mom15- ugh, i hope you're able to get the LP issues resolved. Have you spoken to your OB? It took me about 7 months post weaning to get my cycle back in line (and then fell pregnant the first month it was finally "right" lol). My OB had me on several supplements to help get it all balanced. and i feel the exact same way! some days i look at my crazy wild wonderful boys and think there is literally no way i can handle another one thrown into the mix. and it would be so much easier to put the baby phase behind us and move on...but at the end of the day the aches and pains of pregnancy and labor/delivery, sleepless nights, long hard hours nursing, SO much poop, spit up etc are worth it, as you well know. you adapt and figure it out. my heart just doesn't feel complete yet, i desperately feel like there is another piece out there. you though we aren't making any decisions now. we have a really fun 12 months planned and i just want to sit back and enjoy it!
i'm sorry for AF showing up, especially early. Could you remind me again how long you have been trying? I hope this next month brings you your two beautiful lines! and thank you for the support. it's been quite the journey but have found opening up to others is healing and i'm really thankful for the support on here. and losing weight just sucks lol. i wish it would be as easy (and tasty!) to lose as to gain :/ I actually lost 71 pounds before my pregnancy (and then promptly gained it back during no matter what i did) but i tell you what...i turned 30 last year and i feel like my metabolism just tanked! will get there eventually but it's a lot harder this time around!
ladyv- that must have been a lot put on you to need to help him with a lot of the basic things! how long did it take for his injuries to heal? that's great that you have a bonus and raise coming up soon! sounds like a good plan to stick to NTNP this month. if it was meant to be this time then it will be and you all will be fine i'm sure. how is the ava bracelet going? are you finding it helpful in tracking your cycles?
AFM, I wasn't expecting AF until next week and then it showed up last night
either i had it in my head wrong or my LP is going wacky. going to track it more closely this next month and hope that i just had my date wrong.
Otherwise things here are going well! was talking with my DH tonight about how I am worried he doesn't take care of himself ever. He puts everyone else above his own well being, always. He has been having pretty bad stomach pain the last 2 weeks and I think it is from stress. he loves being out in nature so i'm going to start kicking him out of the house on the weekends to take an hour or two long walk. he works 80-100 hour weeks consistently and still makes time for the family. doesn't sleep much and never goes out with friends/takes time to himself. a lot of that stress comes from a project he is hopeful to hand off at the end of the year to his team and can get a little bit of a break. He is the most dedicated and hardest worker I know and I am grateful for all he does to provide for us. I just worry about him