Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)

Hello! Happy Easter!

Thank you. I keep staring at the photo! It's such a relief to see it! I can't believe I'm now meant to be 13 weeks!

Don't worry about your scan. Baby has a heart beat & is moving, if they can't get him to lie in the right position, it won't matter that much. Surely they can just estimate until ur next scan? And as for the nuchal thingy, they'll still be able to do the blood test won't they? And you're young, it's not like you're high risk, and would you even do anything if you found out you were at risk? I was thinking as I had it done yest, it is fairly pointless as its not like I would do the invasive test anyway (well, I don't think I would). It will all be fine. As long as baby is still there, nothing else matters. (But I'm sure he'll be more compliant this time)

It would be funny if your due date moved to the 12th!

Hope you enjoy your lunch out! I'm telling my nephews & niece & my aunt & uncle today. I might use my badge to tell my nephews. xxx
I lost internet access yesterday so had to wait until we got home to read your last message.
Home now and going to spend today relaxing (and some house work).
I probably will get my dd changed to the 12th lol.

Ive been thinking the same about the downs test and im so attached to this baby. I made the choice to have the first tests when i was only 6 weeks. Hopefully both of ours will come back low risk anyway.
2 more sleeps until my scan!
All we seem to be doing lately is counting down to scans lol.

After this scan it will be another 8 weeks till either of us have a scan, what will we count down to?! I keep forgetting I'm "13" weeks now, so it will only be 7 weeks till mine, actually. 4 weeks til hearing the heartbeat at midwife appt, that'll be the next milestone. Mines Monday 27/29 April.

Telling my 4 year old niece was an experience yesterday! Her first question was "how will baby get out?" DH said Catherine got a special hole, dont ask to see it! And I quickly moved on!! She then said "how did baby get in there?" I did the whole when grown ups want a baby they have a special cuddle speech. (Before I'd asked my SIL what I should say & she said its up to you - she left it to me to explain to my nephews when she was pregnant with my niece!). She was very interested in the scan pic & wanted a copy for herself! She then put it in a teddy bear that has a frame. Apparently she took it to bed with her & wouldn't stop looking at it! She would only go to sleep when her mum promised that they could go & buy baby some clothes today! She likes playing drs & we had to play that she was teaching me what I needed to look after a baby & how to dress her doll. She also "scanned" me! When I left she kissed my tummy cos she wanted to kiss baby bye bye! It was all v cute! I didn't expect quite such an extreme reaction! I hope she doesn't mind waiting til Oct for the baby. Baby has already been invited to her birthday party May 2014!

The boys didnt really care that I was pregnant! Not really surprising!

I'm having a relaxing day today too. I started knitting a v basic patchwork blanket when I was first TTC. I've left it for a year, but now I've started trying to finish it. I didn't really know how to knit, so it's nt going to be anything special, but hopefully baby won't mind!

Have a good day! xxx
Aww your niece story is very cute!
One of my nieces just randomly kissed my tummy last night. We went to the inlaws to take the childrens easter gifts. They are all so excited. My niece has told everyone in her school. Mu nephew who is 11 is excited to and hopes its a boy!
I havent been able to see my other niece & nephew as they have chicken pox so are keeping away lol.
Thats nice that u are knitting. DH sister is going to knit a cardigan and a lady in their street is making a blanket! I love it when people do thoughtful things that cost time rather than money. So sweet!
Have a lovely Easter Monday
Morning! How are you today? Apart from the usual sickness, all is good here. Still spending far too long staring at scan pictures! How exciting that you get to see your LO again tomorrow!

That's lovely that people are making things for you. My aunt has promised to teach me how to crochet, as I really want to make some cute booties I've seen. I am hoping she might decide to knit me something herself too!!

I told you I didn't want to find out baby's sex didn't I? I am still not going to, but I really really want to! Do you know anything about nub theory? I have been reading loads about it and studying my scan pictures!! Naughty Catherine!! But DH says I'm allowed, as its not really accurate or conclusive. I'm not even sure I can see a nub, it might be a leg!! I put my scan on a guessing website & so far I've had 1 boy guess & 2 girl guesses, so who knows? I really want to find out, I'm so impatient! I'm sure I don't really want to know though, And when it comes to the 20 week scan, we won't find out. I must just learn to be patient & look forward to the surprise!

Are you working today or do you have an Easter holiday? My office is shut today so I have a day off! I might do some cleaning or maybe go & tell my neighbour our news! xxx

Im fine thanks! Glad u are ok and coping with the ms.
I feel the same about finding out the sex. I said to DH last night that i cant wait to see if we have a boy or a girl but o dont think we will find out either.
When we were in The Lakes there was lots of lovely peter rabbit shops with the most beautiful baby clothes. They were mostly pink or blue so if i knew the sex i would of probably spent too much money! Not knowing the sex will keep wanting to buy everything under control :)
I dont know anything about nub theroy but ive seen people guessing the sex in first tri forum and its always a mixture lol.
Ive been looking at nursey bedding and quite like peter rabbit as a theme but its mostly blue and suits a little boy better. Also the inlaws have found the pram i like on offer and want to order it but i think its too early! Also i havent fully made my mind up yet lol they must be excited!! I just hope everything is ok tomorrow at the scan as i dont want to let everyone down. Cant wait to see my baby again and hopefully get a due date :)
Have a nice day bump buddie xxx
Isn't it amazing how much we agree on? I think we're in the minority, not finding out the gender. I know have 3 girl guesses & 1 boy, lol, but definitely won't be going out & buying anything pink yet!

Peter Rabbit is v cute - my brother had a toy when he was little, which was v cute. If you had Beatrix Potter in general, it could be gender neutral as you could have all the characters. I don't know what theme we're going to go for, especially with not knowing gender. If I'm using a crib in my bedroom & then moving to a cot in baby's room, maybe I don't need to decide till after its born? But then I suppose you don't have time to decorate when you have a baby do you?

Which pram do you like? I wouldn't like to buy anything big like that yet, too. At the moment our favourite is the Uppababy travel system, but we keep changing our minds. My SIL still has her cot so that's one less expense.

Hardly any time at all till your scan. If you feel the same as when you saw baby last week, nothing can have changed surely? I'm excited to see your new pics, I bet baby will have changed a bit. xxx
My last scan was only last week and i feel worried already. How will i wait until 20 week scan lol.
Thats a good idea about buying the cot bedding afterwards as mine will be in a moses basket first. But i would prefer to have it all ready and be organised but i suppose there is no rush. I want to buy the perfect cot set!
The pram i like is Silver Cross linear freeway in oxford grey. There is a matching car seat that can be attached too.

Im soo excited about being pregnant! Sometimes it just hits me and a rush of happiness washes over me! I cant believe im finally pregnant! I never want to take this for granted.
And its so nice to share the journey with u!

Tomorrow after my scan i am going out to meet some old work friends who i worked in a primary school with. I was a teaching assistant and dance teacher there before i became fully self employed. They dont know im pregnant! Then tomorrow evening my friend and her bf are coming round for takeaway and we are telling them too. I hope the scan goes well, otherwise im changing my plans.

Are u showing much yet? I still have a bump of bloat after ive eaten but on a morning im flat again! I really want a bump :) really looking forward to that
Ive just found a yellow blanket i started to crochet in 2005! I didnt make it for any reason. I used to teach these old ladies exercise class and they would come early and crochet before the lesson and taught me how to do it! Its about the size of a hand towel but i want to make it bigger but i have forgotten how to crochet and cant find the hook thing either lol. Im glad its yellow though! Im going to learn how to do it again so i can finish it!!!!
Im excited now :) xxx
That's really exciting about your blanket. If you find any good tutorial videos or websites will you share them with me please? Just in case my aunt doesn't get round to teaching me.

I used to volunteer as a teaching assistant. I was considering becoming a teacher & wanted experience. I loved it, but decided teaching was too stressful for me. And training didnt fit in with starting a family. You'll have a really exciting day of telling people tomorrow when your scan goes well!

Im hoping to be able to tell my friend from Glasgow tonight. I spoke to her when I was 7 weeks & she told me about her friend who was 7 weeks then, so I felt really bad that I couldn't tell her my news. Her friend was having a 2nd child, maybe you feel more secure then? It will be great to tell her now.

My gender guesses have swung the other way now, 5 boys & 3 girls! Lol

I told my neighbour my news this morning so I expect it will be all round the village by now! She's 64 & is known for being friendly with everyone, and therefore a bit of a gossip. Se was very excited for me, which was sweet.

Good luck for tomorrow! Can't wait to hear your new due date & see the pic! The 20 week scan seems a long way away! And then we don't get to see them again til they are born, how will we cope!!

I like your new booties pic! Very cute!

We are both enjoying telling people. It will be strange when everyone knows! Hubby went back to work yesterday and told loads of colleagues.
I guess when we can feel the baby move inside then we wont feel like we need the scans to see it anymore.
Where are your gender guesses? On B&B?

How did you sleep? Are you leaving soon? So good you don't have to wait so long this time.

The pic is of the booties I bought on Sat - baby's first clothing!

When everyone I know knows, I'm just going to start telling random strangers! It's v fun telling people!

My gender guesses are on I found it while researching the nub theory. It's an annoying website in that it only works half the time, but some of the people on it claim to be knowledgeable. It's 6-4 to boys now, although the people who have posted the most of website say girl.

Hope all goes well today. xxx

TODAY!! Yipeeee!
Im tired this morning, i was awake a lot in the night. Just couldnt sleep.
We will set off at about 9.45am. We need to take two cars this time as DH will be going straight to work after and i am meeting friends.

I will have a look at the gender website when i get chance.

Feeling nervous now. I will update as soon as i can.
FX baby is still ok.

Have a nice day. It looks sunny here :) xxx

Had my scan but it didnt go well. The baby has a defect in its brain and it might be disabled. We have to go back for another scan next thurs to see if anything has changed and see what our options are.

On the scan the babys body is perfect and it was moving around loads! I loved seeing it but then we got taken into another room and told the bad news. It doesnt look hopeful at all. The doc was saying im very sorry.
Ive cancelled all my plans for today and just crying at my mams house. Hubby has had to go to work.
Im 11+2 and due date is 21st october. It has grown since last week and everything else was good.
I feel so sad for the baby.

Oh no. I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say. I want to give you a big hug. I'm glad you've got your mum to look after you.

Does the fact that it was moving & has grown give any hope? Was there any chance it might improve by next Thursday? I'm so sorry for you, your hubby & the baby.

It might improve by next thurs but the doc didnt seem hopeful. Im going to hope and pray and wish for the best but also keep my mind in reality.

Everything else with the baby is perfect so its such a shame.

I will know more on thurs and then we can go from there.

Im so sad but people have gone through worse than this so i will be ok and hubby is amazing. He was asking the doc lots of question which was great as i couldnt really get any words out.

I will be hoping & praying & wishing for you too.

You poor thing having to count down to a scan yet again. Do you having anything you can do to keep your stress levels down, like yoga or something? It will be really important to keep as calm as possible, that's what nurse told me when I was in hospital.

I've been trying to google things for you, but haven't found anything at all. You do read on the forums about people who are told bad things at one scan & then it's ok at the next, maybe there's a chance that will happen? (Sorry, I don't want to give you false hope, but I don't want there to be no hope.)

You will get through it, whatever happens. I will keep you company while you wait. xxx
Thank u.

I hope this next week passes by quickly. I just need to know now. I have been googling too.
The brain shows a black circle that looks like a cyst of fluid. The doc said it could go away but he doesnt think it will. Its likely to be an Archnoid Cyst or Dandy-Walker Malformation.

How are you this morning? Did you sleep? Do you have things to do today to keep you occupied?


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