What Flueky said! Bd today and tomorrow and I think your chances are just as good. Assuming everything is fine with Dh’s swimmers there are still millions of them trying to make it to your egg. And I wouldn’t be surprised if your O is happening a bit earlier due to the supplements. Btw. besides EOD we have never bd’d once my cm switched to creamy with is also the day I get a temp “rise” on 1dpo. After many cycles I noticed that my temp at 1dpo is very consistently 97.4 and then goes further up at 2-3dpo. I just went back through my charts and it’s almost creepy how it is the same temp at 1dpo except for the cycles I was breastfeeding. I can geek out on data and it’s fascinating to me how much our body temp can tell us.
Flueky - congrats on a healthy baby girl. I didn’t find out gender until birth, but I worked hard to prepare myself for another boy just in case which turned out to be a good thing. That way I went through the disappointment of not having a girl during pregnancy and was happy no matter what at birth. Don’t feel bad about negative feelings. I think what people who don’t understand your disappointment confuse is, I never felt sad about my baby being a boy, it’s a sadness about what I may never have. I still can get sad if I think too much about it. If we go for another of course there is still the chance for a girl, but I think to protect myself I’m already assuming it will be another boy and that way if it’s a girl I will be excited, but not disappointed if it’s another boy.