it up so much more easily.

What are you up to today? (Apart from DTD of course!!) We're going to an NCT sale this morning. I've no idea what we need to look for, but we just want the experience of going to one as have obviously never been. Then we're off to the cinema to see Man of Steel (another film I don't want to see) I've been promised ice cream though, so I'm looking forward to that bit (I'm like a little child!!).

Have you seen your robin again? We've got a bird table in the garden & yesterday there was a baby sparrow on there being fed seed by its mum - it was v cute. It could fly, but only had little wings & was flapping them & chirrping to ask for food.

I know im excited by my positive opk! Its i will ovulate (hooefully!)in the next 48hours. We dtd last night and today was supposed to be a rest but i cant now! Hopefully we can manage to keep dtd until i get a temp rise. Im not telling R about the smiley incase it gives him stage fright.

Our friends didnt stay to late last night. They left at 11.30pm which is a lot earlier than sometimes! We had a nice indian feast and then did some balloon modeling lol. She got me that for my birthday & it was so much fun!! Hollie was scared of the balloons though. As our friends were both drinking they left their car and got a taxi home. Ive just tied a balloon around their wing mirror before i left for work!

I saw a robin again yesterday, dont know if it was the same one. We ran over a baby rabbit yesterday on the main road :-(. R tried to avoid it but couldnt. It made us feel so guilty.

Shame the boy didnt get the job but at least u know there will be a place for u to return after your ML.

I didnt watch BB last night. Did u? I will have to catch up later today.

Im starting work now. Have a nice ice-cream at the cinema!

P.s whats an NCT sale??

NCT is National Childbirth Trust. We're doing our antenatal course with them. They have "nearly new" sales every 6 months or so where they sell child & baby related stuff. Do you not have them round you? Everyone is always going on about them here it seems! My cousins wife got loads of her stuff there.

Lol at the balloon round the wing mirror. I'd love to see ther faces when they see that!

Oh no re rabbit, it's horrible when that happens, but you can't do anything about it. T hit a deer a few weeks ago - he felt so bad. But you just can't avoid them sometimes.

You must be some suducttress to get R to DTD without telling him you're ovulating! I always had to tell T, otherwise he wouldn't bother doing it that day! I don't think we could have managed every day. This time we did do it 3 days in a row cos we were on hol, so maybe that's how I got the BPF. Don't think I ovulated till the next weekend though.

Better go & fight the bargain hunters!! Have fun at work! xxx
Ive finished work now. Just about to have a bath at my mums house. We only have a shower at home & i prefer a bath.

There was more drama outside my studio today. A bus crashed with a car. I dont think it was a bad accident but lots of police came lol. It hard to get the children to concentrate on dancing when they want to look out the window. They have ballet exams next week so i need them to try their best.

R prefers dtd if he thinks i want him and not just a baby lol. He asks if i got a smiley face yet but i tell him no. If he decided to not dtd then id have to tell him the truth lol. But he does get stage fright if he feels pressured to perform lol.

I hope u find some bargins! Ive heard of baby nearly new sales but not NCT before.

I hope u have a nice evening xxx
all i can say in Croatian is "no" lol i think their mum says it a lot so ive pick it up :) x

Lol that you have picked up "no" - that says a lot!

Oh dear about another crash! Why is the road so dangerous? Is there a bad junction or something? I bet it is tricky to keep the kids attention! Good luck to them with the exams.

Have you still got a smiley today? I'm having a little celebration with baby as today is V Day! I hadn't heard of this before, but apparently today is the day when the baby becomes something beginning with v,... I remember viable! (I was thinking valid!) So there is a chance baby could survive if born & drs would try to save him. I feel like I've been waiting to get to this milestone for ages! (Hope me telling you this doesn't upset you)

The sale yesterday was completely manic! You had to grab anything you saw quickly! We didn't really see anything we wanted. I bought a little snowman suit for Christmas for £1.50, but I thought it was 0-3 months but its actually 3-6 so will probably be too big. If it is, I expect I can sell it on eBay in Dec!

The film was complete rubbish, I was bored throughout! I enjoyed Star Trek more, which is saying something! T was disappointed with it, as he was looking forward to it for months, so I feel bad for him. He thought it was better than I did though.

We're off to see my Dad today. I think my mum is cooking lunch. T says it's D's last Father's Day as next year it will be his!! I think he will have to share! A part of me wishes I had bought him a card this year, but next year will be more special. Do you find today hard or are you used to it? T's Dad died in 2007, but he was a terrible Dad - he was an alcoholic & basically took no interest in T or his sister. They would visit him & their gran every Sunday & he would ignore them the whole time. T gave up on contacting him when he went to uni. That was a cheery story for a Sunday morning, sorry, I don't know why I went in to all that!

Changing the subject completely, have you watched BB? I'm watching last nights now. How do they manage to always get someone who is shocked by the sharing beds & the rationing of food? Have they never watched the programme??! I can't believe 2 of the girls are fighting already! I'm so glad I've never known any nasty girls like that.

Better get on. What are you up to today? Hope the weather is better there than here - it's grey & horrible. It was tipping it down yesterday. Hope the sun comes back before I go away next week!


PS Baby has been a papaya for weeks!

Yes i think your baby is a fruit for 2 weeks from now rather than 1 week.
Great about the baby being viable! Are u getting a bump where people can see u are expecting? That mother from dancing doesnt seem to have a bump so i dont know if she is still pregnant or not.
I think its good that u want to make next fathers day special by not doing now. I'd probably do the same.
Im used to fathers day without a dad. It does make me think and feel a bit sad but nothing major.

We are going to see Rs dad and have a BBQ. I hope it doesnt rain! It's also our nephews birthday (another cake) so it's a double celebration. Our nephew is 11 and we bought him a remote control helicopter. When shopping R bought a full 4 player badminton set from Tesco for £2.25! Its amazing! We played in the garden together last night lol.
So we both picked up bargins yesterday!! The snowman suit sounds cute.

We dtd last night and i still have a positive smiley opk this morning. My nipples are feeling slightly sore now. I hope i ovulate soon!

Yes there are some nasty girls on BB. I dont like all those tatoos. Do u or T have any? We dont. I cant believe the way they were speaking to each other. I dont like people who think its ok to insult someone to their face because they are not saying it behind their back. Crazy girls!

Is it your MW appointment tomorrow? Good luck.

Have a good day! Xxx

P.s sorry the film was rubbish. I hope the ice-cream was nice :)

Did your BBQ go well? Hope it stayed dry. It rained here all day. Did your nephew like the helicopter? I can't believe your badminton set was so cheap, that's really good. We used to have a badminton set in the garden when I was younger, it was great fun. I do t think we'd have room for one in our garden now lol. I'm looking forward to trying to beat T at table tennis next week!

I definitely have a bump. Most of my clothes don't fit me now. A top I wore 2 weekends ago is now really tight on me - shame cos I'd only just found it in my cupboard & it was comfy! I've had to buy a maternity swimming costume too which I will try out later today. If you didn't know I was pregnant, you might still think I'm just a bit podgy, but I think it's getting more bump like. I think you'd def see some weight gain at least on the mum at your dancing.

Midwife today at 10:45. My midwife rang on Fri eve to say it won't be her, as she's away, which is a shame, as I like her. A different midwife rang yest AM to ask if I could move the appointment from PM to AM. T can't go now, which will be strange, he's been to all the appointments with me so far, but he isn't needed for this one. He said it was better just to go without him rather than having to wait longer for appointment. There is one midwife we had a chat with last time who we don't like as she was putting too much pressure on me to have the baby there rather than in hospital, so I'm glad it's not her I'm seeing today!

Are you still getting smilies? If you stop, does that mean you're in the TWW or do you have to wait for the temp rise to confirm it?

We don't have tattoos, I don't like them either. I think if I'd found out T had a tattoo before I met him (he asked when we were emailing) it would have put me off. If I found it he smoked, that would have been a complete deal breaker, I wouldn't have even met up with him! Maybe I would have missed out, but then he wouldn't be the person he is if he smoked.

My mum & I went to visit my Grandma yesterday. It is so hard to make conversation with her, as her dementia is so bad that she can't really follow a conversation anymore. She said a few things were pretty & worried about the other people that were there, but she didnt know who we were. She was quite happy though, so at least that was something. It was much harder when she was more with it & was upset & wanting to leave all the time. Dementia is such a horrible illness.

T hurt his back by just bending over yesterday! Not good! I'm worried about him at work, as its a physical job & I don't want him to make it worse. He is normally really fit & healthy, but he's randomly had a sore neck since my birthday & now a sore back. Maybe he needs to go to a physio for exercises or come swimming with me. There's a pool on holiday, but it's meant to be cold according to the reviews. Maybe I can get him to swim then. He doesn't like swimming much.

Have a good day! Good luck with the seducing if you're still on the DTD every day phase!


We had a lovely time yesterday with the inlaws. It didnt rain at all so we sat outside to BBQ then took Hollie for a walk and played ball games with our niece & nephew on the field.

Strange that T has a sore neck & back because R gets the same. The first time i tried clomid we couldnt dtd because he was too sore. He had to get tablets and it went away but he has got it a few times from just doing his hair too fast! Its a sudden jerky movement that sets it off. Ts sounds the same. R got a few exercises to do from the doctor too. I hope T is ok.

Im exactly the same about tatoos and smoking! Id never date a smoker either. When i met R he told me he had a tatoo & i had to find it! Lol but he didnt have any. I dont see how u could tell your children not to smoke or get tatoos if u do these things yourself.

My nanna had dementia. It is horrible. Your have lost the person once dementia takes over. Its so sad. At least your grandma was happy, u can take some comfort from that.

We dtd again last night! Doing well! My opk is negative today and my temp has gone up slightly but not as high as normal. Im confused, if i have ovulated or not!? I dont know yet. I hope i have but id expect my temp to rise higher to confirm. Tomorrow might tell me more.

I hope your MW appointment goes well. Let me know what happened. Im at work later today..... see if there are anymore dramas outside my studio. The road has become dangerous because they have built a mini Tesco opposite and there is a new entrance for it over the busy road.....too much to look for when turning right from my shopping parade.

Have a good day xxx

How's your temp today? (Only people who've experienced TTC would think that was an appropriate opening question lol!) If its risen, will you stop DTD/ ease off or do you keep going just in case?

How weird R gets sore neck & back too. I think T should definitely do something to strengthen his back. Maybe he could get exercises from dr too. He seemed less sore in his back yest, but the neck is still sore. He overslept by 20mins today so left in a big hurry. I was awake so woke him, but wasn't sure when he was actually getting up.

MW appt went well, except I forgot to ask for a form I need for maternity leave. I'm not sure if I actually need to hand it in yet, or just need to have it. I might ask if they will post it to me. My BP & urine were fine & baby's HB was regular. I've been booked in for NHS maternity classes now, as well as the NCT ones. They are a month apart, so it will be like a refresher!

My colleague who stinks of cigarettes & perfume is actually making me dread going to work today. I will only be with her for 30mins, but she makes me feel so sick. At least I only have 2 days this week & then a week off.

Tues is your day off isn't it? Are you doing anything? Is R working today?

I'd better go & get ready for work. Hope you have a good day & that your temp rose!


Yes my temp went up! My nipples are really sore and we dtd last night. Im going to stop dtd so much now, tired out! We dtd 5 nights in a row, im so pleased we managed it! Hopefully im in with a chance of a bfp if i ovulated from my working tube. FX! Im supposed to be 3dpo now. I want AF to stay away!!!!

My brother told me yesterday that his wifes sisters dog (king charles spaniel) died and it was only 2 years old. In the night it was jumping up the kitchen worktop to try to get something and its collar got caught on a knob draw handle and it hung itself. So sad :-(. Her sister (who has special needs) came down yesterday morning to find her dog hanging. Its such a tragic thing to happen. I cant stop thinking about it. We always take Hollies collar off at night. The poor dog :-(

The weather looks lovely today. It was grey and cloudy yesterday. R is working today so im going to chill out! Might do a bit of gardening and baking. I like to make shortbread...yum yum!!

Im glad all went well at MW.
I hope u manage ok around your smokey work friend. Smoke smells bad usually so being pregnant must make it even worse!

Have a good day!

Yey that your temp was still up! I really hope it was the working tube, as you've certainly done all you can. Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Do you have a 14 day TWW? My TWW used to be about 11 days I think!

That's so horrible about your brothers sisters dog. Poor thing! I've never thought of leaving the collar on as being dangerous. My parents have always left Tal's collar on. He's too old to jump up & down now, but it could still be dangerous. I will let me mum know, although the story will really upset her. So sad.

We've had a smell coming from our garage for a few days - we thought the neighbour's cat had got in & do e something. We spent ages investigating yesterday, smelling things to try to locate the smell. We narrowed it down to a box of pasta packs (T eats pasta for lunch every day instead of sandwiches so he buys a box of about 12 packs from amazon as its cheaper). We took the outside & T opened it- there was a huge dead rat in there!!! T is really squeamish & he was jumping all over the place & wouldn't look again. I had a look & ran a mile too! I really hope our neighbours couldn't see us! Looking back it was quite amusing, but at the time it was very minging! We didn't know what to do with it & neither of us wanted to get it out of the box or put it in the car to take it to the tip, so we just shut the box & put it in the dustbin! We realised after our bin doesn't go for almost 2 weeks, so that's going to be lovely for the bin men!

You must think we're really gross with our ants & now a rat! We do clean, honest! Well you know we do, we have a cleaner!! She's on holiday today so I'm quite looking forward to a peaceful day of tidying & packing.

Who do you think will go in BB? I think Gina (? The one that's not Sallie) will go, unless someone else does something before Fri. I find Michael really creepy. I guess it's just cos he's acting, but I'd hate to live with him!

Work was quite stressful yesterday, mainly cos I know I'm about to take a week off & have loads to do beforehand. My boss keeps coming up with tasks she wants me to do before I go on maternity leave & doesn't realise how long they will all take. I will have to do extra hours, but don't know how I will manage that. I'll sort it out when I'm back from hol.

Did you bake anything yesterday? I'm guessing not chocolate cake?! T was in a baking phase before I got pregnant & hated all smells. On the day we conceived, he was baking bread at 6am so he was literally putting all sorts of buns in ovens that day lol! How are your daisys getting on in the garden? We've got 2 patio apple trees in pots & this is the first year they've flowered. We've now got loads of tiny apples, it's v exciting! I hope they stay on & work!

Hope you have a good day! Xxx

My temp has stayed up but FF has moved my ovulation day from cd15 to cd16 so i am still 3dpo today! Its like ground hog day! My tww was 12 days on my first round of clomid then the second time i got my bfp, but i would expect it could be slightly longer. I think i would wait until af was late to test.

The rat sounds horrible. I would of been the same and scared of it. R is good at dealing with things, he even catches spiders and put them outside whereas id just squash them! Although we would of left it in the box and put it in the wheelie bin too lol.

Tell your boss if she is giving u far too much work. She obviously doesnt understand what u do or how long tasks take. We dont want u being stressed or overworked.

I think Gina or Sallie will go. I want Sallie to go as she drives me mad lol. She is so selfish and self centered. Although i didnt like the way Gina had that argument accusing Jemima of being racist!
Michael is creepy! Even when he is out of character i find him a bit strange. His eyes stare and he is uneasy. I wouldnt want to be in the house with a lot of them but especially Sallie as id feel very intimidated by her.

I baked shortbread not chocolate cake lol. Id almost eaten it all by the time R got home from work. I didnt get any gardening done so i will do that today. My dasiys arent growing :-( but i cant see the neighbours growing yet either, maybe theres still time.

Have u started packing yet? Are u looking forward to going away and spending time together? Its lovely to have a full week away from work.
Im going to book a couple of nights away for our anniversay in July then a weeks holiday at the end of August somewhere with Hollie.

I hope your apples dont drop off! Have a good day!


Lol at you eating the shortbread before R came home! I love shortbread. T made lovely chocolate shortbread once - I think it was cocoa powder instead of some of the flower. It was so nice!

Did you do any gardening yesterday? We did some weeding. It was so hot! I was able to wear my favourite summer dress - it always makes me feel so happy when I've got that on! I'm amazed it still fits, it won't for much longer.

I've got quite a bit of packing done, so I'm feeling a lot more calm than I did before Boscastle. I've still got all day Fri to finish it off. It will be lovely to have some time that's just us, we always feel so much more bonded after a week together without interruptions. It seems odd that we're not going abroad, it doesn't seem as exciting somehow, but a holiday is a holiday wherever it is. After the heat of yesterday, I'm glad I'm not going anywhere hotter, I wouldn't be able to do anything but sit around.

That'll be nice going away for your anniversary. Will it be the same brand of hotels as where you got married? Who will look after Hollie while you're away?

When is AF due? Might your cycles still be a bit odd? How long did you wait last time? I was 3 days late, but only 14 DPO.

I'm off to pregnancy yoga this evening I hope. I tried to go last week, even went to the location, but it was cancelled. I don't really know anything about yoga - I did it once when I had ME but found it very dull. I hope this will be more interesting. Or maybe I'll be better at relaxing now I'm older! One of my closest friends swears by it & is really flexible. I don't know what I'm meant to take with me - I feel v like a new girl!

It was meant to rain today but no sign of it yet. My hayfever is playing up so I'm actually hoping for rain to wash the pollen away. I can only use a nose spray ths year & it's not as good as tablets. Do you or R have hayfever?

Hope you have a good day.


We dont have hayfever but my SIL does and she is allergic to Hollie! Her nose gets blocked and her eyes get red and watery. I will do a rain dance for u lol.

The weather was warm here too and i cut the grass and trimmed a few bushes lol. I didnt go a lot. Ive been lazy the last two days.

Im working today and all weekend so i will be busy! I think i need to keep busy as the time is going so slow. Im 4dpo now.
Last time i tested at 15dpo on 1st feb. I will be 15dpo this time on 1st July. Im taking that as a good sign lol. I will hold out til then to test but im sure af will of arrived before then.

I almost booked our hotel yesterday but R needs to find out if he can have the days off work. Yes i want to go in another Macdonald hotel. Tick another one off my list :). My mum will look after Hollie when we go away.

Im glad u have started your packing and still have plenty of time left to finish. Im sure u will have a lovely holiday in UK especially if the weather stays nice.

Ive never done yoga. I used to teach pilates. Its quite similar i think, mat based. People take a bottle of water and a hand towel, usually mats are provided id expect. Wear socks because u will probably take your shoes off and can get cramp exercising in bare feet. I hope u enjoy it and its not cancelled!

Im off to perform my rain dance....
Bye for now xxx

Happy longest day of the year lol! Stonehenge keeps being on breakfast news, so its reminding me. We'll be driving past Stonehenge tomorrow, it's about an hour away fom us in the London direction.

Thanks for the rain dance lol! It didn't work unfortunately, but the pollen didn't seem quite as bad yest. Maybe it was cos I was in the office all day. I made it clear to my boss I already had too much to do when she tried to add extra tasks yesterday & it seemed to work, although didnt stop her trying to add more. At least I finished on time so I coukd go to yoga. Yoga was quite good - at first it was just breathing & I thought "what have I got myself in to?!". But then we did loads of tricky stretches & it really felt like I was doing some exercise. If I keep it up, it will probably be really useful. There was a lady there who was 39 weeks 1 day & managing all the exercises better than I was! It's expensive though - it costs £12 a session! T thinks its worth it, but I find that a lot. How much do you charge for your lessons?

Why do you have to work on Sun? Is it cos of the exams? I'm sorry time is dragging, the TWW seems to be the slowest time ever (well, apart from maybe the first few weeks of PG & waiting for scans). You've done all you can, but there's still so long to wait. Hopefully keeping busy will help. Have you got more birthdays to go to or are all your June bdays done now? I really hope AF stays away. When I get back from hol it won't be that long to wait. Maybe my hol will go as quickly for you as it will for me!

I was tempted to do Pilates for my sciatica last year, but didnt get round to it. What made you stop teaching it?

Hope R can get time off for your anniversary. Which hotel are you thinking of? Maybe planning that & your August break will help take your mind off things.

Hope today goes quickly for you & then that'll be one less day. xxx

Im keeping so busy ive only just got time to reply. Im looking after my 7 month old nephew at the moment, he has just gone to sleep. He is such a good baby and always laughing but he hit himself on the head with a plastic toy! He had a red mark but its ok now.

Yesterday i was extremely busy. We have finished my mums kitchen but it makes the living room/dinning room look old fashioned so i want to decorate it for her. I stripped off all the wallpaper and cut an edge round the carpet so it will be easier to paint. I did so much work, ive got 3 blizters on my hand and a massive bruise on my leg where the hoover fell on me and i had a splinter in my hand too!! Lol then i went to dancing... i was tired out!!
But keeping busy is passing the days.

Do u go away today or tomorrow? If its today then have a lovely time :)

Im glad u enjoyed yoga. Is it an hour lesson? I charged £4 for an hour of pilates which is quite expensive. A lady teaches it now instead of me and charges £3.50. I think prices down south are usually higher with everything. I stopped teaching pilates because i dont enjoy teaching adults, i prefer children....more on my wave length lol.

This Sunday are the ballet exams 9am-5pm. I need to do all the paperwork today.

It was my SIL birthday yesterday and my friends wedding anniversary today. No more chocolate cake now! Shame, i actually fancy one now :)

Hope u have a nice day and get your packing finished :) xxx
Aww, how sweet that you're looking after your nephew! Poor thing, knocking himself on the head. I bet you feel bad tho, having to hand him back with a red mark! Never mind, these things happen!

Yey that you've finished the kitchen! Brilliant that that's all done. Oh dear that you've made a new job for yourself tho! And that you've caused yourself so many injuries!

I can't believe your Pilates classes were so cheap! The teacher is part of a natural health clinic in quite a well off town, so I think that doesn't help (even though class is entirely separate & in a village hall). There are also no other pregnancy related classes round here, so she can charge what she wants.

Good luck with the paperwork, hope it isn't too tedious! We're off tomorrow early morning. I can't think of anything more to pack, although I'm sure there must be something. I don't know what the weather will be like so I've packed for all conditions. T will not be happy when he sees! I don't do minimal packing!


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