Thank you Opto, Jules, & shortie, I think he's pretty cute too. He's half Border Collie from his dad, and his mom is Black Lab/Husky. He's an awesome little furbaby.
Sorry your furbaby passed last year Jules, I know the pain and misery all too well :/. French bulldogs are so cute, love the ears! Springer spaniels are such nice dogs too.
Opto, it was really warm today, mid 70s, full sun. I have a horrible farmers tan- but actually a burn on my arms and shoulders!
Sorry shortie about AF! Charlie is adorable. I always look at how sweet his face is in your profile pic. I think Zane looks that lovingly at me too, so you must really love Charlie and treat him well. I think half poodle designer breeds are awesome (like a Golden Doodle & Labradoodle), and I bet his fur is really soft. Have you gotten him trimmed this spring yet? Zane never needs a shave or trim but lots of brushing, and using a washcloth with puppy shampoo over his coat several times a week. He consumes a lot of my time and keeps me smiling.
I tested this evening

still no AF. Not sure what the heck is going on with my reproductive system. I feel like it speaks Chinese and the translator is lost. It could be possible to test positive really late. My period is between 1-3 days late (not sure exactly when I ovulated. Had so many days of fertile fluid and a few days of o cramps). I go in search of these happy ending stories where women get a BFP days or weeks after a late period because of various reasons. I'm just tired, and a little extra emotional. It hurts a little worse each

. And anything that makes you feel bad just hits you a thousand times harder because your shell is already cracked. DH took the other frer and said he'll give it to me on Monday to test again if AF still hasn't arrived. At that point I'd be between 4-6 days late. Wishful thinking. But if I'm not PG, AF better make her damned appearance real soon, I'm not playin'... that's me being tough, telling my body what to do, or else! Lol