Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)


Well done with no being sick! That's brilliant when u are not taking any tablets at all. I hope it continues for u :)

I can imagine how u must be getting tired. Carrying a baby round all the time must be hard work, especially when trying to do housework etc.. Don't feel bad for not doing as much, that's what T is there for lol, to help u out :) And like you said, u don't want to be too tired for labour. So take it easy!
You are not a whinger lol but if u need a whinge then i'm here for u!

I don't know anything about Tunisia either lol but we are in a nice 4 star hotel, all inclusive and right on the beach front. The reviews are quite good so should be fine for a little relaxing get away.

I'm in my shop again today. Business going quite well at the moment. Then I'm teaching tonight 5-7pm. It isn't long but I always feel tired out afterwards as the classes are very busy. My mum is cooking us a hot pot with Yorkshire pudding for when I finish.
When I go on holiday, I will need to cancel a week of classes :-(.

Going to try to dtd again tonight if R is up for it. My temp is still low so don't know if I will ovulate but I hope so!!!! AF is due towards the end of my holiday and i'd love it if she just stayed away! She might not find me in Tunisia, sshhhhh!!!

I hope u have a good day xxx

Another busy day! It'll be like having a holiday when T's holiday is finished next week lol. Today he was putting up cupboards we bought from ikea yesterday & making a new shelf if our airing cupboard. I was trying to be helpful but was mainly staring into space! We've got to go back to ikea tomorrow as the shelves we bought aren't the right size - nightmare! It's over an hour away.

Have you been looking after James today? How is the handsome chap?

You're hotel sounds lovely. A week in the sun will be really nice. I've never done all inclusive, but it sounds really appealing. We normally stay in apartments rather than hotels as with my ME I've found it exhausting to be up quickly for breakfast.

I'm glad business is going well in your shop at the moment. Does this usually happen at this time of year, with the new term etc? Hope you enjoyed your hot pot. Surely Tunisa would be too far for the witch to travel? Hopefully she won't bother!

We wanted to go out for a meal tonight, but the local posh pub didnt start serving food til 7, despite opening a 5. I can't cope with waiting that long if food, I'm v much a tea at 5pm girl! We ended up having fish & chips instead. I sat down next to what I thought was a girl in her 20s & it turned out to be te cleaner who I sort of sacked! Awkward! Se said hello to me & was chatting away, so it was ok, but I don't think I'd have sat down if I knew it was her! She's probably late 40s - either I'm not v observant (probably) or she looks v good for her age.

Oh no, T has turned his Xbox on & is playing some noisy game. He goes for months without touching it & then suddenly it's like he remembers it. Does R play computer games?

Hope you have a good evening. xxx

Im luck that R doesnt play computer games. He has an xbox and the lastest one on order but he uses it for other things that it does like linking up to our pc so we can view internet on the telly. I dont quite understand it lol.

When does T go back to work? I bet u could do with the break lol. Its good that he has been doing lots of jobs tho. Its a shame u need different shelves and have to go to ikea again. Thats the kind of thing that would happen to us. Think ive been back to B&Q about 4 times in one day before!

I think i might of ovulated but tomorrows temp will tell me more. I got a letter from FS with a hospital appointment for 14th November. Thats 2 months away! I hate waiting!!
Might ring them and also ask if there are any sooner spaces.

I looked after James yesterday. He is fine. Sooo lovely! Ive been working today and my shop is still doing well. September is usually a good month with new starters buying uniform etc..

Funny that u sat next to your old cleaner lol....opps!!

What have u been upto? More staring into space? lol
Have u seen how u can apply for a one way ticket to Mars and that it will be turned into a reality tv show? I wouldnt want to go but id love to watch!


How's your temp this AM? Shame your appointment is so far away, it seems a long way away, ESP when all you want is a new prescription. Maybe there will be an appt sooner.

I hadn't seem the prog re going to Mars. I would not be a good space traveller! I hate flying on an ordinary plane, I don't think anyone could get me on space ship!

I can't believe I've got to full term! Watermelon certainly seems an accurate fruit, although it would be a huge watermelon! When we've been out shopping T has compared my bump to everyone else's & we've only seen one person who has a bump bigger than mine. Probably all the people as big as me are at home resting!! If I went into labour now, I'd be allowed to have baby at the birthing centre & be considered normal! T thinks baby will come early, but I think late. I would be v shocked if it was early! I've kind of got my bag packed. If I had to go to hospital now, I could pick it up & have most things I need, but there are a couple of things I'd like to add, such as a book/mag, some squash etc. I haven't bought nursing bras yet, was was told not to be fitted for them till last minute. I will probably do that this week.

Ikea was so busy yesterday, it was a nightmare. It took over 30mins queueing to return the shelves, then ages to rebuy them. T is putting them up as I write. (I just heard a big bang, I'm staying away!!). On the way home, we called in to show our niece how big my bump was, but she was in a silly mood & didn't really care. She just kept calling me fat, fat, fat & telling me I looked silly. Probably tired after her horse riding lesson.

Only a week till you go away, how exciting! What are you up to today? It was meant to be stormy today, but it doesn't look too bad here & I didn't hear rain in the night. I started my 37th week in same way I've dealt with rest of pregnancy by throwing up! I really hope that stops straight after birth. It's been written & highlighted on my notes to give me antisickness injection during labour if I start throwing up & I can even go in at the start to get one, then come home, if I want.

After T has put up the shelves, we're going to be assembling the cot. It will go in our room from today, that will be strange, waking up & seeing that. We bought it on Thurs but I didn't want to put it up till I'm full term.

(Hope you don't find me talking about this too difficult)

Hope you have a relaxing Sunday! xxx

Congrats on being full term. I cant believe how quick its gone but also feels like a long time too.

My temp has stayed high so im 4dpo but im not quite convinced lol. Last night i took my temp for fun and it was really low when it is usually sky high at night in the tww. Dont really know whats going on but never mind. I dont think we had sex at the right time anyway.

Yesterday we were doing DIY for my mams. Will hopefully get it finished before holiday.

Did u get the cot put up? Will be strange for u to have that in your bedroom. I wonder if baby will be early or late or on time!
It is hard to hear about as id sooo love to be having my healthy baby at the same time as u! But i still want to hear about it. Somehow it brings my close to my baby and what we should of had. U dont need to feel bad, u can keep telling me everything.

The weather is horrid now and getting cool. Should be nice and warm in Tunisia :). Hopefully i will have the internet so i can keep in touch with u.

What are u doing today? Im going to do a bit more DIY before dancing tonight

Hope u have a nice day xxx

What DIY are you doing at your mum's now? Hope you don't have too much to do before you go away.

I'm intending to spend as much of today as possible resting and recovering from my week with T lol! I'll catch up with tv & generally do as little as possible, just for today. My ankles are swelling quite a lot & my mum says my face has swollen a bit too, so she thinks I should ring the midwife today. I will see if my ankles swell again & ring at lunchtime. They are ok at the moment as they go down at night, so if I rang now they'd think I was making a fuss about nothing. Apparently just 3 years ago you got an appointment every week at this point in pregnancy - I wish they still did that. I'm not really worried about the swelling, but I would like the reassurance of being checked this week rather than waiting till next week. I'll see how it goes.

I wonder what your body is up to? I can't remember, can you get a temp rise without ovulating? The positive OPK & temp rise seem to be a good sign for ovulating.

It feels strange to not have T with me after a week together. I always miss him after holidays. My brother goes back to uni on Wed so I'm going to miss him too. It's his 21st on 4th October, so we've got to sort out a present for him. I've got some ideas I think.

It also feels odd not to be planning to swim on a Monday. It's a shame I didn't go last week, but the midwife told me not to go from now on, so I'd better obey. I was still doing 30 lengths at 35 weeks pregnant, so that's almost as good as 36 weeks!

We got the cot up & had a little panic about how big it is! The radiator is on my side of the bed, so we have to make sure there is space between that & the bed. The wardrobe is on T's side, so we've had to have the door permenantly open so we can move the bed closer to it. It seems very strange in there now! I've made up the cotbed & the Moses basket, put the Moses basket in the cot bed & covered it all with one of our bed sheets so it doesn't get dusty. At least that's one thing I've got ready!

Tunisia will definitely be an improvement on this weather! September is a lovely time to go away, cos its all autumnal here but you have nice warm weather to look forward to!

I might go & get dressed now, before more resting! Hope your DIY goes well. xxx

Just to let you know, my swelling is all fine. I rang the midwife & she told me to come in to be checked. She found all is fine, my BP is normal & there's no protein in my urine. She didnt make me feel silly for ringing & said to call again if I had any further concerns, so that was nice.

Hope your DIY is going well. Xxx
Im glad your swelling is ok and that u got checked out. :) my friend Jodi had swelling when she was pregnant.
Did u have a nice relaxing day other than that?

The DIY is painting my mums front room, dining room and hall/landing. We are still sanding and preparing walls at the mo....long way to go!

Im looking after James today then DIY later. We are having steak for tea so that will be a nice reward!

My temp was a little lower today but FF still says i ovulated on my chart so im happy with that.

What are u doing today?

Yes, yesterday was v relaxing. Once T came home, he was a bit grumpy & I felt guilty that I hadn't done anything, so I thought he was grumpy at me. He said afterwards that he wasn't, that he knows I have to rest. I just feel really bad when he comes home from a long day at work & then tidies or hoovers.

My mum popped in to see us on her way home from work. My dad was off work ill. He has managed a couple of weekends with doing longish walks to prepare for Nepal & has now collapsed again. I wish he would see sense - I don't know how he thinks he will manage trekking in mountains & camping. All his colleagues at work think he shouldn't go, but no one will tell him, as he has to decide for himself. I wish so one would tell him. He won't change his mind now.

My mum told us quite a shocking thing about my brother's girlfriend. I've heard in the past few months that she has anger issues, to put it mildly. She has broken the bathroom door in their rented flat & within the last month has punched or kicked a hole in the wall there. On Fri night they went away to a hotel for the night and she punched/kicked a hole in the hotel room wall! Isn't that dreadful? I can't imagine ever losing control so much that you damage property like that. My brother said he walked out of the room & all the cleaning staff were standing outside, where they had been listening to her shouting. He was so ashamed. She has now promised to get help, but then she promised to get help when she made the hole in their flat wall. I don't know what help she needs, but it seems more than anger management to me. It was all over him wanting to relax & her wanting to do something apparently. Have you ever heard of anyone being like that? I'm scared she'll turn on my brother. The hotel wall seems worse than the flat wall & that was very bad, so it seems like its escalating. At least he's telling my mum about it, so it's not like he'll let her hit him & just take it, I hope. She hasn't managed to make him feel like its his fault, thank goodness. I feel really sad for my brother, that he has to deal with this. Do you think she can ever change or would he be better just getting away from her? My dad thinks he should tell her parents, but I think that would definitely be the end of their relationship if he did, so should be used as a last resort. My brother is 30, he should be with someone he can settle down with, it would be so sad if he had to start again, but then he can't live with someone like this. I'm so glad I found T.

I'm having another quiet day today, with slightly more household tasks, like washing & changing our electricity price plan, nothing too taxing. I hope you have a good day with James. Is it nice enough to take him out? It's brightening up here, although its meant to rain again later.

Hope you enjoy your steak, you will definitely have earned it!

I just had to reply straight away after reading that about your brothers girlfriend. That is terrible! Ive never known anyone act like that except for on tv soaps! Personally i think your brother would be better of without her. You wouldnt want her to be the mother if your child and to set that example. Maybe her parents know she acts this way? I feel so sorry for your brother. As if she would act that way about such a trival discussion. He must be walking on egg shells. 30 is still young enough to find a nice partner. Both my brothers didnt meet their wives until they were 30 and just did everything really fast lol.

I hope u have another relaxing day and get your jobs done. Its been raining here all day so i couldnt take James out. Im hoping the weather is better on Friday as id like to walk James to my house to spend the day with R.

Anyway back to DIY now. Ive just ripped the carpet off the stairs :) that was a fun job!!!


I was hoping you would say you knew someone who had similar issues & they got help & it was all alright in the end! Ever the optimist! It not something I've ever heard of anyone doing in real life either. My brother was so upset after his last GF cheated on him & they broke up, I'd hate him to have to go through that again. But I agree, she couldn't have kids like that & I don't know what future they could have if there's always the threat of violence hanging over him. I wonder if her parents do know? Maybe it's something you inherit from your parents?? I spoke to him today & he didn't mention it, so he's obviously just sharing it with my mum. As long as he keeps talking to someone.

The saga of my parents insane holiday continues. My dad went to the drs on Mon & he has to have blood tests & a chest X-ray. He will get the results on 4th Oct & they go on 10th! He will also be referred back to the hospital but that won't come through till after their holiday. They think its unlikely the tests will show anything new, but want to make sure nothing has been missed. He is still off work today. He rang my brother & told him to get immunisations as there is a chance my brother might go instead! My brother told him that he will need to know by end of week, cos obviously he can't just take time off at last minute. My dad doesn't know if he can let him know by then. The problem is, as well as the physical symptoms, the illness & the pills affect my Dad mentally, so he's not really himself. He can't see anything from anyone else's point of view. I think if he wasn't ill he'd see that ths holiday is insane & that taking mum away fom me when her first grandchild is being born isn't fair on her. Last week he told T, when I was out if room, that he would've cancelled the holiday "for something important"!!! This really upset T. I refuse to believe that if he was well my dad wouldn't think the birth of his first grandchild was important. Oh well, we will see what happens. I'm trying hard not to get my hopes up that they will cancel, but it's hard not to when it's something that you want so much. I'm just trying not to think about it still.

When's R's hospital appt? Is it before you go away?

How's the painting going? What colour has she chosen? You're so practical, being able to rip carpets up etc. I don't think I'd have the strength to do it, let alone know how to paint nicely. I helped T paint his mum's hall a few years ago, but I didn't enjoy it much!

I've had another restful day today - I'm getting good at this!! I thought time would drag without work, but it's actually going really quickly! Did I tell you work rang last week? It all sounded v chaotic, smokey woman answered the phone with "good morning, this is Millfield prep school" when it was afternoon & she hasn't worked at the prep school for 18 months! My boss was panicking about something too. It was satisfying to see they are missing me!

Have you started packing? So nice to pack summer clothes! We actually put the heating on in the living room for a bit yest! I've got my maternity jeans on today for the first time since June. It was quite a shock to see my bump in them now compared to how they looked in June! I still fit into them, so that's a relief!

Hope you have a good evening? Are you teaching tonight? xxx

I havent been teaching tonight but we had another day of DIY. I dont enjoy doing it but the results are good and i just keep working like a machine. Today we got the whole front room and dining room painted. We did a white undercoat and just a cream on top. It looks lots better already. Still got tons to do! Wont be finished by holiday but nevermind. We are planning on getting up early to paint the hall and landing. Then im going to meet Jodi for coffee whilst R plays golf (if it doesnt rain). Im at dancing tomorrow evening then going straight to inlaws for fish & chips. We are so busy now til holiday! Every min of the day acounted for. I wont be packing til Saturday evening.

You poor dad being ill and not knowing whether to go on holiday or not. I bet u are worried about him. Its not very nice what he said to T but if he is not feeling himself then i guess u just got to take that into account. I hope they cancel the holiday and get to stay home with u :). I hope u are managing to relax in mind as well as body? I feel like u have lots if people to worry about e.g your dad, your brother, Ts mum... remember to put yourself first at the moment :)

Its good that work cant cope without u. When do u plan on returning?

When u didnt write this morning i was thinking u may of gone into labour!! Im going to be thinking that everytime now lol. I have a feeling u might have your baby when im away on holiday and i wont have internet and i will miss your announcement!!
If u have a long labour u can message me and i will say "breathe" and words of encouragement lol.

Im chilling in bed now watching corrie. Good night

Oh my goodness, you're so going to need a holiday lol! I can't believe how busy you are! Be careful not to wear yourself out before you get away! I'm glad the results of your hard work are looking good anyway, that must be satisfying.

I seem to be the only one who doesn't think I'm going to go into labour at any minute lol! It still seems miles away to me. T thinks 4 weeks tmr is the latest they will induce me if I go over, so he keeps saying we'll have baby by shortly after then. The number of days on my ticker seems very small, I can't believe it. I still think I'll go over, so I don't think I'll have it while you're away! I still haven't properly got my head around ths whole labour business, maybe you don't till you actually have to do it?

I'm off to be fitted for nursing bras in a minute. I always seem to end up spending so much on them. I don't know if it the shop I go to, but then I want to get properly fitted so I'm comfy. I hope they're not ripping me off!

I think it's May I have to go back to work, I think that's 39 weeks after I left. I will see how it goes. I don't ever want to put work before baby, as being a mum is so much more important to me. But as its only part time, I'm hoping I can juggle both.

I'd best be off. Hope you enjoy your coffee with Jodi & your fish & chips. I'd love fish & chips tonight - we've got salmon & mashed potato, not quite the same thing!! Maybe I can convince T we need fish & chips at the weekend. We only had it last Fri tho, so maybe not! My bump dropped on Tues (at last, I was beginning to think baby didnt know where he was going!!) so I'm meant to have more room for food now. I haven't noticed more room, but I definitely fancy food more - although usually junk lol!

Have a good day. xxx

So today is not going as planned. Ive got sickness and dirreara :-(. Feel sooo ill.

Have u been sick anymore?

Oh no, poor you! Horrible! Is there a bug going round or do you think it's something you ate? I really hope you feel better soon. Are you able to get any sleep? Or can you snuggle up with daytime tv?

Try to drink little sips when you can & rest lots. Hope it goes soon.


Feel very sorry for myself. Just resting in bed with regular trips to the bathroom. I dont have time to be ill :-(

I hope you are ok xxx
How are you feeling now? Hope it's improving. Will R be home soon to look after you? Definitely not good timing when you had such a busy week, that's always the way things go don't it? Hopefully with being ill now you should be better by Sun tho.

I'm fine thanks. Bought 2 nursing bras, not too expensive (although still quite a bit!). T has been playing on Grand Theft Auto since he got home. I'm not convinced I approve of that game & def don't want him playing it around baby. Hopefully he will forget about it again soon!

Hope you feel better soon. xxx
T will soon be too busy changing nappies to be playing computer games lol.

Im glad u got your bras. You are getting organised! Have u bought any magazines yet for your hospital bag?

Im still not well. R has gone to his parents without me. I dont want him to catch it. My mum text saying she is starting to feel ill too!

We are at a wedding tomorrow night so FX im well enough to go. Id hate to let the bride down ss u never forget the people who didnt make your wedding.


How are you feeling this morning? Rubbish that your mum has caught it too, I hope R doesn't get it right before your holiday.

Is it Rachel's wedding tonight? It would be a shame if you can't make it to whoevers wedding, but I'm sure they'd understand.

I don't know what to do about magazines for hospital bag. If I buy one now, it will be out of date in a couple of weeks time. But if I don't buy one in advance, I won't have one. I'm buying a book for if I have to stay over - I needed one last time when I was in for sickness & there was no where to buy anything to read, the shops shut early. If I'm at the birthing unit, they don't even have a shop. Also, I don't know what magazine to buy, as I don't normally buy them. Any recommendations?

I'm off to an nhs breast feeding workshop this afternoon. That'll be the last of my antenatal classes. T's coming too. The other ones have been quite good, hope this one will be too.

My dad is meant to make up his mind by today about whether he is going to Nepal. He went in to work yest, but was too ill & came home at 12. I spoke to my mum yest, & she said that even if they don't go to Nepal, they will go somewhere else!!! I was really shocked by this, I thought she wanted to see baby & be there for me. I've wasted tears thinking that she will regret missing out & feeling sorry for her, when she will still go away even if she had a chance not to. So now I'm not going to be upset anymore, they can go where they like, I will just ignore the whole thing.

Have you watched Downton? I didn't watch it when it was on, but everyone else seemed to. My MIL gave me a box set for Xmas & I've started watching it again this week. I'm on series 2. I'm trying to catch up so I can watch some of the latest series live.

I have to listen to my natal hypnotherapy cd 3 times a week & then every day from Sunday! I don't know if its making any difference. I think I can relax more easily. I know most of it by heart now! It lasts 40 mins so it takes a fair bit of time out of the day (like I have anything better to be doing lol!). I'm off to listen to it now anyway.

Hope you're feeling much better & are able to go tonight. xxx

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