Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)

Yes you did! Can't believe I can see what you look like after 7 months of talking to you! You're wedding dress was so gorgeous (I always look at people's wedding albums first!) I love all your wedding photos. It's funny you can see me & all the people I've been walking about now!

I'm at home briefly now before 3rd trip out to workshop. We had a different midwife today as mines on nights. She was still nice tho. Baby's heartbeat was a galloping horse for the 3rd time in a row. My BP was even lower - 110! I'm not convinced she did it right, it's never been that low! Good tho. All was well with me & baby. Head was free last time but now it's 3-4/5th engaged (apparently the most it gets to is 2/5th before labour). Seems like baby is getting ready, I ought to as well!!

Has James got a Ewan the dream sheep? I'd read about them ages ago & wanted one but they're a bit expensive. Lucy sent me one in the post today as a gift for baby! How cool's that?! I hadnt mentioned them to her. I'm v excited by it!

Hope you have a good eve. When does R get back? (I know what R looks like now, how funny! And you can see T!)

Yes its so strange to finally see u! I feel like i know u on the inside but not the outside, if u know what i mean. Your wedding pics are lovely too. I love your tiara, so beautiful.
You look like i imagined but i didnt expect your hair to be as dark (dont know why lol).

Is a galloping horse supposed to be a boy or girl? Im glad all is well with baby and he/she is getting ready to come meet u :). Your blood pressure is really good, must be all that practice taking it lol.

James hasnt got a sheep. Is it to help them sleep? He doesnt usually have trouble sleeping lol tipical man :).

I hope u enjoy the workshop.

R wont be back til late :-(

Galloping horse is meant to be a girl, although I think it's just as likely to be an actual horse!! Particularly with the weird wriggling that's going on this morning! Baby keeps having hiccups, especially when I'm trying to get to sleep - me being relaxed must get him out of synch.

I hope R got home before you went to sleep? Was he exhausted? Does he have to go to work today?

Ewan plays 4 different types of heartbeat type music/white noise & glows red to soothe baby. It's soft & cuddly too. It's meant to settle them. Lucky James sleeps well. I don't know if my baby will if his waking pattern at the moment is anything to go by!

Lucy is wearing pink in my wedding photos. There's a photo of her & James at the beginning, where the feather from her fascinator looks like a microphone! Natalie is the smaller of my two bridesmaids & Rachel, my cousin who has just bought a house that we visited recently is my other bridesmaid. It's funny you can see what they all look like!

The workshop was good last night, lots of info about what actually happens. The NCT course was more focused on the ideal birth & your choices & rights. This told you practical information about what actually happens. I'm glad I did the NCT course tho, as there would have been no chance to get to know people on this course.

It felt v odd last night to not be thinking about going to work today! It feels like I should feel ill to miss work & is v odd not to. T has given me a v exciting task to do today - clear out the airing cupboard!! He's going to make a 2nd shelf for it next week, when he has the week off, so it needs to be cleared first. I had other things I was going to do today too, but I can't remember what they are! When's R's time off in Sept? Are you going away? We're not, after all, we're just going to get stuff done at home & have day trips.

Are you looking after James today or is his mum not back at school yet? Hope you have a good day. xxx

I hope u are having a nice day.

Ive been looking after James again. He is so good. He has been laughing loads! Im back home again now.

R got home at 9.30pm last night so not as late as i expected. He was tired so we just went to bed. He has been off work today and stayed in bed a long time while i was out. He is also getting Friday off work which will be nice.

Tomorrow im going to visit Rachel (the friend whos hen do i went on). Her bf is on his stag do so she wants to keep busy! He has gone abroad for 4 days! Dont know how he got away with that lol. But im looking forward to seeing her and getting the gossip.

Have u clean out the airing cupboard? Its good that T is doing lots of little jobs before baby comes.

Think we are just going to have a quiet night in. We should really go visit the inlaws but i just asked R and he doesnt want to. Is T like that? R is not bothered about visiting his family, i always have to make him lol.

Have a lovely evening xxx

Glad you enjoyed your day with James. Is he the baby on your wall posted on 4th Aug? Such a cutie!

Where has Rachel's bf gone? I'd hate T to be away for 4 days like that! T didn't want a stag do so his BIL organised one as a surprise for him. Nothing major, they just went to an outdoor activity place to do archery & buggy driving, had an all you can eat meal, then went bowling. He was so surprised tho, it was v funny! Is the wedding at the end of the month?

T is exactly like that with his mum, it's always me who suggests we visit. It's usually me who does all the talking too. He wouldn't like it if we didn't visit, he's just never motivated to actually visit lol!

I cleared out the airing cupboard & paired up about 10 pairs of socks I thought had lost their friends forever, so that was good. I've still got about 10 that are odd though - where do they go??! I also cleaned the bathrooms, so I was quite constructive. I've invited T's sister round for coffee tomorrow (hope she doesn't really want coffee, I can't stand the smell, lol!). She is the only person I know who gave birth without any painkillers, not even gas & air, so I want to question her on how she managed it. I haven't found a single person who thinks I should give birth without the option of an epidural, I'm hoping she'll be the first!

I'm off to Bath (again!) today to meet up with my brother's GF. I'm hoping my other brother will come so he can drive me, but I don't know if he'll bother getting out if bed!! He's only got 2 weeks left at home now before he goes back for his 3rd year at uni. When it gets near the end of his hols like this I always feel like I haven't seen him enough.

The dr rang me at home yest out of the blue to say I need to start weaning myself off the antisickness pills. I don't know why she rang now, I haven't asked for a repeat (although would have next week). She's going to ring the hospital to see if I really need to come off them as I'm still being sick at least once a week. I read about it on the Internet & scared myself with info about how baby can have withdrawal after birth from them, but I don't know if that's a higher dose than I'm on (they can be used at much higher dose to treat psychosis). I reduced my dose by one yest anyway and was ok, but it usually takes 2 days to see an effect on me. I'll just have to see what she says today.

Hope you enjoy your catch up with Rachel. xxx

Well done for all your cleaning yesterday. U are managing to do a lot whilst pregnant. I dont know where my odd socks go either! Lol maybe we have some of each others :).

Rachels bf has gone to Magaluf. I wouldnt like that and there is only 6 of them who have gone, so no dads or any men from Rachels family, just his mates. R had his stag do in Edinburgh at the same time as i had mine in York. He went rafting and they made him dress in a tutu and one of my dancing school T-shirts! Then they had a night out but both my brothers went.

Tonight we are going to visit the inlaws. I always do most of the talking too! We wont get there til late though as R is working til 8pm so it will just be a flying visit.

Yes the cute little blonde boy is James! Posted on 4th Aug. Everytime i look at that photo it really makes me smile.

When u got the call from your doc i bet u were wondering why they were phoning. Its a good idea if u can cope with reducing the tablets. Good luck, i really hope u are not sick.

Have a lovely day in Bath with your brothers girlfriend.


Hope you enjoyed visiting Rachel and the inlaws? Is Rachel all sorted for the wedding or us she having any last minute panics?

My mum told me that they have paid for the holiday, so that's that now. My dad said he was going, even if she didnt, which I thought was a pretty harsh. He then paid for it without telling her, so she was v upset on Tues & took an hour off work yest AM. I am obviously still upset about it, but will have to get my head around it now. I wish she would come over & see me & tell me it's all going to be alright, but I suppose even if she did, it wouldn't really make me feel better. Just knowing she will never see baby when he or she is newborn upsets me so much. Must stop thinking about it & upsetting myself.

My brothers GF told me they are going away the same weeks as mum & dad & cos I was upset re mum (I didn't say anything, I just couldnt talk about it fir fear of crying), she took that to mean I was upset they were going & is now offering to change their plans for me! I feel really bad for making her feel like that. I think I've convinced her not to, but it was sweet of her to offer. They live over an hour away, so to be honest, it's not like they'd pop in much. And they couldn't replace my mum. But it was sweet of her to try. (I doubt my brother would have agreed to it anyway!)

The dr said I def have to reduce my pills, one a day this week, none next week. I've managed 2 days of one a day, woohoo! Just taking it day by day. She told me she was the same amount pregnant as I am, which is weird as she was the one who did the fertility tests for me & who I rang to say I was pregnant. She probably found out at the same time as I did! She's working till she's 37 weeks. She told me to relax, put my feet up & let someone else do the running around for me, so now it's officially drs orders lol! I won't have to feel guilty if I watch tv in the middle of the day! I haven't had any time to relax this week, I hope next week is calmer, although with T being off, I doubt it. His list of tasks doesn't involve me much though, so maybe I can just sit & watch him work, lol!

I keep forgetting to ask, did R ring the hospital? Do you have to do the initial tests again?

Good luck with your start of term today! Hope you enjoy it! I've got T's sister coming round in a minute so I'd better get back to some vague tidying! xxx

Sorry that your parents have paid the holiday balance and are definitely going. It's a shame that your brother will be away as well. What date did you say they leave? If baby is getting into position now, could there be a chance that he/she will be born before they go away?

I had a good catch up with Rachel yesterday. I asked her lots of questions about her wedding day and she couldn't answer most of them lol, she doesn't know the timings of the day or what photo's she wants etc, or where they are all staying the night before. I was very organised with lists and details for my wedding, I bet you were too?
Her bf hadn't rang her for 2 days and she was worried about him but then he rang after I left. I was stroking her cat and all of a sudden it jumped onto my leg and was digging its claws in! Then it ran away! It was scary lol, i'm now scared of cats after that.

We went to see R's sister last night and took them an anniversary card as it is their wedding anniversary today. I bought the card but got R to write it. I like to try to get him to write it as I prefer it when my card is written by my brother and not his wife lol. But R always asks me what he needs to write!! Is T the same?

R crashed into a big curb on the way home as he was too busy playing with his music and not concentrating. He has damaged 2 wheels! That's more money to spend that we haven't got :-(

Today I've been preparing for my classes tonight. I do feel nervous now but I will be fine once I get started. Will be nice to earn some money :). I'm only teaching for 2 hours so it's a nice way to ease back into it. Bet I will be aching tomorrow though!

I hope u are not sick as you reduce your tablets. FX!

We haven't rang up the hospital yet. I'm waiting for a letter with our appointment date and then I thought we could ring. I'm so confused with it all. I just wish I could of got pregnant and didn't need to go through all this hassle.

I hope you enjoy seeing T's sister. Have a nice day xxx

Are you sore from yest? How did the classes go? Do you have many today?

Oh no that R damaged his wheels! Is it the tyres or the metal bits (technical term!!)? Bloomin boys, fiddling with music when they should be concentrating!

I have to put any cards for T's family in front of him with a pen & tell him what to write too! He doesn't understand why he has to write them either, but I think it's much nicer to get one written by your own family member.

My wedding day was v planned too - I think I would be panicking if I didn't know what was happening or what photos I wanted! It's not like you can remember afterwards & go back & do it again! Naughty boy not ringing everyday on his stag holiday! And what a weird cat! They are odd creatures, they only just about tolerate humans, and only on their own terms!

My parents go on the 10th. I doubt I will be early, as my dates & the ovulation blood tests make me due the 12th. I've been upset about it again this morning, I must stop, it's not doing anyone any good. I just dreamt about it & woke up hoping it wasn't true, but it still was. T is working tomorrow morning & then has a week off, so he'll be here to make sure I'm not upset in the mornings soon. That'll be better. I know I should just move on & concentrate on everything I have to be happy about. Maybe it's hormones making me sad too?

I had a nice dream too tho, I dreamt that you and R came down to watch the carnival! In November we have a carnival that goes round the towns in Somerset. Carnival groups get big lorries, take their sides off, cover them in thousands of light bulbs & decorations & create moving parts. People then create dance routines to pop songs & perform on them in costume. The floats are pulled by decorated tractors. Glastonbury, where my parents live, is one of the biggest ones as its on a Saturday night & people come for miles to watch it. You get big coach trips from Birmingham coming down. Do you have anything like that? I think it's just something we do round here. I don't know why I was dreaming about that, but you & R enjoyed watching it lol!

Here's a video of last year's carnival - although the music doesn't exactly go with it!

Are you trying this month? Have you ovulated without clomid (or is it too soon to know yet? I've lost all track of time)? Maybe you will get lucky before you get your appointment through.

T's sister was very positive & helpful yesterday, so that was good. In the afternoon I made a casserole & then had an urge to make an apple crumble! T was shocked to find me being so domesticated when he came home!! It was v nice, even if I do say so myself! I was v tired in the eve tho!

Hope you have a good day today & aren't too stiff! xxx

Im not aching at all, i cant of worked hard enough lol but i was tired when i had finished as it was very busy. Feels good to be making money again. My mum was in my shop and was very busy too.
I dont teach today, i will be working Sat morning.

Im looking after James today. He is a sleep now so im taking this chance to write :). Its been raining all day so we cant even go out for a walk.

Tonight R and i are going out for a meal for my friends 30th. Ive never been to the resturant before but my brothers wifes brother is the chef there, so im hoping for a lovely meal.

Lovely that we were in your dream :). Im glad we enjoyed the carnival and got to meet u! We have a little village fete with a parade of floats where the children dress up and go along and there is a prize for the best. We also have a music festival where they take the sides off a lorry and the band use it as their stage. Your carnival is bigger though.

R has ordered new tyres. He damaged the wheel and the wheel trim (metal bit lol) so hopefully it will be sorted soon.

Sorry u are still feeling upset. Im sure when T is off work it will help take your mind off it. U are right, its best if u can force yourself to concentrate on the good happy things. U have so much to look forward to.

Im cd11 now. Im going to start using opks from cd14 and see what happens. I really cant see myself getting pregnant anytime soon. And if i ever do i cant imagine actually getting the baby. I want my appointment to come through so i have a date to concentrate on. Im temping so i should be able to work out if i do ovulate or not without clomid.

U did well with your cooking yesterday. I wonder what u cook tonight :)

Hope u are having a nice day xxx

Was the meal nice? Hope your teaching is going well? Did you enjoy the rest of your day with James? Did R have the day off yest?

I laughed at you wondering what I will cook yest eve - that was my one bit of cooking fir at least a month lol! T is much better at ths cooking malarkey than I am!

Don't give up hope on getting pregnant. It's only been 6 months since your loss, which is how long it takes an average couple isn't it, so there's still hope. I couldn't imagine it ever happening for me before it did & I still can't actually imagine having a baby, as crazy as that sounds. It will be good when you have an appointment date to focus on. Did they say how long it would be before that came through?

Do you watch Strictly? T has invited my brother Steve over tonight to watch it and play some form of drinking game! He is hoping my brother will come up with some amusing comments about which dancers he fancies if he's drunk. They were discussing it the other day - t seems to like some of the contestants, but I'm not sure which ones yet. Maybe the woman from countdown? Steve is going back to uni soon so it will be nice to have him to stay.

I was sad Dustin went on CBB last night. I don't think they have shown enough of him. His best bits made him look like a good housemate.

I didn't manage to keep my antisickness pill down this morning (I had been awake for 2 hours before taking it & apparently the water was too much) so I'm having a day of no pills - yikes! Feeling sick, but then after throwing up twice in the night I would even if I'd had the pill. I hope I make it through the rest of the day ok.

T is working this AM then his weeks holiday begins, woohoo! He never takes time off without us going away, so it'll be strange, but hopefully good. This time last year we were on our way to Paris & then the Loire valley. This is when we always have our main holiday usually. Are you still planning to go away in Oct?

Hope you have a good Saturday! xxx

Ive had such a busy and not got chance to write. After work i went to my brother Craigs house as they are all home from Croatia. Only just got home now and im tired out.

Just thought id write a quick message now and write more tomorrow.

I hope u havent been sick anymore :-(


How were Craig's family? Have the kids grown? It must've been nice to see them all again!

I'm the only one awake here - I wonder what state my brother & T will be in when they wake up! We had a v amusing evening. They didnt bother making up a drinking game for Strictly, they just drank through it. T thinks its the best year ever for women. His top 3 are the woman from Countdown (te young new one, in case you didn't watch, not Carol Vorderman!), Suzanah Reid from bbc breakfast & Sophie Ellis Bexter. He actually said the Countdown woman was the perfect woman cos she has good looks, no tattoos & a university degree! If it wasn't so much hassle to get out of the chair, I would have gone over & slapped him lol!

They continued with the wine, got v over excited about some Brie that they ate with French bread, saying it was the best ever. I didn't point out o them that they probably couldn't actually taste it!! They ended up watching the Proms (!) & having a v passionate conversation about which was the best instrument to learn & what the point of conductors was. T seemed to think the way to win any argument was to talk the loudest & S spent a lot of time laughing. I went to bed & left them playing computer games - I wonder how that went! They went to bed at 1am, so they must've been having fun at least! It's v rare that either of them actually gets drunk, so it was v amusing to see! T lies a glass of wine in the evening sometimes, but I've banned him from next weekend in case he needs to drive. He doesn't usually drink enough to be over the limit, but I just don't think it would look goid him turning up at the hospital smelling of wine!!

We went to see T's mum yest PM. She still looks pale, but says she's about 70% better. I felt pretty yuck most of the day yest, I'm now v much not looking forward to Tues when I'm off the tablets for good. I took one this am & feel better today, but I slept a lot better too, so that's probably why too. I'm sure it'll be fine!

We're going to my parents for tea tonight when we take S back. Not sure what we're doing with the rest of the day, it depends when they wake I guess! Are you having a quieter day today? Hope you enjoy whatever you're doing!


It's Sunday! I love Sundays. R and i are just sitting listening to music. We will probably go out for dinner this afternoon.

What time did T and S get up? Were they hungover? Sounds like a fun night. Its funny when other people are drinking but u aren't, they drive u crazy lol.

Our meal out on Fri night was lovely. It was v.expensive! We spent £80 and that was only on 2 main courses and 4 drinks!!!! My friends husband got her a choccywoccydoodah cake from London which we all had for dessert, it was soooo tasty! We didnt get home til 1am then i was up for work early.

Dancing went well. Classes were full and they all worked hard. Taking a lot more £ in my shop too which is a big help.

It was lovely seeing Craig and his family yesterday. I had missed them so much. My niece Lana was 5 when they were in Croatia so had a birthday party with her school friends yesterday. She had a pink gym party and the photos look great! Id like a pink gym party :). She was opening her presents when we arrived and she got loads of gifts from her friends! We took presents for her too. I got her a Sylvanian Family dress shop (like my dance shop) and a family called the Buckley family (which is my surname now). My brother asked if there was a Hunter family and i said it would probably be a man with a gun ready to hunt all the Sylvanians! Lol.

I dont watch Strictly but i have been recording Bake Off which i will watch when i get chance. Celeb BB has been a bit boring really, dont u think? I cant wait for Im a celeb to start!!

Im glad Ts mum is starting to feel better. I hope u manage ok with any tablets! FX.

Enjoy your tea tonight at your parents house.

Sorry I haven't written - T was on the iPad when I got up & we've been non stop since. We went out for lunch, then played indoor crazy golf - I got a Groupon deal for a new place. I managed to beat T! It was quite a good course & we had it to ourselves, so it was fun.

We then hired a Rug Doctor to clean the carpets tomorrow before my midwife appt. All is still well. We went through the birth plan, which was a bit scary. I'm not allowed to swim after next week, due to risk of infection of baby if my waters broke. Shame, as its the only exercise I enjoy at the moment. I expect the other pool users will be pleased to be rid of my lane rage tho!!

Off to bed now, exhausted! Hope you've had a good day. xxx

I know the feeling, i have had a busy day too.
Done food shopping, walked Hollie and planned show work. Then i picked up my niece from school and we went dancing.

When i got home R was looking at holidays. He wants to go away for a week in October. Think we will look in more detail tomorrow.

Cant believe how close u are to having your baby!


I have the iPad this morning, hurrah! I think T is vacuuming already! He's a bit overly keen! I'm only just about awake!

1st morning without pill & have been sick. Really hope this isn't what every morning will be like from now on. Dr said being sick once a day is fine, but she's not the one having to do it!

Looking at holidays is exciting, where are you considering?

I love Sylvanian families. I only had a few when I was little, but as an adult I think they are so cute! I spent a while looking at them on my Dads amazon account so now he gets emails recommending them to him! If I have a little girl I will be trying to convince her to like them. The dress shop sounds v cute. Not convinced by the Hunter family lol! What animal are the Buckley family?

T & S weren't hungover, much to both their surprises! They got up at 10 & spent most of the day playing computer games again. Nice for T to have a relaxing day before the hard work of this week.

I've never had a choccywoccydoodah cake. It sounds good! £80 for a meal is a lot! What did you have for main courses?

A day of cleaning today, with a bit of swimming for me. T doesn't really like swimming. The 2 times he went with me before Christmas he got a cold each time, so I'm not going to press him.

Is it a James day today? Hope you enjoy it. The weather has really changed now, hasn't it? Hope you're able to take James out.


Sorry I didn't write yesterday, it was another busy one!

After looking after James in the morning, R and I looked at holidays online. We then went to the travel agents and spent a few hours there! We booked a holiday!!!! It is for a week in Tunisia (never been there before) we go on Sunday 22nd September and come back on the 29th. I shouldn't really be missing any dancing but we both feel like we really need a holiday, especially with the due date coming up! Cant believe your ticker says '25 days to go', its crazy!

How are u? Are u feeling a mixture of excited and nervous? What else do u need to do before baby comes or are u ready?
I hope u can manage ok without any tablets. Have u been sick today?

The Buckley family are red deer but they look more like rabbits. The word Buckley means a meadow of deer. I used to like Sylvanian Families too.

I got a smiley face opk this morning!!!! Didn't expect that but i'm not sure if I will actually ovulate. i'm taking my temps so that will probably tell me if I do or not. We have been dtd anyway.

When we went for that expensive meal last week, I had steak which cost £25 and R had Hake which cost about £20. The reason it cost so much was because we split the bill rather than paying for what we actually had and the other guests who we didn't even know eat and drank loads. Bit unfair really, as we usually split the bill with friends but when you are with people who u don't know I think u should just pay what u own lol.

I hope u enjoyed your swim yesterday. The weather has changed loads and its been raining here all day. Think I may need to swim home! I'm in my shop today.
I saw another accident outside my studio this morning. I car bumped into an old lady on a motorised scooter :-(. I didn't actually see it happen but there were loads of police and an ambulance! Never a dull moment!

What are you doing today?


How exciting that you're going to Tunisia! Are you staying in a hotel? Is it by the sea? I don't really know much about Tunisia, apart from my aunt & uncle went there many years ago & rode a camel.

That's good that you got a smiley face without clomid. I wonder if you will actually ovulate?

I hate splitting the bill like that when I don't know the people too. I often have a cheap option on the menu & then find it v annoying when I have to pay for everyone else's expensive meals & drinks. I much prefer splitting it more accurately.

I didn't go swimming on Tues as I was feeling too exhausted. I suddenly feel really knackered all the time. My arms & legs are aching all the time & I just want to lie down. I feel like I've got a bad cold, without actually having the cold symptoms, if you know what I mean. I guess it must've just hit me suddenly. I didn't feel ths exhausted last week. I keep saying to T do you think something is wrong, but he just thinks its cos I'm near the end. On Tues I helped with the carpet cleaning by tidying our bedroom - I did nothing in comparison to what he did, but was still exhausted. I feel bad for not even vaguely pulling my weight. Normally I can at least help him out by washing our clothes, but my arms ache so much carrying the washing that even that is exhausting now.

Yesterday T did more housework & I tried to hide the fact that I was resting from him so he wouldn't get cross. I tried to look like I was doing something in another room from him. In the afternoon we went for afternoon tea at this 5 star hotel in Bath. My mil gave me money for a massage for my bday, but I have always wanted a posh afternoon tea, so I spent it on this instead. We had 4 different delicious finger sandwiches, carrot, chocolate & lemon drizzle cake plus fruit tart, & a fruit & plane scone with homemade jam. All in a fancy drawing room with silver cutlery. It was so nice. We couldn't manage all of it & took a scone home with us. After we walked round the hotel gardens & would have played crocket, but it was raining. We then came home & I sneaked off to have a lie down while T did even more housework!

Today we are off to buy a cot hopefully. We're also going to ikea. It's going to be another exhausting day. I keep telling T I can't be this exhausted, cos if I went into early labour I would have no energy to give birth, but he's only got this week off & wants to get lots done, so I don't want to let him down.

It probably sounds terrible to you, but I just feel nervous at the moment. The midwife said you feel like this when you've just given up work & then after a while you get on the point where you just want it over with. I don't feel organised at all, I feel like I've got so much to do & won't get it done. I'm nervous about labour & I'm nervous about how I'm going to manage afterwards. I'm a bit of a whinger at the moment aren't I? Lol.

On the plus side, I have managed 2 days without pills without being sick! Fingers crossed that continues!

Hope you have a good day today. Teaching this afternoon? Do you have someone who will cover for you when you are away or do you just cancel the classes for a week?


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