Pcos buddies?

Hi kmr - aww gutted your dh isnt going to be back in time :( you will O again when hes back and i'll bet you end up falling (due to lots of passion lol)

well..i'll admit i panicked earlier - i rang the gp's asking to speak to a dr about it as it was just a quick question but the receptionist said i'd be better making an appt so i did. Anyway im feeling a bit calmer now and ff says the coverline has no significance. My pre ov temps are low so it stands to reason my post ov temps will be too. Ive cancelled the appt and going to see what happens until the end of the cycle and then decide what to do. I've only been back once to get my prescription filled, was told to let it do it work for a while and go back if not pregnant in january! thanks for chilling me out lol x
Good morning<3

How are you feeling today Vic? Sorry to here AF got you ):

Well I temped earlier this morning, but I still don't get it - feel free to look.

I called the Albany IVF place and told them what happen to me and they couldn't believe it! They said usually an ob gyn REFERS them when they have done all they could! So the referred me to a good ob gyn. Her husband works at the IVF place so I was super happy to here that. The lady also said they could do all the tests over there and I would be covered since my insurance doesn't cover fertility treatment and such. So I made an appointment and the earliest I can get in is Oct 17. So I'll keep with the Metformin and lose some more weight until then. :)

Oh, I also called my doctor and left a message saying I wanted to speak to Dr. Midgen. Not the NURSE PRACTITIONER, NURSE OR RECEPTIONIST - THE DOCTOR. (The CAPS represent the strict tone in my voice at that moment) lol.:haha:
Vic - sorry AF got you, how are you feeling?

wanna - fx'ed for you and glad you have a positive outlook

hippie - glad you were adamant about speaking to the doctor!

AFM - oops, forgot to temp this morning. I want to get into the habit of doing it this cycle. After 100 days of no AF, I forgot how terrible it can be. I was laying on the couch last night saying "I am going to be the worst pregnant person ever if this is what I feel like when I have AF" DH just laughed and cudddled with me. It's like AF is back with a vengeance haha. Anyway, called doc this morning, scheduled saline tubal perfusion for the 3rd and ultrasound, blood work, and post coital for the 5th and clomid starts this wednesday. I am hoping this cycle works, but doubtful at the same time because I don't want to get my hopes up. Increased met this weekend to three times a day for a total of 1500 mg a day. Still only headaches as my side effect, but definitely losing a little bit of weight in the mean time. Here's to positive thoughts for this cycle being "regular" and a BFP by the end of October!!!

Kmr, so thats a shame ur hubby wont b there for O, but if u O alone, then it wil b a gd cycle anyways.

Kate, lol u cooled down now, not so panicy, yeh u shud jus see how ur cycle goes. I hope its a gd one for u.

Hippi, thats gd ur apt isnt too far away, jus acouple of wks. N gd luck on the weight lose. N hope ur actually doc calls u back lol, not one of the others.

Afm, tummy stil crampin, not as bad, had a gd nap earlier. Clomid tonight. I remember bein moody n stuff wen i had it last mth. Wil see hownex 5 days r.

Vic x
Cape seem to of missed ur post.
Lol i was in so much pain on af last night was thinkin the same, how am i gonna cope bein preg too lol. Wen af hurts that much. Lol wat days r u takin clomid then, i do 2-6 n 100mg. Great ur only side effect from clomid is headach, hope they soon pass. Gd luck with ur apts.
n hope one of us gets abfp by end of oct, wud b great
Vic x
vic - i am taking Clomid cycle days 4-8 for this first cycle on it. I don't know the dosage yet, going to pick up prescription this afternoon. All I know is two pills days 4-5 and 1 pill days 6-8. When is the best time to take it? Night? Morning? Also, how long were your cycles before met and clomid?
Hey ladies so I've been reading your post and I also was diagnosed with pcos about 3 years ago and have been ttc for about 2.5 years I am overweight also Ive tried comid met everything & nothing worked I had no period for a few months and then I came across a post about something called geritol aka "baby
In a bottle oops I pushed enter lol and sure enough af came I've seen so many succes story's including my best Friend she had pcos tried 1 yer took geritol Tonic liquid for
And got pregnant a month later I'll keep you guys updated tho ! :D

So my doctor did call and we talked. She agreed with the nurse about the Metformin being up'd because my sugar level! She said it could of effected me badly. WTF? So why couldn't the nurse SAID THAT instead of making me feel like utter crap! I also said that I talked to the IVF place and they said I should see a ob gyn first and she agreed. So i'm going to see my primary doctor Oct 12 for a physical and what not. I'm just sooooo over it right now. I just hope everything falls into place.
glad you seem to be getting sorted hippie..i hope they start you on the right treatment so you can achieve your bfp :)

welcome ajg - ive been ttc for 2.5 years too. have you got any more info about this liquid and do you take it?

vic - sorry for my little episode earlier lol what am i like! not happy unless im worrying about something haha

capemay - sending you lots of babydust and hope this is a lucky cycle for you and vic too xx
Thanks :D well the taste is horrible ! I've recently started taking it their is a pill form and a liquid which is what i take (geritol tonic with ferrix 18) it's definitely made a difference in my mood and it worked for my best friend with pcos she was ttc for a year and after a month of taking it became pregnant I'm not sure if it's worked for everybody but I've seen an heard of many success story's its worth a try ! Geritol is basically a multi vitamin with iron but nicknamed "baby in a bottle" I'm hoping theirs a baby in my bottle lol . I'll keep updating and letting you guys know if it works :) also theirs a forum on this website for people trying geritol lots of success story's their also .
Hey all

Cape. Oh thats different not jeard of different tablets for different days, thought ur on the same unless u start a new cycle, ur have to let us no wat mg ur on wen u get it. Best to take at night less side effects. Before met n clomid my cycles wud come every 3-6 mths had no idea. N dont think i ever really O either. But first mth of met n clomid n i had a 31 day cycle n defo O. Hope it works for u.
Ajg, no iv not heard of that stuff eith.

Hippi, couple of wks for ur apt, hope its gd news.

Kate, dont worry about it, we all stress about stuff.

Afm, af seems to of calmed down, not so heavy n not so crampy so thats gd, took clomid tonite, so count down for O again.

Vic x
Hi ladies,

Sorry it's taken me so long to reply, my and my oh decided to go on a last minute chill out holiday, so hopefully this will be our lucky month!!

I was diagnosed in June with PCOS, although I always had a suspicion as I have a family link, and was diagnosed after 3 miscarriages. At present, I have been given no help what so ever as I was lucky enough to fall pregnant 3 times on my own. I've been temping and using ovulation predictors, and only ovulate roughly every 4 months, and have regularly had periods with no sign of ovulation. Unfortnately this still isn't good enough, so I'm on my own (with the help of oh of course)!!! I don't know how much longer I'm expected to wait, but it's only been 3 and a half months since my last mc so I've probably got a long way to go!!

I've also tried the geritol tonic mentioned above. I have to admit I couldn't stomach it and gave up after 3 or 4 days. Even the smell of it now is enough to make me gag. I'm also currently trying Agnus Castus and acupuncture, and I have Soy Isoflavones ready for if and when AF arrives (trying to stay positive).

Good luck ladies, and I hope you get more help than me!!

Hayley x
Hb: lol I know I know but the results in the end will be a million times more rewarding remember their are geritol pills also they cost like 7$ here at Walmart ! It's always worth a try ;D
On 100mg of clomid on cycles day 4 and 5 then 50mg on days 6, 7, and 8

Trying not to get my hopes up for this cycle and trying to convince myself this round won't work but then today I was thinking about how we could tell everyone at Christmas ugh...this TTC stuff makes me crazy
Hey KMR - I saw your post when I was researching about Vitex. How is it going for you? I ordered the pill form because the liquid was too much for how little it lasts. Let me know how it's working for you :)
Hey KMR - I saw your post when I was researching about Vitex. How is it going for you? I ordered the pill form because the liquid was too much for how little it lasts. Let me know how it's working for you :)

I tied vitex I had no luck and it gave me horrible headaches :/
Hey KMR - I saw your post when I was researching about Vitex. How is it going for you? I ordered the pill form because the liquid was too much for how little it lasts. Let me know how it's working for you :)

I tied vitex I had no luck and it gave me horrible headaches :/

That stinks, i hope i won't get any - hate headaches :\ How many mg were you taking?
I tried vitex for a couple of cycles done nothin, also tried soy, didnt work either. I wanted something that works straight away. If my cycles were 28 days i wud of tried longer, but 100 day plus cycles is a long time to keep tryin. Gd luvk hope they work for u, i heard lots of gd stories, thats y i tried it tbh.
Afm, took clomidclast nite n woke up with a headach today :( not gd.
Vic x

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