Pcos buddies?

Hey evenin
Yeh i only gets cramps like 10 mins before af arrives, so go to loo n yep iv started. N dont no wat ov pains are like lol as dunno if iv ever od before lol. So atm i jus feel normal.
Im doin the cambridge diet, lost 3 n a half stone in jus over a yr. but i have heard the gi diet is gd for pcos. But atm i jus want to eat crap lol ur dessert soundsnice lol.
Btw wats ur name, where u from n how old r u, if u do t mind me askin lol.
Vic x

Ive not heard of this diet..what are the 'rules' on it? 3 1/2 stone is an amazing weight loss. Im terrible for eating rubbish - put on about 2 stone since I met my husband :(

My names Kate, I am 28 (29 next month eeeek!) and living in middlesbrough, how about you? x
Hi All.
I would love to join this forum and gain some more information from everyone. I'm 24 and was diagnosed with pcos in February. I had been on bcp for 3 years previously. I am not overweight only symptom I have is irregular periods. Longest cycle was 157 days. I currently on cd 33, have been experiencing some very strange symptons for the past few days which Is new to me. I have had sore nipples, irritability, weeing alot and heavy feeling down below which feels like the start of cystitis but this subsides. Also have ha milky liquid coming from both nipples (when squeezed) which has freaked me out slightly.
Has anyone had similar symptons or advice? Would be appreciated.

Hi keekee..I am assuming you have tested for pregnancy? Before my pcos was offically diagnosed I had bloods done which showed a raised level of prolactin, it can cause long cycles as well as lactation. You may need to go and get bloods done if it continues as its a problem with the pituitary gland in the brain. My was ruled out in the end and was just a bit of a fluke but it may be worth getting checked out :) x
Sorry yes we are ttc and I find it very hard to track my ovulation. The opks cost me a small fortune and didn't have much luck with them at all. I now track my body signals, and have seen a pattern the last few months with slight ovulation pain and my change in cm. I think I may have ovulated around cd24-26 this month. I have sympton spotted for months and have nearly driven myself mad, all end with af!
Im victoria 31 n in cambsmy doc reccomended the cambridge diet, i had not heard of it either, its a replacement food diet, u buy these back things n have them instead of normal food, but u work up levels until u get back to normal food. Pauline quirk did a similar diet n she lost loads
Vic x
Hi All.
I would love to join this forum and gain some more information from everyone. I'm 24 and was diagnosed with pcos in February. I had been on bcp for 3 years previously. I am not overweight only symptom I have is irregular periods. Longest cycle was 157 days. I currently on cd 33, have been experiencing some very strange symptons for the past few days which Is new to me. I have had sore nipples, irritability, weeing alot and heavy feeling down below which feels like the start of cystitis but this subsides. Also have ha milky liquid coming from both nipples (when squeezed) which has freaked me out slightly.
Has anyone had similar symptons or advice? Would be appreciated.

Hi keekee..I am assuming you have tested for pregnancy? Before my pcos was offically diagnosed I had bloods done which showed a raised level of prolactin, it can cause long cycles as well as lactation. You may need to go and get bloods done if it continues as its a problem with the pituitary gland in the brain. My was ruled out in the end and was just a bit of a fluke but it may be worth getting checked out :) x

Thank you, I will definalty ask my gp for more information. I feel a little fobbed off. Not much was explained to me, have had to do most my research on the net and even then every womans body is different. Think I will make an appointment Monday. I feel having pcos makes ttc even harder than normal
Vic - Nice knowing a little more about you :) aww was that what she done - shes lots a load of weight, looks great now. good luck on it, you should loose that bit more being on the met too.

Keekee - Another GP's appt sounds like the best thing to do. I think they do tend to fob you off sometimes, persistence pays off! I feel like im getting fobbed off as ive just had metformin chucked at me without any tests (lap&dye, ovarian drilling ect) seems like most women with pcos get the meds as well as those things. So if the met doesnt work ill be doing back!

Wheres applemuffins lately?! x
Yeh not heard from her in a bit.
Yeh gd to no u a bit more too. Yeh pauline has gone grea, yeh iv got my hols nex wk, so wen i get back wil get straight back on the diet n do it proper again.
Iv had internal scan n ultrasound n bloods think thats all iv had done, but from that they are goin to put me on clomid. Think all the other stuff only happens if they find things wrong.
Vic x
I'm here ladies! Thanks for asking! I started a new job Friday morning. I'm a head teacher in a 3 years old classroom. It's only part time and wasn't quite the job I was looking for, but I'll take it for now. After that I babysat for a 9mos old baby boy in the evening. His mom is visiting the city and needs a temporary babysitter. He's so adorable! Totally increased my baby fever.

Today was interesting too. On our way back from the grocery store, my husband and I found a stray cat. It's a white long haired Persian and is just the friendliest little thing. It must have a home. Our apartment isn't really allowed to have pets so we'll try to find the owners or a new home. We've also got two other kitten fosters at home right now so our apartment is getting a bit crowded!

No news on the TTC front from my end. Temps still looking good, but it's still early.
Applemuffins, ur temps are looking great. R u in any meds x
Nope, no meds. Just my prenatal vitamins. I haven't been to the doctor yet since we started TTC. My next visit will be at the end of October.

My temps are still high but they aren't moving around much. I hope thats not indicative of anything.
those temps are really good then, esp since your not on any medication. Do you feel like your in with a chance? good luck :)

hows the cat? ive got 2 :) if i didnt have children i'd deffo be a cat woman lol

couldnt take a temp this morning as had a restless morning, took it at 8am like always and it was 35.22! i didnt even bother putting it on! tomorrow is D-day then..will or wont af show?! place your bets lol x
Good luck wanna_bump!

The cat is great. He's such a love bug. If we don't find his owners, I'm going to be so tempted to keep him... My husband will probably have none of that though!

I wouldn't say I have a good feeling necessarily, but I do think I have a chance. We BD really close to O, I had great quality CM, and my temps are all showing that I did indeed ovulate. Since this is my first time charting I don't know what my LP is supposed to look like, or how long it typically is. But so far, my chart looks nice. But, even under perfect conditions, I realize there is still only a 20% chance. Too early to be having any symptoms yet. Still trying not to get my hopes up because I know deep down that I probably just won't get that lucky, but I have some hope anyway. I actually have more hope this cycle than I have in previous cycles! I think this will be the first month I'm truly disappointed to see a BFN whereas before it didn't bother me much since I didn't have much hope, considering my irregular cycles and PCOS.
well, as predicted af hasnt shown (it always does 1st thing on a morning) still feeling achey though *shrugs* i was dreaming of getting a + opk last night, never mind a + pregnancy test! I dont mind when i ovulate, as long as I do :( will ff take off the crosshairs if it becomes apparent I haven't O'd yet?

so,when are you going to test applemuffins? really keeping everything crossed that this is your time, how long have you been ttc for?

Any news with anyone else? Hope you've all had a good weekend x
Wow applemuffin, ur chartin is fab if ur not on any meds, very lucky bein thatvu have pcos
Wanna bump, ur chart is still a bit different, there is no obvious high temps, thats watcmine looked like n then at dpo10 it disappeared. Not sure wat wil happen after dpo14. Mayb wait for signs of proper ov.
Vic x
Was busy for last few days so took temps as normal n jus put them in notes in my phone. So jus put them in ff n guess wat showsim dpo14 lol. N no af. Mayb i shud do a hpk, wil do tomo morn if af not come. But i no it wil be bfn, asmy temps jus have not gone high enough.
Vic x
Have u not done it again since, oh yeh but u dont think u cud be any way do u. So jus waitin for af, guess in nex few days ur no if the ctosshairs will disappear or wat
Vic x
Hey mornin
Well dpo15 n a bfn n no period!!!
Think its a fake crosshairs like urs kate. Guess it will jus Dissapear in nex few days x
Vic x

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