Pcos buddies?

Vic - fx'ed for you. You're not out til AF shows and temps are still high. I feel like I have myself convinced it's not gonna happen during this round though for me maybe just not getting my hopes up
Kmr - glad to see a temp fluctuation. Looking forward to seeing what happens in the morning
Wanna - I'm hoping my cycle is shorter this time around too!
Hippie - keep us posted on your doctor appointment tomorrow

Afm - blood work results back and confirmed PCOS which I'm bummed about but kinda knew it was coming at the same time? Ugh so frustrated! This provera is making me crazy emotional by the way and I feel bad for DH because I'm definitely taking it out on him. Anxious for my last day of provera tomorrow bc no more crazy emotional days and may AF after 97 days?! Then starts tastings and clomid. DH and I are planning a Disney world trip at the end of October to celebrate out anniversary. we would find out the day before we leave whether or not this round worked so its making me crazy. That's all for now...until tomorrow haha
Hey mornin

Think im too early no one has done there temps today lol.

Hippi, hope ur doc apt goes ok.
Kate, lookin for a nice higher temp for u today.
Kmr, hope ur ok, wil b checkin for changes in ur chart
Cape, aww shame u have pcos, but its gd its confirmed hope u can now move on. Hope ur af comes in the nex few days. N then u can start clomid. Wow ur holiday sounds cool. Might change ur trip slightly lol if u get abfp the day before u go. Lol
Afm, temp went higher today, 13dpo. Actually feel nervous bout testn today. Not sure im goin to :blush:

Vic x
Morning everyone, I took my temp and had a sleep-in this morning so havent been on till now.

capemay - sorry you've have pcos confirmed :( its does suck but the clomid will help and you'll eventually get your bfp. It will def shorten your cycles too. Have a great time in disney world, it will help you relax. Jealous - wish i was going away lol

vic - try not to get disheartened, if you want to test, test if not dont. it might just be a late bfp. Have you got more clomid for next cycle? How much were you taking?

Hippie - good luck today, let us know how you get on.

Any news this morning kmr? Fx for a slightly different temp today

Afm - Temp was a little higher again, not massively but id didnt last time after O. Please let this be my time.....

Vic-- nice that temp is going up! Let us know what happens ASAP!

Wanna-- temp still going up, good sign! Hoping to see crosshairs soon!

Cape-- I'm sorry that it's pcos :( makes things tough... But at least now and can start doing what you have to do!

Afm-- temp was 97.9... A little higher than my highest pre o temp from last cycle... Don't think I oed yet, still pretty early on, and had no other signs, so guess its just a random high temps.. We will see!
Good Morning.

Cape ~ I'm sorry it's PCOS as well :hugs: But now that you know what it is, you can get on the path to help you :) I know I cried when I found out, but I'm learning more about it and taking medicine to help <3

Vic ~ Let us know what happens! I really hope you get your :bfp: <3

Kate ~ I don't know much on temping, but it seems if it's going up - seems it's a good sign :)

My temp this morning was 96.80 *UGH* It keeps going down - i have no clue what it means :wacko:

My doctor's appointment is at 1pm (EST) So as soon as i get home, i'll let everyone know how it went. I'm hoping it will be good visit.
Thanks for the support everyone. Once AF comes I will start temping again. I was temping during this last cycle, but when I reached day 80-something, I was so frustrated I stopped. I am hoping the metformin is helping. I don't seem to have many side effects with 1000mg a day. I get a headache every now and again, but no nausea or upset stomach, so that's good news. I cried for a while last night about the PCOS confirmation, but I think I am just overly emotional anyway because of the Provera. I took my last Provera this morning, so hopefully, fx'ed, by Sunday or Monday AF will finally show her face. I am going to a consignment sale tomorrow morning so I can buy baby clothes for my best friend. I am planning her baby shower and I am getting her a bunch of clothes of varying sizes as one of her gifts. I know I am going to be bummed walking into this, but I have to focus on my friend, not me...it's just so hard.

Hoping you ladies have a great day and don't forget to keep us posted on temps, tests, and doctor appointments!!!
i hope the shopping goes as well as it can capemay - just try and think you might be shopping for your baby soon.
glad your temps are doing something now kmr :)
I weighed myself today and ive now lost a total of 17lbs since being on met and only moderate changes to my diet, so pleased x
Hi Ladies,

I'm so upset and crushed and hurt and just don't know anymore.

I went to the "nurse practitioner" and she was no help. She wouldn't up my dosage because she can't and further more, she has PCOS and said Metformin will not help me and that the woman online are just grasping for hope on Metformin. She said she tried it for 5 years at 1000mg and nothing. She said it will do nothing for me. So she pushed me off to an IVF specialist and my insurance won't cover me if i'm there for treatment and I'm crushed. I feel the nurse practitioner was taking her own life experience and giving me no hope because she didn't have hope. I hate her. I honestly hate her. I finally told my mother that we were trying and how crushed I was. I think i'm going to have to find my old doctor and see if I can transfer to him because I don't want to ever see her again.
Hi Ladies,

I'm so upset and crushed and hurt and just don't know anymore.

I went to the "nurse practitioner" and she was no help. She wouldn't up my dosage because she can't and further more, she has PCOS and said Metformin will not help me and that the woman online are just grasping for hope on Metformin. She said she tried it for 5 years at 1000mg and nothing. She said it will do nothing for me. So she pushed me off to an IVF specialist and my insurance won't cover me if i'm there for treatment and I'm crushed. I feel the nurse practitioner was taking her own life experience and giving me no hope because she didn't have hope. I hate her. I honestly hate her. I finally told my mother that we were trying and how crushed I was. I think i'm going to have to find my old doctor and see if I can transfer to him because I don't want to ever see her again.

omg, i am lost for word to be honest...firstly i am so sorry you've had a silly 'nurse' tell you these things. you are well within your rights to find another more sympathetic and frankly more informed health care professional who is willing to give you the treatment you need. secondly why would many, many doctors, consultants ect prescribe this drug if it didnt work? it would be a waste of everyones time, not to mention the cost implication. If you google metformin success rate with pcos it will come up with not only medical based research papers but also pcos sufferers who have gone on to have successful pregnancies because of the drug. It sounds to me like it hasnt worked for her (which it doesnt for everyone) so is just assuming it wont work for you. Your probably on the wrong dosage, I take 4x500mg every day and its worked a treat for me. As for putting you on the ivf list? wtf?! is she for real? IVF is a last resort when all other treatment options have been exhausted. Again the cost implication for this is massive. Def get another doctor as what you were told is just unrealistic, unprofessional and just stupid! (((hugs)))
Second to what wanna says. Totally agree. Find another doctor. Surf the net for reviews, ask friend and neighbors and whoever else who the recommend if you can't find your old doctor. There are tons of different treatments for us pcosers besides ivf, and ivf IS a last resort!! It's a standby clomid, femara, and met are all options before that! Furthermore, why in the f*** is she saying net isn't going to help if your prev doctor thought it would?! I personally despise nurse practitioners. I've dealt with one good one in my day and that's it. Do not listen, continue your met and find you a new doc!
Thank you ladies:hugs:

I'm going to find my old doctor and try to get him again. If it means transfer out of where i've been going for years, so be it! I talked to the pharmacist about what happen when getting my medicine and she was like dumbfound. She said I should see a OB GYN because I will need one and go from there. So until I find out what my old doctor can do for me, i'll make an appointment with an OB GYN and see what they could tell me.

I honestly didn't think I was asking that much for upping my dosage.
You werent asking for much hippie...i hope you find a better dr/obgyn and get put on a course of medication suited for you. are you feeling any better now? I've had my fair share of health people thinking they know it all and were reluctant to help, i changed dr and got what i wanted in the end but more than that felt better because i was taken seriously x
Mornin all

Hippi, my fertility doc said metformin doesnt work for pcos, he said the latest research is it do t work so i walked out not havin it. So i went to my normal gp n said about met n pcos she looked it up online n said yeh ok il give it to u. But it says in her book only 1000mg a day. N they wont give me higher. I think all gps, docs, specialists r very different. Think its jus a matter of findin one that wil listen.
Kate, yeh nice crosshairs. Lookin gd. Hope u did lots of bdin.
Cape, i thought ur af shud come like 5-7 days after ur last provera tablet, was u told different then.
Afm, temp dropped abit. Stil a bfn, not sure wats goin on. Looks like af might b on its way :(

Vic x
Good Morning,

I'm feeling a lot better today then yesterday. I still have this small hurt feeling, but I'm moving on. I did some research of the best OB/GYN here in NY and on the top ten list my insurance will cover the second one. She had a lot of nice reviews so I'm going to call today to see about getting in to see her. I hope she will help. In her info it says she's a specialist? So maybe she can prescribe me something? At least I hope she can.

Vic - I'm sorry you're not seeing the bfp, but you're still not out until AF shows:thumbup:

Again thank you ladies for the support. :)
Really feels like af is due any min, dreadin goin to the loo.
Vic x
I 'm glad your getting sorted hippie, i hope this dr is better :)
vic - any sign of af?
I went to asda today to get a frer for when i test, bloody picked up the normal fr....not the early one! grrr still £6 for 2 isnt bad..does anyone know if i can still use them early? Got af type cramps again today, like last time - hope its not a bad sign x
I didnt no there was diff frer lol, iv only got internet cheapies before but I was in tesco lookin at digital clear blur £14 for 2 didnt get them tho lol.
No af yet, jus major crampin.
Vic x
well i didnt either, but i looked at the packet when i got home and it says 'can be used from the day period is due' the other you can use up to 6 days early...im gonna google it lol
When i was preggers with my ds i had terrible cramps, i was so sure af was coming so it put me of testing for a few days...i eventually gave in and bought one - if was a bfp :) x
Hippie - glad you're feeling a bit better about what happened with the doctors office. My doctor said that met would help with fertility only to help keep my hormones regulated.

Vic - The last time I was on Provera it only took me 24 hours of being off the pill to start AF. I'm anticipating it being just as short this time. Still hoping you get you BFP by the way.

Afm - nothing much to report hopefully more tomorrow or Monday!
i had been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries 3 years back doc put me on dianne 35 to control my facial hairs and i kept on using it as contraceptive pill for 2 years.I stopped that in april 2012 and went to doc and put me on metmorfin on aug1,2012 but no luck til yet.my periods are regular ,everytime i have my periods make me sad .this month i had little bit spotting for 2 days .worried wats going on..........

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