Hi ladies, I was reading some of your stories and wanted to say hi! I found out I had PCOS about a year ago. My twin sister was diagnosed a year prior, my older sister, aunt and cousin all have it too. Weird. I have a small patch on my chin where dark hair grows. It's gross and Grooming is a very practiced event in my daily life. Wax and tweezers.. my two best friends after hubby lol.
Anyways, at the time I found out I was sitting very comfortably at about 206lbs. *I noticed some of you ladies said stone, will Google it here in a sec, but don't know how many pounds a stone is*

anyways, I knew that diet and exercise is exactly what my OB was going to do, so I started doing yoga once a day and cut back on the empty foods, and have lost about 30 lbs over the past 8 months. I started taking multivitamins and noticed my cycles over time went from 41 days down to 28.
once I hit 28 day cycles, we decided to start trying. *mind you, we've been not trying, not protecting for two years.. no BFP yet.. :*(
so this is my first full month charting, 2 month ttc. was able to pinpoint O to day 14 last cycle, 10/13/10, we bd'd on the 9th, 12, and 13. And fail..

my charts don't have me predicted to O until the 15th, but have had watery watery cm for the last 3 days and O was high until today. Only a few more days would tell if O occured. I wish I could figure out how to attach my chart on here so i could have some experience check it out

But my temp dropped a whole degree today I'll make a list of my temps and see what you ladies have any input.
cd1- 97.0
cd11-97.5 *spike
cd12-96.5 *dip
I know waiting will tell, but I wonder if I O'd today.. BD and laid with pillow under hips for 30 min.
any input?