Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)

Im glad u had a nice day. It sounds like a lovely enjoyable birthday.
As if u have wanted the ornament for 12 years! Thats a long time to wait :). The pandora charms sound nice. I havent got a pandora braclet but i like them.
The chocolates R got me are Thorntons. I love the strawberry ones best!

How is your best friends grandad? Ive been meaning to ask.

The boiler still isnt fixed. We have taken out a monthly insurance that will cover the cost of repairs. So it should get fixed soon. The hot water will only work if we put the heating on 26 degrees! Lol

Ive taken my last tablet now. Im planning on starting opks on cd13 and following my bding rota which got me my bfp last time. Im just copying exactly and hoping it works again!
I really got sick of dtd after ttc for so long but now we are starting fresh it doesnt seem such a chore. Im looking forward to it so far lol.

Do u have another midwife appointment soon? At 24 weeks?


I love Thorntons chocs too. We have a Thonrtons factory shop in a seconds shopping village near us, where they sell the chocolates cheaply! It's very dangerous if I go in there!! The strawberry ones always get left in our house though!

My friend's granddad died late on Sunday night. I was able to talk to her as we drove home on Mon, to keep her company, so at least I could do something for her. As her dad died before she was born, she her granddad's sole heir, so she has to sort out the funeral & everything. She seems too young to have to do that, but she seems to be managing ok.

Good job you recorded your schedule last time so you can copy it. I hope it proves lucky again, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.

We're driving 50 miles to pick up a wardrobe we bought on eBay last night! Slight madness! We wanted a wardrobe to match our 2 chest of drawers we already have, but they don't make it at ikea anymore. So we've bid on a few, but this is the first we've won. I just really hope it fits in my car - a Honda civic! It's been dismantled, so T assures me it will fit - we will see! It might be an uncomfortable journey home! They say there will be rain in Southampton where we're going, that will be a shock to the system!

My next midwife appointment is a week on Monday. Not sure what this one is for. Just to check us I assume.

I'd better get up. I'm still so tired - we spent half the day lying on the beach yesterday, I can't understand why I'm so tired. Maybe it was the heat.

Hope you have a good day. xxx

Yes the sun makes u tired. I feel extra tired at the moment. It's so warm when dancing in my studio as my air con broke! A man is coming to fix it this morning. Then im working in my shop.

My brother is in hospital today. He is getting put to sleep and a camera inside his tummy to see if there is anything else wrong. He had all this bowel removed 3 years ago and needed a bag. Then had an op to make an internal bag. Its better for him as nobody can see it but its not ideal. He is still having problems so its getting investigated.

Sorry about your best friends grandad. That must be sad for her to organise the funeral. Ive heard of so many nannas/grandmas and grandads dying in 2013. So sad.

It is crazy that u are driving to get a wardrobe!! Lol i hope it does fit in your car? U said u bid on many and this is the first u won....i hope u dont win them all lol.
What colour car do u have? Ive got a black puma. Ive had it for ages! I really want a new car. R has a dark grey BMW which is nice so we always travel in that when together. Does T have a car?

Good luck with the wardrobe and the rain. The weather is sunny here still. Have a nice day!

P.s send the strawberry thorntons to me!!

How did your brother get on yesterday? Why did he have to have bowel removed? (Sorry if you've told me & I've forgotten). My friend from uni had to have a section of her bowel removed cos of Crohn's disease & then had the ends reattached a year later. She is still having problems though. I hope your brother got on ok.

Not a goid time for your air con to pack in! Hope it was fixed yesterday?

The wardrobe fitted in the car - phew! It was disassembled so all the bits fit in quite well - we just had 2 bits sticking through between the front seats. We haven't got it in from the car yet, I hope all the bits are there! We bid on other ones over the last few months so they had all ended. It would be funny if we'd ended up with 3 of them!

The journey down was terrible - it was raining so much! We were both in summer clothes & were freezing! We went round an indoor shopping centre & by the time we came out it was sunny again, thankfully. After we picked the wardrobe up, we walked along a river and watched huge ships being loaded up at the docks.

I really want to put the wardrobe together today, but we don't want to waste the sunny day. We don't have space for it yet, we need to move some bookshelves into the garage first. And we don't have space in the garage yet! So it'll be a big job!

My civic is silver - v dull! If I could chose the colour, I would have the bright blue that Ford uses. T has a bright red Honda Accord. His family all go on about how it was hs pride & joy before he met me & now they hardly see it cos my car is better on petrol so we use it as the main car. I like to think I gave him more to think about than cars, but they seem to think I changed him! My car has done 150k miles! I've had it since 2008 - I stopped driving between 2001 & 2008 due to my illness. T assures me Hondas go on for thousands of miles - I hope he's right. It doesn't feel like an old car to me.

My dad has just sent me a pic from our holiday of T with his arms around me watching the sunset. I didn't realise he was taking the photo - it's quite cute. You can just see our silhouettes & the pretty view.

Hope you have a cooler day at work today cos you have loads of classes don't you? Have you got any plans for this eve or are you watching BGT?


Im glad u managed to get the wardrobe safely. I cant believe u were caught in the rain when it is so sunny everywhere else. I cant imagine it ever raining again lol :). U will have to make room in your garage now then. Our garage is full of things we need to take to the tip. We fitted our own kitchen in our house and the old ones in the garage along with a million other things.

We have got my mums floor laid! So just finishing off jobs now. So glad its finally almost complete.

My brother is ok thanks. They didnt find anything wrong but took biopsies. He had colitis and was in hospital but caught an infection so needed his bowel removing. It was when i was on honeymoon! I found out once id come home.

My air con is fixed! I will need it today. And i scrubbed my studio floor yesterday so its nice and clean now.

I will be watching BGT tonight! Looking forward to it!

Tomorrow R is going to play golf then we are having a BBQ at our house with a few friends. I hope u enjoy the BBQ u are going to. The weather is meant to stay nice....FX!

R loves cars too! He doesnt watch football which is strange to me as my brothers love football so i just expected all men to like it!

That pic of u and T sounds nice. Wish i could see it lol.

Have a nice weekend! Hope u get your wardrobe out the car soon :)

Just remembered i wanted to tell u this:
u know i said my brother came round from british gas?
When i made the appointment u get told to keep your dog away from the gas man but as i knew it was my brother i didnt. Well he rang me afterwards to say he had been to another customers home, opened his tool box and Hollies toy was in there!! Lol that really made me laugh.
Hollie had put it in there to try to encourage him to play lol!! Xxx
Lol, that's so funny! Thats made me laugh so much! Did the customers see it? I wonder what they would have thought if they had! Cheeky Hollie, tryingto get him to pay when he's working lol. I saw a canal boat called Hollie today & thought of her. We went fora walk along the canal & had a pub lunch, v nice!

T doesn't watch football either! He'll watch big England matches, like Euro semi final etc, but that's it. My brother is a big Arsenal fan - I'm pleased I don't have to sit through endless matches!

Yey that you have the floor laid! That must be a relief! It will be good when you get it all finished.

Glad your brother is ok. That must've been horrible coming home from honeymoon to find he was in hospital.

We've made space for wardrobe, now we just need to reassemble it. Tea first tho. Must get it done before BGT! Hope you enjoy it!


Ps your wish is my command.....!
Awww that pic is lovely. It could be a canvas on your wall. Your dad is a good photographer.

Did u watch BGT? I cant believe that woman who threw the eggs! I felt sorry for those singing brothers having that in their act. I think the inpressionist was brilliant! I loved that. Jack was funny too and the shadow act is always amazing. I enjoyed watching it!
Do u watch big brother? I do, it starts on Thurs. R complains about watching it at first but then gets into it lol. I like having something to watch on tv every night.

Yes my brother showed the customer the toy and said "look what a daft dog put in my took box" lol. Funny as.

You go on a lot of nice walks. Have u thought of getting a dog yourself?

We are having a BBQ today. I need to cut the grass, tidy the house and buy the meat first! Lots to do.
I guess the inlaws might come round tonight as it is Rs birthday tomorrow. I will have to move my birthday cards to make room for his lol.

Did u get the wardrobe put together? What other jobs do u need to do before baby?

Have a nice day xxx

I haven't watched BGT yet so I haven't read what you wrote about it. My friend rang just after the ventriloquist & I tred to record it, but failed. I'll have to watch the repeat later.

I always get addicted to Big Brother (put BB at first, but realised that means something else on here & would make my sentence come out all wrong!!). I didn't realise it starts this week, that's exciting. T won't watch it at all, so I record it & watch it when he's not here. I love having something to watch each day too. Wonder what the twist is this year?

We put the wardrobe together & put the few clothes we have in it - it looks v cute. We still need to clear the rest of the room as it's still partly my sewing room & partly the library! I'm hoping to keep my sewing table in there as long as possible, so I can still do projects. It will just come out & be replaced by the cot when necessary. The cot is a point of contention at the mo - I think my SIL's one is fine, T wants a new one. The rest of the furniture is wood whereas the cot is white & t wants it all to match. His Mum will buy us a new one, I just think its a waste. We'll see....

Good luck with all your tidying etc. I'm glad we're not hosting our BBQ lol! T has just finished making me a bday cake to take with us - a chocolate mousse cake from his Gu cookbook! Looks lovely! He bought me a cake on my actual bday too, so I'm a v lucky girl!

Is the weather looking ok for your BBQ? It was really cloudy here when I got up, but T's beginning to be sunny now. Quite windy tho.

We have considered a dog at various points but haven't committed to any pets, despite both loving animals. The other day T said we would get a dog when our children are old enough to look after it too.

My dad is v keen on photography. He spends hours setting up the perfect shot. I'm more of a point & click type of photographer, but I still get good results sometimes. It would make a nice canvas, I hadn't thought of that.

Hope you enjoy your BBQ! xxx
The sun came out just in time for our BBQ. We had a nice day but i felt sad at first...

Our friends (the girl is pregnant) we went out for lunch with them last week & i felt upset afterwards as her DH was rubbing her bump infront of us & it made me feel sad & angry. Why do that infront of us? Especially after what we have been through. So today that was on my mind knowing i was seeing them again. R played golf with our friend today then brought him to our house for BBQ. When his wife arrived he said to me "here comes the baby carrier" and i just felt like he was rubbing it in. I went to answer the door to her & i just started crying. I feel daft now and R says he doesnt mean anything and just isnt thinking but i think its so insensitive. Do u? Nobody else saw me cry as i got strong again quite quickly but it was a tricky moment.

Apart from that we did have a lovely day in the sun, in the garden with our friends and 3 dogs.

I hope u enjoyed the BBQ u went to xxx
Oh dear, your friend's husband sounds so insensitive. It sounds like he doesn't really understand what you've been through. Maybe it's a male thing & he just doesn't think before he speaks or takes action, but I would have found his comment & stomach rubbing really insensitive too. It wouldn't be difficult just to be careful about not drawing extra attention to the bump in front of you. It must be hard enough for you to spend time with them at the moment without him adding to it. I can completely understand you being upset. I hope you're feeling less upset today or are able to put it to the back of your mind.

I'm glad the sun came out for you and you were able to enjoy the rest of the BBQ. 3 dogs must have been quite a garden-full! Do they get on?

Our BBQ went well. It was sunny throughout, do that was lovely. T helped my cousin with the cooking so satisfied his primitive man & fire needs! (I cooked my chicken in the oven!! I know it's not quite in the spirit of things, but with being extra vulnerable at the moment, I didn't want to take any risks. No one noticed!) The cake T cooked was delicious. We had 3 cakes, one for each birthday person & everyone sang happy birthday to us, so that was nice! My cousins little 3 year old was as cute as ever.

Wish Richard a happy birthday from me for today. Is he working? Are you having a special tea for him? Did you get him anything?

I've just watched BGT. What a silly woman throwing the eggs! The boys looked really shaken after, it's amazing they carried on so well. There were so many amazing acts, lots of them deserved to win. I hope the Luminites get a record deal. Jack & the impressionist were brilliant. I didn't want to watch the shadow performers as their other performances have been sad & made me cry so I'm glad this one wasn't a sad story. They will be good at the Royal Variety.

I'm going swimming today I think (I'm hoping if I write it, it will actually motivate me to go). I so tired, but I'll feel better when I have been. I'll do a bit if housework first to get me in the mood!!

Hope you have a good day & enjoy celebrating R's bday! xxx
Thank u. I knew u would understand. I feel better now ive written it down & told u. I agree with R that he is not trying to hurt me, he just doesnt think but i find that so hard. Im the type of person who puts others first & its annoying when other people seem so selfish. But i will try to forget about it.

Yes 3 dogs! They all get on well. And our other friends have a little boy who was 2 on your birthday & he was riding a little balance bike round the garden. So there were only 6 adults including ourselves but felt like more! Lol
R did the meat & cooked it nicely. Men do seem to like doing BBQs & playing with fire. I did the potatoes etc..

The cake T made sounds lovely. My FIL likes to bake cakes & did one for my birthday & another for Rs. The inlaws came round last night with Rs. Thing is, he always makes the same cake!! Lol and as we have loads of birthdays in June, he is baking about 2 per week! I get a bit sick of eating it by the end of June lol.

Ive told R happy birthday from u & he says 'thank u'. He often asks about u & "my mate Trevor" as he calls him. :)
We are going out with Hollie to Saltburn. Its lovely there. Where we park the car, u can walk in one direction to the beach or the other direction on a country walk! They seem worlds apart but right near each other. I think we will do the beach walk! Then im working later but R has taken a week off!! Lucky him! He wants to get my mums house projects all finished.
I will cook a special tea tonight but havent decided what yet.

I did an opk this morning & it was neg. We are starting our bding marathon tonight! Cd10 is when we began last time so ive got to copy! Ive told R but he isnt pleased about dtd to a rota so i will have to entice him!

I hope u have a nice swim and a nice day.

What type of cake does your FIL make? I can imagine any cake would get a bit much when eaten repeatedly! It's amazing how many birthday you have in June! Did R enjoy the rest of his bday? What did you cook? Lucky him having the rest of the week off. Hope he gets on ok with the DIY.

Saltburn looks lovely - I googled it & there are pics of Wikipedia. The views look lovely. Was the weather still nice with you? We barely saw the sun yesterday & it was much colder than it has been. Looks grey & wet here today.

My swim went well, I did 22 lengths so increased by 2 from last time. My swimming costume is uncomfortably tight now, so I ordered a new one when I got home. I didn't want to spend more money on stuff I won't wear that long, but it had to be done. I was fine when I came home from swimming & T spent ages cooking my favourite tea - linguine with butternut squash. 5 minutes before it was ready I was sick randomly. I didn't even feel sick beforehand. I then felt yuck all eve & really didn't enjoy my tea, such a shame. I hadn't been sick for 16 days & dr told me to reduce my pills, so I had reduced from 3 to 2 for 3 days. I don't know if that's what caused it. I'm going to carry on trying to reduce them & see if it happens again. If it does I'll ring the dr. It's so annoying cos I thought I had finally finished!

Did you succeed with your seduction? I always used to have to convince T that yes we really did have to do it that day - not exactly the best way to get in the mood!! We actually DTD at the weekend! After 5 months! To be honest, it wasn't great as we were both pretty scared of causing damage & it wasn't v comfy for me. I don't think we'll be in a rush to repeat it!

I'd better go & get ready for work. I have to prepare for Fridays interviews! Quite exciting! Hope you have a good day. xxx

Congrats on dtd finally! I managed to seduce R last night and im planning on dtd tonight as well. Opk still - but its the rota! Lol

FIL bakes chocolate cakes. They are gorgeous but it just gets too much. Its Rs nieces 7th birthday tomorrow so i will be eating another one lol.

I didnt get R anything for his birthday, just a nice card. He got plenty of gifts, clothes & money off other people. Im so tight with the purse strings.

Sorry u were sick again :-( thats rubbish! I thought it was over for u too. Try to remember what u did each day u were sick as there might be a link. I hope u are not sick anymore FX for u.

Yesterday the sun came out for our walk but the rest of the day wasnt as nice. I was at work for the evening and saw a car crash out my studio window. It was a pupil of mine who had just been to class. Thankfully they were all ok, it was just a bump. You get to see lots out my studio window! Last week there was a man passed out in the pathment but i think he might of been drunk. The police took him away. Im so nosey lol.

I cooked R an indian for tea which he loves. Its good that T can cook. R can cook too but he doesnt very often.

Today im working in my shop and R doing DIY.
I hope u get prepared for your interviews. Remember i might be one of them with a false name lol.

Have a nice day xxx

I slept in til 7:50 today! I've been waking at 7 everyday without an alarm for months- I just can't sleep any longer- I was very shocked to see the time today. My MIL gave us a Grow Egg room thermometer yesterday & we tried it out last night - it gives off a soothing orange glow if the room is the right temperature for baby. Maybe that helped me sleep lol! Hope it has the same effect on baby!

Are you going to see your niece today? I bet she'll be excited to be 7 - life is all so much fun when you're that age!

Bit scary seeing a car crash. I'm glad no one was hurt. Is your studio in a large town? There seems to be a lot going on just outside!

I only took 2 antisickness pills again yest & I wasn't sick, although I felt worse than usual. Maybe it will just take a while for my body to adapt to having less pills. FX I make it through today ok.

I don't think one of our 2 job applicants is going to turn up for the interview! When I invited her, I asked her to confirm she would attend & she hasn't. I rang her yest, but she didn't answer or ring back. It'll be a shame if she doesn't turn up, as she's the best candidate. We will probably have to rethink if she doesn't show.

T is the main cook in our house. His mum has been severely disabled with arthritis since he was 5 so he had to learn how to cook early on. When we first lived together I wasn't as well as I am now & he is a much better cook than I am, so he just took on the chef role. I feel guilty that he does so much when he works so hard. I do as much as I can, but my energy is still limited & it's even trickier at the moment. He really is amazing with all he does for me.

How do your opks work? Do they just say negative or positive or is there a bit where it lets you know you will ovulate soon? The ones I tried had 2 lines & one was meant to get darker, but it didnt. (Seeing as a drs blood test couldn't pick up ovulation in me, maybe opks wouldn't work. I hadn't thought of that before.) Will you see any changes in the build up to ovulation on the opks? What day are you now? I wonder if you will ovulate on the same day.

I'd better get on. I have to mend my MILs douvet cover today. My muppety husband was cutting ikea packs open on her bed with a Stanley knife & cut through the cover! (Why would you cut things on a bed??!) So now I have to try to mend it for her.

Hope you have a good day & are managing to keep to the schedule! xxx

U have slept in longer today! But you're still not quite as lazy as me lol. I wake up at 8am to temp & opk then if im tired go back to sleep. We didnt go to sleep until 1am though! R did loads of DIY then we dtd as well, so tired out lol.
My opks are clearblue digital smiley. For negitive u get an empty 0 circle and when positive u get a smiley face!
Im cd12 now and negitive. In my bfp cycle i got sore nipples from cd14 and got my smiley face on cd16, so im hoping for the same again! Then we dtd 3 nights in a row! Im tired just thinking about it lol.

R is playing golf today with our friend mr insensitive! Im working in my shop. My studio & shop are on a busy road so lots going on! The town is quite big and thats one of the main routes in. There is always some kind of emergency service whizzing by!
We are going our for tea tonight and then to see our niece. Yes she is excited to be 7! Her brother turns 11 on the 17th!
It would of been my nannas birthday on 14th and it is Rs cousins birthday on 15th. So many!!

Has the doc said u need to come down the tablets? U might be better still taking the 3 if u are feeling worse. I hope u are not sick anymore.

Lol at T cutting the bedding! What are men like! R cut a piece of wood on our table when we were doing our kitchen and cut a slither off!
I hope u manage to fix his mistake.

Have a nice day! Not long til your MW appointment!

I'm so tired this morning! So not looking forward to work. My boss warned me on Tues it will be a very busy 2 weeks as there are lots of reports that need to go out. Knowing her, she'll probably just get them done for next Thursday & expect me to do 2 days work in one day when I'm about to go on holiday. I can't believe we're going on holiday again so soon! Will have to start thinking about packing - it's more important this time than last time as we're going to France for the day, so I need to remember passport & things for driving abroad. Better get organised!

Hope you enjoyed your meal out, where did you go? Hope you didn't have to see the lovely Mr Insensitive! What did your niece get for her bday?

I managed to mend the quilt. You can still see the cut but at least it won't get any worse! Oh dear re R slicing the table - that sounds exactly like the sort of thing T would do!

When I asked for a repeat prescription last week the dr rang me & said I should try to reduce my pills as I hadn't been sick for a week at that point. I'm going to keep trying, but I'll do it very slowly - I'm not in a hurry to go down to 1 pill a day!

My youngest brother came over for tea yesterday which was nice. He is volunteering for the National Trust at the moment as a Large Blue Butterfly Ranger! He has to go to a field where they have been reintroduced each day from Wed to Sun 9-5 & talk to people who come to look at the butterflies. He also has to count them twice a day. At the weekend he had people come down from Yorkshire on holiday just to see these butterflies! Unfortunately the butterflies haven't hatched yet cos of the cold spring! It's a shame he has to work at the weekend as we hardly see him, but it's helping with his 3rd year dissertation so it's goid he got the job.

What time is Big Brother on tonight? I wonder what weird characters they will have this year!

Have a good day. xxx

We went to Frankie & Bennys for tea. R loves their pasta bake, especially as i dont like pasta so never cook it for him. I had a steak! I love meat, could never be a veggie lol.

I got our niece a Tinklerbell necklace and a Cinderella doll. She loved them as they have just got back from Disneyland Paris so she had seen them there & had her photo taken with Cinderella.

I dont know what R plans on doing today but im working all day. I hope u manage your busy 2 weeks ok!

Where are u going on your holiday again? Is it just the 2 (3) of u going? Ive only been to France once and that was with our friends. We drove there, 4 cars in total and it was very busy, end of July and it took us 36 hours to get to St Tropez. Then we had to put a tent up as we were camping!! Never doing that again lol. The rest of the holiday was fun though. We stayed in a hotel in Chamonix. We went our for a meal in Italy! Worst pizza ive ever had though lol. It was a good time but difficult with so many of us.

Your brothers job sounds interesting & very different. I can just picture a man with a big butterfly net & eating his lunch on a picnic table lol. It must be hard to count them! Im sure they wont keep still no matter how nicely u ask lol.

Well done for fixing the quilt!
Does T have any brothers or sisters? As he has needed to care for his mum and u, he will make a brilliant dad. Are u going to get him anything for fathers day from the bump?

I think BB starts at 9pm but im not sure. I just sky plus it!
Yes lets see how many freaks go in there! Lol

Have a good day at work xxx

I've just watched BB - I think we can safely say they are all a little odd! I wonder what tonight's lot will be like. How would anyone chose their one suitcase over everyone else's? If they keep making him do things like that, surely they'll work out he's an actor really quickly.

I was sick again this morning so rang the dr. She said its fine to go back to 3 pills a day & try again in a week or just take the 3rd pill on days when I feel extra sick. It's good to have the reassurance of a dr telling me that, I don't like taking pills if I shouldn't be.

We're going to Kent for a week, just us. I've been to St Tropez briefly but never been to Chamoix - that's in the Alps isn't it? I'd love to go there. Did you goin the summer? I would love to go skiing one day - I've been to Snozone in Milton Keynes once where you go on real snow & went on fake ski slopes a few times when I was little. T wasn't very good on the real snow - he kept going off towards the wall. It was very amusing, although he didnt think so!

T wants to drive to the south of France one day, but I'm not keen on the long journey. I went by train a couple of times & we've flown. The last 2 years we've driven, but stayed in the north. I love how you can go to another country for the day when you're in Europe. We went to Italy for tea when we stayed near Cannes. When we went to North Italy (the holiday we got engaged) we drove to Switzerland from Lake Garda & then Slovenia & Croatia from Venice. It was v cool to visit so many countries!

This time we're just spending a few hours somewhere in the north of France. T will probably restock his wine collection & I'll (hopefully) enjoy some pain au chocolate, so e French bread & some cake!

The girl we were going to interview today doesn't want the job as she is going to China in September - how rude lol! So we're just interviewing one boy. We're giving him 4 tests & then talking to him - seems a bit harsh! I have to ask him 3 questions but my boss is leading the interview thankfully. It starts at 11:30.

T has one younger sister. She does more of the care for his mum now, as she is a stay at home mum. T's mum also has a carer in everyday. I'm not getting T anything for Father's Day. I was v tempted by some "from the bump" cards but I thought it would make next year less special if he'd already had a card. And surely next year should be the real first year? I wouldn't have wanted a Mother's Day card, but then I couldn't feel baby kicking (pretty much constantly these last few days!) then, so it didn't seem as real.

Is R still going along with the schedule? He's got not excuse not to ths week with a week off. How's he got on with your mum's kitchen?

I'd better go & make myself look professional. My usual work clothes don't fit anymore, so I've basically been wearing the same dress everyday. My boos will have to get used to it, I intend to wear it for the next 10 weeks (I counted how long I've got left yesterday, when my colleague was overpowering me with her ridiculously strong perfume & I couldn't stand it! I still hate strong smells and this was really unpleasant! It doesn't matter how much you spray on, love, I can still smell your cigarettes too!! Yuck!) I'm leaving at 35 weeks & have one weeks hol, so only 10 weeks to go!

Hope you have a good day! If you've disguised yourself as a boy for the interview, that really is commitment to the cause & I will look forward to meeting you lol! Or were you the girl but you chickened out?!

Good luck for the interview today! I am both the girl who chickened out and the boy u are meeting today lol. Go easy on me! 4 tests seems a bit harsh :).
At least a boy cant really step in your shoes. Or u could get him to wear your dress once u leave! Make him more familier around the place. Lol.

I watched BB last night. Yes lots of crazy folk! I thought the suitcase thing was daft, i would of sussed him straight away. Like u said, nobody would pick their own clothes over everyone elses and there is no way BB would destroy their belongings. It seemed to obvious to me. I think he will get caught out! Would of been more believable if he had chosen one persons suitcase to get destroyed and that person would of felt victimised. Lol im evil, but it would cause more of a stir than being one of many to lose their case.

Sorry u were sick again...oh dear. It seems to be worse lately. Taking the 3 tablets should help i hope.

Im cd14 now. Opk still negative. I should get sore nipples today but i havent yet :-(. I can feel things in my ovaries, i hope its not cysts. I think clomid can give u cysts & im a bit worried as ive just taken it without really being instructed...opps! Maybe its too soon to start clomid after loss, im not sure.
We are dtd to rota! So far so good.

We have friends round for takeaway tonight. They usually stay til really late so im hoping we still get chance to dtd once they go. Otherwise i will just have to do it infront of them lol. That will make them leave! :).

Yes we went in the summer. St Tropez was boiling hot and Chamonix was warm but cold up Mount Blanc. Id drive there again but just us & not at a busy time.
We used to go to Aviemore each year with our friends & hire a big cottage. R would snowboard & id try to ski. I wasnt very good. I took some lessons but were boring and was a lot of standing around getting cold so i left & taught myself lol. Im better at skiing than i am at using the ski lift. I kept falling off! We havent been for a couple of years.

My brothers wife is from Croatia. I have never been but they go for 6 weeks each year & my niece & nephew can speak the language.

Have a good day & let me know how my interview went. Im so nervous!! Its my first time dressed as a boy lol. Good luck!


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