I was diagnosed PCOS in Oct 08. My gynae induced

with provera along with starting metformin. It took like a month for the provera to cause

. I recently doubled my metformin dose to 1,000 mg x2 a day and bbt chart shows an ovulation (my opk's didn't but my gynae says they can be horribly unreliable for pcos'ers) on cycle day 180 (approximately)... kind of crazy as I wasn't expecting an O. However, BD was timed just right by accident, so I find myself 5dpo in a 2ww that I wasn't expecting.
I'm trying not to obsess, but it's hard. I'm a bad symptom spotter, but this round is far less ..... obsessive than my other 2ww's. I'm trying to be more chill about it. Besides, being all crampy and such should either lead to an

and a new O (hopefully with the new met dose that made me O for the first time since trying to conceive) or a BFP. Quite frankly, either option sounds good to me right now.
In the meantime, I'm obsessing over why my chocolate cheesecake tasted salty, I blew up at my boss (which is so not like me) and trying not to test before 8 dpo on Wed --- which is still uber-early.
Sorry ladies...trying not to take DH on this particular roller coaster this month //end rant.