PCOS and ttc ladies

Hello Babiesonbrainwelcome :flower:

To girls with PCOS who have been told to wait a year before getting any treatment I would definatly go get a second opinion or push for something else to be done because that dosent sound right at all!

Unfortunately a lot of GP's are not clued up about PCOS and don't realise its full effects. The one year rule should only apply to couples without problems! If you are not getting positive OPK's or your charts aren't showing ovulation I would go and say that you suspect that your are Anovulatory due to PCOS and you want to see a gynocologist or fertility specialist.

My GP referred me when we had only been ttc for 6 months even though I had no diagnosis of PCOS at the time but because I told her how wacky my cycles were (she is a very good doctor though).

I wouldn't accept wait for a year with PCOS because you will prob need help and its very frustrating trying and not getting anywhere!


Your story sounds very familiar with mine. I went off the pill, gave my body 3 months to get back into a normal rhythm... it never did. I saw my GP and even though I said to her I had a family history of PCOS, she refused to send me for any tests/scans because I was being paranoid and we hadn't been trying a year. She even told me no specialist would see me. She then tried telling me I was probably pregnant and made me do a pregnancy test. I was arguing with her and ended up leaving in tears.

I let it go on another 3 months (so 6 months TTC in total), went to another GP and he referred me straight away, told me it was good I wanted to find out sooner rather than later what was going on with my body. Within a week I had confirmed PCOS and was booked in to see my OBGYN. No way would I have been able to wait a year. 6 months down the track after all that (so over 1 year TTC total) we still have never had a BFP and have only possibly ovulated once. IT SUCKSS!!!
Jillie89 - It dose sound the same :) We have been a year and 3 months now and never had a BFP or a positive OPK. So can't imagine what it would be like if we had waited a year I would only be 3 months in! Instead I'm going for my op in 10 days.

Your right infertility SUCKSS!! I can't stand it! I'm so impatient!

Are you doing clomid this month?

Oh other question, sorry, Did they give you Clomid straight after your op or did you have to wait.

I was thinking of asking them to prescribe it for me in the hospital on the day I have the op

Oh other question, sorry, Did they give you Clomid straight after your op or did you have to wait.

I was thinking of asking them to prescribe it for me in the hospital on the day I have the op


I had my ovarian drilling done on the 10th October. I was mid cycle when I got it done. 2 and a bit weeks after my op my body started a new cycle (after 50 days) and OBGYN told me to just do 1 cycle with no fertility drugs and test for ovulation to see if my body would do it by itself after the drilling by getting the usual day 21 blood test (but he does them on day 23 for all of us). I didn't ovulate so I was put back on clomid but days 5-9 instead of 2-6 and on 300mg. I got my day 23 blood test done just before Christmas, but got my period after a 33 day cycle on new years eve. I wont get my results til end of Jan when my OBGYN gets back to see if I ovulated or not. I have a feeling I did from charting my temps, CM and my sore boobs afterwards. So I have put myself on 300mg clomid again this cycle using the repeats he gave me (seeming I cannot go and see him for another month) and just going to see what happens. If no luck, he will refer me on to IVF anyway.
Thanks Hun :) I think I will give it a month as well to see if anything happens naturally! I should be referred for a follow up appointment a couple of weeks after anway. Did you use OPK's after your op.

Fx'd for you hun, hope Colid works for you this cycle :) If its got things working should give you a fighting chance and they say clomid works better after OD xx
me and my hubby have been ttc for about 2 yrs now and i have pcos and i tried clomid for about a yr and never got any were with it and sense i have been off of it i have ov every month and have been having my monthly every month and i ovulated 6-7 days ago (had sex) and my body has been goin crazy my nipples are sore like pin stabbing my nipples the sides of my breast are sore i see lil purple veins in my breast and i have had cramping like crazy i usually eat chocolate pretty well but i ate one piece and it made me nauseas head ache sore back the cm has been watery and cloudy stuffy nose really tired and omg my dreams are crazy lately there are a few more things but i cant really remember them plz let me know what u guys think
Hi MikeandBecky3 Welcome to the thread :)

The things you mentioned all sound quite positive to me. Do you usually expereince any of these symptoms when your comming on? I, for example, get sore nips every month when AF is arriving.

If none of these are usual then it sounds good to me, your probably still a bit to early to test though, and that is the only way you can know for sure. I know clear blue do a test which you can take four days before your period is due so you could take in a couple of days time as thats the only way to know for sure.

:dust: Sending baby dust your way hunnie! XX
Jojolabobo - I don't use OPKs. OBGYN told me told not to bother as with PCOS they can sometimes give inaccurate results. He said if I was to ovulate on clomid it would be 6-12 days after my last pill. I chart my temps though. My dip and rise was on CD18 last cycle, right in the middle of that time frame he said and then afterwards, my temp went higher, stayed high and I had the sorest boobs ever (? because of the progesterone). All signs I actually did ovulate, but wont know for sure until test results.
Hi ladies, feel i havent been on here in ages!

Jillie89- ok that makes sense about because i have pcos i should be able to have help for concieving! if i am not lucky this month i will deff be booking an appoitment with GP. I'm hoping this is my month, i have had lots of symptoms i dont usually have, but then i got the 'egg white' yesterday so im unsure if iv ovulated late, or again or its just there!

Babieonbrain- your situation also sounds very simular to mine, I went on the pill for three weeks and came off it as i was feeling sick, and then ever since my period went irregular and very light! i went to the dr a few times and complained, he tested me for the hormones ect and they all came back ok, and told me it was due to the pill (which i new wasnt right as us women do know our bodies)
So i decided to change my doctor (change of location also) but i went to new doctor and explained everything and how it was effecting me emotionally as im worried and i know im not right and she sent me for a scan, regardless of my blood tests, and it did come back with pcos! so i would either keep on a ask for a scan, or change doctors, hope you do get it sorted soon, as it is very worrying and not fair!
Hello ladies. I also have pcos. With my first daughter I was having irregular cycles but I had no clue I had pcos. Got pregnant the 2nd month trying with my first and had hellp syndrome with that pregnancy and lost her to a subglaeal hematoma at birth. After I had her my cycles never came back and I went to the dr. they told me I had pcos I was put on clomid and became pregnant the 2nd month on 50mg clomid and metformin. We're not thinking about trying again but not for sure yet.
Hi ladies. I also have PCOS. I am 23 yrs old and this will be my first time actually TTC. I started today charting my BBT and will be taking Pregnitude hopefully this week if it arrives. I've heard a few success stories so I'm looking forward to trying it.

Well as on here I don't feel so alone and have people to talk to who understand it all. Considering I have PCOsS I've never really had a problem with my periods, just didn't ovulate alone. So after having a baby conceived using clomid i thought maybe it would give me a break and allow my body to ovulate naturally. I only use internet cheapie dip strips, I thought I had a positive a few months back but looking at proper positive ovulation tests makes me realise I haven't actually had a positie ovulation test
This is my 6month trying and were just not having any luck :( Had a bit of a downer at christmas too. Started my period on the 19th December, 12 days later on the 30th my body decided it was time to start yet again another period. So that cycle was a fail, not given no time for ovulation or anything :( I promised the other half that we would wait a whole year before going down the whole clomid route but my body is seriously failing! I am only 20 and my body can't do what its supposed to do. This gets me down so much. And to top all this off have been bleeding right from the 30th continuosly and there is no sign of it stopping. Not like my body at all to do this x
:thumbup: thanks Jillie89 I really appreciate the advice, getting quite nervous now!

Becca89 - How are you hun? How's things going for you this month?

Welcome :flower: Anna89 & Opretriezz FX'd for both of you :hugs: hope you get the results you want soon and its lovely to have you on the thread!

LongingForNo2 - I don't think there is a lady on here who dosen't get what your going through and hasn't been through it yourself. The 'my body's not doing what it's supposed to' is a really really big bug bear of mine, and like you I get bothered by the fact that I started ttc when I was 23 (I'm now 24) these should be the most fertile years for us! It's frustrating :dohh:

Sorry if you've said before but are you currently under a gyne or FS, what steps are you taking to help you, I've found things easier to deal with since I've been able to feel like the docs are doing something to help me. Also if you don't stop bleeding I would go to your GP as they can give you meds that stop long bleeds like yours!

Chin up babe, nothing worth fighting for is ever easy! :hugs: x
:thumbup: thanks Jillie89 I really appreciate the advice, getting quite nervous now!

Becca89 - How are you hun? How's things going for you this month?

Welcome :flower: Anna89 & Opretriezz FX'd for both of you :hugs: hope you get the results you want soon and its lovely to have you on the thread!

LongingForNo2 - I don't think there is a lady on here who dosen't get what your going through and hasn't been through it yourself. The 'my body's not doing what it's supposed to' is a really really big bug bear of mine, and like you I get bothered by the fact that I started ttc when I was 23 (I'm now 24) these should be the most fertile years for us! It's frustrating :dohh:

Sorry if you've said before but are you currently under a gyne or FS, what steps are you taking to help you, I've found things easier to deal with since I've been able to feel like the docs are doing something to help me. Also if you don't stop bleeding I would go to your GP as they can give you meds that stop long bleeds like yours!

Chin up babe, nothing worth fighting for is ever easy! :hugs: x
To have my son I bought clomid offline :O Naughty I know but the doctors didn't feel it was okay to put me under a FS been only 18 at the time of asking! They said they won't help me on the NHS until I am 22 and lose weight :( So that doesn't help! I have considered the unprescribed clomid again but it caused havoc with my pregnancy with my son so don't think I can go that route again! Just don't know where to turn to anymore. Hope your ok x
I hate age limits on the NHS, if you an adult and a good parent then why does it matter??

I have you thought of trying any natural remedies instead of buying clomid on line (it is naughty, but I totally understand, I was close to doing that myself by hubby was like NO!) Agnus Castus (vitex) and Soy Insolves are both known as natures clomid and a lot of ladies have good results with them :)

I hate age limits on the NHS, if you an adult and a good parent then why does it matter??

I have you thought of trying any natural remedies instead of buying clomid on line (it is naughty, but I totally understand, I was close to doing that myself by hubby was like NO!) Agnus Castus (vitex) and Soy Insolves are both known as natures clomid and a lot of ladies have good results with them :)

Well that's the NHS for you. I think when my pay day comes round am going to try soy iso flavones. I've heard good stuff about them too. Umm well I didn't give my hubby a chance, I just went ahead and did it. It sure as hell worked but the consequenses it caused just wasn't worth it. Nearly lost my son because of it :( So would never go there again! I've currently just been made out of work aswell so not as busy as usual. So heads not occupied. Trying to take my lb here there and everywhere to make myself busy lol. He's tired out before I am these days x
I would definately give them a go it can't hurt. And if the clomid worked (apart from complications) then you should respond well for it.

Have you tried going back to your doctor, or going to a different one sometimes it depends on the indivdual doctor and how sympathetic they are. I'm sure you should be able to get some more help.

I would definately give them a go it can't hurt. And if the clomid worked (apart from complications) then you should respond well for it.

Have you tried going back to your doctor, or going to a different one sometimes it depends on the indivdual doctor and how sympathetic they are. I'm sure you should be able to get some more help.

Just undergoing a new registration with a new doctor as moved to a different area! Anyhow goos luck for your ovarian drilling on the 14th :) Hope it brings you the good luck you need hunnie <3
Hi everyone! I just joined this board after lurking for a while.

I was diagnosed with PCOS at 13, when I was told that I likely wouldn't be able to have children. At that time it really didn't sink in what it meant long term. In fact it was the other side effects that gave me many sleepless nights (as a teenager all of the excess hair growth is absolutely mortifying!). My OBGYN put me on the pill then and I've been on it for the last 18 years.

My partner and I (we're common law and I never know what to call him- boyfriend sounds weak as we're living together and raising his two children and sometimes people get their backs up when I call him husband since we're not married!) decided this past summer that we were ready to try for a baby. He knows that there's a possibility that it might not happen, but we both desperately want a baby! I went off the pill and my period came back in two months- i hadnt had a proper one in almost 20 years, so it was a shock to remember how bad they used to be. I went to see my gyno, who told me to come back after 6 to 9 months of trying and she wouldn't talk about it until then. That stung, but I then went to see my GP who won't do anything if the OBGYN won't.

I had to get an MMR shot as I had no immunity and was told to not try for three months after it (and that doesn't count as part of the 6-9 month wait!). So now we're trying and on month two, and let me tell you, I fluctuate between convincing myself that I'm pregnant and feeling dejected and convinced that I will never be able to conceive. I've hated the PCOS for most of my life, but now I feel so guilty that I'm the reason that we're having trouble. When my sis-in-law announced her pregnancy I almost burst into tears. Not that I'm not happy for her, I really am, but it would have been nice if we both were pregnant.

Oh, and I asked my OBGYN to put me on Metformin and she refused because I "don't have blood sugar problems." My GP again deffered to her. I feel so frustrated, especially when the OBGYN told me that one of her patients with PCOS gets pregnant within one month of trying every time. Well, that's just great. What about me? My frustration is just mounting.
Jojolabobo im ok thankyou- af is due friday coming so I hope it wont turn up too!
Although I hav had a v v upset stomach for a week, food is litually going striaght through lol, not sure if ill or symptom well hoping symptom

How r u?

Also how is everyone this month ? Xx

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