PCOS and TTC #1

That's sweet :) glad you are having a nice day, it's close to midnight here and the DH is out of the count. I should probably catch a few winks also :P
Hey guys! How are you all? Just a quick update before I hit the road to go out of town for the week: today is 11 dpo, tested fmu got a stupid faint faint evap line on a Wondfo. I know it was an evap line because I then tested smu and got a :bfn:.

AF is due in 2 days on Tuesday (my LP is 12 days long). I feel like I'm out but I know I have to follow the rule: You're not out until :witch: shows! Still a bit discouraged. Hopefully this trip is fun and distracting.

Have a beautiful Sunday ladies and lots of :dust: for all! <3
Hi very hope you have a lovely time away, fingers crossed it wasn't an evap and when you get home you get a nice BFP!

Nothing new with me today, cd25 and still creamy cm... Boo!

Hope your all having a nice Sunday!
Hey everyone, still trying to wrap my head around how to use a forum. I wish everyone the best of luck, ttc #1 here, and so excited.
So far, i've had a very weird cycle..

First day of my cycle, was March 24&#8230;af stuck around until march 28&#8230;. then pos opk's on march 30-April 1&#8230;..nothing for 9 days, and on April 10, 11, 12 i've had positive op.'s, but all negative hpt&#8230;

So i'm not sure if I actually ovulated during the first set of positive opk's&#8230;.

I can't detect if i've ovulated or not, I haven't been temping, and i've actually suffered from some pretty bad vertigo this month&#8230; So it's kind of thrown me off a bit..
Has anyone else gotten two separate times in one cycle where you've had positive opk's???

Thanks again everyone for putting up with me, I may not be posting in the right section&#8230;this is my first attempt at posting on forums, so bare with me!!
Good morning everyone. Weekend was crazy busy but really enjoyed being home and seeing family. So today is dpo 9 and tested fmu and was a big fat bfn. I am giving myself a couple more days and I will test again unless af comes. I definitely feel symptoms of af.

Hope you all had a great weekend!
I'm in the same boat, shortcakes. This morning I woke up with AF cramps, and felt like AF was going to start at any moment so I put a panty liner in. AF is due tomorrow. No bleeding since I got up a few hours ago so I don't think it'll start early. I usually start bleeding within 15 minutes the day it's due. My BBs really super sore and heavy last night. My hips were aching too. I wonder if it's partly hormones, and partly a long car ride.

Today is 12 dpo tested fmu :bfn:

I guess it's still slightly possible that I'm PG but I'm pretty sure I'm out. Good luck Shortcakes, hope you get a BFP. Good luck Opto on ovulating. :)

Kalesgirl, this is the PCOS group. We did just have a conversation recently about getting multiple positive opks in a month. It's common with PCOS. You can read through the thread for more details. If you did ovulate the 31st-1st you should be getting your period or a positive pregnancy test soon. I ovulated on April 1st and my period is due tomorrow.
Hi ladies! I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Blueapple- I am sorry that you got those nasty BFN's. :( I am keeping up the hope that you will see that BFp very soon!

Shortcakes- You are still very early. Fingers crossed that you see a bfp in the next few days.

Hopefully- I feel your pain. I was hoping for early ovulation, but doesn't look that is going to happen. Hopefully it happens for you soon!

I am almost positive that I have not ovulated yet, but I am feeling ok due to us seeing the fertility specialist this morning. It has been a giant rollercoaster so it was nice to have someone shed some light on the situation.

Hubby's SA came back great so that was a huge relief on both if us. Despite having sucky PCOS, I am glad that its the only obstacle right now. The plan is for me to get an HSG done, go on femara, get an ultrasound to check for cysts, and then they will monitor my cycle. We won't start the whole process until I start af so I am just going to take this cycle for what it is then keep pushing forward. It is going to be exhausting, but worth it in the end.
Oh my gosh Jules, that's awesome! I'm so glad your DH's SA came back with flying colors. We're about to embark on the same path with fertility help, and I'm praying for the same results you received. That's great that you have a plan in action with the doctor. You're going to get a BFP soon, I just know it!
Hi all, cd26 for me today and nothing going on, I'm staying upbeat about it and hope I get some signs of ovulation soon!

Shortcakes you are so close to testing day! Good luck and fx for that nice BFP :)

Very it's nice to hear that your going to seek some answers regarding fertility. Fx that these next few days bode well for you and you will not end up needing it. They seem to always come when you least expect it.

Jules so glad to hear your OH SA came back with good results, nice to know you only have to focus on one thing then :) I really hope the appointment today goes well and you come away feeling like you have some answers or a plan of action being put in place.

I have finally made the decision to embark on private care. I know we haven't been trying for long and I'm still classed as "young" but I feel I need some help along the way. And I'm impatient :)
I have a private GP appointment for blood referals next Monday. Fx this is the start of somthing good!
I'm so sorry you are having trouble conceiving :-( I know exactly how u feel....
We have to wait to ovulate, then the dreaded 2ww, only to get the utter disappointment of our periods and starting alllllll the way back at the beginning. It's so frustrating.
Lots and lots of baby dust to you :hugs:
Hi tripledagger and welcome, it does suck having super long cycles.
How bad are yours?
Hi ladies! I'm coming into this convo kinda late, but I was really hoping for some advice from others with PCOS. I was diagnosed two years ago but I know I've had it much longer than that. I was on BCP for nine years and took my last pill on March 30. I immediately started taking Femaprin to help balance my hormones and I've already seen some great improvements!! I just started charting on FF and I'm hoping someone can help me out with the symptoms I've had:

- April 4 (CD 1) to April 8 (CD 5): AF, light
- April 9 (CD 6): 35.89*C, spotting
- April 10 (CD 7): 35.95*C, spotting; BD'd PM
- April 11 (CD 8): 35.89*C, BD'd AM, sharp pain in right pelvic region around 8 PM
- April 12 (CD 9): 36.09*C, spotting in panties, creamy CM
- Today, April 13 (CD 10): 35.99*C, creamy CM

Since I have PCOS and only stopped BCP two weeks ago, there's no way I could have already O'd. Is my body just playing tricks on me because I've been on BCP for so long? My BBT has gone up these past two days and I've been temping correctly at the same time everyday. Any advice is greatly appreciated!!! Thanks so much! :flower:
Hi Laura, I was on BCP nearly as long as you, tbh I can't even remember what my cycles were like prior but I'm pretty sure I had PCOS beforehand and it was just undiagnosed.
It is very possible that you can ovulate that soon, and I have heard that you are very fertile straight after the BCP. Just keep and eye on you cm and of your temp keeps increasing and stays high then yes you could have indeed ovulated. Did you remember what your cycles were like beforehand?
Hi Laura, I was on BCP nearly as long as you, tbh I can't even remember what my cycles were like prior but I'm pretty sure I had PCOS beforehand and it was just undiagnosed.
It is very possible that you can ovulate that soon, and I have heard that you are very fertile straight after the BCP. Just keep and eye on you cm and of your temp keeps increasing and stays high then yes you could have indeed ovulated. Did you remember what your cycles were like beforehand?

Before going on BCP when I was 15 yo, I remember my cycles being really short and AF would show up every 3 weeks. That's all I can remember unfortunately :-( I will definitely be paying closer attention to cm and continue temping.
Man, I feel so down today ladies. I don't know why my body isn't cooperating. :cry: I have no idea what's up right now because I haven't had a cycle this long since awhile. Last October I had an 84 day cycle but before that it was literally a year since I had had a cycle in the 80's. Then I had the shortest I ever had at 22 days and a whole lotta nothing since then... what does this even mean?? :wacko: CD 94 today. How crazy is that? I haven't been in the 90's since first starting my period. Ever.

Seriously nothing makes sense. I just keep temping and hoping... I can't believe I actually wish for AF to come now. :nope: With these long cycles, I feel like my chances are so small to conceive and I keep stressing out about it. :nope: I hope the vitex kicks in pretty soon or I'm going to lose it... 3 months without a period is enough. PCOS sucks. :baby::nope:

My Ovulation Chart​
:( itsautumn so sorry about your cycles... It's horrible what our bodies do to us. How long have you been taking the vitex now? And how much do you take?
I have been taking it for 27 days now and I'm cd27 and nothing is really going on either. My longest recorded cycle has been 84 days and I have never had anything shorter than 40. Have you been to see a doctor recently or plan on seeing one anytime soon?
Hi Ladies,

Just to give you some hope, I got my first bfp last October and was pregnant with twins. With PCOS you cant just try stuff you have to get help. I recommend seeing a RE to assist. My cycles were all over the place, I would go up to 4 months without AF, 2 months with my RE and a strict eating plan and my cycles were 27-28 days and I was pregnant on the second month, got my bfp 10dpo. I wasted time with my regular OB. There is no need to wait, if you can and you desperate for your bfp, see a FS as soon as possible!

Good luck! :dust:
Hi ladies!

I haven't been properly diagnosed yet, but the doctor told me that it seems like I could have PCOS. She did an ultra sound and there were quite a few cysts. I am going to the doctor tomorrow to have it properly diagnosed. My periods started when I was 11, and i never really paid much attention to them. I remember them being really long when I was studying, I could even go months without having periods. Back then the doctors told me I need to gain weight to regulate my cycles and said I wasn't getting my periods because I was too skinny. Of course then I thought I was so lucky, now I just wish I could have normal cycles and be able to predict ovulation, or know if I am ovulating at all!

I was wondering if any if you have almost constant breast pain? My breasts were hurting a lot for two weeks before my period, eased of a little during the period and now one day after my period they are hurting again, although not as much as a week ago. Before my period started I was certain I was pregnant, but the pregnancy test was negative. This is not common for me, tho my breasts have hurt before of course.

I did some research on the diet you should follow if you have PCOS. For me the hardest will definatly cutting chocolate and ice cream, as well as red meat just because my OH is a big red meat lover. I will pb still be cooking it for him, and just prepare something else for myself. Luckily tho he has agreed to do the diet with me, I could not resist chocolate if he was bringing it to the house! I think even if I don't have PCOS I will start to follow this diet just to try to regulate my cycles. Are you ladies following any strict regimes?
Welcome :hi: everyone that just posted.

Thank you, ibelieve. We need those success stories here!

Drs recommend getting your period a minimal of every 3 months/90 days, so you should head in to get something to force a period autumn. I'm really sorry, I've been in your shoes. For many years I only had a few periods a year.

Luna, I'm on a strict diet, and have noticed major changes. I eat mostly gluten-free, sugar-free, vegan. Besides natural sugars in fruit, etc. But I do have honey, coconut sugar or agave sparingly. I don't eat dairy except for a DQ treat once in a while. And I am a chocolate lover so I allow that seldom as well.
Right now we're out of town at a hotel, so not eating the best.

Today is 13 dpo. AF is due. I have very mild cramps, sore BBs, and lower backache. Like I said in a previous post, AF normally starts within 15 minutes of waking up on the day it's due, but nothing has happened. I wonder if the Fertilitea and FertilAid are lengthening my LP? I really wish I had more hpt!

I'll keep you updated on the status of my (so far) missing period. I know it's such a nail-biter, on the edge of your seat type of situation. :haha:
Hey. So i did a wondflo this morning and i swore i saw something.... which got me really really excited. So i did a 4 hour hold and did a frep and a big fat negative.... feeling pretty down today.

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