Hi all,
Thank you NGRidley for suggesting this thread to me!
For those who did not read my introduction post, a little bit about me.
I have been ttc for 3 years now and I have PCOS. I have tried Clomid, 7 cycles in 1 year, and successfully O'd but no

. Since it has been over 1 year of ttc with assistance, my doc was finally able to send me to a specialist. So now I wait for August 13th for my first appointment at the fertility specialist.
I thank you:
I have gotten tired of talking to other people who don't have PCOS about my issues. None of them seem to understand and I constantly receive the commments of "you're still young...", "so-and-so gave up and they got pregnant right away", and "just relax and it will happen". Ugh, I am so tired of hearing that and so I decided to check out this site and I found that I have yet to read a single one of you ladies use those annoying comments.....I thank you
So anywho, after going through all 16 pages of comments that have been on here so far, I now have some comments and questions for some of you.
Redrose27- My question for you is if you have experienced the stomach issues with PGX as you would with Metformin? I tried the Met for a long time and even at 250mg/day of the ER, I had so much stomach pain and GI issues that I gave up
Jwelmel- My husband has a morphology of 25% and my doc said it was fine. I spoke to my GYN about it and he said it was low....so who knows
Emilybee- I was diagnosed with PCOS 3 years ago and I have pretty much all of the symptoms. Mine include: overweight, dark patches on the neck, hair growth on my lower belly, hypoglycemia due to insulin resistance, dandruff, oily skin/acne, high BP, and elevated androgen levels. Strangely, the only thing they did not find were cystic ovaries

As of right now I am on CD42 with a +OPK yesterday and a temp spike of 0.8 this morning.
Sorry this was so long, I promise my other posts won't be as long. It is just the introduction posts are usually packed full of info.