PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Well I had an interesting day yesterday. I was at work, I used the bathroom at about 11 am, wiped and saw a bit of bright red blood. I freaked a little. Called my husband who works around the corner & he came to get me. In the meantime I went back to the bathroom..nothing. Not a speck of blood. So anyway, I'm not used to that with any of my.other pregnancies, so I call my doc office. The secretary is like well he's not in, put your feet up...I said ok this is the second time this has happenned & her response was well we haven't seen u yet for this pregnancy. Ummm what? Anyway I tell her I want an ultrasound to be sure baby is ok, she's telling me to wait 2 more weeks for the nuchal scan. I told her no I'm.going to call the ultrasound lab see if they can squeeze me in. Now to her credit she did fax them a requisition right away AND the place squeezed me in BUT from there it got bizarre. First I ask if my husband can come she says not yet, so we go in and she (the tech) proceeds to tell me your husband can't come in cuz if there's no heartbeat & the baby is dead we won't let you look at the screen. I was like whaaa? Then she goes off because I say ok I've never heard those rules...then she tries an belly u/s & after one second she says I cant see anything we are going to have to do an internal. I said well it was there last time & I was just under 8 weeks. She said its impossible to see a heartbeat on an abdominal scan that early. I said but my husband & I both saw the heartbeat & it measured 161 bpm. She laughs & says THATS WAAAAAY TOO HIGH FOR 8 WEEKS. Thats impossible. By now I'm about to lose it. So she tells me to go pee, I go in the bathroom and txt my hubby that this woman is really scaring me, and he is asking if he can come in, so I tell him not yet. I go back, she is still being a jerk cuz I ask her ok but if everything is ok you will tell me and she replies what am I going in circles? I just told u that only if the baby is dead thats why your husband can't be in here yet. I wanted to choke her at this point but I said let's just do the internal. She goes in, finally she says oh yea your baby is alive. Does her measurements while complaining about her "hard week" last week & how her coworkers don't like it when she has to give instruction from a Dr. (i care about this why?) Finally she calls my husband in, shows him look your baby is fine, the baby is moving so much, and heartbeat is good. She went on to say further stuff about how she wouldn't let me leave if things weren't ok blah blah blah. Oh she also was bragging how she is the senior tech & has worked in 2 hospitals (again who cares) also asked me if this is my first baby y I'm so nervous, and I told her no this is my 5th and she says no way you don't look "like that" and asks me if "all those babies are alive" I left there so aggravated. I had a great obgyn down at a fantastic hospital but he is really old so when hubby & I were doing all our testing to make sure we were ok, my old obgyn office said look the waiting list for certain tests here are long, get your gp to send u to a local gyne, and you can always come back to us. Am I wrong but I called & left a message for my old office to see if they will take me. I'm just not comfortable with the whole set up these ppl have. I'm used to getting a pos hpt & from there I start to see my doc once a month. This guy won't talk to u until 12 weeks. The 2 ultrasound I've had at their lab were not good experiences. Now I'm up in the middle of the night worried about it all!
That woman sounds like a complete nutbag!!
So glad Bubby is ok. I'd definitely try to go somewhere else next time though...
I don't think you should think to much with her, you shouldn't let her strip you of your happiness that baby is actually very well. If you more comfortable with your old dr then go. You have to feel cared for. :hugs:
What a wretched experience! I'm sorry you had to go through all that but glad the babe is A-OK. She should not be allowed to work with pregnant women obviously.
I am sitting here in tears, I am a mess. I seriously don't know how I am going to tell my mother. I can't believe that I allow my mother so much power over me that she makes me feel so.:cry::cry::cry::cry:
I am sitting here in tears, I am a mess. I seriously don't know how I am going to tell my mother. I can't believe that I allow my mother so much power over me that she makes me feel so.:cry::cry::cry::cry:

:hugs: I'm sorry you have to be scared to tell her. I feel that way about my mother as well, we were fortunate enough this time around that she didn't totally freak out.
Tryn - I would definitely go back to your old doctor if you feel you are cared for better there. I would not ever want to see that ultrasound tech again.

With my youngest, I tried to go to a different doctor as they were closer to my home after we moved. At 20 weeks, I decided to go back to my doctor who has delivered all my babies. She is just so much more personable, and it's not all about paperwork and seeing this person and that person. My doctor does her own ultrasounds and everything. Her machines aren't as high tech as some, but she sees what she needs to see and takes care of me. I'm not just another piece of paper.

Good luck!
I am sitting here in tears, I am a mess. I seriously don't know how I am going to tell my mother. I can't believe that I allow my mother so much power over me that she makes me feel so.:cry::cry::cry::cry:

:hugs: I'm sorry you have to be scared to tell her. I feel that way about my mother as well, we were fortunate enough this time around that she didn't totally freak out.

I ened up telling her and she didn't freak either, thank goodness! She still thinks we are crazy but I can handle that more than what I thought was coming at me.
tryn4- you should report that lady! I cant believe she is working still. no wonder she was telling you she has worked here, there, and everywhere- everyone gets rid of her!!! even if you do go to your old dr, which I would think is best, you should still do something about her. you may be saving a lot of other women a lot of heartache. she has no personal skills to be working with people. im so sorry you had to deal with her especially at a time when you are already anxious and concerned for you baby :hugs::hugs::hugs:

a4tg- im glad things went ok! we always have people that are hard to tell. it sucks and sucks even more when its someone who is a mom/dad cuz they should be the happiest! we have certain people that we just hate to tell cuz they are never excited for us and automatically have something rude to say. :hugs:
I also just told my little brother who is in the UK and I am glad it wasn't over the phone cause I was bawling my eyes out while talking to him and still tearing up thinking about how long it has been since I have seen him. I think it is close to 5 years now. :cry: They were happy for us.

We have made the decision to keep it off of Facebook and such.
we don't ever put it on facebook either. we just see it as a very personal thing and facebook seems so impersonal to me. people who are not extremely close to us, but still friends on facebook with us knowing every bit of our personal life just isn't how we like it. I know some people have tons of updates of their entire day on there, but its just not our style.

anyone know if the preggie pops for morning sickness work or not?? I need some relief!
Thanks ladies, she is lucky I was worried about the baby cuz she did NOT want to see the ugly side of me. Here's the upshot, I called my old obgyn, they are going to fit me in HOWEVER I have to do the nuchal scan at that stupid u/s place because they cannot get me a 12 week scan in time :(. She told me to get copies of everything from the new Dr. and bring them down. She also booked me for a monthly appt on Sep. i am back with my original hospital, where I know my husband is allowed to come into the u/s with me ( oh did I mention they did not allow my husband to be present at either of my u/s until after)...thats very unusual to me, as all my other pregnancies I could bring whomever I wanted. I am a little shy about explaining to the new dr & secretary but I am going to blame it on the lab & hospital lol. I hope they give me copies without a fight. At my old dr, when you do the nuchal scan they sit with u after explain risk and results, this place they dont give you ANYTHING, just do the u/s and send results to dr. POO. So I'm not thrilled but I am going to think positive. I will be happy when I'm back in my comfort zone.

A4TG-Am very happy news went smooth- :)
preggie pops did help me some while I had one in my mouth. But I found as soon as it was gone I would find the ms to creep back up on me.

OMG OMG OMG Ok so I guess my brother is absolutely pissed off right now because he thinks I just stole his first childs thunder. REALLY?? WTH! Like that is what I was planning on doing this just to take the thunder from you. First he said that he is upset that I am taking the spot light from his first then, it was that I was taking away from the child for being the baby in the family, then he said it wouldn't have mattered if I had baby before he still would have been upset. At one point he said why didn't you wait a year. Well if I waited a year i think he still would be made at me, because his baby wouldn't be the baby anymore. I can't believe him. No matter what I said he nailed it into me that i am in the wrong. He made me feel like utter crap!
A4TG-dont worry he will come around. For now I would just ignore him. A lot of ppl have a real negative reaction to multiple pregnancies for all kinds of reason but at the end of the day it's our business, and our perogative, so they need to just chill.
Allforthegirl- Wow! Really? Tell him to have another baby once your baby is born, then he will have the baby of the family. I am glad it went smooth with your mom.
a4tg- some people are so worried about their own self they don't think of others. I hope he comes around and gets over it. you didn't do anything wrong!!! :hugs:

the preggie pops seem to be working pretty well. have used 2 tonight in the last 5 hrs or so and its really the first time I have felt ok in at least a few days :)
Thank you for your support. Both my parents are not impressed with how he is handling it. I did not tell them everything but they know he is upset with me and that is all I will say. I was happy to have their support. My dad was the best, he said he would my brother where to go or hit him if he ever made a comment like that to him. I'm still daddy's little girl :)

I'm glad you are getting some relief blessedmomma. Bonus I think they taste good lol
I hope your brother's attitude changes when he calms down. He is the one that is doing something wrong, not you. It's great that your parents are supporting you, especially after you were so worried about telling your mom. Wonderful how that turned out!
It was exactly what I needed after my brothers reaction. I really am happy how the day turned out. I am actually kinda grateful that he had a bad reaction because I would not have seen the support I have behind me.

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