My daughter is going on about pet presents so another add to my list of things to do today. Two dogs, 1 hamster, 2 mice and 2 parrots. Oh should be fun!
Absolutely the dogs (we have 5 sausage dogs) plus tomorrow we will have my mum's two sausage dogs and MIL's two sausages!!! My mum has bought 9 chrstmas bowls and has cooked a chicken espeically for them. Plus all the ponies get too xx
Yes got little stocking for doggie, it's shaped like a bone aha, we used the same one last year but it was ready filled then, this year we've used the stocking again and filled it up with his favourite treats like chews & a squeaky toy and a really funny little mexican hat chew :L He'll love it. Our next door neighbours sent him a prezzie and card 'from their dog' haha saying it was nice playing with you in 2010. Made me chuckle!
Absolutely the dogs (we have 5 sausage dogs) plus tomorrow we will have my mum's two sausage dogs and MIL's two sausages!!! My mum has bought 9 chrstmas bowls and has cooked a chicken espeically for them. Plus all the ponies get too xx
Our cat has a stocking full of stuff from us. We also bought something for my Mum and Grandad's dogs today because I felt bad when my Mum said she'd forgot..
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