Krissie I am so sorry to hear that

it's such a shit situation especially when you know it's coming. Glad your DH is being supportive x
Wouldluvabub yay for your positive opk!
GoldenRatio wahoo for you positive too and yes clomid can make ovulation extremely painful. Sometimes for me it's so bad then sex hurts and it's like my whole cervix area is tender and kinds of feels bruised.I always take it as a good sign of strong ovulation
Betty.Rubble I personally think you may not have ovulated yet, the temps are so erratic though it's hard to say. I'd probably just treat it as if I haven't and keeping BD etc and just see what your next few days temps are like. Sometimes I change the advanced mode to research mode as I also have erratic temps due to shifts and it seems to work better for me.
Atuck2 I totally understand the frustration with the weight. My consultant blames everything on my weight and I find it so infuriating. I struggle to lose weight and when I do actually manage it by practically starving myself you can guarantee I put it all back on once I start eating normally. Then I feel shit and comfort eat and more weight goes on. It's draining
As for me... I'm feeling better now af is gone and more determined to make this happen! My consultant is an idiot and I'm sick of him using my weight as the reason for absolutely everything including my losses. I am overweight yes but not massively (well maybe about 3st over) and I'm fit and healthy so screw him. He's not wanted me to take clomid until my BMI is lower and up until now I've gone a long with it but enough is enough!
So I had clomid left over from my last prescription as we got a bfp 2nd cycle but had the mc and haven't tried another clomid cycle since. So I've decided to take it and double the dose from 50mg to 100mg CD3-7. I feel like I've made the right decision for me and I feel proactive for a change. I've been monitored twice on clomid and everything has always gone well and my consultant had originally wanted me to try 100mg but I declined.
I'm currently CD6 and have 2 doses of clomid left as I'm taking it on a night to lessen the symptoms. I do feel like crap so not sure how much is the clomid and how much is down to the fact I'm getting a cold. I'm also going to try grapefruit juice around ovulation for better CM and then will start start baby aspirin at 7dpo just in case I get that bfp