PCOS and ttc ladies

Skating fan- welcome to the thread :)
That sounds v v frustrating!! Not fair! Have you consideredbchanging dr? As iv had pointed out that we shoukd recieve help straight away due to our pcos, which is causing me to book a dr appt as my dr previously told me I had to wait a year!
Hey ladies, just wanted to let you know that I just received my box of Pregnitude. Will be starting tomorrow. I will keep you updated on how it works out for me :happydance:
Jojolabobo: Not long now - it will all go fine :) I have had 2/3 of my stomach removed and a gall bladder removal, ovarian drilling was a walk in the park compared to them. I remember asking my OBGYN as soon as I came to whether I actually even had eggs. He smiled, chuckled and said yes, lots of eggs, I did scramble a few of them though :p

Skatingfan: Welcome to our little thread we have going here :) You took the words straight from my mouth when I read you sentence, "I fluctuate between convincing myself that I'm pregnant and feeling dejected and convinced that I will never be able to conceive." I had a breakdown the other day. Crying on and off all day. :cry: I bawled just sitting having lunch down town as soon as I saw a baby. Even when I left, I saw pregnant people everywhere I turned. I tell myself just get used to failure... after 14 months with clomid and ovarian drilling and nothing working to make me ovulate :( I am losing hope, but trying to stay positive too - its such a damn hard line to stay on! FX my high dosage of clomid works this time...

I then get angry that I am out working hard, paying taxes to support other women having children left right and centre that cannot even look after or provide proper care and love for a child... why should I have to fork out tens of thousands of dollars for procedures, drugs, IVF, etc to just be given the privilege of having a child that others get so freely?!?! I want a child so badly :cry:

Wishing you lots of luck :hugs:
Thanks everybody for welcoming me!

Jillie89, I know exactly what you mean! I watch the news or read the paper and hear about parents who neglect their kids (or worse!), and my first thought is always "why can those people so easily have kids while we would provide such a loving family yet can't?" But you know what? We would be great parents, which is why we can't give up. The fact that we all want this so bad and won't give up, that will make us even stronger when it finally happens for us!

So, good luck to us all, girls! I'm very glad to have found people who are going through the same things!
Thanks everybody for welcoming me!

Jillie89, I know exactly what you mean! I watch the news or read the paper and hear about parents who neglect their kids (or worse!), and my first thought is always "why can those people so easily have kids while we would provide such a loving family yet can't?" But you know what? We would be great parents, which is why we can't give up. The fact that we all want this so bad and won't give up, that will make us even stronger when it finally happens for us!

So, good luck to us all, girls! I'm very glad to have found people who are going through the same things!

I tear up at times thinking about how good it will be to feel falling pregnant and having a beautiful little being that hubby and I made, put in my arms.
Quick update from me, I haven't posted for a while because I was so frustrated with my cycle and this whole attempted baby making situation... I've been taking the metformin for a month or two now... finally after 88 days I got my period... so that was December 20th (previous one was September!). I've been on holidays from work the last two weeks and just enjoying life... smiling and genuinely gettings excited hearing about yet more girlfriends pregnancies...

This last 10 days or so I've been feeling pretty ordinary. Have been putting it down to eating too much junk over Christmas/New Year. I've felt bloated, and had an upset stomach, been tired etc. No idea when my next period will arrive, as with the pcos my cycle is so out of whack.

This last few days one of our cats has insisted on curling up on my chest in the evening. And about 30 minutes ago our 18 month old border collie jumped up onto the couch next to me and sniffed both my boobs. Now I'm thinking this could be a very early pregnancy sign, or could signal I have breast cancer! I'll take a test in the next few days for sure. I'm just so sick of being disappointed with seeing the negative result.

I need to catch up on the last 4 pages... so will be back, in the next day, or two... I just needed somewhere to vent for now :wacko:
Hope all you ladies are okay. Well I'm feeling like giving up, damn PCOS. I've been bleeding for 12days straight now. Today the 12th day its gotten mega heavy with clots :( Doctors won't see me until Monday and I just generally don't feel well (am dizzy constantly) Just gonna crawl back into bed and try to sleep it off. Surely this bleeding can't go on much longer :( Sorry for the rant!
Fur baby mum- things seem like they could be going in thd right direction, fingers crossed for you! Hope its a good sign :) keep us posted!!

Longinfor2- im so sorry to hear that! It must be soo frustrsting :( if you start to feel any worse call nhs direct as doesnt sound good at all :(
Make sure you are eating plenty of food with iron alsomn lots of watern:) big hug x
Fur baby mum- things seem like they could be going in thd right direction, fingers crossed for you! Hope its a good sign :) keep us posted!!

Longinfor2- im so sorry to hear that! It must be soo frustrsting :( if you start to feel any worse call nhs direct as doesnt sound good at all :(
Make sure you are eating plenty of food with iron alsomn lots of watern:) big hug x
Thanks Becca_89 I hope your okay hunnie? X
Fur baby mum- things seem like they could be going in thd right direction, fingers crossed for you! Hope its a good sign :) keep us posted!!

Longinfor2- im so sorry to hear that! It must be soo frustrsting :( if you start to feel any worse call nhs direct as doesnt sound good at all :(
Make sure you are eating plenty of food with iron alsomn lots of watern:) big hug x
Thanks Becca_89 I hope your okay hunnie? X

Hi, yes im good thankyou :) glad for it to be the weekend!
I am currently 2 days late :) but wont get excited as pcos may be kicking me again and making me late!
How are you? has your bleeding calmed down? xx
jojolabobo- how are you? how you feeling about your op? not long now :)
Hello ladies :flower: sorry I have been missing in action!

Thanks for asking Becca and Jillie - had the op on monday, everything went really smoothly, and I'm enjoying having my feet up at the moment, only frustrating thing was that I don't get to see FS for 8 weeks!!! They told me all my tubes were clear but when I looked at the notes I was supposed to give my GP (I know very naughty) it said I had a hydrosaplinx which is like a water infection in your tubes. But I'm assuming they must have cleared it! I've decided to not stress about it till I see FS and just concentrate on ttc

Jillie & Skatingfan - sorry your both feeling frustrated ladies, it does suck when it seems like the worst mothers are the most fertile. Just think how much more we will all appreciate our lil bundles of joy when we get them!

Jillie I hope clomid works for you this month, any signs yet?

FurBabyMum sounds good, when is your AF due? When will you be testing?

LongingforNo2 - so sorry your unwell hun, has their been any improvement yet? Has doctor seen you?

Becca - Did AF show or have you tested, Been thinking about you hun, really hope that ugly witch dosent show her face :dust:

AFM - I'm currently waiting writing up my plan of action for ttc from now on and waiting for either AF or hopefuly first ever ovulation! YAY XXXX
Jojolabobo - great to hear that it all went smoothly and your tubes were clear. :thumbup: Rest up... but I know exactly how annoying and long the wait to see a specialist afterwards can be.

As for me, still frustrated and impatient lol. I am CD18 today. My temp dipped yesterday to the lowest temp all month and has risen considerably compared to the last 4 days as of this morning - exactly the same as it did last cycle, so I am taking it as a positive sign. Hoepfully my temp will continue to rise. I have attached my chart so you can see what I am talking about. Also have had EWCM and some weird pains. Trying not to over think it, but we are BDing every 2 days anyway. Will go and get my CD23 bloods done next Tuesday and see my OBGYN for results the following Tuesday (29th Jan).

https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/Jillie89/">My Ovulation Chart
Jojo, fingers crossed for ovulation! I was so excited to see ovulation on my chart last month that I was immediately sure I'd get pregnant. Alas, it didn't happen. But hopefully this is your month!

Jillie, I definitely see what you mean with the chart. The slow rise is always difficult because you never quite know if O is coming or if its just a natural rise and fall. It does seem to be following last month's pattern though. Don't worry it too much and just enjoy your OH! We're sticking with every other day to BD too, as I have no clue when I'll be ovulating! I bought an expensive FR OPK test and within 5 days of using it it gave me a question mark and turned itself off permanently (I didn't realize that it turns itself off after giving you a positive! What a rip off!). Do you think it's because of PCOS that it gave me the "?"
I was always told by my OBGYN not to rely solely on OPKs with PCOS as our hormones can be all over the place and give us false readings. I did buy some a few months back, but got so frustrated with never getting a positive on one that I can't bare to bring myself to do them again :( Temping gives me a bit of hope though...

On clomid I was told if I was to ovulate, it would be 6-12 days after my last tablets, so that means CDs15-21 for me. My temp dip and rise has been smack bam in that time frame last month and this month, but I wont know for sure til I get those blood results... it is taking forever for this appointment to come around.

I would BD every day if hubby's sperm count was better, but with it being lower than normal and with lower motility, every 2 days is plenty enough for us... just hoping to get lucky with it one day.
I bought an expensive FR OPK test and within 5 days of using it it gave me a question mark and turned itself off permanently (I didn't realize that it turns itself off after giving you a positive! What a rip off!). Do you think it's because of PCOS that it gave me the "?"

OPK can be iffy for us, I've never had a problem using them but I know a few cysters who always had positives no matter what cd or never got a positives but did in fact O as they were bbt charting. Try the dollar store brand or internet cheapies and see.

Hellos to everyone else, hope all is well...havent been around much, just peeking in. Not much going on with me, I go to get my progesterone level checked friday to see if I o'd or not...I was lazy about temping and I didnt feel my usual O pains so idk if I did or not, but I do have my usual post o symptoms guess I'll know for sure when I get the results...We did bd during my fertile window, but I'm not optimistic about this cycle...my heart just wasnt in it I suppose *shrug* I think I'm about 4dpo, AF is due the 25th so we'll see!
Hey there! Hope it's okay if I join. I was diagnosed with PCOS at 15 and was put on metformin. I took it for years until the side effects became too much. The diagnoses never bothered me until my husband and I started ttc about a year ago with no luck. My periods are very irregular and I don't think I'm ovulating. We have been waiting 4 months already to see a fertility specialist and have to continue to wait until til late March. The waiting is very discouraging especially when you know there is a problem and help isn't readily available. I've been trying to lose some weight since the first of the year since I suspect the doctor will tell me that losing weight will help. I'm already 5lbs down! I've also been charting which is all over the map. Does anyone else experience midcycle bleeding? It has been happening to me almost every month and it is very light and spotty. I called my gp about it and was told to wait until march to see the specialist....ugh!
Hi guys,

I was hoping someone might be able to help me answer a few questions.

I was diagnosed with pcos 6 years ago. We were very lucky and had our first child naturally. It took a while but we did it.

We have been tlc #2 for a year now and g.p is going to refer us to fertility clinic. She is almost certain I'm not ovulating as I only having a period ever 2-3 months.

Only thing is I have been told that as we already have a child the NHS will perform and fund the tests but will not fund any drugs to help me ovulate as we already have a child.

Is this correct????
Hello ladies,
Havent been on here for forever! How are all of you? Any news? Any bfp?
Baby dust to you all xxxx
Hello ladies,
Havent been on here for forever! How are all of you? Any news? Any bfp?
Baby dust to you all xxxx

Hey Becca_89 - how are you going too?

Personally I am going ok. Had a mix of good and bad news with drs recently. I am finally ovulating on clomid 300mg (both cycles!) :happydance: my levels went from 2nmol/L (anything under 20 is no ovulation) up to 70nmol/L... OBGYN is very happy with those levels and said that if and when we fall pregnant, he would not be surprised if it were twins... So we did a 3rd cycle of clomid this time and now are are waiting for O to happen again. I am CD 11 today and O'ed on CD18 both other cycles according to my temps. So we are just Bding every 2 days.

As for the more bad news, DH got his second SA done. His first one was 15 instead of 39 for his sperm count with only 6% motility instead of it being over 32%. His second one was slightly worse. His count went down even lower to 10, however, his motility went up to 31%. We just don't know what to think and do now.I feel so sorry for him because he has done everything he should to help his sperm and it doesn't seem to be making much of an improvement. :cry: And we can't help but think, even with my ovulating now, the odds are still against us. Hope we catch some luck this time though.

We are doing this cycle and if no BFP we are going to have 2 months off before we get back onto the TTC journey again. FX we don't have to have that break and we somehow get lucky with a BFP.

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