Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)


Glad you had a lovely tie with James - it sounds so cute. Does he mind his mum going to work or does his face light up when he sees its you?

How funny that R was telling you about wheel size! That does sound v dull! V amusing that he thinks they are interesting facts, he does sound so like T!

How nice that you got a VIP haircut lol! We're both getting our hair cut on Friday. T has developed a weird haircut policy - he will only get it cut every 6 months. He gets it cut short & it doesn't grow that quickly, so it looks alright for about 5 months. Then I spend a month nagging him to get it cut while the scruffiness of his hair drives me crazy. Eventually he gives in & let's me make him an appointment! He looks v different when he has it cut - he thinks its better value for money that way! Before he used to go to a barber & had a horrible cut, so it is an improvement on that, as now I take him to a proper hairdresser.

I travel an hour to get to my hairdresser! It's madness, but it used to be nearer til we moved. I tried other hairdressers while she was on maternity leave, but none of them were as good & I had one really terrible cut, so now I just do the drive. I've been going to her for 9 years & introduced my mum to her too. It feels like chatting to a friend when I'm getting a cut.

The weather forecast said its going to be cooler on your side of the country today. Better for your dancing! It's still meant to be hot here. I only have one maternity dress, so I've been washing it overnight to keep wearing it! I'm refusing to buy a second one, cos its so rare to get such nice weather - I bet if I bought another one I wouldn't get to wear it. It's navy blue with a blue sash, but I've bought yellow & turquoise ribbons, so I can make it look slightly different! I've got cardies to match the 2 ribbons, so in my mind its like 2 totally different outfits!!

I'm swimming today. I'm slightly tempted to go to the outdoor pool, but it will probably be cold. I'll probably just stick to the pool I know. I can't do my full number of lengths if its cold. I have to do 28 lengths today.

Hope you have a good day & the weathers still nice, even if cooler. xxx

Yes its hard to find a good hairdresser. We travel to ours too because it is close to where we used to live. Takes us about 25mins to get there. R gets his hair cut about every 2/3 months but it does seem to grow quickly. I like Ts idea for saving money! U should tell him that u might do the same lol.

James isn't bothered when his mum or dad leave him. I think its just because he is still so young. He hardly notices them go. He face does light up when he sees me but he is naturally a very smiley person and is always ready to smile at anyone he sees.

The weather does look cloudier today. Im staying home to get jobs done like washing, ironing and cleaning. Hopefully i can get the grass cut too.

Good idea to buy ribbons to change your dress a bit. Clever Catherine!

I hope u manage your 28 lengths! Have a nice day
P.s we have the inlaws round tonight. Thats my reason to clean and tidy up lol xxx

How are u? Did u have a nice swim?

I got so many jobs done yesterday. I didnt stop all day long. I cut the grass and cleaned loads of the house and did a food shop. Then the inlaws came round and it was nice to see them.

Ive arrange to go see my friends baby on Friday evening. I feel prepared but i think after i have been i will feel down. I feel down after lookibg after James because i dont want to leave him. I go home and have no one to look after lol.
Im cd12 now so going to start my digital opks tomorrow morning. Im looking forward to it lol. I hope i can be lucky this cycle! A baby from this cycle would be due in April and as i had my baby in April i think that would be nice.

Today im going to see my mum then to dancing. Ive got to work them hard as we have a cabaret show on Saturday afternoon.

Hope u have a nice day xxx
Afternoon! (For a change!!)

I didn't have time to write this am as I was awake in night so overslept & then was sick so it was all going horribly wrong. Before I left the house I decided I wasn't having a good day, as I got white deodorant marks all over my just washed navy dress (yellow ribbon today, totally different!) Luckily work wasn't too bad, so I think it was just a bad morning.

That's good you got so much done yest, you sound like Wonder Woman lol! I just did some sewing & my swim, then sat in the garden! It was slightly cooler yest, but not much. V hot again today.

Good luck with seeing your friends baby. It will be difficult, but hopefully it will get easier once you've done it once. I sort of know what you mean about feeling sad after seeing James, I always feel there's a big hole after seeing kids. Is R going with you? I hope Mr Insensitive behaves himself!

Gosh, cd12 already, it comes around quick. Are you following the same plan as last time? The bit around ovulation is def the best part of the cycle, so much hope!

I'd better go & put tea on - we're refusing to use the oven in the heat this week, so tonight it's microwave curry! I think I can just about manage to cook that!

Have a good evening. Hope cabaret rehearsal goes well Xxx

Ps keep meaning to ask, was R able to take time off for your anniversary? Have you booked hotel?

Sorry u had a bad morning. I was worried about u when u didnt write. Im glad u are OK.

Thanks for saying im wonder woman, i like that!! Lol.

Yes R is coming with me to visit the baby. I wanted us to go together as i know he will look after me. We clubbed together with our other friends and got her a mamas & papas voucher and some flowers. She has alreadu received them so tomorrow i will be taking a card and chocolates.
It's her 30th birthday on the 20th and ive organised the big group present for her. Wish she could of spread the cost a little lol :)

This cycle we are dtd every other day then 3 days in a row when i get positive opk. Although we did just scrap that and dtd 2 nights in a row but just for fun. The thing is, i make the plans and dont tell them to R lol. Anyway im hoping for a bfp this cycle :). If af comes then im going on a hen do anyway so will be able to drink...bonus!

R and i are going away from 23rd-25th but we cant agree on where to go so i havent booked yet lol. I know its going to have a spa but R wants a golf course. I will have to play golf!! Might be a laugh!

I hope u have had a better evening than morning.

Oh dear that you might have to play golf! It could def be funny! I've played once or twice, when I was young, as my parents were into it for a while. It all seemed quite pointless to me lol! I reckon I could beat T though (we're so competitive!!).

How long did your friend have to stay in hospital? Glad R will look after you. I hope it goes ok. V inconvenient of her to have her baby so close to her bday! It's my SIL's bday on the 20th too - I haven't got a clue what to get her. She'll be 33. It was my best friend's husband's 40 th on Wed & will be my brother's 30th on Sun. Both are called Richard, so I ad to write 2 special bday cards to R's! It's also my nephew's bday on 16th - I think July is my version of your June!

Has R had SA done? Does he have enough? T was always worried about it running out if we did it everyday. We never got to the actual SA tho. How was your OPK today? Was it CD17 last time? You'll be away during the TWW, is that right? That should be a good distraction & better than being away when/just after AF is due. Hope you manage to decide on somewhere nice.

I'm going in to work today to start getting up to date before I go on maternity. My boss gave me yet another job to do before I leave yest - she just doesn't understand that I don't have extra time just cos I'm leaving! Did I tell you I've got to lead out first ever all staff meeting in a few weeks? That'll be fun!! I'm meant to train everyone in what I do, so we're all on the same page. I've no idea what I'm going to say! I'm dreading it, as are the rest of the staff! I'm just going to have to do my best to get everything up together before I leave, but I'm not doing too much overtime, particularly towards the end. She'll just have to deal with it.

Hope you have a good day & best of luck with this evening. Do you have something nice to do afterwards to look forward to?


I already wrote a reply today whilst looking after James but it got delected by mistake before i got chance to post.

Ive had a good day with James. I took him to the park and he had a little go on the swing and slide lol. Obviously i had to hold him but he was smiling.
We went to see our friends baby. He is cute and so tiny. It was fine. Turns out it was the same midwife as i had! She had a bad labour though and needed forceps. Scary! She only stayed in hospital one night. I feel a little sad now but not too bad. Im pleased i have got that first inital meeting out the way.

R has had 3 SAs done. His count is ok but not amazing. He did the first two at home and things came back borderline so thats why they get a repeat and on the second a different thing was borderline. The third one he did in hospital and was shocked when he was handed a folder labled 'mens material' with porn inside. The results from that came back better lol but still not very high count but nothing to worry about.

I did my first opk this morning and it was neg. I expect to get a pos about cd15 or 16.
Yes we will be away towards the end of my tww. I expect af on monday 29th so would only test if i make it after this date. Im not going to be daft and test early.

Yes your July is like my June. U have lots of big birthdays this year and lots of Richards too! Lol

I hope u had a nice day and werent too hot. U will have to start planning your staff meeting!


Hope your cabaret show goes well today! Will that be the end of term or have you got another week?

I'm glad meeting the baby went well. It's good you've got it over & done with.

What county are you in? I know roughly where you are on the weather map, but if they mention counties I have no idea. They just said some counties have a heat wave warning, but I'm not sure if its you or not.

We're off to the beach today. We have borrowed a dinghy from my parents, that we've had since I was little. It needs a new pump, so if we can find one of them we will be able to use it. I'm feeling really tired & the beach seems a long way away today, but I'm sure when I get there it will be good. It should be cooler there than at home.

The 'men's material' made me laugh! If T had had to have it done, I think I would have been v unhelpful & found the whole thing hysterical! It's def more amusing than a blood test! Glad R is ok.

How cute that you took James to the park. It won't be long before he is going down the slide on his own!!

I know re having lots of R's, it's getting ridiculous now! I have to refer to them as Natalie's R, my brother R & now Janine's R! Lol

T looks v different with his short hair now. He must've had at least 2 inches cut off. He looks good. I'm going to have to watch his neck & ears don't get burnt today, they haven't seen the light for months!

I'd better go & get ready. We need to get to the beach early so we can find a parking space.

Hope you have a good day at work. Any plans for ths eve?


Your day at the beach sounds nice. I hope u can find a pump and have fun in the dingy.

Its still hot here too. Im in Cleveland. What county are u? Im really bad at geography!

Im cd14 now and neg opk. Im glad its neg as we tried to dtd last night but R couldnt finsh. I had pushed him into dtd and he told me he was too tired but i still wanted to and it didnt end properly!! So im glad my opk is neg. I hope we wont have a repeat performance now he has lost a bit of confidence... opps!

I told R about Ts money saving hair cut. Told him he should do the same but i dont think he listened. Lol

Im working til 6pm so dont have any plans except to relax tonight.

Have a lovely day xxx

Hottest night yet! I don't think the room got below 26 all night! We both managed to catch the sun in various places yest, so I think we were generating our own heat! I didn't put sun cream on my arms as they were already brown & I don't usually burn where I'm brown, but yesterday they went v pink - oops! They feel ok today though.

We had a great time at the beach, although it was completely packed - we just had room to put up our tent & to lie out the dinghy & tht was it. We could barely get to the sea cos there were so many other people! We went out in the dinghy for over an hour, rowing a bit & just floating. My dad went to Cambridge & rowed there - not for the frst team or anything, but for a team - so he taught me when I was little. I just lack strength. T didn't row till I took him on the Serpentine in London when he was 27! He's not that good, he gets quite frustrated. I think I need him to go out with my Dad so he can teach him. Anyway, when he was rowing, we spent most of the time going round in circles, which must've looked amusing from the shore! I didn't swim as the sea was colder than Mon, but T jumped in at one point - he said it was painful!

It's weird your from Cleveland, T has been mistakenly saying that's where he wants to go to Cleveland all week! There is a seaside town near us called Clevedon, but all week he's been calling it Cleveland! Maybe he secretly wants to come & visit you! We're in Somerset.

Poor R getting performance anxiety. It's hard for the man, cos its not like they can fake it (do you remember the episode of Friends where Chandler faked it?) But then again, the rest of its hard for the woman, so I don't feel too sorry for them! Good job it didnt matter. Hope he isn't affected by it next time. How's you OPK today?

Did the show go well? What are you doing today? My cousin, his pregnant wife (due a month tmr) & they're cute little 3 year old (the Abney & Teal fan) are coming over at 12. We have to clean the house before hand. We normally cook a lunch for them, but we've bought filled pasta & garlic bread this time, as we don't want to put the oven on - the house is hot enough as it is! I hope they don't mind the randomness!

I'd better start tidying! Hope you can have a relaxing day after your long day yest.


I got my smiley face +opk this morning! The pressures on now lol. We had sex successfully last night so thats a good start :). I had ovulation pains yesterday evening so kind of expected a positive today. Hopefully R can keep up!

I remember that friends! I love friends. Remember when Monica pretends to make up with him so she can get sex then afterwards is still mad at him lol.

Sounds like u had a lovely day at the beach in the sun. It's lovely that u spend so much time together. R and I do spend a lot of time together as well because we mainly have joint friends so all hang out together, but i feel work gets in the way too often. Ive only got one week left at dancing! Yipee!

Funny how T was going round in circles. Thats what i would do! Lol. Strange how he has been mentioning Cleveland. If u book a holiday up here i can recommend places, etc..

Its good that your dad used to row. He must be strong. Did he go to Cambridge Uni? What job does/did he do?

My cabaret went well thanks. It was so hot though but the children just got on with it! I made sure they drank plenty of water.

R has gone to play golf this morning so im getting a nice relaxing time in bed. We are doing a BBQ at my mums house this afternoon. Both my brothers, their wives and children are coming. It will be the last time i see my niece and nephew (ones who slept at my house before) because they are going to Croatia for the 6 week holidays. They go every year and come back so brown.

I just hope the weather stays OK as its cloudier today.
Enjoy your lunch with your cousin and family! I hope u have a nice Sunday.


Yey that you got +OPK! It's good that its so regular. Glad you were successful on Sat, hope you were again yest.

I love Friends too. I always expected that I'd have to do a "Monica" at some point, but luckily never have, lol!

Yes, Dad went to Cambridge Uni. He's a solicitor. Both my parents are, they met on a training course.

Hope you enjoyed your BBQ yest. How was the weather? No signs of cloud here. The bedroom was 27 all night again, but luckily it's not stopping us sleep. I couldn't believe how hot it was in the evening, even though there was a breeze & we had our windows open. We spent the day hiding from the heat. It was lovely to see my pushing and his family. Isla was full of energy & didn't seem worried about the heat at all. My cousins wife was v uncomfy in the heat - we went across to the park for 5 mins but it was just too hot. It's a month til her due date today, but her baby is still breech, so the midwife is checking her regularly. Isla was breech until the last minute, then changed, so hopefully this baby will too, otherwise she'll have to have a c-section.

I'm off to see my midwife today. Hope I've got lots of iron in my blood! I've forgotten to take my multivitamin for the last 2 days, so that won't help! But hopefully the body stores it. I hope they measure my bump today, I want to know how it's doing. My fingers & feet are swelling, which is something they'll check for, but hopefully that's just cos of the heat.

Do you have an end of term party or just the cabaret? It must be lovely knowing you've only got one week left! Do you have a list of things to get done over the summer? My friend who is a teacher always does, but only ever gets half of them done! There's never as much time as you think!

Hope you have a good day. xxx

I had a lovely day yesterday. The clouds went away and it was another warm and sunny day. R and i took our bargin badminton set to my mums and we all played. R built a slide that my mum bought ages ago and my niece loved going up and down there all day. We had a yummy BBQ that R cooked. It was lovely spending time with everyone.

Yes had sex successfully again last night so FX i can get him to go again tonight and Tues. I think that should cover it. Im looking for a temp rise now.

Ive got a friend coming round soon. She has a little girl and is getting married soon. Its her hen do i am going on soon, so we will have a good gossip about that! Hopefully i wont be able to drink :).

Your mum and dad have good jobs. My dad was an experimental chemist, i dont even know what that is really lol. My mum hasnt worked since i was born, although now she works with me :)

Ive got an end of term party on Sunday. The children get presented with their exam certificates and some get trophies. I book a venue and a DJ. The DJ is amazing with the children and plays loads if games. He is quite attractive too lol. And called Richard! Lol.

Over the summer i will be running a summer school for one week but other than that i havent got any plans yet. Im sure i will think of something.

Im glad u had a nice day yesterday. I hope her baby turns. My brother was born breech and my mum had a horrible labour. At least a C section is an option.

Good luck at the midwife! Let me know how it goes


My MW appt went well. Baby has a good healthy heartbeat. Last time it sounded like a train, this time it clearly sounded like a horse galloping, which is meant to be a girl. However, the MW had just prodded baby loads to find out where the head was, so baby had just woken up, which is probably why it sounded like this. My MW said at 17 weeks that later on in pregnancy the sound of the heartbeat can tell you if it's a boy or girl, but all the research I've done on Internet says its rubbish.

My bump is measuring bang on 28 weeks, so that's good. No monster baby yet, despite what T thinks!! Nice to know I'm the size I should be. I will hear about my blood test results by the end of the week if there is a problem. The MW said it wouldn't be pleasant for me if I had to take iron tablets as I'm already so sensitive to being sick. Really hope I don't have to! She asked if I feel washed out, which I don't really, so hopefully that's a good sign.

She looked at my swollen hands & advised me to take my wedding ring off & wear it round my neck. She said lots of people have to have them cut off. I hadn't heard this before, but I put a post up & got 17 replies within an hour of people telling me they'd taken theirs off/knew someone who'd had it cut off. I really don't want to be without my ring - I've always felt v proud to wear it & show the world I'm with T. But I'd be devastated if it had o be cut off. I've taken it off for about 5 mins this PM, but it's back on now. Tomorrow I will take it off & put it on a chain. Maybe I will buy a cheap replacement ring in a bigger size so I have something on.

I did a food shop after MW appt, but have been lazing around since. It's too hot to do anything constructive. I'm glad it's nearly evening so I can go to bed soon! I feel guilty for wasting a day, but there's nothing to do that wont make me boiling!

I'm glad you enjoyed yest. Your bargain badminton set is getting loads of use! Hope you had a good gossip with your friend. What did you do for your hen party? I did a chocolate making course, then went out for a meal, stayed in a hotel & used the spa facilities the next day. It was lovely.

Lol at the attractive dj called R! Are you allowed to find other people attractive in front of R? T has a thing for several actresses, which he is open about, but he is unimpressed if I ever say I like anyone! Double standards!!

I'm going to go back to searching the Internet for a cheap wedding band. I might even get up to open the upstairs windows, although that sounds like a lot of effort in this heat, lol!


Im glad all went well at MW and baby is measuring on track. Ive heard the theory about the heart beat but it was wrong with my niece. I hope your blood test results come back all as they should be.

Its a good idea to take your ring off but buy another. U wouldnt want your ring to get cut! But still want to wear one. I love wearing my rings too, especially as i look young so people know im actually married and not just a teenager lol. What material is your ring? Mine is a platinum band and my engagement ring is platinum with a single dimond.

For my hen night i went to Leeds and stayed in apartments. Had a spa day then a meal and to a few bars then a drag night club called the birdcage. Its brilliant there because u get to dance but then every half hour there is a little show to sit and watch.

Yes the DJ is nice lol. R doesnt mind if i find other people attractive but i dont really tell him i do anyway. He is the most attractive to me :)

Did u see BB last night? It was horrible. I wont say much incase u havent watched yet but terrible terrible terrible!!!

I hope today isnt too hot for u. Have a good day xxx

My first day without my wedding ring on! I tried to put my engagement ring on this morning (I wear wedding ring constantly, but engagement ring only for work & when I'm going out) & it was painful, so I decided that was enough of a sign that I shouldn't be wearing either of them. Today I've got a random ring on, silver with a cubic zirconia in a swirl, but I've just ordered a replacement silver band that's exactly the same as my wedding ring from Amazon. T said I shouldn't don't buy one, I should just wear other rings, but he doesn't get it. I want to wear a proper wedding band. The ladies who replied to my post seem to think my fingers will take a month or so to get back to normal after, so that's at least 16 weeks I will need a different ring for.

My rings are both 18ct white good. My engagement ring is a solitaire diamond set with 4 prongs in a diamond/ kite pattern, not a square, if you see what I mean. T's is 9ct white gold cos it's stronger. He doesn't wear it at work as he works with chemicals which could damage it. He takes it off on his way to work & puts it on before he gets home. I wish he could wear it at work, so any ladies know he's mine, but as he mostly works with men I guess it doesn't matter!

How was James today? I went to visit my brother after work. We sat in the garden & ate ice lollies! I can't believe it is still so hot!

I'm watching Sun's bb as I write, so I don't know what happened on last nights show yet.

How's your cycle going? Any temp rise yet? Will this hot weather make you hotter than you should be?

I bought 5 dresses online so I could find one to add to my only other one, but none of them look nice! So annoying! They are either too short or too low cut - not the look I want at the moment!! Back to just wearing the one I guess.

Hope you have a nice evening. Do you have a breeze to cool the house down at night? We have nothing at all, even opening the windows all night (which I'm not keen on doing) the room was still 26. I don't even remember it being like this abroad - at least it's cooler at night there. If this is going to carry on, I've told T we need to move to the beach!


Im glad u have managed to order a ring. I totally understand u wanting one, especially if u need it after the baby is born, u want everyone u meet to know u are married.
My friends engagement ring sounds like yours so i know what u mean by kite/dimond shape. Sounds nice.

I enjoyed looking after James. I turned the washing up bowl upside down and he was banging it like a drum. Then i sat him in it and pushed him about like he was in a bumper car. He loved that! So many fun things to do with a washing up bowl lol. He slept for 3 hours in total today so i watched lots of only fools and horses lol.

The plasterer came today to my mums house and its all finished. Next job is painting etc..the whole job is almost complete!!

I havent got a temp rise yet im hoping for a rise tomorrow morning or i will be confused. Ive had ovulation pain for the last few days and very sore nipples now. We have dtd the last 3 nights :). I dont expect a bfp. I cant imagine getting one again.

Shame u didnt like any dresses u ordered. U will have to order more :).

It is really hot at night but i dont wear much for bed. We open our window and in spare room and bathroom window and keep all doors open. It seems to work.

Hope u can sleep in the heat.

What ingenious uses of a washing up bowl! V inventive! I think it really good when kids do imaginative play like that - much better for them than toys that require no imagination. You'll make a really good mum.

My new wedding ring arrived. It looks just like my wedding ring only a lot shinier, so I'm v happy with it. I'm a proper married woman again now! I tried to get my wedding ring back on this morning & it got stuck! Definitely the time to take it off. I can wear the ring with the cubic zirconia that I was wearing yest as an engagement ring too, so T will be happy I'm wearing other rings. Do you wear much jewellery? The only rings I wear are my wedding & engagement ones. I wear a necklace when I go to work & a bracelet when I remember, which is not v often. I love jewellery & have quite a bit that I've been given over the years, but I don't wear it enough. I tend to wear the same pieces. My current favourites are a white gold pendant of 2 interlocking hearts that T gave me on our wedding day, a cheap little silver heart with a cubic zirconia that T gave me the weekend we found out as a happy pregnancy present & another silver open heart that was the first piece of jewellery T ever bought me, for our first Christmas together. I didn't have any heart before, but he always buys me hearts when he buys jewellery so I really like them now.

Any temp rise this morning? Maybe it's better to be not imagining getting a BFP, then you don't get your hopes up & it will surprise you. But then other people say positive thinking is the key, so I don't know. I don't think there's really anything you can do to effect it, but when I was trying I got superstitious & was trying what I could. T has bought me a pregnancy magazine when we first started trying & I decided that was bad luck after a while, so I binned it. My SIL had given me her pregnancy book, which I couldn't bin, but I put it up in the loft. I knew my MIL had bought a steriliser kit many years ago for us (it was a bargain- she's obsessed with bargains, literally) & I was so tempted on many occasions to go & find it at her house and bin it. I couldn't work put how to do it without causing suspicion tho! I collect heart stones (another post T addition to my life! I buy them as souvenirs when we go on hol etc) and I bought a rose quartz one (fertility) and another one that's meant to give good health and still have them in a little bag tied to my headboard. I don't normally believe in things like that, but thought anything was worth a try. Do you have any superstitions that you are trying?

Yey that the plastering is done. When will you start painting? That will be a hard job in this weather!

We had some of our windows open last night, but it was still 26 all night. I get worried about burglars climbing in through the window!! Esp when T is on nights, like he is at the moment. We don't have little windows we can open, only the main ones. I've been shutting them when I go to bed then he reopens them when he comes home. I can feel a bit of a breeze at the moment, so maybe it will be ok tonight. I tried sleeping with nothing on on Sun night, but I kept grazing my nipples on the bed when I turned over lol! I just have a v thin cotton nightie now, a v old fashioned one that I save for hols & heatwaves!

Do you have to provide food at your party on Sun? What will you do if you do?

I'm thinking of going swimming this eve. I can't decide if its a good idea or not, as I often feel sick after my evening meal. My back is v sore today for some reason & swimming often helps it, so it might be a good idea. I will have tea early & see how I feel after.

I ant believe how Daley was acting. I saw he's on the front page of some paper today saying the woman (forgotten her name) was manipulative & it was her fault, but he seemed scary in the violent things he was saying. I think she was just trying to show she wasn't scared by him, I don't think she was causing it at all. What a horrible man! I bet the bosses are furious they can't show their romance storyline anymore!

Hope you've had a temp rise & a good day! xxx

I got a big temp rise!! Really happy as now i wont need to keep having sex in this heat! Lol

I dont have any superstitions apart from hating the number 13. I didnt mind it before but it does seem strange how 2013 has been the worst year ever. I did used to over think things before and i did lots of praying and 'lucky' things when we were losing the baby but it didnt work so now i believe anything can happen and its totally out of our control.

I dont wear much jewellery either. I always wear my wedding & engagment rings and then some little heart shaped stud earrings. R bought me them and a heart shaped necklace for our first Christmas. They are white gold and a few years later he got me a lovely bracelet too. He is good at picking jewellery that suits me. I have lots of costume jewellery that i might wear when going out on an evening but i dont wear it very often. I also have a love heart stone that R and I found on the beach! We do like our love hearts lol.

Im glad your ring arrived and u like it!

I dont know when we will start the painting. Probably after our anniversary now. Which i still havent got anything booked for....opps!

Yes if i was home alone in the night i would close my windows too. We only have small windows that open but i can imagine someone little climbing in. That would be scary.

It is so hot today. I got up early and cut the grass and did a bit of gardening. Ive baked shortbread biscuits and did some cleaning. Its too hot! I just had a little sleep as i tired myself out lol.

On Sunday the children all bring a bit of food to share. I put a list up at dancing and they write down what they will bring. A lot easier than me taking the food. I provide the paper plates and napkins :). There is a bar in the venue so i dont need to take drinks. Im looking forward to it!
I think that lady from dancing who i saw at the hospital looks pregnant now so i guess her baby was OK.

What Daley did on BB was so horrible. I totally agree with u. He is such a nasty man and i felt threatened just watching it at home. I couldnt stop thinking about it afterwards.

Are u on facebook? I used to have an account but deactivated it after what happened with my pregnancy.

I hope u have had a nice day and managed to go swimming. I imagine a swin will cool u down. Have a lovely evening.

Heres hoping my temp is still high in the morning and its not a nasty trick of the weather :)

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