PCOS Club!

Hello Courtney,

I have not had any kind of side effects from the PGX fiber. I can honestly say I went to the doctor wednesday and had blood work done. The doctor called my yesturday to let me know that she is shocked. She told me that it was like my body was slowly going back to almost normal, my hormones are only a little high as to really really high I think it is working great for me. And now she wants me to come in and talk with ladies PCOS and give some sort of ideas to them. I am a little nerves but if it helps others I will be glad to do it.

I would be gald to give you more info. If you want.
Jwelmel- My husband has a morphology of 25% and my doc said it was fine. I spoke to my GYN about it and he said it was low....so who knows :shrug:

Hi Courtney...welcome to the pcos club:hugs:...we can definitely relate to you and the issues of hirutism,long cycles,weight gain etc.You know 25 % morph sounds quite good to me,there are people who conceived with lot lower than that like 1% .Like u said who knows...and we dont care what it is as long as it works.:shrug:

Ive just put him on fertilaid and praying extra hard...FAITH helps rite,also trying to make myself ovulate thru soy(not sure it will work..my first cycle this month) ,trying some royal jelly(stronger eggs as pcoers make less quality eggs-read somewhere-another excuse to eat honey-i love it and its mixed in honey:happydance:),and taking my usual prenatals,fish oil, and vitex(for menstrual health and pms).

FX'd everything works out for u...and what are u doing for pcos.GL:thumbup:...wishing u a little bean soon!!!!
Hello Courtney,

I have not had any kind of side effects from the PGX fiber. I can honestly say I went to the doctor wednesday and had blood work done. The doctor called my yesturday to let me know that she is shocked. She told me that it was like my body was slowly going back to almost normal, my hormones are only a little high as to really really high I think it is working great for me. And now she wants me to come in and talk with ladies PCOS and give some sort of ideas to them. I am a little nerves but if it helps others I will be glad to do it.

I would be gald to give you more info. If you want.

Thats great news...!!! U make me feel so optimistic.It would be really great if you could enlighten the BnB pcos sisters as to what u did/take/change to bring on this difference.Would greatly:flower: appreciate it
Redrose...also see that u r trying soy this cycle...me too....lets see if it works out...will u :flower:be my pcos soy buddy???:happydance:Im taking 80 mg from Cd 3 -7.I have high hopes for soy.FX'd it works for us...!!!!:hugs:
I also had one more question girls....been using the IC OPKS last month and the test lines were faint all month,one day it was slightly darker than usual but still not +ve...is this typical of pcos...how do u girls track ouvlation then.

I also heard that cbfm is for regular cyclers and with long cycles of 56 and 42 days like mine,wont work.

(PS-Please dont be fooled by my chart,i made my chart ovulate-IYKWIM:haha:,going by the ovulation pain and CM-OPK never went dark +ve as it is supposed to)
I also had one more question girls....been using the IC OPKS last month and the test lines were faint all month,one day it was slightly darker than usual but still not +ve...is this typical of pcos...how do u girls track ouvlation then.

I also heard that cbfm is for regular cyclers and with long cycles of 56 and 42 days like mine,wont work.

(PS-Please dont be fooled by my chart,i made my chart ovulate-IYKWIM:haha:,going by the ovulation pain and CM-OPK never went dark +ve as it is supposed to)

Some people with PCOS OPKs work.....for some they dont. For some they are positive many times during an entire cycle.

I track O with BBT but really to get a sense of what my LP is.
I generally have the same cycle lengths (from 32-39 days) so I have an idea when I O.

i would love to be soy buddies. What day are you on? I am on my second day. I am also taking 80mg of it and on cd 3-7. That is so cool. Here is my question for you? On the front of my bottle it says 40mg each but when you look at the back of the bottle in the inger section it says 120mg of calcium and 80 mg of soy. So how many mg is it really?
I also had one more question girls....been using the IC OPKS last month and the test lines were faint all month,one day it was slightly darker than usual but still not +ve...is this typical of pcos...how do u girls track ouvlation then.

I also heard that cbfm is for regular cyclers and with long cycles of 56 and 42 days like mine,wont work.

(PS-Please dont be fooled by my chart,i made my chart ovulate-IYKWIM:haha:,going by the ovulation pain and CM-OPK never went dark +ve as it is supposed to)

Some people with PCOS OPKs work.....for some they dont. For some they are positive many times during an entire cycle.

I track O with BBT but really to get a sense of what my LP is.
I generally have the same cycle lengths (from 32-39 days) so I have an idea when I O.

Thanks NG..Im hoping soy would give me some strong lines...btw...whenre u testing...FX'd 4 u!!!!:hugs:

i would love to be soy buddies. What day are you on? I am on my second day. I am also taking 80mg of it and on cd 3-7. That is so cool. Here is my question for you? On the front of my bottle it says 40mg each but when you look at the back of the bottle in the inger section it says 120mg of calcium and 80 mg of soy. So how many mg is it really?

Wow..that is so cool rite...im also on my second day of soy....i think mathwise it would be 16 mg soy in the 40 mg...rite..then u would need 5 tablets...seriously..y r they confusing people like that.:wacko:..i got the one from GNC which says soy iso concentrate with 50 mg caps,soy concentrate is 20 mg.Atleast math was easy:haha:.(never been good at it).

Does that make sense:wacko:.How long are ur cycles generally.If my cycle is somewhere near normal,maybe we can test together..U knw im trying softcups too this cycle...to hold everything in.:haha:

To be honest, I'm not doing anything for my PCOS right now. I am so tired out from trying to lose weight and getting pregnant that I have given up. My husband and I have pretty much decided to just let this months cycle run its course and wait for the fertility specialist appt.

The only thing we haven't stopped is testing for O with OPKs, using the PreConceive Plus lubricant...it is like PreSeed, but I can pick it up at Rite-Aid for $16.00....and I just started using Mucinex for my CM. Let me tell you, I can not believe how much the Mucinex has helped me this month. I started it 5 days ago and yesterday I actually had a decent amount of CM. Every other month that I tested positive on my OPKs, I didn't have really any. I just bought a couple of boxes from Dollar Tree that contained 6 pills for $1. They are the 12 hour 600mg pills and I take one in the morning and one at night. Also this month, I believe I am feeling some O pain. I have had a pain in the area where my right ovary would be. The only thing is that I have felt it for about 5 days now :shrug:. I tried to look up how long it can last and I don't really see anything about it lasting this long. Oh well...I guess I can add another trivial matter to my arsenal of unexplainable things.
Red rose....One more thing we share...ages...im 27...Dh 31..yep...trying for our first..there we go:hugs:
i tested today.....BFN

I am testing again wednesday I think
Okay ladies here is my story

Five years ago I went to ob for irregular periods. That is when she dx me with PCOS. :sad2:She started me on BCP. I took them for about five months and gain like 75 pounds on it. So I stopped them immeditaly. Then I went back to her and she referred me to an endo doctor and he put me on Metformin 2500mg a day he said I had IRPCOS which is insulin resistance PCOS. I told him what I thought about him and left his office to get a second oppotion then I went for a third one. Well when the second and third one was the same. They did blood work and checked me for everything under the sun LOL!!! Well when the third one I went to see told me what the second one said was that I didn't have IRPCOS. I just had PCOS with hormone issuse. So I was put on Metformin 1500mg a day.

I was on met for about one and half years before I relised that the stomach cramping and the bad bathroom visits were in fact not normal (DR said they were and would be okay to contuine with it). I took my self off of met. One day I was at class and we had a guest speaker coming in he was an herblist. So I ask a lot of questions and from that point on I have been doing a lot of research on PCOS and the different herbs that can help me.

I did the clomid and injectiables and the IUIs and one IVF. After the IVF i told my Dh that I wanted a break from needles and rooms and for us to try the all natural way. Thats when the search began. I would not fail at this with a good effort of trying first. LOL!!!!

One day I was doing research and found out about PGX fiber which was supposes to insulin by 58.9%. When I frist heard that number I was like wow it al most sounds like Met. So I ordered it and started taking it. My results are un believe able. I have only been on PGX now for about a month I have lost 17 pounds and my blood horomon levels are all most normal again.

I am also taking alot of other herbs as well.
Here is a small histoy::paper:
Isnotol/Choline is for liver. It helps reduce fat from around liver and helps with egg quality as well.
Cinnoman helps with blood sugar levels and menstral flow.
Femparin helps with hormone balance and helps regulate periods.
Probiotics helps with immune system and digestive system. I take this to help with the PGX so I don't get bloated.
Soy is to help induce ovulation and or have a stronger ovulation which helps get a better BFP.

These small changes with a low calorie diet has helped so much ladies. I can't even believe it. I hope this helps you guys out.:thumbup:

To be honest, I'm not doing anything for my PCOS right now. I am so tired out from trying to lose weight and getting pregnant that I have given up. My husband and I have pretty much decided to just let this months cycle run its course and wait for the fertility specialist appt.

The only thing we haven't stopped is testing for O with OPKs, using the PreConceive Plus lubricant...it is like PreSeed, but I can pick it up at Rite-Aid for $16.00....and I just started using Mucinex for my CM. Let me tell you, I can not believe how much the Mucinex has helped me this month. I started it 5 days ago and yesterday I actually had a decent amount of CM. Every other month that I tested positive on my OPKs, I didn't have really any. I just bought a couple of boxes from Dollar Tree that contained 6 pills for $1. They are the 12 hour 600mg pills and I take one in the morning and one at night. Also this month, I believe I am feeling some O pain. I have had a pain in the area where my right ovary would be. The only thing is that I have felt it for about 5 days now :shrug:. I tried to look up how long it can last and I don't really see anything about it lasting this long. Oh well...I guess I can add another trivial matter to my arsenal of unexplainable things.

Yep...weird things happening...huh...i tried robitussin,but i think i used a different version not the pure one...will try mucinex this time:thumbup:.We have a weight loss thread in ttc section...all us girls trying to lose some pounds to get aid ttc...

U r welcome to join:hugs:.We also decided to give a hard try fr the next couple of months or else try IUI.Not sure what else to do.Depressing thought.:dohh:
Oh and I forgot that I just started BBT charting again. I tried it 2 years ago, but my dr said I wasn't ovulating so I didn't need to keep doing it. I am using fertilityfriend.com to do my charting right now. I would love to share my current chart with you, but I don't have enough posts yet to be allowed to share my web address with you.
I have only been taking two pills I guess I will amp it up when I get home tonight though. That is cool. And my cycles are like 20-30 days long right now. What day are you testing on. I might buy some test now and test when you do just to see if it works or not.

I dont use OPking it dosen't work for me. I check my cervix and the cervix mucus as well.
Oh and I forgot that I just started BBT charting again. I tried it 2 years ago, but my dr said I wasn't ovulating so I didn't need to keep doing it. I am using fertilityfriend.com to do my charting right now. I would love to share my current chart with you, but I don't have enough posts yet to be allowed to share my web address with you.

Never mind.:hugs:.Im relatively new to Bnb myself,started really getting into it only recently.I guess the doc knows better.GL with ur FS appointment.My OBGYN moved us up to the FS after all my hormonal tests,SA and a HSG.They are suggesting IUI.We decided to wait.So if u get a +ve opk and Cm how come u r not ovulating.Then u dont have a temp shift??
I have only been taking two pills I guess I will amp it up when I get home tonight though. That is cool. And my cycles are like 20-30 days long right now. What day are you testing on. I might buy some test now and test when you do just to see if it works or not.

I dont use OPking it dosen't work for me. I check my cervix and the cervix mucus as well.

U knw before i was ttc...like until 2 months back i had perfect 30-33 day cycles...then its been 56 and 42.Last month i ov'd on CD 28,and im not even sure abt that,but i got some pain around that time and cm and af exactly 14 days later...so im guessing i did.So my testing dates are a gamble:haha:.But if everything goes well...ie if soy helps me ovulate earlier...might be around Aug 7th i guess.:happydance:hopefully.What dates r u looking at.We can try 80 mg this month. And if it doesnt work bump it upto 120 next cycle.whatd'ya say??:thumbup:
Redrose27- My doc said that using OPKs doesn't work for those who have PCOS because we generally have higher levels of LH in our systems and so they aren't reliable. I still use them for me because they seem to be reliable for me...I suppose because we are all different it depends on if they will work or not.

Jwelmel- That was two years ago that I didn't ovulate. Two cycles ago I didn't take Clomid for that cycle because I was going to be out of town when I would have ovulated and it would have been impossible to :sex:. I apparently ovulated that month even without the Clomid. So we are hoping that we will have the same luck and I will ovulate this month without the Clomid. I have to wait a few more days to see if the temp shift from this morning was a fluke, or if I truly ovulated yesterday. But if I did ovulate yesterday, then why did I have a +OPK this morning? Can you still have a +OPK even after you ovulate?

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