Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)


Sorry for going on last night. I don't quite feel better this morning, I've woken up crying, but I'm sure work will provide a distraction. I think I may be using up the worlds supply of tears, so you won't be able to cry at the doctors! Seriously, don't worry if you cry at doctors, they won't bat an eyelid, they'll have seen it all before. But I hope you don't find it that upsetting.

My swimming went quite well. There were 2 fast lanes, rather than a medium & a fast, so I ended up feeling uncomfortable being in a fast lane. Luckily most of the time I was alone, so it was ok, but a man did join me at one point & came too close & stroked my calf, which I didn't like! Any closer & I would have been really uncomfortable! He apologised & moved lane, so it was ok.

I'm glad Dexter didn't win BB. His stuff with Charlie was really annoying me over the last couple of episodes. I don't think it was genuine at all. She annoyed me just as much though, stringing him along. It seems to actually mean something to Sam to win, so I'm glad he won.

Hope you have a good walk & your dr appt goes well.
Hello, big hugs for u!

Im sorry u have been upset. I have only just read your message. I completely understand why u would feel upset but please dont worry. U will be fine during labour. All u need is T and the midwife. Going to the hospital is the best care u can get. I think the that their holiday starts earlier is a good thing. I bet u go over by almost two weeks and if u do then they will be home sooner than they would of been. I know u will want to see your mum as soon as baby is born and for her to meet him/her first. Maybe u can find a way to facetime or skpe after the birth so u have a special time with your mum before u get visitors. Will yours brothers be around?
If u are late then baby might be born on 25th October and then your parents will be home a week later. I think the time u will want your mum is after the baby is here at home and u will get health visitors etc and then your mum will be home! Its a shame this gas happened as u will always remember it but i bet your mum feels bad? She will be worried and nervous on holiday and then when the baby is born she will want to come home asap. I think u will be fine. As long as u have T by your side the whole time u wont need anybody else.
I hope u feel a bit better about it when u wake up this morning. Are they definately going or is your mum thinking of not paying the full balance?
Big hugs hun.
If u want, i can come and dress up as your mum :) ha ha
I hope u are ok?

Just got home from doctors. They cant give me clomid as only the hospital can but we are getting referred back so i guess i just need to wait fir a letter now.

As if a man stoked your thigh in the pool lol does T know? It sounds so wrong ha ha.

Im also glad that Sam won BB. He deserved it the most and is a nice guy. I wonder who the celebs will be on Thursday. Im going out on Thursday night for Rachels 2nd hen do so i will have to watch it on Friday.

Hope u are ok xxx

Thank you for your kind words. It all makes sense. I can't say anymore about it at the moment, as I'm still teary when I think about it so I'm trying to just ignore it. But reading what you wrote reloy helped me earlier.

Why's Rachel having 2 hen nights? I wonder who will be on CBB too, have you heard any rumours? Do you watch Bakeoff? I love that, I'm really looking forward to watching that in a minute.

How did your walk go? Hope you're not still stuck up the hill!

Thanks again. xxx
Awww hun i hope u feel happier soon. Does your mum know how upset u are?

I had another migraine last night :-(. Thats two very close together.

We went for our walk and it was great going from our house. It took an hour there and an hour back. We are both tired now and Hollie is too! R walks too fast for me so i have to keep telling him to slow down but he tells me to speed up lol. When we walk with friends, the men end up far ahead of us! It must be their long legs as i count myself as fitter than R :).

I think we might get a cheeky take away tonight.

Rachel is having another hen do for people who couldnt go to Manchester but im going to both lol.

I dont have a clue about who any BB celebs will be....probably people we have never heard of! Lol

Big hugs xxx

I'm feeling a bit better today. I'm fine as long as I don't think about it. I haven't told my mum how upset I am, cos I don't want to be responsible for her not going. If they were to cancel it, it would have to be cos they wanted to. I don't want them resenting me for it. I think she has an idea I'm not happy, but doesn't know I'm this upset.

It's a really crazy holiday anyway. My dad's health is not good, he currently struggles on dog walks to get over styles, yet they are meant to be trekking in the Himalayas & sleeping in tents in 7 weeks! It's madness. My one bit of hope is that they see its madness & cancel it medical reasons, but my dads not the type to do that. I'm really worried about something happening to them while they're gone. But I just have to try not o worry about it.

Oh no that you got another migraine. Does anything bring them on? You've had lots recently. Hope it's better now.

You should watch Bake off, it's great! I really enjoyed that last night. Afterwards we watched the programme about midwives. I've never watched anything like that & I don't know if it was wise to. We both had weird dreams about babies. I hid behind my cushion every time a c section was on. I'm trying to tell myself that they only film the dramatic births cos they're more "interesting" and that there were plenty of normal births at the same time. I'm def not watching it without T to tell me when I can look again!!

What will Rachel's 2nd hen night involve? Are you going out again? Any costumes?

I spent today with Steve. We went shopping - he likes lots of short bursts of shopping, he gets fed up after about 2 shops! Then we took Tal for a walk. It was really hot & sunny so we went to the woods which was nice. There's a good view of the countryside & the place where we had our Reception at the end of the walk, so that was nice.

Hope you've had a good day. xxx

I hope your dad will be ok on the holiday. Was he is better health when they booked it?

I think maybe looking at my computer or phone a lot might be starting the migraines but im not totally sure. Hope i dont get anymore.

Rachels hen do is just a meal and a few drinks in town. No dress code this time.
Im going to see my brother Grant tomorrow and James. Think we might go for a dog walk. I hope the weather stays nice.

Sounds like u had another nice day with Steve. He loves to go shopping! Did u buy anything?

I hope u are having a nice relaxing evening!

P.s not long til we find out who the BB celebs are!!!


I hope u had a good day and are having a good evening.

I got up early and cut all the grass, finally lol. I then went to Grants house and we went for a nice walk. The weather is getting hotter again!

I havent gone out tonight as i got another migraine! Ive been in bed and just getting up now to have tea. At least i can watch celeb BB tonight now lol.

Hope u are ok

Oh no that you've got another migraine! Do you need to see the doctor if they're this frequent or is it normal? I don't know anyone else who gets migraines.

Did you enjoy seeing James?

Good job you mentioned CBB, I'd totally forgotten about it. We've just been out for another free coffee at Waitrose! We bought some carrot cake and a milkshake for me too, so not so free! We've bought some nice filled pasta for tea on Sat (you don't like pasta do you?).

Work was quite good today. In the morning I almost thought I would miss it, then in the afternoon Mandy was in, fussing about nothing, and I remembered why I'm looking forward to finishing. My boss says I look blooming every time she comes in, I think it's her polite way of saying, gosh your huge!!

My mum called in on the way home from work. It was nice to see her. We didnt really talk about their holiday, although she did say they hadn't paid for it yet. Maybe my dad is reconsidering. He has had this illness for about 4 years, but on and off. He relapsed before Christmas I think and had to go back on steroids. He is now weaning off them, which makes him worse, but he's not meant to be on them for too long. He's not very good at admitting there is anything wrong with him - typical man!!

Hope you feel better soon & enjoy BB! xxx
Good morning!

How are u?
Did u watch CBB? I love that Screech is in there, legend!

My heads all better now. I dont know why i keep getting migraines but if they continue i will go to the doctors.

I loved seeing James yesterday. When their dog barks, James starts copying and barking too! Lol funny as.

Lovely that u went to Waitrose again. I hope u enjoy your pasta on Sat. Well remembered that i dont like pasta :). I can eat it in sheets in lasagne but i dont like pasta in shapes lol.

Today im going to meet a friend for coffee then go to my mums house. R left for work at 5am as he is spending the day with his area manager. He wasnt looking forward to it and i had to push him out of bed. Did T pass the fork lift truck course?

Another day down at work for u! Not long exciting!

I had a dream last night (i always dream loads) that i got my bfp. I was so happy and i even dreamt i came on here and wrote to u. I hope dreams do come true.

As if your mum said they havent paid the holiday balance yet. I wonder if they will.....FX they dont go. Although i want them to have a nice time but i know it would make u happy if they stayed home :).

What are u doing today?

I was most excited by Screech being there too, I loved Saved by the Bell. I didn't realise he was 3 years younger than the rest of them, it makes sense now, with his squeaky voice etc.

Glad your heads better, hope it stays that way now. I hope R's day isn't as bad as he's expecting. He'll be knackered when he gets home!

Your dream sounds lovely, I hope you weren't too disappointed when you woke up. Lets hope it does come true.

That's so funny that James barks like the dog! How cute!

Hope you enjoy meeting up with your friend. I've popped out this morning to collect some natal hypnotherapy CDs from a lady from the NCT course. She bought them & is going to sell them on eBay, but is lending them to anyone in the group who wants them beforehand. V kind of her. I was about to buy them, but they're £40, so I'm really pleased I can borrow them instead. I'm meeting up with the ladies from the course on Monday, so that'll be good.

We had the biggest spider in the world in our bedroom last night! I was reading in bed & suddenly it ran towards my face. I'm not scared of spiders but I screamed just to see something running at my face. T is scared of them, so he jumped out of bed too & fetched me a glass to catch it. It was under my pillow & ran along the bed before I coud catch it. It was huge, I've never seen one so big. T took photos of it when it was safely in the glass to prove how big it was, then I chucked it out of the window. T says we're never opening the bedroom windows again!

I'm not sure what to do with the rest of my day now. I expect there's some washing to do, I'll have to go & investigate. T will be home in 3 hours, so not long to wait.

Hope you enjoy your time with your mum.

I hate spiders! Thats so horrible that it was actually running on your bed. U are very brave to catch it. R catches them for me and puts them out the window.

Ive got a letter today from the hospital about my referral. It says we need tests done before our appointment e.g blood tests and SA. I know its just a standard letter coz thats what we had to do last time. Its a total joke if we are back to square one and need all those doing again. We have had far more tests than that and have learnt all we can from them. Do u think i should ring them up? Stupid to start from stratch. I actually cried when i read the letter. I cant be bothered to start from the beginning again. Feels like the last few years have been a waste
Oh dear, surely that must be a mistake? I would definitely ring them, explain that you've had the tests & that you just need to see te specialist. It's not in their interest to waste time & money on tests again. Maybe your Dr just ticked the wrong box when filling out the referral? It's less than a year since you were last being investigated isn't it, so surely you should still be under their care. I'd definitely ring & see what they say. I hope it all sorts itself out for you. xxx

Did you ring them? What did they say? I hope you're feeling better about it either way. What did R say?

What are you doing today? I hope R is there to distract you. I'm going over to see my mum & Steve as T is working till at least 2, probably later, he doesn't know yet. I spoke to me best friend yesterday (1st time I've spoken to her all summer holidays at least) & she said I'd invited her down to visit tomorrow!! I had completely forgotten! Oops! Luckily we didnt have any plans, so it's fine. Just a bit of a surprise! Luckily the house is pretty tidy, so we don't have to rush round tidying or anything!

My mum came round again last night while my dad saw a client nearby. We were going to visit T's mum, but when he rang to check if someone was giving her a shower, she said she was poorly with a urine infection. She has been ill since Sunday, on antibiotics since Wed. She said she feels the worse she has ever felt & considering how much pain she is in everyday normally, that must be really bad. She can only drink water & can't eat at all. She's got a fever & keeps feeling hot & cold. We wish she'd let us know, but she said we couldn't have done anything. We visit her every week, but she never rings us in between, so we don't ring her. (We were in our house for 6 months before she even rang our new number once) T thinks she probably told his sister not to let us know. I really hope the antibiotics start to work soon. You'd think they might have started to make her feel a bit better already, as she's been taking them since Wed, so maybe she needs stronger ones.

Hope you have a nice day planned. xxx

Sorry to hear that Ts mum is so unwell. Yes usually antibiotics do start working very quickly. I hope she is ok and improves soon. I guess she didnt want to worry u and T and sometimes u think that u will feel better tomorrow anyway so dont make a fuss. I hope she is ok.

I feel a bit better today. I havent rang the hospital yet, i think R will ring them as i might get upset on the phone if they starr saying we need to start from stratch again. R is working all weekend as bank holidays are a very busy time in retail.

Today im meeting another friend for coffee and then tonight we are going to our friends for a BBQ. Im kind of not looking forward to it as everyone else has children now but im sure it will be easier than i expect.

Nice that your best friend is coming tomorrow. What a suprise! At least u spoke on the phone and she didnt just turn up! I hope u have a lovely day together. What will u do? Does she have a partner?

How many wheelie bins gave u got?? Lol. We are getting a new one for recycling so we will have 3 in total. Its crazy! We are ok because we have a large enough area to store them but some people dont. Anyway, everyone got their new bin delivered but us! R had to ring the council and tell them, so they are sending us one lol. Trust us to get missed out.

I hope u have a nice day xxx

How was your BBQ? I hope it was better than you expected. Did you actually get to be outside? It was dark & windy all day here, only 16 deg, I actually wore a cardigan for the first time for months!

Does R get any extra days off in the week to make up for working all weekend? Do you mind him working Bank Hols? I used to hate that T never gets Bank Hols off, but I'm used to it now. I'm still not keen on him working Good Fri & Easter Mon though, cos everyone seems to look forward to an Easter weekend & ours is no bigger than usual.

You've changed your emotions thing to doubtful, why's that? Is it cos of the letter? It's a good idea to get R to ring, hopefully he'll be able to sort it out for you.

My mum managed to fall up some steps yesterday when we were out shopping! She's ok I think, but it was v scary at the time. She landed heavily on her knee & went all pale. A nurse came over to see if she was alright and the shop we were about to go into got her a chair & a drink of water. It was bruising quite quickly, but she was able to walk about on it after a rest. She had an op on that knee a few years ago, to remove some cartilage, but I didn't think she damaged it this time (fingers crossed). Apart from that, we hada good time shopping & took Tal for a walk by a stream where he coukd have a swim. T joined us at their home when he'd finished work & we had takeaway pizza for tea - 1st time I've had that for years!

I think we'll just take Natalie out for lunch today & then play it by ear. I don't know how long she's visiting for. Her husband isn't coming with her, I don't think. (We're kind of hoping he isn't, as we don't get on with him that well! He puts a negative slant on everything) We haven't done any preparation for her visit, so will have to do a bit of putting away this morning before she gets here. I've just noticed dust around the tv, so I'll have to get rid of that!

What are you doing today? Seeing your mum? Hope you have a lovely day. xxx

Sorry to hear that your mum fell over :-( that must of been scary. Im glad people came to help look after her. I hope her knee is ok. Your poor mum.
How us Ts mum?

We went to the BBQ which we had inside. It was nice to see everyone and i was ok but the convo was about babies nappies and peppa pig. R was tired from work and didnt like all the baby talk. Lately R has been upset about our baby. I think because i cry about it but he doesnt and tries to forget it, so he hasnt dealt with it. I think its hitting him more now than it did before.

R will get two days off in the week which will be nice. I dont mind him working bank holidays as i usually do too and he gets paid extra. He manages a little time off near Easter but always works Xmas eve and Boxing day as that is their peak business time.

I hope u have a nice day with Natalie. How come u dont get on with her husband? What happened?

Im going to my mums today then the inlaws are coming round tonight.

Have fun xxx

My mum said her knee was v bruised, but only hurt when touched, so that was a relief. The antibiotics still aren't working for T's mum. She really needs to get the dr out again, but she doesn't like drs so it's always a fight to get her to have them. I hope someone will make her see one tomorrow. She should see one today, but with it being Bank Hol it will only be locum drs. I don't know if we can make her see one or if it will have to be T's sister.

I'm really sorry to hear R's finding it hard at the moment too. There's no time limit on these things & I guess it can hit him at any time. At least you have each other to help each other through this. Does he talk to you about it?

Working Christmas Eve & Boxing Day must be hard. T always works Xmas eve, but doesn't have to work Boxing Day. He usually has to work the weekend before Christmas & the weekend between Christmas & new year, so he ends up working more than he normally does, which the rest of my family don't really get. His mums bday is the 27th & it's always hard for him to fit in seeing her then. He doesn't get extra days off to compensate for Bank Hols.

It was nice to see Natalie. We went for lunch then walked round Wells (a smaller town you should see if you're ever in the area. England's smallest city, in fact). Her husbands didnt come. Nothing happened with him, we've just never got on. When they first got together, N & I were v close & I think he was jealous of that. He's quite insecure & negative & I think he thinks i don't like him, which wasn't true to start with. I think we just have a total personality clash. Hes 40, i dont know if that has anything to do with it. Whenever he's in the room, you can't have a conversation with N cos she constantly stops to listen to what he's saying to other people. I prefer how she is without him about. It's a shame we don't get on, there v few people I actually have such a personality clash with.

What are you doing today? Has your head been ok? I'm off to meet up with the NCT mums. When does your term start again? Next week? Will you be looking after James on the same days again?

We forgot it was Bank Hol & put our bins out last night! We always do that, the rest of the road must think we're such muppets! You seem to have a ridiculous number of bins! We have one wheelie bin & then 2 plastic boxes for recycling & a small bin for food waste. T has taken over the bins as the smell is too much for me & he doesn't bother to sort the food waste, but we always sort the recycling. What were your original 2 bins for? How often are they collected? Our recycling goes every week & then the big wheelie bin goes once a fortnight.

Hope you enjoy the Bank Hol. xxx

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