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Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)


Ive got such a banging headache from crying all day yesterday. I slept ok on and off. Ive started googling again as soon as i woke up. Dont know what to think.
Ive got work this afternoon but feel like cancelling my classes. Its Easter hols anyway but i dont know what to do.

I hope u are ok. I dont want to bring u down.
I hope your head is feeling better now. What have you found from googling? I don't suppose you can find out much, as every case is different. Have you found anything to give you hope?

Did you teach your classes? Hope the day hasn't passed too slowly. Don't worry about bringing me down, I'm really sad for you, but it's nothing like what you're going through.

I cancelled my classes. Spend another day crying and googling. Dont find much of any use but feel like im doing something. I cant go on feeling this sad all week. I dont know what to do. Want to go back to the hospital but i know i must wait.
Dont feel like seeing the inlaws. Feel like im letting them down :-(
You mustn't feel you've let anyone down. It's not anything you have done, these things just happen. I can understand you not wanting to see the in laws, but they're support might help, you might be surprised.

I read a thread where a baby had a cyst at 28 weeks & then it had just disappeared by the next scan. They grow so quickly at the moment, maybe it will correct itself?

Less than a week till your next scan, so time is passing. What time is this appt? Do you have a sympathetic GP? Maybe you could go & talk to them. When you're feeling so sad, surely it's their job to help you (I don't mean with drugs, just give you more info) I wish I'd gone to GP earlier about my sickness, but you forget they are there to help cos they are so busy. What about your midwife? Could you ring them? I just feel you shouldn't have been left for a week without someone who can tell you more. My midwife rang me at 920pm on Wed, just to check i was ok after hospital stay (scared me ringing at that time of night, but it was nice of her to ring). Or what about ringing the Cow & Gate free helpline? I just hate to think of you feeling so sad & helpless. Maybe talking it through with a neutral person would help?

I'm off to get my hair cut today. I haven't for months cos of the smell of the salon. I hope I can cope with it now. xxx

I do feel like i want to talk to someone but i dont have a regular gp, i usually just see anyone and its always a different one! I would like to talk to my midwife but i have never met her yet and dont have a number for her. Sounds like u are getting better care than me. I dont think i could talk on the phone to anyone as i easily get upset and wont be able to speak.
My DH is a very strong character he would be best to go see someone with me as he asks loads of questions and demands answers. Im the type of person who just accepts what im told and gets pushed over easily.

I need to get my hair cut too! It always makes u feel loads better when your hair looks nice :). I hope the salon doesnt smell too bad for u xxx
How are you feeling today? Would hubby be able to go to GP with you on Mon if you're still feeling like this? I know it's only a few days till scan then, but each day of being stressed wont do you any good. Maybe the weekend will help - do you have plans? Does your DH work on Sats?

That's weird you don't have a midwife phone number. Mine emphasised it to me when they booked the first appt, even before I'd been there, & said I could ring 24/7 & a midwife would always be there.

Remember the cow & gate helpline if you do get desperate. I was crying down the phone to them & that was only about a silly thing like morning sickness. They were v sympathetic & calming.

Salon was ok, didnt smell too strongly, although I'm not liking the smell of the stuff in my hair. Normally I have layers tat I straighten, but cos I can't cope with straightening it at the moment I've now got a one length bob. It looks nice at the moment, I just hope it is still ok when I dry it myself!

We've got builders coming on Mon to put a door from utility to garage. It seemed like a good idea when we booked it, but now I'm not looking forward to all the mess. We need to clear out the garage a bit before they come (by we, I mean DH!)

Hope today's passing at a reasonable pace. Sending you more hugs. xxx
Your hair sounds lovely!

I thought it strange that i dont have a midwife number. Perhaps if id got to meet her i would of got one.
I did a live chat with cow & gate people but they said its above their knowledge.

DH and i are both working tomorrow. I havent got other plans. I definately dont want to see friends or anyone. Im not good company right now. Im just hurting so bad. I want to go on thurs and be told they made a mistake.

I'm really hoping & praying that they made a mistake too, or that it's sorted itself out somehow. It's so horrible that you are going through this. Sorry that the C&G people weren't any help.

Could you ringtone hospital where you had the booking in appt? I just got a letter about my Downs test & it said ring midwife if you have any questions, so the must expect to answer questions. I know they probably can't tell you more than the dr did at this stage, but maybe there is some more advice or something.

Maybe work will be a distraction? I can completely understand you not wanting to see people at the moment. How is your DH taking it all? xxx
What does your letter say? I hope all is good.

DH is finding info on internet and printing out things to take with us on thurs. He feels just like i do. Thanks for asking :)

Letter said baby is low risk for Downs, 1 in 12,000 chance. They said this what it would be at scan, but I'm pleased bloods confirmed it.

Thats excellent news!

How big was the back of the neck fluid measure at? Do u know? Mines was 1.3mm
It was 1.5mm, so yours should be fine at 1.3. Did you have the blood test done as well? I don't understand what the results of that mean, but apparently they are fine.

Are you managing to sleep? I hope work proves to be a distraction for you today. My DH is working this morning then we are spending the afternoon assembling more of MIL's ikea furniture. I think we've got about 10 cupboards left to do, all of which need doors put on too! It will take quite a long time!!

All this DIY sound just like what we are doing with my mums kitchen lol.

I was so pleased with 1.3 and then got told about the brain cyst! I had my blood test too. Not heard any results yet.

I slept ok thanks and we dreading going to work but it has really helped. It has done me the world of good!
I was worried about going because when we went for scan i saw a mother and father of one of the children from dancing and was scared incase she said congrats or told the other mothers. So when i saw her arriving from the window my mum went and told her not to say anything as we have a problem. The lady said she needs to go back from more tests so isnt telling anyone either!

Hope u have almost got the cupboards complete xxx
I'm really pleased work has helped. Strange that mother has to go back for more tests.

DH assembled all the units, but still has 23 out of 30 doors to put on! They take as long as the units! MIL was slightly overwhelming me with what she's bought or is planning to buy straight away. I wish she'd wait, I still don't feel like I'm far enough along.

DH is making 3 different types of pasta for tea. I hope I can eat one of the at least, he's going to so much effort when he's been working since 6 am!

Aww bless him. U have a lovely hubby :)

I know. Im so glad i didnt let the inlaws order the pram. Better to be cautious now u can see me going through this. I hope i get to remain your bump buddy. :-(

Yes, I'm v lucky my DH likes cooking so much. I liked 2 out of three pastas, so it was a success.

I hope you remain my bump buddy too, I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you to talk to. None of my friends get it the way you do, as they're not going through it.

What are you doing today? We're going to visit my cousin & his wife who is due in August. We haven't told them our news yet. They have a very adorable little girl who is nearly 3, so I'm looking forward to seeing her. I haven't seen her since Jan, I hope she still remembers me!

Your a lemon!

I really need to change my due date on mine but dont feel like doing it yet.
Today we are going for a nice long walk. It looks very sunny! Then i need to sort the dog out as i need to cuts its fur and nails, its looking scruffy lol.

We will probably go to my mums later for dinner.

Hope u have a nice day and enjoy telling your cousin :)

Hope you enjoyed your walk & dog grooming! Does your dog mind having his nails cut? Luckily we don't have to cut my mums Labradors nails, as he walks on pavements a lot. He will let us touch his paws, but I think the nails would be v thick to cut! He gets waxy ears & hates having them cleaned. You just have to mention "ear cleaning" & he hides under the table!

We had a nice day yesterday. My cousins wife is 7 weeks ahead of me. She was really kind & looked after me well, providing me with food when needed. She wasn't actually sick with her ms, but felt dreadful all the time. She still has some sickness now, at 21 weeks, which I didn't find v reassuring!

The builders have arrived. I feel it's far too early - I need to sit calmly for at least another 2 hours before I get on with the day, so I don't feel sick. I feel embarassed about being sick with them in my house, which I know is silly. Hopefully I'll be ok if I just sit here for a bit.

Are you working today? xxx
Im glad your builders have turned up! :) just sit and relax.
Our boiler is acting funny so my brother is coming round soon to take a look at it. He works for british gas.
Our walk was nice but all we talked about was the baby. My head is full of all the things we have looked up and learnt! Even when i look at the TV guide im sure every programme is about the brain! And my laura ashley patterned wallpaper in my hall looks like brains now :-(. My minds full to the brim.
After thurs when i can explain more info to u, i will uploads some pics so u can understand.
Our dog hates her nails being cut but DH pins her down and i cut them lol. She gets a treat after each paw! She is very good at letting u touch her anywhere and loves bring brushed! DH uses his own shaver to trim the hair on her paws lol.
Its nice that u and your cousin are expecting together. My friend is due at the end of June. Im going to find that very hard if this doesnt go well.
Im at work this afternoon. Quite looking forward to it! Its a nice escape.
I hope the builders do a good job and u havent needed to be sick xxx
Hope your boiler starts behaving & doesn't need to be fixed, you don't need that as well this week!

My builders are being very noisy, it's driving me a little insane. I'm in all afternoon now, but the hole for the door has been made, so I'm hoping that's the worst of it. (Argh, spoke too soon, now they are hammering!) The door frame was in, but now it's out again. I can't remember if they said it would be one day or two.

I'm not surprised you were talking about baby, it must be hard to think of anything else. It's a shame your wallpaper looks like brains now. At least it's not in your bedroom, that would be worse. Only 3 more days till you find out more. (This week seems to have gone so slowly)

Hope work was good. My littlest brother is coming home from Malaysia today, so I'm excited about seeing him soon. I have been imessaging him for an hour or so while he waited for connecting flight at Qatar airport. He gets into Heathrow late tonight so I may see him tomorrow or Wed.

Do you have any pics of your dog you can upload? She sounds really cute!


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