Pcos buddies?

wanna - woo hoo on the + opk!! get to bd'ing!!! also, happy early birthday. I keep wondering when I will O this coming cycle since I am currently on CD95. I stop Provera on Friday and then Clomid, so we will see, but for you...YAY!

Vic - when did you start metformin? My cycle looks like it will be about 100 days or so, so it is comforting to think now that I am on met and starting Clomid this next cycle that it might be a "normal" cycle.

ttc2yrs - keep us posted!!! good luck

afm - starting 500mg of met twice a day today and nervous about side effects since I didn't have many on 500mg once a day (slight headaches and one night of a stomach ache and diarrhea-sorry TMI). Currently I am planning a baby shower for my best friend and I am excited for her, but planning it is also kinda hard for me. I am trying to push past my issues and just be happy for her. Anyway, baby dust to everyone!
Just an update real quick before heading out.

The doctors office NEVER called me! BUT! My DH had an appointment yesterday and I gave him a note to pass along to the doctor (before I found out he's not there anymore) and DH knows the new nurse practitioner very well. (They use to work at the same job before). She wanted to know what's up with my medicine and he told her that I wanted it up'd because AF hasn't shown and that were TTC. She told my DH to tell me to make an appointment to come in and she would help me! So I called and I have an appointment this Friday at 1pm and taking DH with me! Here's to seeing what she will do for me :)

Do you ladies think that maybe when my Metformin is up'd i may have a better chance or should I ask about other medicines to help? I think once my Metformin is up'd I'll have a better chance of getting AF. I'm still losing weight, now down 15lbs! Very close to reaching 10%!

Kate, oh opk lookin gd, lots of baby dancin for u tonite n tomo, bday sex lol.

Ttc2yrs, it cud defo happen on first round of clomid, i think everyone goin on it has a gd chance, esp if they didnt O before. Im on first round of clomid 10dpo so im hopin for a bfp.

Cape, i started met last cycle n got af like 2 wks later, was on 1000mg. Yeh i had no side effects on 500mg n then 1000mg made me soo ill for quite a few wks. But mostly passed now.

Hippi, oh thats gd about havin a known friendly nurse, lets hope sh gives u want u want. I was on 500mg for a wk n then 1000mg for a wk or 2 n then af came.

11dpo tomo, think im gonna test,

Vic x
On 11dpo n i tested with a 10miu n stil bfn, doesnt look like its my month really :(
Vic x
sorry it was bfn vic :( your still not out until af comes though.
My temp dipped quite alot this morning so dunno what thats about really x
Kate yeh big drop u done a opk today is it stil pos. mayb ur only Oin now. I wil jus keep testin. Stil few days til af is due x
Hey Vic! You're still not out... Not til af shows!

Wanna-- that dip looks like a pre-o dip! Super excited for you! Can't wait to see tomorrow's temp!

Afm-- temps still flat. Cd 6. They have been 97.58 and 96.60. Tested the therm to make sure it was working and my temp was higher yesterday afternoon, so don't think it's that :( I don't like this!

Anyone heard of the bd brand bbt? My sister has one because she was going to start charting, but did not.. I'm thinking of swiping it but it only reads to the tenth degree, not the hundredth like my pharmacy brand bbt does...
Good Morning :)

Vic- you're not out til AF comes so maybe test again in a few days:dust:

Kate - OMG! I had a huge dip this morning as well! *take a look @ chart* I have no clue what that means. I thought someone said 3 rising temps and dip meant something, but this is the 2nd time i had temp rise then dip. So confusing >.<

KMR - Nope, never used a bd brand bbt. I bought my BBT from Target for $10.00 and though the screen doesn't light up, I still like it. I take my temp and when it beeps turn it off and sleep a bit longer, then when i wake up I just turn it on and it saved my temp.

Oh wow big dips for both of u. Lookin gd.
Kmr, no not heard of that one
I did have a gd one that lit up n saved temp. But my dog ate it lol. This one i have is crap. But dont want to change it lol
Yeh il keep testin see how it goes x
Vic x
done an opk and its bfn today so i reckon today is O day...will need to bd tonight!!
kmr - im suprised your temps are still flat as your not on af anymore..i hope they start doing something soon. I've not heard of that brand bbt either, i just got mine off ebay :/

hippe - wow you did have a big dip! Wonder what that can mean, will be keeping an eye out tomorrow and the coming days.

Kate - I wonder as well :\ My DH & I BD last night, so I'm hoping I will be fine today without BD again. We've been trying to go every other day.
Kate if u got abfn on opk dorsnt it mean u O yday? Thats wat i thought anyways.
Vic x
well opk's predicts the LH surge which is the last hormone to peak before ov, it shows the surge 12-36 hours before ov. As I havent had a temp rise yet i am assuming today is ov day, the opk was negative last time on the day of ov. I hoping my temp goes up in the morning to confirm it :) x
*UGH* Is it WRONG that I just found out another friend is pregnant? I'm seriously on the edge of tears! One friend is having twins and a handful other friends are expecting and then here's little old me! The worse part is they have heavier then me and here I am struggling! I know it's so silly for me to get upset, but it's like when will it be my turn? My 2 close friends that know were TTC are probably sick of me always wanting to go over to the baby area and look around when we go to Wal-Mart or Target. I know I sound crazy. I just needed to rant. *breaths* I'm sure our times will come, I just wish it could happen soon. Thanks for listening ladies:hugs:I feel a bit better
Only have a minute to pop on but looking forward to reading more about flat temps, temp spikes and dips, bd'ing, o'ing, etc. tomorrow. Happy thoughts ladies :)
I know exactly what you mean hippie, someone on my fb uploaded a scan pic then was telling people it was 'an accident' that peed me off!

my temp did rise this morning, thought not the highest temp iv had this cycle...hope i still get the crosshairs in a couple of days tho x
Hey mornin

Kate, see thats wat i no about opk, lucky i dont do them lol, nice rise today, wil prob go higher tomo. Gd luck.

Hippi, its not gd wen ur ttc n mates keep gettin preg, i have a few on fb that r showin there scans too n big bumps. It wil b our turn soon, we jus got to wait, hard tho isnt it.

Afm, 12dpo n stil bfn. It says on ff not to test til dpo 16-18. I keep think ff changed my O to cd19, but vip member changed it to cd17. So guess i cud b 2 days out, will jus see if af turns up in 2 days time.
Vic x
Hippie-- it's not wrong, how you feel. It does suck, BIGTIME. It gets so depressing. When I first started ttc #2, a good friend of mine was expecting. She had her baby, and then a few months later, another of our friends got pregnant, and has now had her baby... It's a crappy way of marking the time that's gone by, but that's just howled our minds work I guess. But like I said to wanna, at least you know you are getting treatment, and on the right path to get your bfp-- and it will alllll have been worth it. That fact doesn't change the sadness, I know!

Wanna-- that looks like a nice temp rise!! Bet it will rise more tomorrow! Yea for another tww! And you sure did o earlier this time... Excited to see your temp in the morning!

Lol @ cape I know it's kind of like watching a soap around here I bet!

My temp went down this am... But I slept with my window open and less blankets so I wonder if that's why... But it's a relief to see something different!
glad your temp has done something kmr lol...yeah hopefully my temp will rise again tomorrow, and im so glad ive ov'd earlier, this might actually be my shortest cycle since ttc yey
vic...keep your chin up something may still happen.
cape, how are you doing? anything happening - catch us up soon
Hippe, are you alright? its always such a bummer, i get down about it too. x
Hi Ladies :)

Yes I'm feeling better this morning, I'm glad i'm not alone with feelings. It seems like once a week someone is getting pregnant or having a baby. Facebook can be so mean. lols.

Well my temp dropped, by a lot! I don't know what that means, but my doctors appointment is tomorrow so I will see what she has to say.

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