A day doesn't make a difference really. I just hope progesterone is high as if - were pg, it doesn't peak on 7dpo, but keeps growing...so I hope it's nice and high

good luck for sunday!! When do you get the result?xxx
Since my test will be done on Sunday, I am hoping to get my results sometime Monday.
And you are right, if you were pregnant, then progesterone levels will keep increasing. However, on a normal cycle for those who do not get pregnant, the progesterone does peak at 7dpo. After that, the level begins to decline and once it gets low enough, you will start your period.
When you have your blood drawn at 7dpo, you are then hopefully catching the surge. By getting that surge, you are then given the highest level of progesterone in your system for that cycle. If you then have your bloods drawn when AF is due, you will see if that number is higher or lower than the surge. If it is higher, then you can be pretty sure that you are pregnant. If it is much lower, then you are probably not pregnant...or worst case scenario, you will be miscarrying. It all makes sense if you think about it.
Now there are other possibilities, but this is the general case.
In any case, I'm confidant you'll be at 7dpo and you'll catch that surge. Also, by catching that surge, you also get an idea if your levels are high enough to sustain that pregnancy. GL and I hope your levels are up there. From what your chart shows, you have nice temps that are far above your coverline

, so your levels should be pretty good