Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)


Happy bank holiday :)

Im glad u had a nice time with Natalie. Its a shame she changes when her husband is around, i can see why that would bother u. Its good that she came alone :)

Last night the inlaws came round and brought us their old kitchen table and 4 chairs. They got new ones and their old ones are still in good condition and very solid. We are going to paint them and update them a bit but the table is perfect size for our kitchen. We have a breakfast bar with 2 stools but i wanted a proper table that children can do crafts/painting/baking etc on and im not worried about it getting spoilt. We have a corner sofa in our kitchen too so wasnt sure if there was room for a table but there is and still feels spacious.

Today im going wallpaper shopping with my mum to help her choose for her living room and hallway, very exciting lol. I dont have any other plans.

R seems a bit happier. He doesnt like to talk about the baby and if he is feeling down i can just tell. He is not very good at talking about his feelings.

Yes we got a load of wheelie bins lol still havent got our new one yet though!! One is for general waste and the other is garden waste. They are collected each week but alternately. The new bin replaces our recycling box which will be for paper, plastic etc...the new one is bright blue! Looks stupid! The blue one will go out with the green waste. Its quite complicated lol.
At our old house we only had one bin and that got collected each week and we paid far less council tax than we do here.

I hope u have a nice day today and your mums knee gets better quickly. I hope Ts mum gets the doctor round tomorrow.

U only have 40 days to go :)

How are you today? I've done my last Tuesday at work! Yikes! Seems very odd!

Your kitchen must be huge to fit a sofa & a table! We have a living/dining room. We have room for a 3 piece sofa & a 6 seater table. Our kitchen is square and has space in the middle, but nowhere you could put a table.

Did your mum chose her wallpaper? Are you & R putting it up for her?

T's mum should have had the doctors out today but we haven't heard how she got on. She was still really poorly when T visited yesterday. She still has a temperature & isn't eating. She has pains in her back now so thinks its a kidney infection. She hasnt been watching any tv, shes too poorly to concentrate, so i dont know how shes passing the time. I really hope she did get the doctor out.

Did R ring the FS today? How long is till his appt now? That was Sep wasn't it?

We had a lot of unwelcome visitors at our meet up yesterday - wasps! 100s of them, horrible things! I had one on my elbow at one point, not nice. It's lucky no one got stung. The farm shop we went to was v nice - the scone I had was delicious & still warm (how do you pronounce scone? To rhyme with on or own? I'm the on version.)

Hope you have a good evening. Have I managed to convince you to try Bake Off? It's on bbc2 tonight at 8 if I have!

Good evening.

Ive spent the whole day with my brother Grant and James. His wife was getting a train to meet her friends for the day so i spent the day at their house. Grants gone to pick Helen up from the train station whilst i bathed James. He has had his bottle and is now a sleep in bed.

Oh and AF came today :-( nevermind. First time in my life that i have had a 28 day cycle! Thank u clomid!
Ive now only got one chance left on clomid. I will ask R to ring the FS tomorrow. His appointment is on 23rd Sept, so still a while to wait.

Our kitchen is quite big as it has been extended but like the front room, both rooms are long but not very wide. We have a 3 seater and a 2 seater brown leather sofas in the front room and a 6 seater dining table. Hollie has her own bedroom downstairs but that is like a little utility room which is also an extension.

Im glad u enjoyed the meet up yesterday. Shame about the wasps! I pronounce scone the on way as well.

Got to wrap it up as my brother is back now.

I will write tomorrow xxx
Im back!

Just got home. Ive missed bake off....opps! I will find it and record it for next week.

My mum chose wallpaper but hasnt bought it yet. She is quite good at papering so i will help her do it.

I hope Ts mum sees the doctor soon.

Congrats on your last Tues at work over and out! How exciting!!!!


How lovely that you got to spend the whole day with James! What did you & Grant do with him?

Shame that AF came. I was hoping the migraines were a sign of something going on. Will you have another chilled cycle this month?

T's mum texted at 9 last night to say dr had given her another week of the same antibiotics & had taken a uine sample for testing. A nurse will come in today or tomorrow to take some blood for testing. She said its a waiting game & she's fed up. She doesnt normally complain about all the pain she has to put up with, so must be really rubbish. I hope something can be done for her soon.

We're going to do a hospital tour of the labour wing today. I'm glad I booked as soon as I got to 30 weeks, as one of the ladies from NCT tried to book yest & they could only offer her one 2 weeks after she's due! I'm a little scared of the tour - I hope I don't hear women screaming! Someone on here said its not screaming from fear or pain, it's just a primal thing. I must remember that. I've had so many questions over the weeks, I hope I can remember them all today as this is my one chance to get answers. I've got a list.

T has taken a 1/2 day so he an go on the tour. I think we're going shopping after. I'm a bit shopped out, I don't know what needs to be bought & have been to Bath too many times recently! Maybe we'll go somewhere else as well.

I'd better go & get ready. T won't be impressed if he does home, having done 1/2 a day at work, & I'm not even dressed! Do you have to do any planning for the new term or do you just follow the same plans each year? What are you up to today?


Yesterday we went for a walk with James and got ourselves some sweets from this old fashioned sweet shop in the village. We just stayed in and played for the rest of the day.

R is off work today so we can spend some time together but we havent planned what we are going to do.

I hope u enjoy your hospital tour and dont hear anyone scream. Hopefully u will get answers to all your questions. As if that lady couldnt get a tour until after her due date lol.

I think im going to do a natural cycle without clomid. It will be interesting to see how long my cycle is and if clomid has changed it or kick started my system a bit. Ive only got one round of clomid left and feel safer knowing ive still got that chance rather than using it up now. Also im worried that my body is getting too used to clomid and maybe after a break it will become more powerful again iukwim. So i will track this cycle and see what happens.

Im glad Ts mum has seen the doc and is getting tested etc..
How is your mums knee?

Enjoy your afternoon shopping!


Did you enjoy your day with R yest? What did you get up to?

The hospital tour was quite scary. In my head I had convinced myself it would be like the birthing centre & not be all clinical, but it is very clinical! The delivery room felt & smelled like a dentists, which does not relax me! It was quite small & dated & felt quite scary. The ward was ok as wards go, nicer than the ward I was on when I went in before. We're going to go & do a tour of the birthing centre & see what that's like. Even the midwife at Bath assumed I'd be having it at the birthing centre & only go there if I had to. I don't know what to do again, I'm in a complete quandary. I'll wait till I have the other tour & see then I guess. T seems v keen on the birthing centre, cos he knows the hospital atmosphere would panic me, but then he doesn't have to go through it without an epidural!!

We wondered round Bath & had lunch out after, so that was nice. They have an area in the shopping street where there's a green carpet & deck chairs, so we sat in that for about an hour people watching! It was nice not to be rushing for a change. Poor T was exhausted yest & kept falling asleep in the evening, I hope he's not coming down with something.

I think mum's knee is ok thankfully. The bruise seems to be going down.

My last day at work today! So strange! I can't believe it's actually here! My boss is taking me out for lunch. I hope she doesn't expect me to do too much today, it will be very un satisfying to leave work half done when I leave. I need to leave on time as the yoga pregnacy class I did in June has started up again & I want to go to that this evening.

I wonder how your cycle will be without clomid. It sounds a good idea to try without it & see what happens. You can give your body a break from chemicals.

Is R off again today? Hope you have a good day.


Happy last day at work!!!! I cant believe how quickly it has come. Now u can really get prepared for the baby without having to go or even think about work. Whoop whoop!!!

Your Wednesday sounds nice. We did some people watching too! We went to Whitby which is a fishing village. Have u heard of Whitby fish? We can go far away down south and still see Whitby fish on the menu. We got fish & chips and then sat outside a little pub with wine. Hollie had a run on the beach and we walked along the pier. The boards on the pier have gaps in between and Hollies paws kept falling down the gaps. We then sat on a bench and Hollie suddenly did a massive wee so we had to get up lol.
We drove home along the coast which was lovely and stops for an ice-cream. We had a nice day.

R is working today and im going to see Grant & James again :).

Its a shame u didnt find the hospital very inviting. Im sure the birthing centre will look much nicer but id still prefer the hospital. Our hospital is quite modern though. I think once your in labour u wont care how clinical it seems. Id prefer to be in the place where the most care is. I hope u can decide which is best for u soon, not much time left :)

I know it will be interesting to see how my cycle is without the chemicals.

Enjoy lunch with your boss and your last day!


Your day out sounds lovely, especially the fish and chips! I don't remember seeing Whitby fish on any menus. I think I might have been to Whitby when I was on holiday in Yorkshire, is it near there? I'll have to ask my parents if we went there. Maybe I've just heard of it. You're so lucky to live so near the sea. Poor Hollie having her paws fall through the gaps!

Hope you had fun with Grant & James yesterday?

I can't believe I'm on maternity leave! It's so surreal! I had a really nice lunch out with my boss yesterday. One colleague came in specially to bring me a card & a candle (camomile tea - I can't stand the smell, as I don't like anything at the moment, but I'm going to regift it to my aunt for Christmas - she will love it. Cheeky?). My boss gave me a card too & a cheque for £20 so I'm going to buy myself something nice with that. Smokey womn didn't give me anything - maybe she has guessed how I feel about her! I don't think so, I think she's just too self involved to think about giving anyone a card. She said if I was bored I should go & visit her. I'm not taking my baby into her smokey house! But it was a nice gesture. My boss wants to come & visit when I've had the baby, that would be scary! I'd have to make sure the house wasn't in a state!

It was really weird leaving work yesterday. I've been there 8.5 years! I had to stay an hour later than usual to get everything done, as of course my boss came up with extra tasks for me to do! Everyone on the NCT course said they had to stay late on their last day, so I was kind of expecting it. Unfortunately it meant I couldn't go to pregnancy yoga. I hope it is on again next week, but then the teacher has messed me about so much I don't feel too bad.

T was either feeling ill or tired yesterday. Before I got home, he put himself to bed. My brother & mum came over unannounced & walked straight into the house when he was in bed in his PJs! He thought maybe it was me, as it was when I was due home, so he just stayed upstairs. When he worked it out, he got dressed & came downstairs, so luckily they didnt find him in bed. He told me he was fine & that we should go & do the birthing centre tour & cos I hadn't been home long I believed him. When we'd finished I asked him how he was & he said terrible! He went straight to bed with a temperature when we got home. He's gone to work today & claims he feels better, but who knows? He doesn't get man flu, he claims he never gets ill. The whole time I've known him he has just taken one day off work with a bad back & 4 days compassionate leave when his dad died. He must have the best sick leave record at his work!

The birthing centre was so much nicer than the hospital. It's modern, bright, calm, no scary equipment, nearer to home, more relaxed. Each room is larger & has a comfy chair, birthing ball & mats (which Bath didnt). I've still got no idea where to go. It doesn't have the drugs or the facilities if anything goes wrong. And there's the whole ambulance transfer which is scary. T is strongly for the birthing centre, everyone else thinks hospital. I'm sure I'll make up my mind at some point!!

What are you doing today? I have no idea what to do with my first day of maternity leave! (Even though I wouldn't normally work on a Fri!) My knitted blanket is v nearly finished, I might finish that. And it's collecting antisickness pills from the doctors day, excitement lol!! I hope you have more exciting plans!


Happy maternity leave!!

I cant believe its your first day off and u are wondering what u can do already lol. If i lived closer i could of come to visit lol. I think u should relax, put your feet up and finish your blanket.

What else do u need to do for baby? Have u got his/her name sorted? Is his/her room organised? Id love to see a pic of your babys bedroom.

As if T has changed his mind and now wants the birthing centre. I wonder which u do finally choose. I hope he is ok and not ill. R is the same, he never has time off work.

Lovely that you got gifts and cards from work. I dont think its cheeky if u regift your candle, i do that too sometimes :) lol.

Yes Whitby is in North Yorkshire which is where i live. I live in Guisborough. What is your Village called?

Today im going to my mums house. Think i will cut her grass and do a bit of gardening. I will also take my laptop as i have a lot of jobs to do before work starts back. I do follow the same format each year but this term we will work towards our xmas show so i need 21 new dances! Im trying to decide on songs/music for each class. Its really hard as i need to be passionate about the piece im doing otherwise it would turn out rubbish. I need the music to inspire me and get my creative side going lol then i feel excited for the dance and it works well.....usually lol.

I hope u enjoy the first day of your maternity leave.


Now that you mention it, I can't believe I didn't know what to do with the first day of maternity leave either! Oops! I should've had a plan! I've got plenty to do, I just need to actually do some of it! I ended up washing baby's clothes so I could pack them in baby's hospital bag. I thought that would take about a week of my leave, but I've done all the clothes under 3 months already! I managed to lose a babygrow in the wash!! I kept all the tiny mittens & booties, but lost a whole babygrow! I don't understand where it can have gone! Maybe it fell out on the way to the wash somewhere, I will have to search the whole house!

I finished my blanket! I can't believe it has taken 3 months! I'm very pleased with it though, I hope baby likes it. Here it is:

I need a new knitting project now. I want to sew a toy for baby, so I might do that first, but knitting is good cos I can do it in front of the tv.

Baby's room is still 1/2 my sewing room. Cos baby won't go in there till he's 6 months, we haven't felt that much urgency. We're not putting any stickers up or anything till we know the gender, as we want a different theme for each. We still don't have a cot, but the shop claim we will get it next week. Here is baby's wardrobe, with our nappy pile in the background (we've bought a selection of sizes cos they were cheap on amazon, plus got some free from Sainsburys):

This is baby's changing table, which used to be our telephone table!

This is baby's car seat & bouncer, with a Steiff teddy that T's mum bought baby - it has 2013 on his foot.

And this is a baby panda, just cos it was in my camera roll & I thought it was cute!

The other side of the room has my sewing table & we have a tall chest of drawers that match the wardrobe & changing table that are full of my sewing stuff! One of the drawers in the changing table is still full of post, from when it was a post drawer, but the others have baby stuff in them. We have a bookcase in there too that doesn't match, but I think it will be useful. T thinks it should go in the garage. We will see... Our cot is the same colour as the furniture. If money was no object, I would've preferred white furniture, but we had to use what we had. I'm sure baby won't mind!

What are you up to today? We're visiting my cousin's baby, who was born on Sunday. She's called Esther - quite unusual isn't it? Her sister is Isla (3). Isla will be at her grandparents today, my aunt & uncle, so we're going to visit them too afterwards. My cousin is out doing videographer work today, so it will just be his wife & Esther. I'm looking forward to hearing her birth story, although I hope it's not too gruesome! T has been at work this AM so we're going at 3. He was better yesterday, I think it might've been something he ate, as he did eat a 5 day out of date pudding on Mon - muppet! His mum said yesterday she felt a tiny bit better, so I hope that's the start of things improving for her.

Hope your work didn't give you a migraine yesterday? Did you chose any songs?

Hope you have a good Saturday! xxx
Ps you can see the bookshelf to the left of the wardrobe. It kind of goes doesn't it?

Thanks for posting all those pictures, i really enjoyed looking at them and seeing all your stuff. I think your furniture looks very nice. No way would i of thought u were 'making do', it all looks lovely to me. My brother has white furniture for James but i think yours looks nicer as its warmer colours. Your old telephone table to great for a changing table! I like all your things, it looks very organised. Your blanket is beautiful, i love it!! Good work Catherine. The baby panda is cute too lol.

I didnt get a migraine!! Yipee! I got a couple of songs chosen.Im doing Mary Poppins to open the show :).

Today im staying home and doing lots of housework then tonight R and i are going out for a meal. We have a £30 voucher to spend as i did that tesco club card points boost thingy.

Tomorrow R is going away for one night to Glasgow with work. Im not too keen as his team is him, one man and six women! Im not a very jealous person but i still dont like the thought of him going to a hotel with these women i dont even know. Im planning on sleeping at my mums house Sunday night i think. I dont like being alone all night.

As if T ate an out of date pudding lol what are men like :). Im glad he seems better now.

Have a lovely day visiting family. Both those names are quite unusual. I have some funny names at dancing, the latest being 'Heavenly' but she is more like a little devil lol. I have also had a few girls called 'Honey'.

Have a lovely day xxx

How are you? Did you get lots if housework done? Did you enjoy your meal out? Where did you go? Tesco club card deals are so good for eating out, we do that too. We also use them to pay for entry to places when we can & to go on Eurostar. I love getting things for free lol!

Which song from Mary Poppins are you doing? Or is it a medley? Have you seen the stage show? It opened in Bristol before it went to London & I saw it there. It was great.

It's a shame R is going away. I'm so glad T doesn't have to do that. I'm sure he won't even look at the other women, but I wouldn't like that either. I had never worried about T before, but in the middle of this pregnancy I suddenly got worried about T cheating in me or leaving me. I think it was a hormonal thing. I wasn't really serious about it, but I did want to check his phone! I didn't tho! It's good you can go & stay at your mums, I wouldn't like the whole night alone either.

Lol at Heavenly being a little devil! My boss told me the other day that her sister got pregnant with another man when she was married & went off with that new man, so called the child Tempest after the stormy pregnancy! Bit harsh isnt it? Fancy your name always being associated with your mums affair!

Esther slept most of the time we were there yesterday, she was v good. I couldn't believe how tiny she was! My brothers and I were all over 9lbs, so I'm expecting my baby to be that big too, whereas she was 7lbs 11 at birth, although she's already more than that. Isla was being a goid big sister, mainly just ignoring Esther. She was pleased to see us even though she was playing with her cousins (15&12 year old boys, my other cousins children). Anne gave us a deluxe Mamas & Papas baby carrier that has hardy been used. Her friend gave it to her. It was really kind of her to pass it on. She already has one from Isla, although not as nice as this one.

T enjoyed taking lots of pics with hs new camera. He's on the computer now, sorting them out.

What time is R going? How far is it to Glasgow from you? Forgot to say yest, my village is calld Colford. I don't know what we're doing today, hopefully visiting my family at some point. My mum has high blood pressure & has been given a machine to monitor it for a week at home. I want to go & use it to see if my BP is any different relaxed at home than when at midwife appts. I always tense when she takes it & have to consciously think "relax"! T wants to see what his is too - no doubt he'll turn it into a competition with my brother lol!

Hope you have a good Sunday. Enjoy your stay at your mums & don't miss R too much. xxx

I keep meaning to ask, did your parents pay the balance for their holiday?
I hope your mum is ok with her high blood pressure. Interesting to see if yours is lower when at home as it does make u more tense at the doctors.

I did lots of housework yesterday! And cut the grass AGAIN lol.
We had a lovely meal in a resturant which is very close to us. It was nice but we were sooo full afterwards. We both felt sick when we got home lol.

Im glad u understand about R going away. Since loosing the baby i feel like i have lost some confidence. Im more insurcure now. I know R wouldnt of looked at another woman before but now im feeling down about myself i have a horrible feeling like he might cheat on me. Ive wanted to check his phone but havent! He is such a trustworthy person and it would of never crossed my mind before. But i know these other women from work must find him attractive and he spends a lot of time at work with them. I know im being stupid as they know he is married, wears his ring and they know he just lost a baby but some women are out for what they can get.
R has already gone to work and they are getting the train together after work. Im not sure how far away Glasgow is but R has put on some scottish socks lol. I helped him pack this morning. He wont be home til late tomorrow night.

Im going to my mums and will do more show prep. Im doing a medley from mary poppins, not quite decided which songs yet. Im doing a ballet to 'its Christmas all over the world' which is off Santa Clause the Movie. My claim to fame, as my great uncle (my nannas brother) was an elf in that film!! I love that Christmas film, i watch it every year.
What films do u like? Apart from the exciting ones that T and R watch lol snooze fest!

Its nice that your cousin gave u a baby carrier. How much did T weigh at birth? I was 7lbs 3 and R was about 10lbs!

As if its September already! You are 35 weeks! Hopefully i will get sorted soon and pregnant again.

Have a lovely family day. Hope all your blood pressures are OK :) xxx

Ive decided to come out of hiding and am back on facebook :). Come find me! Janine Hunter


How do I find you? There are lots of Janine Hunters & none of the ones that I think could possibly be you live where you live! I've never been good at finding people on Facebook!

Did you have a good night at your mums? Do you sleep I'm the bed from your childhood there. I've only stayed at my parents house twice since I moved out. Once was on the night before my wedding, when I was in my old room, although in a different bed. We also stayed on New Year's Eve once, but then we stayed in my brothers room as there was room for 2 beds.

I'm sure you have nothing to worry about with R. He wouldn't be more likely to cheat, just because you feel less confident. It's just a weird thing women feel sometimes. It takes 2 to do anything & just cos some women don't have morals doesnt change him. Funny we're both wanting to check phones!

I haven't asked if my parents have paid for hol, but I think they have. Mum said they were going to last Tues. I got upset about it again yest. I think it was seeing baby Esther & knowing my mum won't see my baby at that age. Also, they were all worried about us being on our own & my cousins wife was even saying she'd come and stay with us, so that sort of made me more worried. My mum is desperate to see baby Esther as soon as possible & doesn't seem to realise how hurtful I find her rush when she won't be able to see my baby. Never mind, I mustn't think about it as I just get upset. T says I should turn my hurt into anger as he thinks that's more healthy than keeping it bottled up, but I don't agree. Being angry wouldn't change anything & would just be a waste of energy. I just hope I can not think about it during labour, I keep having images of myself crying about it during that, and that really won't help with pain management etc.

How cool that your great uncle was in Santa Claus the Movie. How did that happen? I don't have any Christmas films I watch regularly. Films that spring o mind when I think of good films include Erin Brokovitch, Coyote Ugly (I like Adam Garcia in that film!!), old classics like Grease, Pretty Woman, Dirty Dancing. Chicago, Kings Speech. That's all I can think of at the moment but there must be more!

T weighed 8lbs something but he was early as his mum was induced. I weighed 9lbs 12. I can't see baby being small at all! My mum keeps saying how much my bump has grown each time she sees me. We're off to a MW appt this PM so it will be interesting to see how big I'm measuring now. I'm driving to te same town 3 times today - swimming, MW appt & then nhs labour workshop this eve! Bit excessive!!

My BP was 124 over something last time I was was MWs and at my mums house it was 117. My fit & healthy 20 year old brother was 116, so I'm happy with that. T's was higher than mine by quite a bit, so that's stopped him telling me mines high! I can't remember what his was. He is usually fit, so I hope it's ok. I'm sure it us really. I'm going to try to relax at MW today so I can get a nice low reading! I'll probably be trying so hard to relax I'll get stressed & it will go up tho lol!

I'd better get on. I'm going to listen to my natal hypnotherapy cd before swimming, which takes 40mins. I managed to listen to it without falling asleep for the first time on Sat (3rd time lucky!) so I'm hoping to manage that again.

Do you start teaching today? Do you get new term nerves or is that just the pupils? xxx

What is your name on fb? And whats your picture of? Ive got a pink bikini on in my profile picture lol it was taken on honeymoon.

I didnt sleep very well at my mums house. I prob would of slept better at home in my own bed. The bed isnt mine from being little, it is a bed that my nanna had in her spare room. I dont know where my bed from being little went lol.

I love all those classic films too. My fave film ever is back to the future!
My uncle got in Santa Clause the Movie after seeing an advert in the paper looking for older men with beards!! Lol he went along and got a part. He doesnt talk in it but u can see him dancing around lol.

Sounds like u got a busy day. Take it easy! Great that your blood pressure is low. It must be all that swimming :)

Have u been enjoying CBB? That Lauren is a character. I cant stop hearing her song in my head! "Im all dressed up and i got no place to go...." hahaha!

Sorry u are feeling upset about your parents holiday. Im sure u will be fine and wont need your cousin to stay. T will have time off work wont he? Then your mum will be back :)

I start back at dancing on Thursday. I dont feel nervous now but i might be a little on the day. I hope everyone remembers to come back! Lol.

Dont know what to do today. Looks like a sunny day so will try to spend sometime outside.

Enjoy your swim and appointments.

I'm totally paranoid about my MIL doing a search & finding these posts (when she is well, she would have plenty of time to do that!) so I'm not going to write my surname so it can be searched. Add an F to arm and then add er to make a countryside profession! Google shouldn't be able to find that lol! My profile pic is a close up of my face looking out of the car on my wedding day, with T is the background. None of the Janines I can see have bikinis on, so you might have to find me!


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