Hello ladies,
I just thought I might add some thoughts to a few of your posts since I have been away.
Welcome to all the new girls
R&G- I am so sorry

I hope I never have to go through something like you are. We have been ttc for 3 years and so far, DH has been supportive the entire time. The only advice I can give you is that 1. it is NEVER a good time to have children 2. you will have 9 months to find a permanent job if you were to get pregnant 3. you will never know if this time is IT and you can't be expected to just throw away so many months of heartache, stress, money, and well being. If it isn't this time, then at least you tried! Try to explain to him how low our percentages of conceiving are. Good luck tonight hun
Maria- I'm sorry about AF. But like you said, at least you ovulated on Clomid and you had a good luteal phase. We are on the right track and we just need to keep going full steam ahead
Lady- I am still holding out for you with that BFP. Until AF shows herself, I have hope
Sma- Congrats on possible O

I can't wait for the 2ww to be over for you. I hope it flies by.
Aubrie- I'm sorry that you are so up in the air about when you O'd. One of the problems with ttc that we have as PCOS sufferers is that we should not use OPK's since our LH tends to be elevated. Now some of us can use them because our levels are not too elevated, but most of us cannot. From what you said about 2 positive OPK's this cycle, it sounds as if you are one of us who should not use them. I would suggest temping for the next few cycles to see if you actually ovulate. It sounds like you do not

But the good thing is that Clomid can help you O and if you can get your Dr to prescribe it, great!
Stellar- I have heard that it can thin your lining but I have not had any issues with that myself. I have done 8 rounds of Clomid (working on 9 right now) over the past year and I have not had any issues with it. I was on 100mg of Clomid last cycle and they said my lining of 9mm at CD13 was phenomenal

I am now on 150mg and I will be having an ultrasound done on Sept. 15th which is CD13. I know it is far away, but I will be able to at least tell you how 50mg more affected my lining