Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)

Aww sorry u lost your message. Nightmare when something like that happens.
I hope u have a good time on the course and learn lots.
I will write later too :)


I hope u are having a good day and enjoying the course. What have u learnt? Did u take notes :). Did T go with u?

I had a rather lazy day yesterday and didn't get any washing done. I did clean the house as the inlaws came round last night. I had to entertain them on my own as R went out with work AGAIN! He only went out last Sat night and then last night too - he is not in my good books lol. He came in from work and told me he was going to York which is an hour away! He drove some of his work friends and didn't get home until 5am when it was light outside! I didn't sleep without him so we are both tired out. He left for work at 7am. I know he will be very tired tonight when he gets home. What a silly man!!

We now have Nemo the fish staying with us :). I hope he survives.

I'm starting to get tummy ache and a bit of cramping now. Im 11dpo and AF is due on Monday. If she doesn't arrive I'm planning on testing Monday morning but I don't hold out much hope. I have some cheap tests though so might as well have fun using them. AF will probably come straight after testing! My temp went lower yesterday but back up high again today, thats a good sign but probably my body playing tricks!

Today I'm spending time with my mum. We are going for a walk soon with Hollie. The weather looks lovely again :)

We are not going for lunch for my friends 30th on Sunday now as she is ill. I've got a whole free weekend! Yipeeee!!!


Sorry I didn't write again yest, I was just so mentally tired after the course. We covered a lot of different things! I can't decide if it was good or not - I don't know what I actually learnt. We seemed to go from one topic to another without any explanation - like a relaxation visualisation exercise to a practice contraction, but without any words about how we could use this to help us. We learnt about how to encourage the release of oxytocin, such as dim light, so that was good. There were 8 couples there. There was a lot of group work & answering questions in front of the group - I didn't like that bit being shy! T's least favourite bit was having to explain why we had our names - he hates his name so hated having to talk about it. He seemed to get on well with the blokes, even though he claims he is more shy than me - he is actually much better in groups than I am. We weren't the oldest couple there - I'm pretty sure at least 2 of the mums were older than me, one def was, so that was good. I was worried they'd all be mid 20s & I'd be ancient! We looked at pics of labour & it felt a bit like that would apply to everyone else in the room but not me - I'm a bit worried I'm too much in denial now!!

Interesting your temp went up yest, I wonder what that was about? How is it today? Shame you're feeling crampy, but then that doesn't necessarily rule anything out, I had that. I will be keeping my fingers crossed that this is the right month.

Your naughty husband, going out til 5am lol!! Was he really tired & grumpy yest eve? I so couldn't cope on 2 hours sleep! At least you didn't have to go to work yest. I'm so glad T doesn't socialise with his ok colleagues, I would miss him too much! (That makes it sound like I keep him locked up with me - of course I would encourage him to go out if he wanted to, I'm just pleased he doesn't want to)

Hope Nemo is settling in ok. What a lot of responsibility! I would be terrified of it dying with me too - they don't live that long do they? My parents have got a tropical fish that is 18 years old! It's about a foot long and eats algae through a sucker for a mouth. It's a Plecostoma, called Pleco! We often see them in zoos.

I'm glad you had such a nice time away, it sounded lovely! Cunning plan with the picnic! Well done or managing 6 holes, that's above the call of duty! Glad the food was nice & you enjoyed the zoo. Great pic of the butterfly, esp as its with his phone. It's funny you put up a pic of a butterfly on Fri, cos in my message in the morning I had a really strong urge to post one of T's pics! It must've been share a butterfly pic day! Here is pic I wanted to put up:

I don't know if my brother likes me meeting up with his GF or not. At first he was worried what I was going to say about him! Yes, she meets during her lunch break. She is a project manager. I'm not sure what that is, but it's high powered & well paid.

My arm is less sore today. Other people on the course were complaining about it hurting too, so it must be what happens. There's a red lump there now, about 10cm across.

Shame you don't have to look after James over the summer. Maybe you should just turn up on Tues & Fris anyway!

Did you have lads of rain yest? It rained constantly from 4pm till I went to bed here. T made me watch The Dark Knight Rises last night - joy! The only good thing was that I was able to stay lying down for all of it (usually I've been getting too uncomfy lately) so I got lots of cuddles. Not sure that's enough compensation tho!

Glad you don't have to deal with your friends meal today, although obviously a shame she's ill. Do you have any new plans for today? We're off to see my cousin's new house today. She moved in in May but has had to do loads to it, so we're only going round to see it now. She was one of my bridesmaids. She lives about 45 mins away now.

Hope you have a good day. Hope you it lots of sleep! xxx
PS can't believe I'm 30 weeks & only 70 days left! Eeek! 30 weeks seems much more serious than 29! I'm hoping to convince T to help me write a list of what we still need to do this morning.
Good evening!

Wow that butterfly photo is brilliant! Does T have a special camera? He is good at photography.

I'm glad u enjoyed the course even if u are not sure what u learnt. How did u answer the question about how u got your names? I got mine because my mum wanted me to have my dads initals, but I wouldn't want to explain that infront of a group and have to say my dad died etc....bit of a downer lol. I know that R's dad chose his name. How did your names come about?

Do u like the name George? I hope Will and Kate didn't steal your name? :)

I watched a bit of the Olympic opening ceremony last night as it was on TV!
Have u been watching BB? I was shocked with the lastest twist and at who left last Friday night. I don't know who i'd like to win this year.

It was a lovely sunny day here yesterday. I woke up to lots of rain this morning but its turned out nice again, but not as hot as we are used to :)

My temp went down a bit today and I can feel AF approaching. If she doesn't come, I might test at 7am, just for fun. I know I will be disapointed and I have been a bit down today because I know this cycle is not my lucky one! Nevermind, there is always next month. I'm sure AF will arrive sometime tomorrow. Boooooo!!!

I'm glad your arm isn't as sore. Hopefully it will feel all better soon.

My friend re-arranged her birthday meal for Wednesday night. At least by then my AF pains should of sub-sided a bit.

I hope u have had a nice day seeing your cousins new house. Is it nice?
Did u make your list with T? Not long now!!!! Can't believe u are 30 weeks :). I'm very happy for u. I know when the baby arrives u won't have time to write to me everyday. I will have to get your email or re-join facebook so I don't lose touch with u. Would be strange to never speak again after writing everyday through such an important time in our lives.

I tested and got BFN. Stark white. Nevermind, it's what i expected anyway :-(


Oh no, what a shame! I'm sorry to hear it was so white. I suppose it shows you know your body as you were expecting it. I can't really think what other positive spin to put on it. What a rubbish way to start the day. Just need AF to arrive now so you can move on to the next cycle. Onwards & upwards!

T has just bought a new camera a couple of weeks ago. He's been researching it for a year & deciding which one to get. It has lenses you can change, but it's compact, so not as big & heavy as normal cameras of that type. He's v pleased with it. His research has been slightly driving me crazy, so I'm glad it's been bought!

I told the group I was named after my great-grandmother, which I think is right, but I'm not sure. It might be my great-step-grandmother. T said he didn't know what his parents were thinking so we're going to be sure we have a more classic name. Lots of people didn't know, it was quite a daft question. One man was called a different name for the first 6 weeks of his life & then they changed it. One woman was born Samantha but changed it to Annie when at uni! V odd!

We liked George & it had recently come on to our list, but wasn't in the top 3 boys names, so we don't mind that its gone. T has an uncle George from his D's side of the family, who they have nothing to do with, so it would have had same first & surname as baby. I'm not convinced that would have been good, but t thought it was ok. My cousins wife said it was their name & it had been stolen! They are having trouble with boys names. She is from George in South Africa, so it would've been quite good for them. Oh well.

I'm watching Sat's bb as I write. It's weird Dan has gone, quite a shock for them all. I find Callum quite creepy. I don't know who I want to win either. I'm surprised Gina is so popular.

Not hearing your news would be no good at all! It would be so strange! You probably know more about what I've felt & done in the last 6 months than my best friend, through writing every day. I think we have really similar values & we'd be friends in real life. You hear of people in their 50s having pen friends they've written to for years & years - maybe we'll be like that lol!

My cousins house was a nice starter home. They've done loads to it - reprinted, new kitchen, new bathroom, new carpet, new windows! All since June! They originally thought it would take 2 weeks!!! They seem exhausted from all the DIY, but proud of their work. The only thing they got professionals in for was the windows, although they had help from his parents.

It's swimming day again today. I dread to think how many school kids will be in the pool. There may be some serious lane rage!! I get scared when people swim near me that they might accidentally hit my bump. I have the same problem when I'm out shopping. I want a big force field around me that people can't get through! I'm v tempted to wear a "wide load -keep clear" sign!! A flashing light on my head would be good too!!

Hope you manage to find something positive to keep you distracted from the wait for AF today. Do you have anything to keep you busy?

I felt sadder yesterday not knowing than i do now. Like u said, i just need AF to come so i can start a fresh cycle. My cramps have gone at the moment lol tipical. I'm going on a hen do this weekend so i will use that to distract me and to focus on. I would of felt like u if i was pregnant and not wanted anyone near my tummy in a crowded bar, even at 5 weeks, so it must be even worse with a bump. It least i will be able to have a couple of drinks.

R is so much like T when iy comes to choosing and researching stuff. He takes ages and asks for my opinion even though he knows i'm not really bothered.

Its a shame that your cousin might of used the name George. She will probably have a girl and then it wont matter.

Your cousin has done amazing to get all that DIY done in such a short time! Puts me and R to shame :)

I find Callum on BB creepy too. He is too over-the-top and smarmy. Gina is a good character to watch but i wouldnt of expected her to be favourite to win. Sophie is a good person but she swears too much. I dont really have a favourite.

Nemo is still swimming strong :) i hope u enjoy your swim today.

Yes it would be nice to keep writing. Ive never had a pen pal or anyone i have written to as much as this before. I tell u more than i get to tell my friends too. I'd never talk to them about testing or anything about my cycle. I tend to keep more private in real life. But i like sharing with u. I think we are very similar too. Except u are much better at writting than me :). I bet u have nice hand writting too. I don't like my handwritting very much.

R is off work today and tomorrow so we are going to go places but no plans made yet.

Have a nice day xxx

How are you? Has AF arrived?

Nice that R has 2 days off. Dd you go out yest? Where are you going today?

I have my staff meeting today - eek! I've made a plan/itinary, so I know what I'm going to be talking about, so at least that's something. I just hope I can go through all I have to without muddling it up! I'm really not confident with public speaking. Hopefully it will be ok as they are all people I know.

Glad Nemo is still swimming well. My swimming was really good yesterday - I had a whole lane to myself for the whole 30 lengths! My flashing light must've worked!! There were less serious swimmers there than usual, the kids must've put them off. There were several kids & 2 lots of annoying gossiping "swimmers", but they didnt bother me in my private lane! It was heaven! I was quicker to swim my lengths too, cos I could just swim in a straight line, not round people.

Did you have thunder yest? We had loads & lots of huge downpours. T & I went to Bath & got caught in a downpour. I had sandals, thin cotton trousers & a t-shirt on - I looked v inappropriately dressed! In between the showers it was sunny, so I was hot then.

I don't like my handwriting at all either. Lucy has lovely rounded, even sized writing, mine is all a bit random. It's getting worse as I get older too. I find some letters just turn into lines!

I'd better go and try to find something to wear for my meeting. I think I might still have to wear my dress, even though its raining. I don't actually have anything smart to wear. I will feel like a bit of a fool!

Hope you & R have a good day. xxx

AF didnt come yesterday but my temp has nose dived today and is now very low so i expect AF today.

Good luck for your staff meeting. Do u have u stand up at the front or just sit down round a table to talk? Standing up would frighten me more. Whats your last day at work?

Yesterday we walked Hollie up the woods near our house. Lucky we missed the rain. We went to my mums house and it thundered whilst we were there but not for long - i wanted a big storm!! R cooked a lovely shepherds pie for us all and it was gorgeous.

Today we are planning on doing a bit of gardening if it doesnt rain. Then we will go somewhere will Hollie.

Your VIP swim sounded good. Keep up at this rate and u will be in the next olympics!

Bath is a good place to get wet lol. What did u do there? Baby shopping?

Im looking after James for a bit on Thursday. Cant wait! My brother Grant has a hospital appointment and his wife Helen is going with him. So i get James :)

I hope the staff meeting went well. Have a good day

How are you? Has AF arrived now or is she still hiding?

According to my boss, my meeting was "brilliant"! It seemed to go ok. Everyone was a bit cynical of my handouts to start with, but I think they saw the point. We were all sitting down, I didn't have to stand up thankfully! I finish at the end of August. I've only got 9 more days at work - woohoo! I can't wait till I don't have to deal with my smokey/stinky perfumed, incompetent colleague anymore.

Did you manage to get any gardening done? It was quite sunny here in the afternoon, although very grey & drizzly in the morning. It looks grey again this morning. It was so much easier when I could just put the same dress on each day! I don't know what to wear again today. I'm off to the women only part of the NCT course this AM. I have to bring something that symbolises a woman I respect who is also a mother. I then have to share with the group what I admire about this woman. I don't like sharing with the group lol! I'm taking my favourite photo of my mum, which was taken on my wedding day, which she was such a help with. (I hope no one notices that T printed it on the wrong side of the photo paper!! Oops!) I've written a few things I admire on the back. I hope I've done it right! I wonder what else we will do. It's a 2 hour session. T is a bit put out that its women only - he can't imagine what part of this he doesn't need to know about. Nor can I, to be honest, but maybe people don't share as much as we do?

We were baby shopping in Bath. We thought we had chosen our cot bedding & hence the theme for the nursery, but we changed our mind over the weekend, so we wanted to look at the original & see if we could find alternatives. We found a Jojo Maman Baby shop that we didnt know was there. It had lovely baby grows & maternity clothes, I wish I'd found it before! Most of the baby clothes were gender specific, but we got a stripey baby grow in organic cotton, so soft, reduced from £15 to £5. It's 3-6 months, so will fit baby after Xmas. It had really nice toys too. We'll def go back once baby is born. They had a catalogue in which we found nice nursery stuff for if baby is a boy, but the girl stuff wasn't as nice.

In another shop we found an ex-display cot bed that comes with a free mattress. We thought about it over night & reserved it by phone yesterday morning. Cots had been a contentious issue between us - T wanted this expensive one that I thought was ugly, chunky & didn't like that there was no drop side. I was happy to use my SIL's old one, even though it was white & the rest of our nursery furniture is wood. This one is not much more than we would have paid for a mattress, has a drop side & should go with the rest of our furniture. I'm pleased to have chosen one, it makes me feel more organised.

Yey that you're looking after James tmr! Is it just a check up for Grant or does he have to have more treatment?

Is there a theme for your friend's hen do? Do you have to wear anything in particular? Where are you going?

I'd better go & give more thought to the qualities of my mum that I admire! Hope you have a good day. Does R work 9 to 5?


Well done with your staff meeting. U sound so pro with handouts! And 9 days left....whoop whoop!!

Funny that u need to talk about a mother who u admire. This class teacher is just getting her class to do all the work! Lol. Surely everyone is going to choose their own mother? Funny if someone chose Victoria Beckham or a celeb lol. I hope u have a good lesson and learn lots. Shame T cant go. If he dressed up as a woman and put a cushion up his jumper he might of got in!

Yesterday we did a lot of gardening. R cut lots of hedges and bushes so it looks neater but overall it looks no different lol. It was a hot day here. AF came so i gave up gardening and just sat in the sun and watched R. Then we went to a local village where the inlaws live and R grew up, and we got ice-cream. I got a massive tub and R thought i wouldnt eat it all but i proved him wrong :).

R is back at work today 8-5 then we are going for Jodi's 30th birthday meal at 8pm. Im not looking forward to it as she has just had her baby and everyone else has children so it will be baby talk all night. But they all know what happened with us, so hopefully i will be OK. Her husband Mr Insensitive had better not say the wrong thing!

So im cd2 now and took my clomid tablet this morning. I usually take them at night but decided not to as im on the hen night. Infact, the month i got bfp i took my tablets in the morning. FX this is my month!

Rachels hen do is in Manchester. The theme is princesses. We have bright pink t-shirts with 'Rachels Princesses' on the front in Disney writing and our name on the back - i'm 'Juicey Janine' - ive been that on a few hen nights before lol.
It should be fun but i only know Rachel and her sister so im going to have to make friends :). Im meeting up with Rachel tomorrow afternoon to talk about the plans as they have been organised on facebook so im not in the loop.

Grant is going for a check-up tomorrow i think. I cant wait to see James :)

Im glad u have ordered your cot and are feeling more organised. Its so exciting. Not long now...

Have a nice day xxx

How did the meal go? Did Mr Insensitive behave himself? Was there any non baby talk?

Have you had any side effects from taking the clomid in the morning or is it ok?

My class was good yesterday, I enjoyed it more than Sat - probably cos I feel more familiar with the people. I decided to wear a stripey top & black trousers. When I got there, I found I was one of 4 out of 7 wearing a stripey top lol! One lady said she felt like she'd missed the dress code memo! We heard about how everyone got there BFPs. One lady had had 5 miscarriages before this baby & another lady's baby was a frozen embryo from ivf after many miscarriages. 2 had been trying for a year plus & 2 got pregnant within 6 months - 1 on her first attempt, despite being convinced she would have problems. It was v hard not to cry while the ladies were talking re miscarriages.

We talked more about labour, so that was good, as I felt I needed more details. The mother bit was odd - some people chose their grandmothers, one lady chose her aunt. They had stories about how they'd overcome obsticles like death of a child. Me saying what I admired about my mum seemed a bit lame in comparison.

Lol that you proved R wrong with the icecream!

The princess theme sounds good, any tiaras being worn? Sounds fun. I was Captivating Catherine at my hen weekend. Lucy was almost Juicy Lucy, but she became Lushious Lucy. She texted yest to ask if she could come and visit today!!! Unfortunately I can't get a day off work at that late notice, especially while I'm training the boy. She going to call in next Wed instead. I'd better start removing the cobwebs I've been ignoring lately!!

Better get ready for work. I feel a bit pants today. I was awake for ages in night til I was sick, now I feel exhausted. Hopefully I'll be fine when I get going.

Hope you enjoy your morning with James & hearing about the hen night.
Morning Captivating Catherine.

The meal was really good thanks. Not too much baby talk and it was nice to go out with our friends without all their children. Mr Insensitive was well behaved :). We had a lovely evening.

We got a big shock this morning. Every thurs we get a text from our bank and today our mortgage comes out. The text showed we had paid almost 2 grand mortgage payment! We had to ring the banks etc to sort it out. I was panicking lol. We wanted to round our payment up a bit and pay more but they doubled it!! Lol

Im going to look after James at 11am. Im not going to see Rachel now to talk about hen do as she just text saying she has mice in her front room and had to leave lol.
Im going shopping later as i want some leather shorts which i might wear this weekend. We are wearing tiaras!!

Im glad u enjoyed your class yesterday. It must of been really sad. Is everyone willing to share? It could be hard for some to talk about. I dont know how i would feel about sharing my story. Id end up crying. When is your next class?

Nice that u are seeing Lucy next week. I have friends like that, who i dont see for a while but nothing changes.

Im cd3 now. I dont think clomid is giving me any side effects....hopefully just a BFP :)

Have a good day. I hope u feel better and not too tired

What a nightmare with your mortgage payment! That would scare the life out if me! Glad you got it all sorted.

Oh dear that Rachel has mice lol! What is she going to do about it? Maybe she needs a cat!! Hope you enjoyed looking after James. Was he pleased to see you? What did you do with him?

How was your shopping trip? Buy anything nice? How far is the nearest town fir shopping from you?

Everyone in the class was willing to share, but coukd have easily not shared if they hadn't wanted to. The question was just how did you feel when you got your BFP, so they could have just spoken about this one if they'd wanted to.

My boss said again how brilliant my meeting was yest & added that they are really going to miss me. I'm glad they realise this lol! I'm so glad I'm not going to be there when they try to mudde through, it all seems like a nightmare. I was a bit naughty yest, the colleague who I can't stand was making a huge fuss about how one ream of our headed paper was slightly different from the others. She started the story with "I had such a terrible time on Tues" cos of this - get a life woman! No one is really going to notice! And it really isnt that big a deal, it doesnt ruin your day!! Anyway, she expected me to sort this out for her, but I just said "the number of the printers is in the phone book, feel free to sort it out"! Thats what she'll have to do when I'm on leave. Funnily enough, she then shut up about it! It amazes me she is so overexcited about this, yet is willing to send out letters with loads of spelling & grammer mistakes in them. I'm so nasty, my tolerance for her seems to go down each week. She was saying to me yest that she doesn't think our other colleague likes her. It's funny she thinks that, yet hasn't picked up on the fact that I can't stand her!!

I think the boy has learnt that he should write notes - I left him to do the tasks I'd taught him last week & he coukdnt remember how to do them. He wrote a lot more notes this week! My boss asked me to tell him to dress differently, that was a bit awkward. He has been wearing suit trousers, a shirt & tie. We have a more smart casual dress code, as we want a more relaxed impression for the kids. I had to tell him to lose the tie & wear a more casual shirt. He took it quite well.

Did you have the heat wave yest too? It was so hot! I think it's meant to cool down again today. I've got a dull day today of washing & paperwork. I ought to make a start on tidying for Lucy's visit too, if I have time. What are you up to? Hope you have a good day.


I loved seeing James yesterday. Before they left my brother said "i cant wait for James to pull himself up on the furniture", then he went upstairs to finish getting ready and James pulled himself up!! Lol. It was amazing. Grant saw him do it again when he came downstairs. I just stayed indoors and played with him yesterday. It was boiling hot and now he can crawl really well its fun to play on the floor.
I went shopping afterwards but didnt buy anything. I tried on some shorts but i didnt like the fit. The shops are about 20 mins from my house but close to my mums. My other brother Craig came for tea at mums so that was nice to see him.

Rachel does have a cat! She left the cat locked in the room with the mice lol.

You are doing well at work with sorting out your rude colleague and training the new boy. Funny that u had to tell him to lose the tie!

Today im going to cut the grass - i always seem to be doing that lol. Then clean a bit and pack for hen do tomorrow. Im driving to Manchester and taking Rs car as it holds 5, whereas mine only seats 4 people. We are meeting at 10.30am to set off. Im getting nervous!

I hope u have a good day even tho u are doing paperwork and washing. Find time to put your feet up and have a day dream about your baby :)


Lucy is now coming on Sun! Argh! So instead of tidying, I am writing to you! V productive!! T is home & we have tidied a bit, but having a rest now. I guess we will be tidying tomorrow! T likes the house to be like a show home when people come round, I just like anything embarassing to be out of sight! It was like a show home last time she visited, so we'd better not look like our standards have slipped!!

Are you staying away in Manchester then? A nice hotel or just somewhere to lay your head? You're brave driving everyone. I don't like driving other people. I lost my confidence a bit when I couldn't drive for 7 years cos of my ME. I worry I'll get too involved in conversation & forget what I'm doing lol! What will you do in the daytime?

Our grass might actually need cutting too. It hasn't gran for weeks cos of the sun, but I think the rain has woken it up again. It's good you do that - its another of poor T's jobs in our household!

Amazing that James can pull himself up, he'll be walking in no time! Then you'll have your work cut out in Sept! What age does your SIL teach?

Rest time is over, better go & tidy something! Who do you think will go on BB tonight?


Its been a very hot day! I only managed to cut the back garden as i was too warm and that took me an hour.

Im all packed for tomorrow bit Rachel text and said something about tutus and tiaras! I wasnt planning on a tutu lol i missed that memo! Good job i sell dance clothes as i will have to grab a tutu from my shop in the morning.
Im a bit nervous about driving to be honest, but im a bad passenger. I get car sick and dont like sitting in the back of a car all squashed so driving is the better option. R has cleaned his car for me and put petrol in and done the tyre pressure and water so im sorted!
We are going for lunch then to a spa and im getting a manicure. After that we get ready for the evening and have a 3 course meal before going out to tiger tiger. I feel tired just thinking about it lol. Im going to be a real lazy bones on Sunday.

U know i started that thread for a bfp by oct? Well today there was an argument and some of the ladies fell out! It was strange. I didnt like it. Im not used to people falling out. Im glad ive got u to chat with :)

So Lucy is coming sooner. What will u do on Sunday? How long has it been since u last saw her. Does she have any children?

My SIL teaches English in secondary so aged 11-16 years - the worst kind! Lol
Ive taught drama in a secondary school and has to leave because the children were so badly behaved. Ive also taught dance in a college and didnt like that lol the students thought they were too cool for school!! Too cocky and clever.

I think Callun or Hazel will leave tonight. Going to watch it when R gets out the shower.

I hope u got some more tidying done. Do u still have a cleaner? I like my house like a show home too but i still have my nieces and nephews drawings and painting on my kitchen wall :). I always keep my downstairs nice and tidy but upstairs is a different story. Looks like a bomb went off upstairs lol.


We're so alike - I'm a bad passenger too! I'm ok I. Front, but can't be in the back. Trouble is, T is even worse than I am! If we go out with my parents, he always has to drive my Dad's car & my parents go in the back! I hope baby doesn't inherit it too!

Lucky you can get a tutu easily! Hen dos are so funny - I'm not convinced many princesses wear tutus lol! It does sound like like you'll have a lovely day with the trip to the spa though. Hope you get a nice colour on your nails. I always have trouble choosing what colour to get done - there's too much choice & I like it to last, so want a colour I can wear to work. I so want to paint my nails! I'm probably being silly banning myself cos of the chemicals, I noticed lots of the NCT women had painted toes. But I've put so many chemicals in myself with my sickness pills, I feel like maybe I can balance it a bit by not painting my nails! My toes look v bare!

Oh dear to the people on your thread arguing - it sounds like something on BB! It's such a shame when people aren't supportive of each other on here. I'm always amazed when I occasionally see threads like that. I'm definitely of the "if you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" philosophy. Hope they are nicer to each other today. Have any of them managed to get their BPFs?

We'll be taking Lucy out to lunch, although not sure where. Our nearest pub is a bit fancy, I don't know what their Sunday roast will be like, if they do one. Lucy & her partner James are driving 2 hours to visit us, so we don't want to go too far. I last saw Lucy this time last year. Before that, I saw her for my hen weekend & wedding in 2010 but hadn't seen her since 2002 before that! I don't know us that happened, we spoke regularly but never met up. She met James in the 1st term of uni, but he never really hung out with us, so I've only had about 3 conversations with him in my life! They dated from 1998 til 2007 when they moved in together (bought a flat) in Glasgow - until then they hadn't lived in same town since uni! He says the mortgage is enough of a commitment & they don't need to get married & she goes along with this, although I think she'd like to get married. She hasn't decided if she wants kids yet. He works on a submarine and is gone for up to 6 months at a time, so it wouldn't really work at the moment. When he's away, she is only allowed to send him one 120 word message a week & he is not allowed to message her at all! I couldn't cope with that!

My best friend Natalie teaches French at a secondary school - it sounds a nightmare! I couldn't do it! I'm not surprised you didn't like it. Little kids are much nicer!

Yes, we still have a cleaner. I had arrange for her to come on Mon before Lucy came in Wed - bit late now lol! We have tidied most of the house, just need to dust and hoover now. I've decided she's not going in my bedroom, that's in too much of a state to tidy! The rest of upstairs is ok, that will have to do!

I hope you have a lovely time in Manchester! Hope you enjoy the spa and have enough energy for the night out! I'm sure once you get started you will get some energy! Hope you have a great time!


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