Pcos buddies?

Thats where I take mine, under the tounge towards the back...I guess if your consistent in where you take it I suppose it would be ok. People with pcos tend to get up and down temps so it probably nothing your doing x
Thats where I take mine, under the tounge towards the back...I guess if your consistent in where you take it I suppose it would be ok. People with pcos tend to get up and down temps so it probably nothing your doing x

Thanks Kate :)

I always take it on the right side under the tongue, same spot every morning. Just weird to see it go up and down and then you think one temp could be promising and then it's like nope, i don't think so >.<
Kate is right. Where you put it isn't a big deal as long as you are consistent with the spot you choose. And I know! In the beginning I would get so excited by a dip or rise just to see it not pan out the next day. When you get used to it you stop looking at it day by day, and start seeing the bigger picture... Lol hopefully anyway... I was on pins and needles all this past cycle hoping I would o!
Hey mornin gals
Kmr - wow u have gone through alot havnt u, im suprised ur so strong, that wud take it out of alot of people. Its great ur Oin by urself, hope its a gd sign.
Kate - see ur crosshairs have gone, as we said temps go up n down with pcos, im sure ur O soon enough, if u dont get a bfp this cycle, r u gonna try clomid nex mth?
Hippie - i take mines under my tongue at the front, always have, as the gals say, as long as u always do it the same way it shudnt make a dif.
Afm - 9dpo n iv not tested yet, stil in bed, not debated if i shud or nt lol
Vic x
Yeah I will take clomid if I dont get a bfp this time. Ive got my pre-seed on standby lol.
Temp was around the same this morning, just below 36 which is usual for me.

Did you test then vic? let us know. How are you feeling?

Hippie - I hope we;'ve cleared a couple of things up for you. We hapy to help where we can.

How are you doing kmr, i bet it wont be long before you're o'ing again :) Have you settled into the new place? x
Isnt it funny how your day can start off ok then turn in a moment? I was on another ttc/pregnancy/baby site and a girl I used to talk to on there (from an 'irregular cycles' thread) is pregnant again. I just feel so sad for myself. She started ttc about 3 months after me. She fell preg after about 16 months and had her child and is now expecting again..ive been ttc for 2.5 years now and I know thats not aslong as some people but its still hard when other people have had 2 pregnancies in the same amount of time :( Sorry if im coming across as petty, this ttc buisness is hard sometimes. Rant over! x
Isnt it funny how your day can start off ok then turn in a moment? I was on another ttc/pregnancy/baby site and a girl I used to talk to on there (from an 'irregular cycles' thread) is pregnant again. I just feel so sad for myself. She started ttc about 3 months after me. She fell preg after about 16 months and had her child and is now expecting again..ive been ttc for 2.5 years now and I know thats not aslong as some people but its still hard when other people have had 2 pregnancies in the same amount of time :( Sorry if im coming across as petty, this ttc buisness is hard sometimes. Rant over! x

This doesn't sound petty-- it sounds completely normal. Of course it's depressing, when you have been trying and trying. And I know exactly how you feel. My best friend has three kids. She is 27, got pregnant by accident two of the times. I love her to death, but I can't stop that envy I sometimes feel for her ability to conceive sooo easily.

But you are getting help. And you deffo oed on met last cycle... So I know it's only a matter of time for you before you get your bfp. I KNOW it's hard to think like that when it's been a long haul. But when you get your bfp and eventually get to meet little baby who was such a struggle, it will all have been worth it.

And Vic--- test test test! And post a pic so I can line-spot!
thank you for your support kmr, i think i just needed to get it off my chest - i just keep wondering when my time is going to come. I guess we all do that from time to time.
Anyway, I just did an opk and it was near pos so hopefully tomorrow it will be pos :)
How are you doing? x
I am still on af. Ff says fertile time will be around Oct. 5th, which is dh's birthday. Hopefully he will be back by then!!! Buuut my temps have been flat since af... I am weirded out by this, but I'm trying not to read too much into it. What do you think?
Hello ladies, sorry I have been MIA, I had a very busy weekend.

kmr - thank you for the support!

wanna - I have those same feelings when people in my life fall pregnant. I want to be happy for them, but at the same time I am so envious and quite frankly a jealous. I keep saying to DH that I am sad and frustrated that we aren't pregnant yet, but also so mad at my body for failing to do something that our bodies are made to do...feeling broken I guess. Hoping you get that pos OPK...sending good vibes your way.

AFM- this metformin really kicked my butt over the weekend with upset stomach and diarrhea but people have been warning me to watch my sugar intake and I didn't because we were celebrating DH's birthday and who can resist cake haha. I learned my lesson and I am using myfitnesspal.com to help track food and sugar intake. I am calling the doctor today to get an update on hormone levels, etc. from the blood taken last week. I finish the Provera at the end of the week and should have a period the beginning of next week and then starts tests (saline tubal perfusion, ultrasounds, post coital, and semen analysis) and clomid...

wishing everyone luck and sending good vibes to everyone.
Hey all

Kate, i no how it feels not gd is it. I was the same wen my sis was preg, she now has a 4 n a 2 yr old n here i am stil tryin on n off. It wil b our turn soon. Oh lots of bdin tonite n tomo for u then.

Kmr, oh lets hope hubby is back by the cud b a great bday night lol.

Cape, yeh i got the same on met, i havnt heard anything about limitin sugar before.

I did test n it was a bfn, but its only internet cheapies not sure how sensitive they are, n if they wud even pick it up.
Vic x

I'm about to cry! My family doctor I was seeing for all these years isn't there anymore! I just called to ask about upping my medicine cause I will run out of my 500mg on Saturday and I wanted to see about just re-filling or wait and they told me he's not there anymore:cry:And right now they have nurse practitioner taking over his patients and i'm afraid they won't help me like he was doing. He wanted to try a few things before I had to go to a FS, but now i don't know and I'm so upset:cry:Someone should be calling me back, but still. I don't want to be rejected because my doctor was so there for me and wanting to help me and what if they won't?:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Oh hun, i no how hard it is wen u have a nice doc n then they leave. Mines took a 6 mth break i was devistated. Im hipe u can stil get help from the nurse.
Vic x
Thanks Vic:hugs:

I'm still waiting for a call, should probably hear something within the next hour. I'm completely devastated! I really hope they don't jerk me around or the next call is to see where he went to and try to be his patient there:haha:
cape - thats exactly how i feel, a failure as a woman since i cant do what we're made to do :( i just hoping my opk is pos today - that will perk me up. Its my birthday tomorrow so maybe a birthday baby! lol

hippie - sorry to hear about your dr...i hope you find another one who is just as good.

kmr - im not sure what these flat temps mean...at a guess i'd say it was just because your still on af so the hormone levels are sorting themselves back out ready for another cycle. Sorry I cant be of more help, sure you will see change soon :)

vic - its still early days, try getting a first response and doing one in another day or two. really hope this is it for you.

afm - i looked back over at yesterdays opk and it did look pos so im not sure. Ive been at work on a sleep-in so havent bd'd yet. Thats perked me up from my little knock back.
Im quite pleased as last cycle i didnt o until cd 38, will be around cd 25/26 - improvement :)

Cape-- that really stinks!!! My gp was awesome too.. I lucked out when I got married and moved to NC I just picked out a random Dr and they turned out to be wonderful. Now I have moved and I know it's going to be a struggle finding someone who can replace them. But you are on met already, and the hard part of getting the dx is over with, so the rest is downhill really!

Vic-- ics are cheap, and IMO worth it for testing early and frequently. I just bought a supply of 80 hpts and 40 opks from eBay (that were recommended by one of the girls on the hpt board). 20 bucks! Awesome considering I probably spent about 100 on frers a couple cycles ago (one of the post clomid "I think I ovulated" cycles). Sooo when I get to start testing I will be using ics too! Post pics for us!

Wanna-- thanks chick! Was same again this morning, but I'm going to try not to care about it, since o last cycle was on cd 22 or so. Going to try to just relax until cd 19 or so! And too excited about your pos opk. Get to bding! Can't wait for more testing!

Kmr- didnt test today but wil do tomo. Lol i wud post a pic if there was any sign if a line. But i hold it up to the light n still nothin.

Kate, oh hope ur temp goes up over nex few days so u did O yday or today. That wud b very gd to O again alone. Mayb u jus need that clomid boost n ur get ur bfp. il b stalkin ur chart lol. Happy birthday for tomo if u dont come on here

Hippi, did ur doc call back.

Afm, well 10dpo didnt test. But wil do tomo. Gettin nervous to test as it get closer to 14dpo im gettin more negative if i get a bfn. So af is due on sat. My cycle is stil under 30 days but it seems the longest cycle ever. Conciderin last cycle was 100 odd days. Weird hey. But wil test tomo :thumbup:

Vic x
Wishing you loads of luck vic, we need a bfp on here :) and thank you for the birthday wishes too. It so lovely that everyone on here is so supportive.

Ive just taken another opk and this was was + so ill probs ovulate tomorrow or day after. *i never get bored seeing two lines haha* hopefully the next two lines i see will be an on opk :) xx
not the best pic but you get the idea :happydance: x


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hi everyone , im starting 50mg of clomid tommorow, will take it at night to help stop side effects ! hopefully ! am taking it day 2-6 of cycle ,really hope it works 1st time, i had really bad time eith provera to start a cycle bacause i dont have periods ! the doctors think i should fall the 1st time but lets just hope !
good luck to everyone and baby dust to you all !

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