Hi all, I'd like to join. I was diagnosed with PCOS in January 2015, although I suspected I had it ever since I started having periods at age 13. It took 16 months to conceive my daughter, who is now 7 months. I don't respond to clomid, but do well with Femara. I also had to take bromocriptine to bring my prolactin level down to normal, and had to have a submucosal fibroid removed. The fibroid is what likely caused my miscarriage in 2014. Ironically, we weren't trying to get pregnant at that time, and I had just come off birth control and we were using other methods of prevention...except for once. Too bad that didn't happen again.
PCOS has also caused me to have severely low milk supply, and I've now nearly dried up (sad). I don't want my fibroid to grow back, and I'm 32 years old, so DH and I are planning to Ttc again. I haven't had a postpartum period yet, so I'll be starting provera in the next couple days. I already have provera and Femara from my midwife, so I can start whenever I'm ready.