Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)


I hadn't thought of how awful it would be trying to have sex in this heat! Nightmare! Glad you don't have to do it anymore! Was your temp still up today?

That's a cunning plan with getting the kids to bring food & say what they're bringing. Much easier for you. I hope it goes well.

I did go swimming. I had hoped that the hot weather would put other people off, but the pool was very full. People swimming lengths but talking the whole time really annoy me. They take up twice the room cos they have to swim next to each other. What's the point, you're not doing any exercise if you can still talk?! Go to a coffee shop & gossip there! I get swimming rage!! I went in the medium speed lane last night, which I haven't done for ages, but it had to be done. I'm not as fast as I used to be, but I don't think I annoyed the other swimmers. I did 30 lengths which was the amount I used to do before I had a bad back last year, so I'm really pleased to have built up to that again. My back felt better in the water but was v sore when I got out again. Don't think I made it worse though.

I have a Facebook account, but I use it more for seeing what others are up to. I never post anything myself. My aunt & cousins are on it, so I can keep uptodate with them through it. I can also see what my brother is up to as his girlfriend has befriended me - he hates that! My younger brother won't even let me be friends with him!

There appears to be a rain cloud on the weather map above where I live - whats that all about?! I missed the actual weather forecast. It would be very odd if it rained!

I had my first nightmare about labour last night! I hated the gas & air as it was a mask covering my whole face & I was in terrible pain. I think it was maybe cos my back was hurting in real life. I haven't really faced up to labour yet, I've been ignoring it so I don't panic about it. I've read one book on natural pain management techniques. Our NCT antenatal course starts a week on Sat, I guess I'll have to come out of denial then. Hope it doesn't freak me out!

T wants me to wake him up so we can watch the apprentice final before I go to work. I feel bad waking him, although he got in at 1, so it could be worse. Better go & do it.

Hope you have a good day. xxx
Good evening!

My temp was still up this morning so im pleased! I must be 2dpo :)

U did well with your swimming. Funny how other people annoy u lol.
I havent been swimming for ages but will do next week as ive booked our anniversary break away! We are going tues-thurs to Chester in a lovely hotel with 3 golf courses and a spa. I cant wait! Ive also booked tickets to go to Chester Zoo on the thurs which is our actual anniversary.I love animals and if the weather is still hot it will be lovely walking around the zoo.

I was the same on facebook. I used to write things but then didnt bother anymore and just spied on other people lol. I closed my account because i didnt like seeing everyones baby pics and pregnancy announcements.

Did it end up raining? I bet it didnt. Its roasting hot here, i was so warm at dancing tonight.

I had a nightmare too last night that i was trapped in the car with a big snake lol. R had to calm me down in bed as i was frightened. I guess with labour u cant really prepare. U need to be ready for anything. Cant believe u only have 80 days to go! Thats gone really quickly. I hope i can get a bfp by the time u give birth :)

I hope u have had a nice day today. Im been busy getting things organised for Sunday. I also went shopping and got a nice summer dress for £8 and a black skirt for the hen do for only £3. Im happy with my bargins :)


Yey to 2dpo! Presumably 3dpo now. And yey that you've booked your holiday! The hotel sounds lovely! Will you have to play on all 3 golf courses?! The zoo should be lovely too, there's something v romantic about spending the day at the zoo. I think my parents met at Chester - does it have old town walls? Either Chester or Chesterfield - is that a town or a county??

No sign of rain whatsoever! I was ok in my office in the morning cos I was sitting by the good fan, but in the afternoon when I moved room I had a rubbish fan so was baking. I popped out at lunch time & actually felt sick it was so hot!

How weird we both had nightmares! Must be the hot weather. Hope you didn't lady night, I didn't.

I had a mini panic when I read your post last night - 80 days!!!! That really doesn't sound very long! It seems only a minute ago that I got to singe digits. I only really look at my ticker to see if its changed on a Sunday - I hadn't noticed it was 80 days. 79 now! We saw the maxi cosi car seat that fits with the pushchair we want to get was reduced from £135 to £70 on amazon on Wed, so we bought that and it arrived yesterday. We were going to buy black, but the reduced one was red. I like it though, i think it's cheerful. It's sitting on the sofa - it seems more real than anything else we've bought. I feel slightly more prepared now, as I can get baby home from hospital & have the Moses basket ready for baby to sleep in. I don't have enough clothes but they could be bought from supermarket if necessary. I'm sure there are 100 other things we need, but I feel they were the too main essentials. My parents might be going to order the pushchair this weekend, so that will be good.

Where did you get your bargains from? What's the dress like? Your good at spotting bargains!

The breakfast news progs are saying its a year since the Olympics. Did you watch the opening ceremony? We did & have still got it recorded. I loved it (although haven't watched it since). Did you try to get tickets? We did, but weren't successful, so went to London to watch the women's marathon, where you don't need tickets. It was an amazing day, the atmosphere was like nothing I've ever experienced before in London. Team GB won a gold when we were on the tube & everyone cheered. A lady started talking to me on the tube, that's never happened before. The volunteers were so friendly. We also happened to be in Weymouth when Mo Faroh win his second gold & we watched that on a big screen on the beach. Everyone was cheering him on so much, I'm sure he must've heard in London!! Amazing memories!

There's quite a breeze this morning, maybe that will cool things down a bit. It looks like you've got a cloudy start tomorrow AM, according to the weather. What will you do with James today? I'm off to visit my friend to "eat cake" this morning - an invitation I couldn't refuse lol! I might pop in to work on the way home, depending on how long I'm at hers.

Hope you & James have a good day. xxx

Im 3dpo now and got crosshairs on my chart!

I saw the news, i remember the opening was 27th July as it was a year since we had moved in our house. We had a BBQ then watched the ceremony. We also have the opening and closing recorded but havent watch it since lol. I loved the spice girls! It was all a good show. Cant believe it was a year ago. Time goes too fast. We didnt try to get tickets, i think u can a better view from the sofa lol.

My bargins are from new look. My dress is long and muti-coloured. Its not what i would normally buy but looks lovely.

Im glad u are getting organised for the baby and u got a bargin too! There is probably lots u need but T can always go get it once u realise u need it :). 79 days sounds very close. Its exciting and scary at the same time. Which pushchair are u wanting?

I dont know much about Chester. I dont know much about anything lol. I get mixed up with cities and counties and even countries :)

Its a bit cooler so far today. Ive walked to the shop with James and now he is in his cot trying to sleep but fighting sleep. My other brother (not James dad) is coming round soon to help me today. He is off work and alone because his wife and children have gone to Croatia now for 6 weeks. My brother goes for 2 weeks soon. Its hard for hom to be away from his children i dont know why she would go for so long without him but they stay with family in Croatia. My niece has her birthday there every year without her dad. She will be 5 next week.

I hope u have a nice time seeing your friend and eating cake...yummy!


Yey for crosshairs!

I can't believe you've got it recorded too, I though I was the only one insane enough! we're so alike! T's always telling me to delete it!

That is hard on your brother, especially missing the birthday every year. I don't think I coukd be away from T for 2 weeks. It must be hard when your family are all in a different country though. My cousin's wife found it v difficult when her mum in South Africa had a cancer scare. She can't get back there v often as its so expensive & far.

Your dress sounds lovely. They had some really nice ones in New Look this year - I was trying to convince myself I could fit my bump into them (I've now given up all ideas of that!).

I had a good time with my friend. We went out for milkshake & then lunch, before doing a bit of shopping. I bought a cotton scarf from White Stuff for £5 & she bought a dress. She's got 3 girls under 5 & she's only 24. Her youngest is 14 months & just toddling - v cute! They're very well behaved & seem like a lovely little family, but she told me that she doesn't know how long she'll stay with her husband. She wants to split up, he doesn't, she thinks they'll stay together for the kids. It made me really sad to hear that, that someone so young is stuck in a marriage like that. She asked if I ever felt like that with T, but I can honestly say I not at all. It reminded me how lucky I am, not that I really needed reminding.

What are you up to today? It's my SIL's birthday so we're going to hers this afternoon for a BBQ to celebrate hers & my nephews birthday. She's doing the Race fir Life this morning. She has been training to run it for months, but she might walk it as its so hot, which is a shame for her. My SIL's bday present hasn't arrived, which is v annoying. I expect she'll understand, but it makes us look unorganised. T has made her/them a birthday cake, so at least we've got that.

I hope you have a good day - your last Sat at work for a while? xxx

Im glad u had a nice time with your friend. Such a shame she is thinking of splitting with her husband, thats so sad. Did she say why? I guess with 3 young children u just have to work hard to keep the magic alive and remember why u love them. I hope they stay together unless he is nasty or something.

We went to see our friends with the new baby last night. Mr insensitive said 'R its class getting to park in the parent and child spaces because u have loads of room so people are less likely to bang your car with their door' and 'its great when u get to push a pushchair'......i know he is just being happy but it feels wrong for him to be bragging about that to us. Nevermind. I gave my friend her 30th birthday gifts off all our friends. They arent celebrating til next Sunday as its so close to having the baby. We are going for Sunday lunch on 28th.

I ripped half my nail off this morning when getting dressed. It ripped very low down and was bleeding. It still throbs now!

Last day teaching today! Yipee! But on the downside im going to be very skint in August! Oh well, who needs money when u have love! Lol
I think R is going out for drinks tonight with work so i will finish off all my jobs for the party tomorrow.

I hooe u have a lovely time at the BBQ. Will u cook your food inside again? Its a shame her birthday present hasnt arrived. What did u get her? Im sure she will understand and the cake will help :)

The weather is supposed to get even hotter soon. I hope its nice in Chester next week.

Have a fun Saturday xxx

P.s my niece who does ballet but lives too far away to come to my lessons is getting a new ballet teacher.... Miss Catherine!! Xxx

Ow,ow,ow, your poor nail! Sounds horrible! Hope it's less sore now. I hate breaking my nails but I've never actually made them bleed - ow! Do you normally have strong nails? Mine gran quite well, they only usually break if I forget to cut them & they grow too long.

Oh dear that Mr Insensitive struck again! He really does deserve his name, unfortunately. He obviously doesn't realise what he's saying. I hope you both didnt find it too upsetting. Had the grown? How's your friend coping with motherhood?

My friend didnt really say what te problem was, just that there's loads of tension between them & he's not very appreciative/nice to her. I don't really know & didn't want to ask too much. They split up for a while before she had the 3rd child, so I think they've been on the rocks for a while.

Hope your last day of teaching went well & you're all ready for the party. Exciting! Lol at your nieces teacher being Miss Catherine!

The BBQ went well. My food was cooked inside again, even without me asking, so that was good. They have a v fancy BBQ that's basically a gas cooker outside, so I wouldn't have been so worried about them being cooked on there, but I was happier with them being in the oven. It was much cooler in the day time - we went out fir lunch & it was actually completely cloudy! Shocking! I bought a new dress, which I knew would stop the hot weather, but I didn't think it would work that quickly!! By the time we went to the BBQ it had got hot again & by about 7 I was feeling too hot & a bit yuck, so we left soon after. T seemed to have fun, I kept hiding in the house to try to cool down. V rude & antisocial of me, but I didn't really have a choice. T's mum couldn't come at all as the heat is too much for her, so that was a shame.

Getting tired early again yesterday is making my current dilemma even harder. I asked my friend from Scotland, Lucy, to come down in early Aug for a last stay before baby. My best friend, Natalie, would also come to stay. Lucy has finally got back to me with dates, but she can only come at beginning of Sep, when I'll be 35 weeks. I can't decide whether to say yes or not. It's so hard to know how exhausted I'll be by then. Because she's coming from Scot, she's flying, so it's not like I can cancel at last min. She'd be staying for 2 nights & I would not feel that relaxed with her, I'd feel like I had to be host. Part of me thinks it would be nice to see her & my last chance before baby, but part of me is so tired already, I dread to think how tired I'd be by then. Feeling so yuck last night emphasised this, ESP when we were only there for less than 4 hours & I was just sitting around talking. Natalie says she can only come for one night. That might be better, but I don't think Lucy would think it was worth the flight for just one night. I suppose I won't know what the right thing to do is, there's advantages & disadvantages for both, I just have to pick one. I just don't know which to pick...!

Will you be exhausted by the end of your party or will you be going out after? We're off to a family meal with my brother for his 30th last week today. It doesn't look very sunny at the moment, I wonder if it will stay cool. It was actually 23 in the bedroom when we went to bed last night - not the usual 26, hurrah!

Hope you enjoy your party & are looking forward to being a lady of leisure for a while!


Yes where is your ticker? That site must be getting maintained or something.

Im very tired already. R went out last night and i picked him up at 2.30am and then had to drop his friend off which was not even on our way home. We didnt get into bed until after 3pm. He is feeling ill this morning lol silly man.

Yes the weather is not as sunny. It was even raining very lightly yesterday for a few mins. I hope the sun comes back. We have both just bought new dress lol. My forecast says thurderstorms to come!

Glad u had a nice time at the BBQ, sorry u didnt feel too good. I wouldnt push yourself to do anything u cant. U need to be in full health for baby arriving. I would probably have my friends come stay but i can see your situation. Does Lucy have other friends/family nearby to stay with and just sleep over the one night with Natalie? Or does she have a partner she can get a hotel with? If they stay at your house u could plan relaxing activities like a girly film or something that doesnt require much effort or energy.

My friend who had the baby is called Jodi. She is coping really well. Ive never really seen her as the mothering type but she is doing a good job. He is tiny. Each time ive seen him it has been after seeing James so that makes their baby seem even smaller! She lets me hold him all the time so thats nice.

All set for my party. Just need to find the energy lol. Cant believe im off after today. Im going to relax and do nothing tomorrow. Cant wait!

Hope u and your family enjoy your brothers birthday meal. Have a nice Sunday.


P.s my finger is healing. My nails are quite strong. I trained as a nail technician in 2003 but only use the qualification to do my own manicures :). My nail had ripped half way across a few days ealier and i had been wearing a plaster to stop myself from catching it. As soon as the plaster came off i caught my nail on my clothes and ripped it all the way across...ow!

Good morning lady of leisure!

How did your party go? Hope it went well & you enjoyed it. My brothers meal was nice. He gave me a late birthday present of a rustic willow woven heart & I white jug/vase - both v tasteful & lovely, I think his girlfriend picked them lol! We gave him a 2nd hand golf bag for his birthday, which he seemed v pleased with.

We called in to see my cousin's wife & Isla after as the pub was near her house. I felt a bit sorry for her as we all descended on her after only a quick phone call! She didnt seem to mind too much. It was lovely to see Isla again & she was v pleased to see us.

How weird you had rain, that must've been odd! Did you have thunder yest? It was back to being hot here yest, but apparently it will rain later today/overnight.

Lucy doesn't know anyone else nearby unfortunately. Her family live near London. If there was somewhere else she could go if I was too tired, I would find it easier, but there isn't, so she would waste the airfare if she didnt come down. I'm still undecided...

I slept in till 8:30 today! Shocking for me at the moment! T & I had agreed we would tell each other if we found out Kate had gone into labour. He texted me at just the moment I saw it on tv - he was surprised I hadn't texted him. I'm glad they didn't film her going into hospital, that would have been awful. What do you think it will be? I dreamt it was a boy, so that's my bet, although T thinks it will be a girl. We're worried they will steal our name if its a girl! We changed our girl name last week & we really like our new one, but will have to change it again if they steal it. I think our boy name is pretty safe.

I used to have a trick at school with micropore tape & nail varnish if my nails got a half break in them. I would use little squares of the tape & layers of clear nail varnish to cover te break. It often worked until the nail had grown long enough to be cut. You saying about using a plaster reminded me. Don't your friends ask you to do their nails? Do you wear nail varnish a lot? I haven't worn it since being pregnant as the research is undecided about whether chemicals get absorbed & harm baby, & I thought it was a luxury I could easily do without. My toes feel naked in sandals at the moment, I never expose my toes without nail varnish, but I've come this far so I don't want to give up now.

I'm going swimming today I think. Good to get it over & done with early in the week. I hope I don't have lane rage again lol!

Hope you enjoy your relaxing day. Will you do anything at all? When I plan a relaxing day, something always comes up so I end up doing something.


Your a squash now!

Im glad u had a nice time at your brothers meal. What did u have to eat? Those present sounds lovely! I agree, I bet his girlfriend helped him!
Did the present for your SIL arrive?

My dancing party went well. The DJ was amazing as always lol. He played loads of fun games with the children. Everyone really enjoyed it. They all brought food and there was enough to go around. We did a tombola too and made £100 on that. It was a successful end to the term.

Today i'm chilling out. I am going to catch up on programmes I have recorded. Do u like Lee Evans? His new show was on TV last night so I might watch that today. Ive been to see him live twice. It was my ex boyfriend who got me into him and I love it lol. I will probably hoover and clean a bit too.
Tonight we will go visit the inlaws before we go away tomorrow to Chester.
We are setting off in the afternoon as R has a meeting at work, so I will pack tomorrow morning.

I think Kate will have a girl. R saw a spoof website that said she had a boy last night lol. I hope she doesnt steal your names! She has copied off u plenty before!

Nobody asks me to do their nails. They probably know i'm not very good lol. I always wear nail varnish on my toes but not very often on my fingers. I sometimes put clear on my fingers or french manicure but not very often........I need to start making more of an effort lol.

I hope you enjoy your swim! If you see people talking in the lanes just splash them haha :)

Have a lovely day xxx

Glad your party went well. £100 on tombola is really good! Did you manage to totally relax yest? I've never seen Lee Evans, I should give him a try. Was the prog good?

We all had roast dinners on Sun. The meat & potatoes were good, but the veg was a bit dull - I always think roast are best if they come with a selection of interesting veg, at least cauliflower cheese, not just plain cauliflower! SIL's present arrived yesterday. It's a camera case advertised as being the right size for her new camera, but when it turned up it was way too small. V annoying! I've tried to contact the company to get a refund, but haven't managed to yet.

I didn't experience too much lane rage when swimming yesterday. There were a few school kids there, who got in my way a bit. The schools haven't properly broken up yet - no doubt it will be even worse in the proper holidays! Not sure what I'll do next week.

Did you have thunder & lightning last night? I had a terrible nights sleep, with the room being too hot. At 3 the lightning woke me up, it was constant flickers of light. I was then awake for ages & had nightmares when I got any sleep. I've been sick twice this morning, when I'm normally only ever sick once. I don't know what to do about work at the moment. I can't go on an empty stomach. I've still got an hour to decide.

Lucy rang me last night. She suggested she meet me for lunch on her way to driving down to visit her dad in August instead, which sounds like a great idea. That way we can meet up, but it won't be so tiring. I'm glad the decision has been made for me, but I feel a bit bad I couldn't host her. I think she understood though, as I didn't actually say no.

My dream about the royal baby was right! Now I just need to get my cousins baby right too - I've dreamt a girl for her.

I hope you have a lovely, romantic break in Chester. Hope the hotel is as lovely as it sounds. Good luck with the golf if you are made to play!


Such a shame about your SILs present. Now u have the problem of sending it back and finding another gift :-(. Would of been a good present if it was the correct size.

I love Sunday dinner. Like cauliflower cheese too :). I like most veg except asparagus and cabbage.

Im managed to relax most of the day yesterday. Lee Evans new stand up show was good but not as funny as some of his past shows. I guess he could be running out of jokes lol.
We went to see the inlaws last night and whilst there heard about the royal baby boy. So that was hot topic and i felt a bit bad because i should of been giving them a baby :-(. Hopefully i will soon. FIL had also dreamt that the royal baby was a boy!

Im glad u have your plans with Lucy sorted. That will be a lot easier for u. How long have u known her? Is she a friend from school?

Sorry u had a bad night and then sick this morning. I hope u are OK now. Did u stay off work? How long now until u leave work? We havent had any thunder yet.

Im going to watch last nights BB then start packing! Cant wait for a break. R is tired out from going out on Sat night and from work so he definately needs a break. Im going to drive us to Chester as he has to drive a long way to his meeting today.

I hope your day gets better!

I hope you're having a lovely time! Is the hotel nice? Are you having meals there too? Is the spa lovely? I don't expect you'll have time to answer, but I thought I'd write anyway. I hope the drive was ok. How long did it take?

I've known Lucy since my first day at uni. She was in my tutor group & on my course. We bonded over our lack of ability with lab practicals! We both wanted to get good marks so always tried hard & stayed late, but neither of us were as committed to the course as others who actually felt passionate about it. We were sort of swots without actually being that interested in what we were doing! We only talk about every couple of months, but it's as if no time has passed when we do. I've known Natalie since uni too - she lived in the room next to me in the first year & we shared a house with other people in the 2nd year.

My day did improve, I managed to keep 3rd attempt at breakfast down & went to work. My brother came over after work with Tal & we walked him down to nearby river. Tal just stood in the river with the balls in his mouth, he didn't quite get the fact that he had to drop them near us so we could throw them! I think he was enjoying being cool. T enjoyed my brother's company - he always seems younger when he's about!

I'm meeting up with my brother's girlfriend again today. I'm not actually looking forward to it at the moment cos I was sick again this morning. I don't really want to eat out. Hopefully I'll feel better by lunchtime. I've got to have my whooping cough jab this evening. I'm worried about it, as it's more medical intervention, but I guess I just have to trust they know its safe. My cousin's wife had hers last week & was still sore & red 3 days later, so I'm not looking forward to that bit either.

Hope you're having a wonderful time. Just think what you were doing 3 years ago today...! Such an exciting time! Have you bought anniversary presents?


Dear Janine & Richard,

Happy 3rd Wedding Anniversary! May the bond between you continue to strengthen & may you have many years of happiness ahead of you.


Catherine & Trevor

Happy Anniversary! Hope you have a lovely day at the zoo today! Hope there's not too much rain.

It's weird opening the curtains & seeing rain on the window & low cloud! I might still wear a dress to work, as we have clients in & I don't have anything else smart that fits. Hope it's not too cold!

I had a nice lunch with my brother's girlfriend yesterday. The hour went v quickly again. When T got home, we went to a nearby lavender field. A farmer has diversified & started growing lavender & opened a shop & cafe. It's really beautiful there & smells lovely. T took loads of pics of the butterflies on the lavender.

I had my whooping cough jab yest too. My arm has been getting more sore over night, it's meant to last about 4 days, but the rest of me feels fine.

I've got to train the new boy at work today - I'm not looking forward to it. It's a complicated week as there's wages & tax to pay, so I hope he doesn't get under my feet too much. I'm just planning on letting him watch me this week, so he gets an idea about how it all works.

Hope you have a lovely day & enjoy reminiscing about you wedding day!

Hi Catherine.

I didnt have any internet connection! How frustrating. We are home now, very tired from walking round the zoo. I will write tomorrow and tell u all about it. I hope u are ok!? Sorry i couldnt write. Thanks for the anniversary card!

Janine xxx

I can't wait to hear all about your break! I hope you had an amazing time! How annoying not having Internet. It's completely fine that you didn't write to me, I wouldnt expect you to when you're having a romantic break, but I know how frustrating it can be when you can't just look things up when you want to.

Training the new boy yest wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. He didnt seem to panic or worry about the task, & I even got more done than usual with his help! My other colleague has driven me mad since she started, cos she has a tendency to panic & say she's having the worst day ever when she just makes a tiny mistake. Then she either doesn't listen to you or argues with you when you try to teach her. This boy was much better than that thankfully. He just quietly listened & seemed to pick it up. He didnt make as many notes as I'd like, so I hope he will remember it all when I'm gone, but other than that he was fine.

My arm is getting sorer still where I had my jab on Wed. Last night the rest of me was feeling achey so I was worried that would be another side effect, but this morning it's just the hand of the injected arm that aches.

Are you looking after James today? Who had him on Tues? I bet he missed you!

I might be going shopping with my younger brother today, although he wasn't being very enthusiastic yest (even though it was his idea!) I expect he'll only let me know when he wakes up today, which will probably be at about 11! He's finished being a butterfly warden now, so he's having a rest.

Hope you have a good day today. xxx

We had a lovely time in Chester. I drove there and it took over 2 hours. The hotel was very nice. After checking in we had a picnic in our room that I had made (my money saving idea! lol). On Wednesday after breakfast in the resturant we played golf lol. R played 9 holes but I got bored and stopped playing after 6 holes. The game finished a lot quicker without me doing my 100 hits! Some shots I did really good but that was just luck. R can hit his ball really far, so we spent sometime searching for his. The weather was nice and sunny. Then we went swimming and relaxed on the beds by the pool. We booked in the resturant for our evening meal and had to wait over an hour after ordering to get it. But it was worth the wait! Soooo nice!! I had lamb and it was amazing.
Yesterday we went to the Zoo and that was class. It rained when we arrived but soon got our very hot. I loved seeing all the animals. Funny that u said T was taking pics of butterflies, as R was too!!
Here is a photo. It was only taken with his phone though :)
R drove back last night. We were so tired!

I'm glad training the boy went well. He might of been worried inside but hid it well. I hope he knows what he is doing! I would need to write everything down.
It's lovely that u met up with your brothers gf again. This is becoming a regular thing :). Is your brother pleased that u are getting closer and making an effort together? I think it's really good. Does she meet u in her lunch hour? What does she do for work?

I hope your arm gets better from your whooping cough jab. If your hand is now sore, maybe it's working its way down your fingers and out your body :)

I don't need to look after James as my SIL is a teacher and is off now for 6 weeks! I miss him so much! I will have to go round for a visit. My brother, Grant, (James dad) came round to put my bin out whilst I was away lol. I will need to see James or he will forget who I am.
My other brother Craig is still on his own with his family in Croatia, but he is working now so keeping busy.

Today I need to unpack and do some washing and cleaning. The inlaws are coming round tonight as they are off in the caravans on holiday for 2 weeks from tomorrow. R and I are looking after the children's fish called Nemo! It is a goldfish won at a fair but it has grown very big and they have had it for years. We look after it every holiday and hope to god it doesn't die! I hope it survives these next two weeks!!

Have a nice time shopping with your brother. I hope your arm gets better.
Botheration!!! I was just finishing a long message to you (literary writing the last word) & my battery died, so now it's all disappeared! I don't have time to rewrite it now, so I will write again later. We're off to our first NCT course today - 10 til 3:30, long day! Glad to hear you had such a lovely time away.

Hope you have a good day. xxx

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