Pcos buddies?

Vic - enjoy your day off. Hows long till your last clomid tab?
hb/capemay/kmr - how are you ladies doing today?
Hippie - will check my emails today :)
afm - temp higher today, do you think its a good sign that last time was af arrived my temps were quite flat but this time there jumping around a little? x
Morning ladies!!

Hb-- if they referred you to an ob gyn then I would follow up on the referral... And yes, I would get back in! I think three miscarriages and no viable pregnancy is signal enough for doctors to take action-- and it will probably help to see an ob gyn. And since you've got pcos, you obviously have hormonal issues. There are things that can be done for you! And I agree with wanna. Miscarriages could have been due to low progesterone in which case if you were to fall pregnant on your own you would need a progesterone supplement to help you sustain pregnancy... Having said all of this, keep taking temps, bring alll of your records that have to do with ttc ( cycle lengths, any tests done, your miscarriage info) all with you when you get in. I loved my family doc before I moved, but they always knew when to refer me out when it was out of their scope.

Vic-- LOL I have to live vicariously through you ladies for testing at the moment! Ha! Wish dh could mail me some spermies so I could test crazily this cycle! Booo!

I had a quick glance at your test results, hippie, and I'm not an md, but it looked like your levels were in range except lh and fsh (the damn pcos hormones!! Why I get positive opks randomly throughout my cycle!) but I am not sure! Your test results look different than reading my dh's so I'm not sure!

Wanna... 8 dpo... Lol how long til testing commences? So excited!

Afm-- no signs of o yet... Cd 14 or 15, can't remember which, I'm still guzzling coffee in an attempt to wake. Used opk yesterday and big negative! Sooo still waiting.
Good morning ladies,

Thanks for at least looking, I have no clue myself. Just have to wait and see I guess.

So yesterday night I noticed after going to the bathroom, I had this well clear looking stuff coming out when I wiped. Since seeing the NP and her pretty much giving me no hope I haven't BD with my DH (just wasn't in the mood). So it's been well over a few days so I know it's not DH. So I checked and curse being short, but I have issues sometimes feeling around down there:blush:but it was very wet and some cm stretched a few inches before breaking (not a whole lot, but enough to see it strech). I was shocked. So as soon as I got home from babysitting I asked my DH to check for me.... I know it sounds crazy, but he does check my CM for me from time to time. He's actually learned what to feel for - LOL:haha:Anyway he said it was a lot wetter then before and cervix felt soft. When he pulled his fingers out they were wet and once again had some cm that stretched a little. So I got the pre-seed out and we BD. I laid there like always, butt propped up with pillows for 30mins. This morning I charted my morning temp and added to yesterday temp info I had wet CM (I wasn't sure if it was 100% EWCM) and the FF traffic light shows "green" saying probably fertile? But my temps don't look like it though :\ I'm not sure what's going on with my temps, I've always had low temp levels (97 to lower 98 range). So is it possible I may of O or starting to? I was having slight cramp pains I noticed last night, but didn't think anything of it? The worst part is I'm leaving today for a few days WITHOUT my hubby... I'm wondering if we should BD before I leave...

What do you ladies think?
Afternoon ladies,

Hope everyone is doing well and staying positive!!

wannabump - they did test my progesterone levels once on cd 21 but said it looked ok so told me I didn't need to go back, even though I explained how all over the place my cycles are.
My temps seem to be all over the place some months and other months I can read them. Having your temps up can definately be a sign of early pregnancy though, because your body stays warmer, fingers crossed!!

kmr - great advice, thanks :)!! I will get back on to my doc and see whats happening with my referral. I did ask about additional supplements in case I did fall pregnant, all the doctor recommended was baby aspirin to help with clotting. But I will ask about progesterone, thanks!

hippiekinz - that sounds really promising! It could be your temperature is just slightly lower, mine tend to be affected by the weather too so if its starting to get colder (which it definately is in Glasgow!) mine drop, or when I go on holiday it tends to rise. I don't know how your weather is in New York though!! I tend to BD as much as we can both manage (totally obsessive and takes the fun out it). However, sperm can survive for 5 days so even if you don't manage you still should have some there. Good luck!!
kmr - its a shame you couldnt get your dh to send you over a 'special package' lol maybe thats an idea for dragons den haha Any idea how long it will be before hes back now? I'm planning on testing on sunday when ill be 11dpo, the hg should be high enough (hopefully) to show and if im comparing to last cycle ill be 1 day late :)

Hippie - It sounds like a good sign, either ewcm or watery is a good indication ov is about to happen. get lots of bd'ing in, i noticed your temps are stablizing too which happened to me a few days before ov. Are you doing opks as well?

hb - its must be so frustrating knowing you have a condition and it not being treated, stick in there, you've fallen pg before and will again :)

hippie - i am not an expert on temps or charting but it looks promising. doesn't hurt to BD and keep an eye on all other factors: CM, temp, etc. good luck!

wanna - my fingers are so crossed for you!!! I keep referring back to your chart to see how many DPO you are. Looking forward to an update on Sunday!!

I started using a new BBT today because the other one kept showing temps in the low 96 range. This one said 97.07. Clomid started last night too, so we will see what happens!
Thanks ladies :)

I'm about to leave VERY soon so I think I'm gonna slip in one last BD before I go and hope for the best. I will be temping even if I can't record my temps online, but I'll put them in and see what happens. FX<3
Hey hope all u gals r doin gd.
Stil feelin capy so jus jumped on for amin.
Vic x
Wanna-- didn't see your post earlier... But in my humble opinion, your chart looks AWESOME. I'm not so sure I would risk clomid next cycle IF af shows! Your cycle looks like it's definitely improved. And these post- o temps are impressive.... Lp last cycle was what? 9 days? 10? Your temp is high comparatively! Bwahaha I'm so excited!

Umm my dear husband (my love, my high school sweetheart) is in the us marine corps. Originally, when I moved down here, he was supposed to file for "home awaiting orders" which would have allowed him to move back down here, even though he wasn't actually retired yet. But when he returned from bringing me here, they told him he could no longer do this... Fiscal budget or some such. So now we are waiting for him to get his orders, which will tell him when his retirement date is. He can take 33 days of leave prior to retirement, so if his retirement date is November 30, he can be here by the end of October. We are always waiting. I'm done !! Lol the was a spiel... In a nutshell, I have no idea when he will be back... Anywhere from 20 to 80 days is my estimate... *sigh* I miss him extremely right now.
Hippie-- sounds like good signs to me. I've never been one to check cm, but last cycle, it is what told me first! Now I am checking cm until temp shift, and as long as you don't have wonky hormones (before oing on my own I NEVER had fertile cm) it's an awesome indicator! Go with your gut, girl!

Vic-- miss ya. Hope you get to feeling better ASAP!
kmr - aww you can really tell you miss him, it must be so hard for you all when hes away frequently. I hope he's back at the lower end of that estimate.
Vic - hope your feeling a little better and back yourself soon.
afm - I was hoping for another higher temp this am but my body (as usual) let me down and give me a really low one :( Im just praying its not my body gearing up for af. Yeah kmr my last LP was 10 days which is why I wanted to test at 11dpo so then im technically 'late' I think my af will be here by then though :'( x
Hey all.
Back to babysitting again, started 7.30am this morn, lady was induced this morn so hope little boy comes soon, so I can get back to normal life. Cold stil here had a poop nite. So tired again today.

Kate, cud there b any reason for big dip, like window open, illness, took temp at diff time than usual? Hope it goes up tomo n no at comes. U stopped takin the fit b complex didn't u. Wud of been interesting to see if it worked for u.

Kmr, aww I'm sorry things have got off key with ur hubby's work, I hope he comes home earlier than expected n u can start tryin for ur little baby.

Cape, mayb ur old bbt was faulty then, gd ur new one has shown a higher temp. How u feelin on cloud then.

ATM, cd6 n last cloud tonight, so start opt in 4 days hopin to see a bfp on one of them for first time, n keep a eye on cm.

Vic x
AF is done today!! Third day of clomid today, so down to 50mg for the next three days. DH did his SA today, so we will make sure his swimmies are swimming! And next week is saline tubal perfusion on wednesday and check follies on Friday. The next week is going to be a whirlwind, but I am getting so excited!!! We are throwing an end of summer, beginning of fall barbeque tomorrow and I plan on enjoying my time, drinking a few, and just relaxing.

How is everyone feeling today?

Vic - keep us posted on how you are feeling and the OPKs.

wanna - how are you? are you gonna test?
Im hoping it was just a fluke, i took it at 6:30 and it showed a temp of 36.02 so i used the temp adjuster which gave me 36.12 :s *tmi* but it looks like ive had a bit of spotting when i went to the loo, but when i wiped there was nothing there :/ odd x
Eek! Wanna, just checked your chart-- temp back up! I'm sooo ready for a test LOL!
Hey everyone,
Capemay - hope your dh's tests come back good..im sure they will. You have a manic week ahead, make sure you let us know how it all goes..i bet this is your month
kmr - i'll probs test tomorrow, getting nervous though, its making me not want to! I bet af arrives anyway so i wont need too! your temps are looking good :) x
Hi all :) I'm hommmmmmmmmme!

KMR: I'm not sure about my hormones:shrug:When I wasn't getting regular periods at 16, i was told i have irregular periods and put on BCP. I think this is the first time i'm really looking at my body so i have no clue :|

Also when I look at my FF chart the 26-28 are green? What does that mean? I updated my chart, so if someone could take a look :D I had the same temp Thursday and Friday. Saturday it went up a little higher.
well tested this morning and bfn...but temps are still up and af hasnt arrived like it did last time so maybe its a late bfp! (yeah right) x
Hippie-- the green boxes on ff are predicted fertile days. If you have even one cycle on ff that says you ovulated, it'll give you predicted fertile days. My green boxes start today, and then I have a light green box for cd 21 for my predicted o day.

Wanna-- nice temps! I'm thinking even if you don't get a bfp, this cycle has been awesome! Earlier o, longer lp... I take it back and would not do clomid...
well ususally af shows 1st thing - not today. wasted 2 tests for it to show when i went to the loo later in the morning :( then dh and i had a massive row...long story short he doesnt want to carry on trying and doesnt think it will happen anyway. Im heartbroken atm and cant stop crying - not that seems to care much :'( so looks like this is the end of the line for me. x

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