Please, August, do not taunt- it's BFPs that we want!

Just wanted to jump in and add I love Jason Mraz too :) one of his songs is going to be our wedding song.

We used Train's Marry Me for our processional. Our first dance was You Grew on Me by Tim Minchin XD DH put it in there as a surprise lol
Hey ladies!!!

And as for my husband, his MRI came back clear. No tuberculosis in his spine. Now his original doctor is truly being a bitch and acting like he is making the whole thing up. I want to slap her. she recommended prozac to fix everything. Like, are you freaking kidding me?!?!?!? she serious?!
Just wanted to jump in and add I love Jason Mraz too :) one of his songs is going to be our wedding song.

We used Train's Marry Me for our processional. Our first dance was You Grew on Me by Tim Minchin XD DH put it in there as a surprise lol

We used "falling in love in a coffee shop" by Landon Pigg for the wedding party's processional, "angel" by jack Johnson for my procession and then right after we were pronounced husband and wife we played "you fucking did it" by Jason Mraz lol. We thought it was perfect for us lol. then we used "a thousand years" by Christina perri for our first dance.
Hey ladies!!!

:hugs: To all of you feeling down. We all know how that goes. We will all get our babies, some day. I just know it <3

AFM, 13dpo today! AF should be here tomorrow! Woot woot!!!!! Onto a new cycle!!!

And as for my husband, his MRI came back clear. No tuberculosis in his spine. Now his original doctor is truly being a bitch and acting like he is making the whole thing up. I want to slap her. she recommended prozac to fix everything. Like, are you freaking kidding me?!?!?!?

Ugh how annoying. I'm sorry you guys are getting jerked around so much :?
Kara - your chart looks good!

Ashlee - yours is looking good so far too! Much better than last month! Fx this one is easier.

I woke up around 5 am with a horrible tearing, stabbing feeling through my lower belly and nausea. I got up totally expecting blood but nothing. As soon as I peed it went away. Must have been a gas bubble or something...either way it scared the crap out of me. Hasn't come back yet....
When does the fatigue go away? Someone tell me it gets better! Creating a human is exhausting....TTC is exhausting then you think you catch a break by getting pregnant and it's still tiresome and worrisome! Come on BFPs! I need someone else with me on this mission!

I was like a zombie until 13 weeks. i mean i had to ask my boss to make me part time (i'm the kind of person that worked their hiney off and was never late/never called out, etc.) because i couldn't wake up. It was SO bad, i was calling in the ams and asking if we were busy because i was not going to make it. He was completely ok with it- big family guy thank goodness. He told me i could sleep in the back if it was too bad when i was there! But in second tri- i felt better than i ever have in my entire life. no kidding. for me second tri was amazing. Then third tri came back, and i couldn't walk 5 steps without almost peeing myself. And btw, it's tiresome and troublesome from here on out. Once you're pregnant, now you have a little person. And with that little person you will worry about them their entire lives!!!

Almost 10 pges of updates XD I can't keep up!

I'm out for this cycle. 9dpo and my temp plummeted this morning and I'm already spotting.

:( oh hun i'm sorry. :hugs:

You guys have all these nice plans for BFP's.. I just want one so I can give my hubby his normal, sane, calm, reasonable wife back! Lol

ha i don't really have any nice plans either lol!

Hey ladies!!!

:hugs: To all of you feeling down. We all know how that goes. We will all get our babies, some day. I just know it <3

AFM, 13dpo today! AF should be here tomorrow! Woot woot!!!!! Onto a new cycle!!!

And as for my husband, his MRI came back clear. No tuberculosis in his spine. Now his original doctor is truly being a bitch and acting like he is making the whole thing up. I want to slap her. she recommended prozac to fix everything. Like, are you freaking kidding me?!?!?!?

Time for a new doctor!!! because that's bullshit!!!
Itthy, have you taken vit b complex? They gave me an extra day on my LP.
Firsttime, I'm with you. I just want to be 'normal' again - whatever that means. I don't want to feel so sad, or like I'm broken, or that people are feeling sad for me, or manic about did we or didn't we have enough sex, or did I stand up too soon afterwards, I don't want to be left behind anymore, and left out anymore. I want to move forward instead of being on a treadmill, and even when we make plans to do something - go on vacation, go to concert, buy a new car, change jobs, etc - in the back of my mind my life is still on pause, waiting for that little baby.
Um, wow, that ended up being longer and more pouring out than I expected. Yikes, time for a beer :) happy Friday, y'all!

Mirolee, you hit the nail on the head for me, too! It's always in the back of my mind with every decision I make, down to the things I put in my mouth. "I shouldn't eat that bread, potato, noodle, rice, cereal, candy, soda, etc. because I have to lose weight so I can get pregnant!" I can hardly even bring myself to have a drink because what if.. I'm thinking of getting a new car, but it has to be big enough for a "family car". Etc. Etc. We WILL get our turn though. We just have to. Enjoy your beer; I'm drinking my nightly cup of decaf coffee.. Goodness, I'm so exciting these days! :)
I had a shandy beer, it has lemon aid or something in it. And Chipotle. And a cinnamon roll. After I biked ten miles. And it was all so good. Now, it's time to send in his troops ;)
Ashlee-I love Jason Mraz!!! We saw him last September, only a few rows from the stage! "I'm Yours" is our song. DW even bought me an ipod nano that was engraved with "I'm Yours" on the back and had a recording of her singing the song. For our wedding we did "I'm Yours" walking in, Bruno Mars "I think I wanna marry you" on the way out and our first dance was Jason Mraz "I won't give up". "I fucking did it" is one of my favorites from the last album!
Mirolee, I love shandy beers!

Cassidy, time for a new doctor! lame!!! I hope you get some answers soon! YAY for AF and new cycle!

Ashlee, I LOVE JACK JOHNSON. sorry, just had to get that out there.

ItthyBThpider, you're not out just yet! keep your head up!

Morgan, how are you?

Waves, sorry you're beat! How is everything else?
Ashlee-I love Jason Mraz!!! We saw him last September, only a few rows from the stage! "I'm Yours" is our song. DW even bought me an ipod nano that was engraved with "I'm Yours" on the back and had a recording of her singing the song. For our wedding we did "I'm Yours" walking in, Bruno Mars "I think I wanna marry you" on the way out and our first dance was Jason Mraz "I won't give up". "I fucking did it" is one of my favorites from the last album!

"I won't give up" was our wedding song too!! Sometimes it's freaks me out how much we all have in common lol
Ashlee-I love Jason Mraz!!! We saw him last September, only a few rows from the stage! "I'm Yours" is our song. DW even bought me an ipod nano that was engraved with "I'm Yours" on the back and had a recording of her singing the song. For our wedding we did "I'm Yours" walking in, Bruno Mars "I think I wanna marry you" on the way out and our first dance was Jason Mraz "I won't give up". "I fucking did it" is one of my favorites from the last album!

I Won't Give Up is going to be our wedding song as well :)

I thought about using the Vitamin String Quartet version of his song Lucky for the processional but haven't completely decided.

Waves, sorry you're beat! How is everything else?

Thanks for asking. Everything else is "ugh" to be honest haha. Still haven't told our parents/public that we're expecting. I'm just dreading it but don't know how much longer I can put it off. OH started working again after being unemployed since December (he works with me now, just different hours.) It's a blessing for the financial reasons but sucks because we have 1 car and sometimes our hours overlap. For example, I just got home from work tonight at 11pm, have to wake up to drive him in at 3:45am, come home and fall back asleep so I can wake up for work at 7am myself. Add that to pregnancy exhaustion and I'm just spent.

Plus living with my parents is a total nightmare. I envy anyone who can make it work living with theirs. Because my 7 year old lived with them until she came to stay with me 2 months ago, having her living here with them again, everything is back to the old way - them spoiling her, not enforcing things like bedtime, no snacks before dinner, etc. They make us look like awful mean parents when we make her stay at the dinner table until her plate is empty because my Mom decided to let her have 2 huge slices of banana bread right before dinner. My Mom is constantly complaining about 1 of our cats because apparently her 2 cats are terrified of it (even though she swore they'd put our cat in her place from the get-go) and won't leave her room now and her dog won't stop chasing our cat all over the house. Her dog is her "son" and he can do no wrong so when he chases our cat and makes a ton of noise (he's a huge 150+lbs Mastiff), it's my cats fault for antagonizing him even though she was just laying on the floor, not moving. But because I said the cat used to be obnoxious when we first got her, she's taking that as an excuse to blame my cat for her animals' behaviors and that her animals are perfect. I'm just so over it all.

I'm actually looking into going back to school even though I really can't afford it because I need to do something more than 40 hours a week at Target making barely over min wage, not qualifying for full-time benefits (even though I almost always work 40 hours.) I can't get student loans because I defaulted on a few that I haven't repaid yet but someone said I should still qualify for grants, so I filled out a FAFSA tonight & we shall see what happens. I'm not getting my hopes up but I desperately need out of Target. I need to make more than $8.95/hour after being there as long as I have. I'd like to qualify for maternity leave at almost 30-years old and not be living at my parent's house to boot. I just feel stuck between a rock and a giant hard place and am not quite sure which way to go.

I know we'll be okay regardless. There's plenty we can do/sacrifice to stay afloat and provide for our kids. They definitely won't go without but I just wish circumstances were a little easier or I had a better plan/opportunity right now.

And really... ignore my rant. I've just had a crappy long day at work after a crappy long morning home with my mother.
Ashlee-I love Jason Mraz!!! We saw him last September, only a few rows from the stage! "I'm Yours" is our song. DW even bought me an ipod nano that was engraved with "I'm Yours" on the back and had a recording of her singing the song. For our wedding we did "I'm Yours" walking in, Bruno Mars "I think I wanna marry you" on the way out and our first dance was Jason Mraz "I won't give up". "I fucking did it" is one of my favorites from the last album!
Aww the iPod thing is so cute:) and that's one of my favorite Jason songs for sure
Mirolee, I love shandy beers!

Cassidy, time for a new doctor! lame!!! I hope you get some answers soon! YAY for AF and new cycle!

Ashlee, I LOVE JACK JOHNSON. sorry, just had to get that out there.

ItthyBThpider, you're not out just yet! keep your head up!

Morgan, how are you?

Waves, sorry you're beat! How is everything else?
I love jack Johnson too! Angel was the song that I knew I would use for my procession even before we were engaged lol. It's my favorite song of his.

Ashlee-I love Jason Mraz!!! We saw him last September, only a few rows from the stage! "I'm Yours" is our song. DW even bought me an ipod nano that was engraved with "I'm Yours" on the back and had a recording of her singing the song. For our wedding we did "I'm Yours" walking in, Bruno Mars "I think I wanna marry you" on the way out and our first dance was Jason Mraz "I won't give up". "I fucking did it" is one of my favorites from the last album!

I Won't Give Up is going to be our wedding song as well :)

I thought about using the Vitamin String Quartet version of his song Lucky for the processional but haven't completely decided.

Waves, sorry you're beat! How is everything else?

Thanks for asking. Everything else is "ugh" to be honest haha. Still haven't told our parents/public that we're expecting. I'm just dreading it but don't know how much longer I can put it off. OH started working again after being unemployed since December (he works with me now, just different hours.) It's a blessing for the financial reasons but sucks because we have 1 car and sometimes our hours overlap. For example, I just got home from work tonight at 11pm, have to wake up to drive him in at 3:45am, come home and fall back asleep so I can wake up for work at 7am myself. Add that to pregnancy exhaustion and I'm just spent.

Plus living with my parents is a total nightmare. I envy anyone who can make it work living with theirs. Because my 7 year old lived with them until she came to stay with me 2 months ago, having her living here with them again, everything is back to the old way - them spoiling her, not enforcing things like bedtime, no snacks before dinner, etc. They make us look like awful mean parents when we make her stay at the dinner table until her plate is empty because my Mom decided to let her have 2 huge slices of banana bread right before dinner. My Mom is constantly complaining about 1 of our cats because apparently her 2 cats are terrified of it (even though she swore they'd put our cat in her place from the get-go) and won't leave her room now and her dog won't stop chasing our cat all over the house. Her dog is her "son" and he can do no wrong so when he chases our cat and makes a ton of noise (he's a huge 150+lbs Mastiff), it's my cats fault for antagonizing him even though she was just laying on the floor, not moving. But because I said the cat used to be obnoxious when we first got her, she's taking that as an excuse to blame my cat for her animals' behaviors and that her animals are perfect. I'm just so over it all.

I'm actually looking into going back to school even though I really can't afford it because I need to do something more than 40 hours a week at Target making barely over min wage, not qualifying for full-time benefits (even though I almost always work 40 hours.) I can't get student loans because I defaulted on a few that I haven't repaid yet but someone said I should still qualify for grants, so I filled out a FAFSA tonight & we shall see what happens. I'm not getting my hopes up but I desperately need out of Target. I need to make more than $8.95/hour after being there as long as I have. I'd like to qualify for maternity leave at almost 30-years old and not be living at my parent's house to boot. I just feel stuck between a rock and a giant hard place and am not quite sure which way to go.

I know we'll be okay regardless. There's plenty we can do/sacrifice to stay afloat and provide for our kids. They definitely won't go without but I just wish circumstances were a little easier or I had a better plan/opportunity right now.

And really... ignore my rant. I've just had a crappy long day at work after a crappy long morning home with my mother.

Glad your man was able to get a job though sucky your hours are different :(. Sorry to hear things aren't going well at your moms. I know how you feel. When I first moved back to my home town I was living with my grandma. She had 2 annoying misbehaving chihuahuas. My dog had been trained to stay out of the kitchen and on her bed while people were cooking and eating but my grandmas dogs would be jumping up and down behind you. So eventually my dog started taking food off the counter because she could reach it and my grandma was complaining cuz her dogs didn't do that. So I told her it was her dogs fault for teaching my dog bad habits because she was perfectly trained prior to our living there. But there was apparently nothing wrong with her chihuahuas running around on the coffee table while you had your food sitting there....
:hi: everyone well I said I will keep u posted on my outcome n I'm doin the :happydance: miSC and I'm at the er as I'm writing this they told me im pregnant I'm gettin prep for ultrasound to make sure its not a tubal pregnancy:happydance:
Thanks for asking. Everything else is "ugh" to be honest haha. Still haven't told our parents/public that we're expecting. I'm just dreading it but don't know how much longer I can put it off. OH started working again after being unemployed since December (he works with me now, just different hours.) It's a blessing for the financial reasons but sucks because we have 1 car and sometimes our hours overlap. For example, I just got home from work tonight at 11pm, have to wake up to drive him in at 3:45am, come home and fall back asleep so I can wake up for work at 7am myself. Add that to pregnancy exhaustion and I'm just spent.

Plus living with my parents is a total nightmare. I envy anyone who can make it work living with theirs. Because my 7 year old lived with them until she came to stay with me 2 months ago, having her living here with them again, everything is back to the old way - them spoiling her, not enforcing things like bedtime, no snacks before dinner, etc. They make us look like awful mean parents when we make her stay at the dinner table until her plate is empty because my Mom decided to let her have 2 huge slices of banana bread right before dinner. My Mom is constantly complaining about 1 of our cats because apparently her 2 cats are terrified of it (even though she swore they'd put our cat in her place from the get-go) and won't leave her room now and her dog won't stop chasing our cat all over the house. Her dog is her "son" and he can do no wrong so when he chases our cat and makes a ton of noise (he's a huge 150+lbs Mastiff), it's my cats fault for antagonizing him even though she was just laying on the floor, not moving. But because I said the cat used to be obnoxious when we first got her, she's taking that as an excuse to blame my cat for her animals' behaviors and that her animals are perfect. I'm just so over it all.

I'm actually looking into going back to school even though I really can't afford it because I need to do something more than 40 hours a week at Target making barely over min wage, not qualifying for full-time benefits (even though I almost always work 40 hours.) I can't get student loans because I defaulted on a few that I haven't repaid yet but someone said I should still qualify for grants, so I filled out a FAFSA tonight & we shall see what happens. I'm not getting my hopes up but I desperately need out of Target. I need to make more than $8.95/hour after being there as long as I have. I'd like to qualify for maternity leave at almost 30-years old and not be living at my parent's house to boot. I just feel stuck between a rock and a giant hard place and am not quite sure which way to go.

I know we'll be okay regardless. There's plenty we can do/sacrifice to stay afloat and provide for our kids. They definitely won't go without but I just wish circumstances were a little easier or I had a better plan/opportunity right now.

And really... ignore my rant. I've just had a crappy long day at work after a crappy long morning home with my mother.

Oh man, that's pretty rough. May i ask why your 7 year old was living with them before? Grandparents just kind of... don't get it. you're not alone on that. It's like all the strict whatever they did with us? is forgotten and the grandkids get whatever they want! it's crazy! i feel for you.

Glad dh got a job, but oh my to the hours and you having to wake up. i know when i was pg i wouldn't have been able to wake up or work with that schedule. first tri for me was so insanely tiring i just couldn't do it.

:hi: everyone well I said I will keep u posted on my outcome n I'm doin the :happydance: miSC and I'm at the er as I'm writing this they told me im pregnant I'm gettin prep for ultrasound to make sure its not a tubal pregnancy:happydance:

HI hun! that's awesome!!!! congrats on the bfp!

afm- temp dropped slightly this am. 97.6 i am trying not to think about it. still above coverline right? right.

Bad sleep last night, summer insomnia mixed with party anxiety- since we're hosting our first party in the new house (actually ever really, as in the condo we didn't have enough room for get togethers) so i'm just hoping everything goes well.

cp is high medium closed and creamy cm. don't know if that means anything lol. just observing all i can! So af would be due this week (if it's really a 30 day cycle, and i don't think it could be anything else with that o day) so not much longer to wait til af or get our bfps!!!!! BETTER BE A BFP OR ELSE.
I must be the odd one out; we had country music at our wedding. That's pretty much what we listen to. :)

Yay, it's finally the weekend! I survived my first week back to work. Nothing has changed. I still get those pitying looks sometimes, but I suppose that's because people don't know what to say. Some ask questions. I welcome it. It feels better to talk about him than to get those damn looks! I'm glad I work with a great bunch of people for the most part. We have a busy weekend planned getting ready for our trip next week, and I'm working tomorrow for awhile. Ahhh the joys of being an adult! :) AF is STILL hanging out. I don't think she is ever going to leave. Can't get pregnant when you're still bleeding.. Ugh!
:hi: everyone well I said I will keep u posted on my outcome n I'm doin the :happydance: miSC and I'm at the er as I'm writing this they told me im pregnant I'm gettin prep for ultrasound to make sure its not a tubal pregnancy:happydance:

Super exciting! Congrats! :)
I must be the odd one out; we had country music at our wedding. That's pretty much what we listen to. :)

Yay, it's finally the weekend! I survived my first week back to work. Nothing has changed. I still get those pitying looks sometimes, but I suppose that's because people don't know what to say. Some ask questions. I welcome it. It feels better to talk about him than to get those damn looks! I'm glad I work with a great bunch of people for the most part. We have a busy weekend planned getting ready for our trip next week, and I'm working tomorrow for awhile. Ahhh the joys of being an adult! :) AF is STILL hanging out. I don't think she is ever going to leave. Can't get pregnant when you're still bleeding.. Ugh!

I know that look-after our loss I felt the same way, I hardly wanted to go to any family gatherings or anything. Then my boss, who has experiences losses herself made a good point to me. She said, "they're your family and friends, you're perceiving that look as pity bc that's how you feel inside, that look is really compassion. These people love you and sincerely feel sorry that you've had to go through this and wish they could take you pain away." Made me feel better.

Congrats, Nini!
Morning ladies!! I love all the wedding song talk! We used Marry Me for our processional, part of I Do by westlife for my dad and I, and Lost in this Moment for our recessional. For our reception, our first dance was Then by Brad Paisley and for my Dads dance, I Loved Her First. I also made a video montage of pics of me growing up with the song playing in the background. I'm going to do the same for DH once we have a baby.
So last night, or this morning really, around 4 am, I heard fighting outside...yes, welcome to the new neighborhood. Well it's a very nice neighborhood but I guess our neighbors were having a party. So I tell DH and he got all excited and ran outside. These 2 guys were fighting on the ground in the middle of the road. DH was like "both of you let go before I arrest both of you fucks!" Then the girls were like, "he's a cop, he's a cop." Then one of the dumbasses tried to get in his truck and DH got really pissed because they were all trashed. Needless to say, we made an intro to the neighborhood last night. Lol. Dumbasses.

I hope AF stays away from all you ladies this week! Except for Cassidy, I hope she comes soon!
:hi: everyone well I said I will keep u posted on my outcome n I'm doin the :happydance: miSC and I'm at the er as I'm writing this they told me im pregnant I'm gettin prep for ultrasound to make sure its not a tubal pregnancy:happydance:


We had country music at our wedding too well and some Kelly Clarkson but mostly country. AFM I am beat I went riding yesterday on a very nice barrel horse but she was hot blooded and kept me on my toes. I am tired we got home way late.
frsttime- We had coutry music at our wedding too but we had other things. It was like one big hodgepodge of music lol. Our first dance was to Amazed by Lone Star.

afm- I am thinking about not temping until I am done with clomid. I am really not liking the way my temps are looking so it is already stressing me out. I am trying not to let it get to me but my mind automatically goes to anovulatory. If I don't ovulate again that will be 3 months in a row.

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