Pcos buddies?

Hey ladies! Yeah wanna, I agree with you. Compare your chart with last cycle and "post o" temps don't match. Bet you're still waiting to o! Woke up this morning to spotting and now af is here full force! So glad to see such a normal cycle! Fx dh is home in time for o next cycle (hopefully it wasn't a fluke and I will o again on my own!)
Vic, I'm so happy for your solid crosshairs! Hopefully I will get solid ones this cycle since I'm not skipping any temps! Major cramping right now, so going to lay down ugh!
I was just diagnosed with PCOS...ummm...2 days ago haha. Anyway, we have been TTC for almost a year and throughout this year I have only had 4 periods. Anyway, I was put on Provera by the fertility doc which will hopefully induce the period when I stop taking the Provera. Then I start Clomid, which I am excited about because he didn't want to wait a cycle, he just wanted to jump into Clomid. Anyway, I am also on metformin which I just started on Wednesday with 500mg and slowly moving up to 1500mg per day. Anyway, just wanted to pop in and let you all know I have been reading the thread and I am learning a lot from you ladies. Hope I can be of some support as well. Thanks!
Kate, yeh u wil prob O soon hope so, it does seem like people with pcos charts do fluctulate alot. But u O last cycle so hope u do again.
Kmr, i did look at ur chart earlier n it did dip a bit, but u wasnt in with a chance of abfp this mth was u, so its a gd cycle for u O'in alone.
Cape - well hope met n clomid work on ur first cycle. U may get a bit ill on met to start wen u go up to 1500mg, i no i did, n have a few side effects from clomid, but wen u get a bfp u no its all been worth it. Hope u won b here for long lol.
Im happy with my chart so far, see wat the next wk brings.
Vic x
Hello Ladies:hi:

My name is Ashley. I'm 25 and my DH is 31. We've been married for 5 years and now are ready for children. Since I was young my periods were always irregular and my last known period was 16. I was put on BCPs and I stopped in Oct 2011, got withdrawal bleed in Nov 2011 - then nothing. I went to my doctors almost a month ago and told him I was ready to start trying for a child. I am over weight, but he never made a comment about that. He sad because I've been trying for a while and being off BCP - he was going to do blood work to see what was up. (I had a feeling I had PCOS). I found out on Aug 24 this year I have PCOS. My doctor said I am also insulin resistant, but I don't have diabetes. He started me on Metformin ER 500mg 1/day. (I have had no side effects from the medicine either) I was concerned how low the dosage was and after a week of taking it I called my doctor about the dosage. I spoke to a nurse and she said I have to be on it for a month before they will up it. So If I don't get my AF or :bfp: by Sept 24 then my dosage is going up.

So here comes my concerned questions and what not.

I'm 5'3" weighing 228. I was 242, so i've been working very hard on losing weight. (almost 10lbs away from losing 10% of my weight) I'm wondering if anyone here has had any luck being on Metformin alone? If so, what dosage worked for you? When did you get your AF from it? How do you chart when you ovulate? I was using OPK, but it was getting annoying, so I'm doing BBT instead. (If anyone could look at my chart and tell me what they think - that would be amazing) I'm sorry i'm asking a lot. I just an *DAAAA* lols.

I'm just freaking out because I'm adopted and my biological mother had no troubles having me at 16/17 and here I am ready to go and I have PCOS. So everything is new to me and some ladies with PCOS get normal cycles and I don't even now if I will get one and that makes me scared. DH & I BD every other day just incase something happens and I'll have a slight chance.

I also would like some PCOS TTC buddies too. Just someone I can talk to and encourage each other :) No one on my Facebook knows were TTC and I want to keep it that way since DH family have me as their friend and I don't need the stress from them.

Thanks for listening to me:hugs:
Hey hippie welcome to our group. Hope ur stay is short.
Im not gd at charts, never had a gd one till this cycle.
Iv only been on met about a mth, it did bring af on for me. Im only on 1000mg, was on 500mg for a wk n then went to 1000mg, have a couple of wks of nausea. But im ok now. Iv tried opk but on a cycle of 100 days that alot of poas so i gave up, will try again nex mth.
Widshin u luck x
Hi Vic!

I'm starting to think maybe I will have a higher chance when I'm on 1000mg. I don't know if my doctor wants to do blood work again or what, but i do know they wanted me to call if i had any bad side effects. I haven't had anything yet, which is nice. I just hate waiting another 10 days before i call my doctor.

Also would you say my temps so far look pretty ok?

good luck to you too!
Hey hippy,
We're glad you have found our group too :) thanks for sharing your story. Im similar to you, I have pcos and am isulin resistant but not diabetic, im taking 4x500mg of met. It has worked really well for me so far, i have had 2 af's and o'd atleast once after not having a menstrual cycle since January. Not tried clomid yet. I am also around the same height/weight range as you also. My mother hasnt had any hormone/fertility problems yet me and my sister both have pcos. I have been ttc for 2 1/2 years now :'( i am 28 (29 next week arrgg!! and my husband is 39) I have a son from a previous relationship who took 18 months to conceive. I would say your temps...hmm its hard to say at the moment but keep doing then and hopefully you will see a pattern. My names Kate btw :) Anyway I hope you found our little pcos/chatter thread useful

KMR - I hope you catch you eggy next time :) im glad you had a fairly normalish cycle. Bet you cant wait till your hubby is back and you can ttc 'properly' wishing you lots of luck for this cycle. Hope the cramps have eased up too

Vic - How are you feeling...are you 8dpo now? Any signs? So excited for you - maybe this will be our 1st bfp on this thread fx

My mum never had any fertility issues, she had 5 pregnancies, 1 was misscarried n 1 was a still birth but she fell easy each time. M sis fell preg 3 times, had 1 misscarry n 2 babies. So me havin pcos is a bit random, but oh well.
Oh kate ur bday nex wk, yehhhh lol.
Im 5.1 n 216lbs, iv lost 49lbs in past yr.
Im dpo6 so too early to test yet lol.
Vic x
Hi Kate! Thanks for letting me know more about you, we do sound the same. I'm really hoping I can get an AF. I know some want her away, but it would at least let me know the medicine is working. I'm really thinking it's not going to happen until my medicine is increased.

I'll keep up on my temps and I hope to see something soon.

By the way did anyones doctor ask about if they got their period on BCP? Mine asked if I was able to and I said I had no problems and he said that, that was a good sign? I'm just hoping something will happen!
It's best to be increased slowly..i started on 500mg then 2x500 then 3 then 4 which is my full dose. Sorry for my naivety but what is BCP? lol x
It's best to be increased slowly..i started on 500mg then 2x500 then 3 then 4 which is my full dose. Sorry for my naivety but what is BCP? lol x

BCP = Birth Control Pill

Yea, I guess starting low is good, i'm just bad at waiting ;p
I'm on CD96 today and started metformin Wednesday and (fx'ed) no side effects...yet. Provera also started Wednesday...so I guess the true journey starts here. How have you ladies been with the metformin? Should I expect side effects?
I'm on CD96 today and started metformin Wednesday and (fx'ed) no side effects...yet. Provera also started Wednesday...so I guess the true journey starts here. How have you ladies been with the metformin? Should I expect side effects?

I've heard if you get the ER (extended release) of Metformin *which I'm taking* the side effects are minimal to none. I haven' t had any side effects and I started on Aug 24. I'm not sure if it will stay that way when i get my dosage bumped up.
No side effects on 500mg but 1000mg i was quite ill. Nausea after every meal. Was not a gd time. But got through it. Im stayin at 1000mg doc dont want me to go higher
I had normal periods on bcp too
Afm, woke up took temp n it was 36,09. As my coverline is 36.45 i was pretty annoyed af was on its way as had bad cramps too. Looked at the time n it was only 3am. I norm take at 7am. So went back to sleep til 7 n took it again n was 36.82 so happy again. Its crazy how ur temp can change so much. Guess thats y it says u have to do ut at the same time everyday. So dpo7. Too early to test lol

Vic x
Hey mornin
I no i said i wudnt as im only dpo8 but had to test n of cors got a :bfn: wiil try again tomo, lol
Hope ur all ok n havin a gd wknd.
Vic x
8dpo is still a little early...keep testing though and it might turn in the next couple of days :)

Not much to say for me, Temps are still low today so still waiting for ov, may still be a while off yet but hopefully not.

Hows everyone else doing? Kmr, hope your feeling a bit better today. capemay, i hope the met works sucessfully for you x
Vic, your temps are looking great! Glad your temp was normal this am. I have definitely done that before, and I always use the temp closest to my normal waking time. Eee so excited!

Wanna- all will be well. Metformin is obviously doing its job in helping to regulate you, even though it may take a bit of time. This cycle might not differ too much from the last in which case you have clomid, yea!

Hey hippie and cape, so nice to see you ladies on here! I'm glad you both are well on your way to getting the treatment you need to ttc!

Hippie-- is this your first cycle temping? Your chart doesn't look too bad, you could deffo o even though they look a bit rocky... I'll take a couple pics of my charts, one no o and my ONE o cycle (last cycle, yea!!!) and post. Just a drop in the bucket, hormones are so weird.
Okay, here is a chart from last year. It's been a heck of a year, looking back. I started temping because I wanted help. Ds was conceived on clomid, but I wanted to try to find out the underlying problem. This chart was one right before I went in to the doctor, who told me I have thin pcos and that there wasn't much to be done aside from fertility treatments.


I did clomid yet again, but a day or two after finishing the pills, got news that my dad needed emergency open-heart surgery, so I flew home and stayed for two months while he recuperated. Clomid had worked that month, but afterward, my cycles were extremely long (chart above was a 15 day cycle). I got back into the doctor, got on provera, and finally started my period and took clomid again. This was another horrid cycle... My hubby was diagnosed with brain injuries (he is in the military here) and he went into the hospital for further diagnosis. At this point, we had decided to abandon all hope of ttc right now.. Too much going on and too many undecideds... Next cycle after clomid was 33 days, but I didn't think much of it, except that when my period came, I had major cramps, which i generally don't get when I don't o. Next cycle was 40 days, and at the end of it I was thinking I might have oed on my own. Next cycle (my previous cycle) I temped the whole month and it is very obvious that oed allll by myself. Lol telling the whole story i am excited all over again. Ttc ds for a year, with pcos, and never oed on my own. Ttc #2, and it's been a year now, and I o all on my own! Gah!

Vic, your temps are looking great! Glad your temp was normal this am. I have definitely done that before, and I always use the temp closest to my normal waking time. Eee so excited!

Wanna- all will be well. Metformin is obviously doing its job in helping to regulate you, even though it may take a bit of time. This cycle might not differ too much from the last in which case you have clomid, yea!

Hey hippie and cape, so nice to see you ladies on here! I'm glad you both are well on your way to getting the treatment you need to ttc!

Hippie-- is this your first cycle temping? Your chart doesn't look too bad, you could deffo o even though they look a bit rocky... I'll take a couple pics of my charts, one no o and my ONE o cycle (last cycle, yea!!!) and post. Just a drop in the bucket, hormones are so weird.

Hi KMR!:hi:
I just got home and have been really busy over the weekend, so I hopped on. This is my first time charting and I've been taking my temp the same time EXCEPT for Sat & today, Sun. (My favorite rooster is sick and is staying in our room and he's been keeping me up with his sniffle/wheezing outbursts, but were trying to help him with his cold - so I took my temp maybe earlier then normal, plus I've been sleep deprived) I've been having the issue of where to place the basal thermometer in my mouth. I've been doing my right side towards the molar area under my tongue, I guess the heat pocket? I was trying to follow the directions that came with the thermometer. Am I taking it right? When I go to the doctor they take my temp under my tongue more towards the front. Should I have been taking it like that? I was wondering why my temps were going up and down so much :\

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