Yeah I would love to concieve without intervention but I feel that because I have a perfectly normal bmi that something else must be up and therefore I am going to need some help along the journey, it really does help having you ladies to talk to who are all in similar positions, I think I will be citing refined carbs out of my diet as of tomorrow, my DH and I have just bought a rather expensive Vitamix so I am going to head up the green smoothy route to see if that helps at all with my cycles
It really does. I was hesitant in joining a board.. thinking i wouldn't get much out of it ... but you ladies help me so much. I feel less like i am absolutely crazy.
I have a nutrabullet... using it didn't last very long
I need to get back in losing the weight. I was doing the Fast Metabolism Diet which... really did wonders its just so strict and was really hard to keep up.
I think i will be with you Hope on starting tomorrow!!! I need to do something to kick the weight loss into high gear!
We should try and make a "eat better" pact where we check in and motivate eachother so we can get healthier.
Hope you dont find this rude but how much weight did you need/want to loose?
We should try and make a "eat better" pact where we check in and motivate eachother so we can get healthier.
Hope you dont find this rude but how much weight did you need/want to loose?
I am 100% in!!! Ok.. that is a double sided I would LOVE to lose 60 lbs BUT realistically (and according to my dr) they would be happy with at least 20 lbs.
Ok 20lb is doable, I want to loose a little but not too much as I do not want to become underweight and have problems associated with it.
So atm what is your diet like? do you eat greens daily?
I would love to lose around 50, though that is an intimidating number so I am setting small goals. My first one is 15 pounds by my Disney trip on May 7th.
I have been trying to lose weight since January. It is so damn hard! lol I lost about 5pounds then I was just losing and gaining the next 5 pounds over and over. I finally got past the lowest mark this week. The metformin has kind of kicked me in gear because I get really bad stomach pains if I eat too much sugar or carby foods. I also called and started at a new gym today so I am pumped!
I try to keep my meals under 20 carbs plus watch my fat and calorie intake. Usually a lower carb yogurt for breakfast, a salad or leftovers for lunch, and vegetable w/ a meat at dinner. For snacks I like almonds, celery, cucumbers, a few berries, or a piece of 80% dark chocolate if I am craving something sweet. I hate smoothies.I have tried and tried but I have a weird texture issues with things like smoothies and soup. lol
We live in the country so in the summer there will be fresh produce evrywhere so I am thinking about doing the whole 30 thing.
Hi both, we shall all do it together, the more we share the better understanding we have with what can help us loose weight and feel better.
Danna how is the Tww going? Is it dragging?
Jules, sounds like your doing a good job already! Just a note about snacking, it's always better to balance a snack to prevent insulin spikes which can help with the stomach pains brought on by metformin. What I mean by this is if you have something like fruit (carb) then balance with a fat, I.e nuts or nut butter, same for veg. It's really good to do and apple and nut butter tastes amazing!!
Thanks hopefully! I will have to remember that. The only fruits I can have are berries and bananas. I try to shy away from bananas, but I will have a half of one with almond butter every once in a while and it's amazing. Unfortunately, I am allergic to any fruit that grows on trees due to the pollen. (apples, oranges, peaches, and plums mostly) Its rediculous. lol I do eat plenty of veggies tho!
I read all of the horror stories with metformin and ::knock on wood:: I have been ok with it so far. This is the 3rd week I have been on it. The first 3 days I had some terrible stomach cramps, but not much since that. I read that taking it with yogurt helps so I take it in the morning with the yogurt and in the middle of dinner. My af came about a week and a half after starting then lasted 8 days, but the last 3 were more spotting so I know it's doing something. I am starting OPK's tomorrow and have been temping so hopefully I ovulate sooner than CD 40, though I am still unsure if I was really ovulating in the first place.
Well this cycle will be the test to see if it starts regulating itself, it sounds like you are already doing a great job with the diet, such a shame you are missing out on tree growing fruits, I absolutely love apples! But banana and nut butter is awesome too.
I ovulated on cd40 last cycle and am really hoping its earlier this cycle.
Danna it's early so don't think you are out of it by any means. Keep positive and test in a few days, only a small percentage of woman get their positives before AF is due.
How long is your LP normally?
I don't have a LP normally, I don't O! xD
I know it's early. It's silly but I just want to know if I'm pregnant as soon as possible so I can be happy as soon as possible haha
Well this is a new experience for you, wow that's exciting!
I really hope it's a successful one! It's not unheard of for iui to work first time, let's hope that's the case that for yourself.
So an average LP is 12-14 days so are you going to wait till then or just test every day?
Instead of taking birth control pills try natural progesterone cream:
Babysquash (or anyone interested in my opinion on progesterone cream/bcps) click spoiler:
I swear by Natpro (natural progesterone cream). It works. use the link above to learn about progesterone therapy to regulate your cycles and ovulate naturally.
Birth control pills didn't work for me (for getting me to ovulate once discontinuing). Drs have this go-to response for certain things unless they're up to date on PCOS or care then they might give you other options.
I know taking bcp is also the last thing you want to do when ttc, but you'll do it anyway because you don't know what else to do. Most likely you'll just be another few cycles along without any progress and upset if you go that route. I have no agenda here other than truly and honestly trying to help a fellow cyster. I've done so much research on PCOS and treatments this last year. The proof's in the puddin'.
Congratulations ladies on setting diet and weight goals!! I'm so happy! I know you all can do this!! Here's a good site to learn about PCOS diet:
My two cents on diet, click spoiler:
Our bodies are amazing and capable of healing. Remember your cells (including your uterus, ovaries, cervix etc) are only going to be as healthy as the food you eat. Just imagine a pile of french fries, and greasy burger being broken down and sent off in all directions to help your cells repair and rebuild. Now imagine fruits and veggies with fresh micronutrients being carried through those same internal highways, supplying vital nutrients to your uterus and ovaries. Pretty awesome right?
Diet is a huge deal. You might not feel the consequences of one day of eating but it adds up. Just like you might not feel the benefits of one day of eating healthy, it adds up. It's a torturing long process ( I KNOW ) when you want your BFP NOW.
Even healthy couples only have a 30% chance (that's being generous) of conceiving per cycle. The best diet for PCOS is a PCOS diet which excludes dairy, grains, and sugar. There's valid reasons for it.
Danna, sorry for the BFN. I was waiting to hear on what your results were. I'd test (and will) every day. I totally get it, you want to be as happy a few days sooner GL FX!
Instead of taking birth control pills try natural progesterone cream:
Babysquash (or anyone interested in my opinion on progesterone cream/bcps) click spoiler:
I swear by Natpro (natural progesterone cream). It works. use the link above to learn about progesterone therapy to regulate your cycles and ovulate naturally.
Birth control pills didn't work for me (for getting me to ovulate once discontinuing). Drs have this go-to response for certain things unless they're up to date on PCOS or care then they might give you other options.
I know taking bcp is also the last thing you want to do when ttc, but you'll do it anyway because you don't know what else to do. Most likely you'll just be another few cycles along without any progress and upset if you go that route. I have no agenda here other than truly and honestly trying to help a fellow cyster. I've done so much research on PCOS and treatments this last year. The proof's in the puddin'.
Congratulations ladies on setting diet and weight goals!! I'm so happy! I know you all can do this!! Here's a good site to learn about PCOS diet:
My two cents on diet, click spoiler:
Our bodies are amazing and capable of healing. Remember your cells (including your uterus, ovaries, cervix etc) are only going to be as healthy as the food you eat. Just imagine a pile of french fries, and greasy burger being broken down and sent off in all directions to help your cells repair and rebuild. Now imagine fruits and veggies with fresh micronutrients being carried through those same internal highways, supplying vital nutrients to your uterus and ovaries. Pretty awesome right?
Diet is a huge deal. You might not feel the consequences of one day of eating but it adds up. Just like you might not feel the benefits of one day of eating healthy, it adds up. It's a torturing long process ( I KNOW ) when you want your BFP NOW.
Even healthy couples only have a 30% chance (that's being generous) of conceiving per cycle. The best diet for PCOS is a PCOS diet which excludes dairy, grains, and sugar. There's valid reasons for it.
Danna, sorry for the BFN. I was waiting to hear on what your results were. I'd test (and will) every day. I totally get it, you want to be as happy a few days sooner GL FX!
Thank you for the suggestion of the progesterone cream. I'll definitely check it out.
I love the idea of cheering each other on in regards to healthy eating! That's always a good thing. I'm a pretty healthy eater most of the time. I'm a pescatarian and most of meals are vegetable and whole grain based with occasional fish and eggs. I do eat way too much cheese but I met with a dietitian who said that I'm doing really well so that makes me happy. I do occasionally eat things that aren't healthy and my husband is not a healthy eater so the temptation is almost always there for me. I'd like to lose about 30 pounds with a combination of eating healthier foods and exercising more. Not a diet per se but just incorporating even more vegetables. So I'm totally with you ladies!
This is so great. Well are we starting this tomorrow? I am also on Fitbit and myfitnesspal if anyone else is. I'm Pumped to have such a strong support system on here.
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