Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)

How funny that you wanted to be a fork lift truck driver! I've read the handouts that T's been given & it all seems quite complicated. You have to make sure you balance the load properly & can't drive across a slope or you'll topple sideways! He says its quite hard to drive as the steering is in the back wheels. It's a lot more fun than normal work he says!

We're waiting for it to get dark so we can watch the meteor shower. It was my idea, but I want to go to bed now lol!

I always find it so hard to leave my MIL's house too, I always feel rude. I stand to go & then take another 20 mins to actually leave! Does your niece call you Auntie Janine in class? I volunteered in my nephews class & he found it v odd not calling me auntie!

T says it won't be dark for an hour! I really hope he changes his mind about going out...!

Whats a meteor shower?

Yes my niece calls me Auntie Janine. All the children at dancing call me Miss Janine so it actually sounds quite similar when she says Auntie.


A meteor shower is when you get lots of shooting stars at the same time, about 1 per minute last night apparently. We ended up watching it from the spare room & didn't see any, I don't think it was dark enough. We stayed up til 10:30, but the sky was still inky blue & not black. I'm v glad T gave up on going outside. There is another one in Nov, that'll be a lot colder if he wants to go out & watch that one!

Did I tell you about our garden swing seat breaking a while ago? We were sitting on it & the seat just split, so I fell through the seat & scraped my back. It was sore the next day but otherwise ok. It was only a cheap seat from asda, which we'd had for just over a year. I read reviews of it & saw the same thing had happened to other people, so I rang up customer services to complain. They told us to take it back to the store for testing & gave us our money back, which I thought was good as it was over a year. Anyway, yesterday I got a letter from asda telling me about all the tests they'd done & giving me a £25 gift voucher as a good will gesture! I can't believe they did that, I was happy just to get my key back! Very decent of them! It shows its worth complaining - T just wanted to bin it!

There were 2 people in my lane when I arrived at swimming, but they both left soon after I started! I must've perfected my "oi, get out" stare!! The ladies showers were broken so I had to walk through reception in my swimming costume to go to the gym showers. My towel doesn't fit round my bump, so it was v embarrassing!

Have you managed to resist doing opks?

I started to pack my hospital bag yesterday. T has been on at me to do it for weeks, as that's what he's read on mums net! I've made a pile, so when he gets me a bag down from the loft I'll be able to put it in. Loads of the stuff I will need over the next 8 weeks, so I don't know what I'm meant to do about that. I've bought a second deodorant, toothpaste & brush so I can pack them.

T was v naughty & took one of our smoke alarms down last night. He tested the upstairs one just before bed & must've used the last of its battery, so it started periodically beeping. He changed the battery but it still beeped, so he took it down & hid it somewhere so we couldn't hear it. He will sort it out today. I'm glad we didn't have a night like Phoebe did on friends when she couldn't stop hers!

I'm hoping for a quiet day of drawer sorting at work today. At least it will be just me. Hope you have a good day. Do you make your own props for this one too? xxx

I looked up meteor shower on the internet and read about it. I spent a bit of time looking out the window last night but i couldnt see anything. I only had my glasses on so couldnt see very well. My eye sight is terrible and my glasses are very old and are not strong enough. I wear contact lenses all day.

U didnt tell me about your swing. Very good of Asda to do that, brilliant! Im glad u rang up and didnt just bin it. Id love a garden swing. Does yours hang from a tree?

Your getting good at your VIP lane hogging when swimming!! Lol

Today we are making clown hats and strong man weight bar thingy lol. Yesterday they did costume design and get to decorate a white t-shirt, they love getting to colour on their tops. Im setting off now to get my niece.

Have a good day drawer sorting.

P.s well done getting your hospital bag started :)

PPS. I havent done any opks. No temp taking and only R has instigated sex lol so i have been totally chilled and not thought of ttc very much :)


I'm shortsighted too, although dont need to wear my glasses all the time. I don't put them on as soon as I get up, I can walk round house without them, but once I've put them on to see something, they tend to stay on. I used to be able to get away with them just for driving, but my eyes have got worse recently. T has perfect eyesight, I hope baby inherits that from him & not mine! I wore contacts for my wedding, but I have v dry eyes, so don't find them that comfy.

That reminds me, did you do leather themed presents for your anniversary? It's my parents 37th wedding anniversary today. What a long time!

Our swing seat is on its on frame. We only have mini trees, our garden isn't big enough for proper trees. It's really comfortable & nice to sit out in when it's not too hot.

Well done for staying chilled re TTC.

Glad your course is still going well. It sounds like so much fun! Do they leave you with a big mess or are they good at tidying up?

My parents & Steve came over for tea last night. We were showing mum T's family tree. On our second date he told me he'd been looking into his tree & coukd trace it back to royalty & I thought, yeah right! But, in fact he can. Because of some rule where only male offspring can inherit Earldoms (if that's the right word), his uncle is in line to become an Earl through some distant relative. Trevor & all his family are in some book of peerage (Burkes Peerage??). So he just needs to trace his link back to this relative & then he can see the links back to Prime Ministers in the 1700s & eventually Edward 3rd & then all the kings before that. He's v proud of this & has been looking into it all again recently so he can see how baby is related to the Queen. T is 20th cousins with the Queen lol! It's v amusing. His family are all Somerset through & through, with strong accents, so the idea of one of them becoming an Earl is v funny.

Steve has stayed the night. I have to wake him at 9 & send him home, so he can take my mum to visit this 92 year old lady, who was a friend of my Grandma's & who we've sort of adopted as she doesn't have any kids. She broke her hip a few weeks ago & is now home but needs help ordering food in. Steve has mums car, so he needs to get it back to her. We might be going shopping later with mum.

Hope your clowning goes well today! xxx

Another day of clowning around done! Today we did tap and jazz and designed posters to advertise our show. We also rehearsed for the performance which is tomorrow at 3pm. The children are fun to be with and well behaved. They get excited so i have to tell them to be quieter but they are not naughty. I ask them to tidy up at the end and at that age they love it and enjoy being given a job of collecting things in lol. Its funny at lunch time as they cant open anything so im opening lots of packets of crisps and drinks etc :)

Thats great that T is related to royalty! Your baby can be a prince or princess :). R and i have got family trees that go back quite far but nothing as exciting. I know Kate Middleton has relatives who live in my village!

R has quite good eye sight too so id hope our children get his eyes. Im so blind. I need my glasses on as soon as i wake up as i cant see a thing. My mum needs glasses but my dad had good sight. One of my brothers wears contacts like me but my oldest brothers eyes are perfect!

I hope u have had a nice day. Did u go shopping?

Im at my mums house now and both my brothers are coming round for tea. Cant wait to see them!


Overslept again, I'm going to have to start using an alarm again!

How did your performance go? Hope it went well. Are you all done now? Back to being a lady of leisure for a few weeks?

Mum, Steve & I went shopping in Bath yest. It was really nice spending some time with them. Mum treated us to lunch at Sally Lunn's which is the oldest cafe in Bath, it's been there since 1400s. It's a tourist attraction so it felt like being on holiday! I'd never been before. It was nice. Mum also bought me some sheets for a cot bed, so that was really kind of her. Steve got some t shirts & she bought some tops, so we all did well. They then came back to mine for cake, which rounded it all off nicely!

About to eat tea, so I'll post this then write more later. xxx
Did you enjoy seeing our brothers last night? When does your brother go to Croatia? Or has he been?

My boss was back from holiday today, which surprised me! I still managed to get my drawers done, so that was good. It so much less stressful when smokey woman isn't there. It will be so nice not to have to see her for months! Only 2 weeks left now! My boss had a new IQ test for adults, so we were looking at that. I couldn't get one of the test, but I was quite good at the spatial awareness ones. I'd love her to perform the full iq test on me. It might be embarrassing if she found out my weaknesses though! I think she's done lots of psychological analysis on me without me knowing anyway, it's probably hard for her not to. Quite worrying really!!

Hope you have a good evening! xxx

Sounds like u had a nice day shopping in Bath. Ive never been to Bath before but my brother has a friend who lives there so he goes to visit him.
My brother Craig goes to Croatia on Sunday. He cant wait, he has missed his family so much.

The summer school is over!! It all went well today and the performance was great! I was very proud of all the girls. Yes im off for another 2 weeks now. So when i go back to work u will be just starting your time off :).
Tomorrow im going to meet Jodi for a coffee. I feel stronger at the moment so should be ok seeing her and her baby.

Im just about to cook tea now as R should be home from work at 8.30pm. We are having gammon egg and chips lol.

I hope u had a good day today xxx

Good luck with meeting Jodi today. I hope it goes well & you don't find it too upsetting.

Nice that Craig finally gets to go to Croatia - that's been ages! Hs family will be so pleased to see him!

If you are ever in the South West, you should definitely visit Bath. It's got pretty buildings & a Roman spa. They've opened a new spa using the same naturally heated water that heats the roman spa, so that's really nice. When T has a week off in Sept I'm considering going there for a spa day. I'll have to research what bits I'm actually allowed to do first though. We're also considering going away for a night in a hotel when he has time off, but we'll have to see how I am. I'm worried about the breakfast bit. What is the make of hotels you go to? I might see if they have one of them round here.

Glad your performance went well. Nice you've got another 2 weeks off now.

T has his fork lift truck driving test today. He isn't too worried. I think he'll be sad to go back to normal work!

I'm doing some cleaning today and walking to doctors to get more anti sickness pills. I nearly managed 2 weeks without being sick, but failed this morning. Nevermind, it was probably my own fault as I took my pill at 6:15 but didn't eat breakfast for 2.5 hours as I overslept again.

My cleaner sort of sacked herself a couple of weeks ago. I cancelled her when Lucy was coming down so she said she could do the Monday instead. She thn texted Sun eve to say she couldn't do Mon anymore. She sent me 2 texts with other times on Mon morning, but I couldn't fit her in as I was working etc. She then sent a snotty text saying she couldn't have people cancelling her, did I want her to come anymore!! So I very politely said no I didn't. I can't have her telling me I can't go out to work cos she's coming or not letting me cancel. What a silly woman, sending a text like that. I would have cancelled her when baby comes, but she could have had 8 more weeks of work! V daft! I'm sure we can cope without her.

I'd better go and get on with it. Hope you enjoy your meet up with Jodi and have something nice to do afterwards.

I cant believe your cleaner text u that. How silly. Doesnt she know how to run a business and to put her clients needs first! Crazy lady lol.

Im all ready to go meet Jodi. Just having a bacon sandwich first :). Im feeling ok about it and im going to go shopping afterwards. Ive got a 20% off voucher for M&S so might go buy R a new shirt or something. We are planning a night out tomorrow night, just the 2 of us, so he could wear it then. We just want to go out and have a little drink and have some fun together.

The hotels we stay in are Macdonald Hotels. I know that HandPicked Hotels are nice too. There will probably be one near u. Im tempted to book another short break away when R is off in September. Bath sounds lovely so i might look there.

Sorry u were sick again. Such a shame after going so long. I hope the tablets help.

Have a nice day.
I bet u do a better job than your cleaner :)

How did your meeting with Jodi go? Hope you found it ok. Did you spend your M&S voucher? Going out, just the 2 of you, sounds really nice, v romantic. I hope you enjoy.

Thanks for the hotel recommendations, I will look into them both. I've never been to either type. After our wedding, before our honeymoon (we got married on a Sat & the flight was on Wed) T booked a night away in a Four Pillars hotel as a surprise, so that's sort of our equivalent of your MacDonald. Trouble is, there are only about 5 hotels, we've been to 3 of them & they are all quite close together, so doesn't seem any point going to the others!

Weather looks rubbish today, hope you're not planning anything outdoors. T wants to go to Waitrose for brunch this morning. A new Waitrose has just opened about 20 mins away. We've not had one near us before. I don't know what else we are planning. Steve is off to a 50s themed birthday party so we won't be seeing him. 50s is quite hard for a bloke - I'd love to wear 50s clothes. I love the big skirts.

I think I did do a better job than the cleaner lol! I only did the bathrooms (2) & toilet, but I was more thorough. I got so hot & exhausted doing it though! T is waiting for me to get to the nesting phase, but I think even if I feel an urge to nest, I will be too exhausted to actually do it! I didn't do cravings, so maybe I won't do nesting. Although maybe I crave summer fruits - if I see a nectarine or a grape, I can't concentrate on anything else until I've eaten it! It was the same with strawberries & cherries when they were in season. I've never eaten so much fruit!

I'd better get up so T can get hs brunch. Hope you have a good day & enjoy you're date night!


I woke up at 8am with another migraine :-( so i went back to sleep until now in the hope it would help. Its still hurting now so i will need to take some headache tablets. I was planning on cutting the grass but dont feel like it now and its going to rain after lunch.

Well done for your cleaning yesterday. I always get when cleaning or hoovering or ironing. I end up doing it in barefeet when i get hot coz it cools me down.

Meeting Jodi went well. I felt fine and didnt feel upset afterwards. It was just the same conversations as normal and not too baby oriented. I had a look in M&S before i met Jodi but there was nothing i wanted so i gave her my voucher and she bought some baby clothes.

I hope u enjoy brunch. We dont have any Waitrose near us but i wish we did.

R and i are going out tonight. Im really looking forward to it. R got his hair cut yesterday and instead of travelling to his usual salon, he booked in a local one instead. He ended up with a parking fine!! It was the most expensive hair cut ever! He was really mad when he got home. He said thats what u get for trying to support your local businesses lol.

Im going to get some tablets and breakfast now.
I hope Steve enjoys the 50s night!

Have a nice day xxx
P.s i loved the money twist on BB and i was quite surprised at who left last night xxx

How was your date? I hope your migraine went so you were able to go. What did you have to take for it, paracetamol or do you have something stronger?

Glad seeing Jodi went well. How annoying that R got a parking ticket! We got one when on holiday in Boscastle, T got v annoyed. I just quickly paid it so he'd forget about it.

It was so dark all day yest. We had the light on at 5pm! It's tipping it down now as well. T enjoyed his breakfast bap at Waitrose & I had a chocolate Torsade, which I hadn't heard of before. A bit like a twisted pain au chocolat. You get a free tea or coffee with the Waitrose loyalty card, so T had a caramel latte. He's just started drinking coffee. I find it v odd. When I met him he didn't drink hot drinks, like me. He's been drinking tea since we got engaged & now he's started on coffee. I've banned him from drinking coffee in the house at the mo as I can't stand the smell. I used to love the smell, even though I didn't like the taste. With the loyalty card you also get a free newspaper if you spend £5, so that was cool. I love a freebie lol!

We spent the afternoon sorting. I sorted a drawer in baby's room & T sorted the garage. Then we watched the athletics. T loves athletics & I've been enjoying it too, it's a shame it's over today.

I don't know what we're doing today. My parents are out & we've visited T's mum, so won't be seeing family. I expect T will come up with some plan!! What are you up to?

Hope you have a good Sunday. xxx

My migraine went away yesterday. I didnt end up taking any tablets and after eating breakfast i went back to sleep.
R and i enjoyed going out last night. We got all dressed up and went to a few pubs in our village. It is quite lively and a mixed age group. We had a few drinks and came home at 12.30am. It was good to be so close to home. I think we will go out again soon.

As if u got a parking ticket before as well. R paid his straight away too as it was cheaper if u paid quickly.

Your brunch and drinks sound nice at Waitrose. Its good that u have a loyalty card and get good deals. I hope they open a branch near us.

Good that u did some sorting out yesterday. Are u feeling more organised? What other things do u need to buy? Have u got a baby bath?

Today R has gone to work for a few hours. I have opened my studio as there is a little girls birthday party in today. I then went to tesco with my mum and we tried 'scan as you shop'. U are given a scanner and put your shopping into bags as u shop. It was fun!!

We are going to have a nice dinner this afternoon. Mum does the meat, i do the veg and R makes the yorkshire puds.....yummy!

I think we will just chill out tonight and maybe watch a film. Im loving how relaxed ive been about ttc this month. I know i must of ovulated by now and dont think i will be pregnant but never mind. We go to the doctors on tuesday, so when we get referred back to the fertility specalist then i will be ready to focus on ttc again.

I wonder what u have ended up doing today? I hope u are having a good Sunday xxx

How are you today? What are you up to? I've had a thrilling morning of washing and ironing, but I'm going swimming in a bit, so that'll be good. I texted my cousins wife to see if she wanted company as she's 4 days overdue, but she's feeling as if she might be coming down with a cold, so wanted peace. I've heard that that can be a sign of impending labour, so maybe it'll be soon.

We tried that scan as you shop thing at tescos a while ago when they were trialling it. Our nephew was helping us with it & he scanned it all very carefully, apart from this expensive balsamic vinegar that T added at the last minute. We got checked & it was very embarassing as they saw that we'd forgotten that & it was the most expensive thing we'd bought, so they probably thought we were trying to nick it! We haven't tried using it again since!

Was your roast nice? Did you watch a film? We took inspiration from your date night & decided to go out for lunch, just the two of us. We couldn't get a table at a pub at that late notice, so we went to our favourite cafe, where we went on our anniversary. Afterwards, T randomly decided he wanted to go to Bath - I seem to spend my whole life there at the moment! He wanted to buy a pramsuit as the midwife told us we need one for bringing baby home. We didn't find a nice one, but we decided on the outfit we're going to buy as the first thing baby wears. I want it to be something we buy, rather than a gift from someone else. We chose some baby grows from M&S, nothing fancy, but we like them. We're going to buy one set in blue & one in pink near my due date, then take back the one we don't use. We have got a baby bath, T's mum bought us one. I don't think I'll ever feel ready or organised, but I'm getting there. I have my hospital bag down fom the loft now & a few things in it, so that's a start.

It's really good you've been all relaxed this month, it will help envigorate you for next month. I hope your drs appt goes well tomorrow. Is it just a case of getting referred or do you think you will have to convince them?

Better go & eat my lunch before swimming! Hope you're having a nice day. V sunny here, hope it is there too.


Today i went into town with my mum. We needed to go to a bank where i had a joint account with my nanna and we took her off the account. I didnt even know i had the account lol. Not much money in it lol.

I havent done much else today, except walk Hollie. We are having a curry tonight and wine whilst we watch BB final :). The celeb BB starts on Thursday! Cant wait!

Lol at u almost stealing vinegar! Oppps!

Sounds like u had a nice day out yesterday. Lovely that u have chosen a coming home outfit. Thats a good idea to buy both colours then take one back.
We enjoyed our roast and used the leftover batter mix to make pancakes last night. We watched a film called Stolen, actually i didnt watch much of it lol.

Doctors in the morning. I dont expect we will need to convince them as the FS gave us their fax number to pass on to the doctor to make referral quicker. Im worried i will cry in the doctors :-( hopefully not.

Tomorrow we are going for a big walk up a big hill near us. We usually park in the car park below but we are going to try to walk there from home. I bet we get too tired to walk back lol. Might need to take the tent.....only joking :).

I hope u have had a good day and a nice stress-free VIP swim xxx

I didnt realise there was a celeb big brother! Thats good! I was womdering what i was going to watch after tonight!

Im a bit upset this evening (nothings wrong with baby or anything). I know this is such a silly little thing to be upset about, but I've just found out there's almost no chance my parents will be in the country when baby is born. They booked a holiday to Nepal before Christmas last year, before I even conceived. Mum joked that we would conceive a baby due when they were away. And low and behold we did! They thought they were going on the 18th & while I've been really worried about this and hated the idea of them not being here in baby's first few weeks, I've sort of thought there was a good chance of baby being born before they left at least. But this evening my mum told me they wrote the date down wrong & they are actually going on the 10th. My dates say baby is due on the 12th. There's v little chance of it being born before they go. This has really upset me. The idea of my mum not being on the end of the phone as I deal with early labour scares me. The idea that they won't see baby for 3 weeks really upsets me. It's only 8 days earlier, I guess this is just the first time I've actually accepted the reality of them going (they pay the full balance for it tomorrow). I've been crying since I found out. T says we don't need them & it doesn't matter, but it does to me, I need my mum. He says I can't anymore, as I'm the mum, I have to be strong. I guess it doesn't matter if they don't see the baby for 3 weeks does it? It's not like baby will remember. And I'll be ok in labour won't I? I'll have T. It just seems like a time when you need your mum. But I'm sure lots of people manage without. And it's only 3 weeks. It'll be fine wont it? I know this is such a silly thing to be upset about. I'm sure I'll be fine and I won't be upset tomorrow, but I feel really upset tonight.

Don't feel you have to reply to this tonight. It helps just having someone to write to. I hope you enjoy big brother. I'm going to watch it tomorrow morning.

Good luck for your drs appt and your walk! Hope you make it back ok!


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