Plus-Size Pregnancy

i no im going look bad :( iv been ok up till now i put 3lb on but lost it again so im happy but as i right this im sitting with a bag of HARIBO so things could go very wrong soon .... i no i should stop lol but its the 1st time in weeks i can eat without feeling sick x ill prob not show for a long time i didnt really have a big tummy to start with but iv got a massive butt so now im just going look the same from the back and the front lol
I was at a show last night with my mother, and there was a huge girl...obviously fat on her own, but her belly was huge in comparison. I whispered to my mom that I'm afraid that'll be me, a case of "is she pregnant or just really fat?" My mom took it as a question and said, "oh no, she's just real big." do you know? I couldn't help but keep staring at her belly wondering.

I suppose a dead giveaway usually is if chick is rubbing her belly. Most fat women don't just go around rubbing their chub in public. ;)
A friend of mine who just looked huge was on the bus, 8.5 months pregnant, and not a soul offered her a seat. The baby was kicking and she starting rubbing her belly to soothe her, and an older woman, of all people, immediately "got it" and insisted she sit.
But yeah. Basically I'm afraid of scenarios like that.

I was wondering about the belly bands....I plan on buying one as soon as I start to grow.
It's amazing how two pregnancies can be so different. I only made it to 11 weeks last time, but it made me just utterly huge all over....bloated like crazy, especially my upper stomach, and had gained about 10 horrible pounds.
This time, I've only gained a couple pounds, although I never lost the weight from last time (oops). I'm dealing with quite a bit of ms, tossing my cookies at least once a day, but the bloat isn't really there. I can feel it around my waistline, but that's really about it.
Hi thought i would join if its ok. Am size 18-20 Uk. Before I found out I was pg Ihad gone on a strict diet as I was beginning to hate my figure (didnt really have one). As time has gone on I am now terrified of puttng more weight on when I needed to lose 2 and a half stone to start with. Am scared of coming out of this at 16 stone and making myself ill trying to get rid of it. I am now monitoring everything I eat and counting every calorie and my OH says I am being ridiculous. I have always had a negative body image but the fact that I have only spent two days with my OH since september as he has taken on more work, I am struggling to find cheap maternity clothes in the UK in my size (over here being fat is apparently a contraceptive), all pictures in books magazines and even on here are of normal sized women. I am now looking at plastic surgery websites in the hope that I can try and make my body normal sometime in the fuuture as I am avoiding sex and mirrors at the moment as feel so damn ugly.
Hello ladies do you mind if I join?

I am also 18/20 Uk size and have struggled to find clothes. I had my first scan today at 12 weeks - it went really well and I am really relieved.

However the sonographer was really pushing down on my tummy and it hurt like crazy. I asked her if she could be more gentle and she replied if my tummy wasn't so big she could!!!! How rude is that!!!

I was also told at my first midwife appointment to lose weight because I would struggle in the last trimester. I was mortified!! So far I have gained 7 lbs and I don't want to gain loads of weight but i'm the same weight I was with my son and I was fine with that pregnancy.

I was not made to feel like this when I was pregnant with my son (9 years ago) so whether times have changed but this time I have been made to feel bad for being obese and 39 years old!!!!!!

Ok moan over - I'm still so grateful I am pregnant at all and that is what I am going to focus on :)

Good luck to all xx
I saw my high risk specialist yesterday. I was a nervous wreck in the ultrasound room, but guess what! THis one is going to make it! THat baby just moved and danced and pointed it's finger at us! The ultrasound tech and the DR said it's time to stop worrying about MC and start focusing on a healthy delivery! We are right on track with dates, I am 11+2 according to my stats and the DRs measurements! So yeah!! Couldnt get many good pics as we did an internal. But I will post them later today. We have our NT Scan scheduled for Nov. 22nd. and then my regular OB appt the 23rd so hoping to get scans both days. Be back later to update pics!
I'm really glad I found this post!

I'm 30 years old and I have been diagnosed with PCOS when I was 23 (I'm sure they would have diagnosed it earlier but I didn't go to the doc. until 23 about missed periods). I moved to America when I was 12 years old and about 6 months later I got my period. I was so skinny and never had a problem with my weight but when that period came, so came the the food in America was good and lots of it and coming from a poorer country, I wanted to try everything...but looking back, nothing exaggerated (no fast food or sodas or anything like that).

Anyhow, around 14 I started missing a few months each year and when I was 16 I had missed my period for 6 months. I was not sexually active so it was scary for me but at the same time I had nobody to talk to about it. Because of insurance reasons I couldn't get it checked out until I was 23.

I always battled my weight and never understood why when I was eating pretty well. Once in a while I would abuse the ice cream but never sodas or fast food or chips...I ate pretty healthy food overall but the weight was not going off. I was put on birth control which also made me gain more weight.

To make this super long story, shorter, I got married in 2009 and we started trying for a baby. I wasn't able to get pregnant until I met a doc. that was willing to work with me. She put me on Metformin (though I have never had an issue with high sugar...mine has always been around 70-90) and she put me on Progesterone. 3 months into this treatment I lost 15 pounds, got my period regularly and got pregnant (4 months later).

I am 5'5 and weight 260 pounds, wear a size 16-18 and some pants are even size 20 but just two that I have, and 8 weeks pregnant. I am SO careful what I eat...I count my calories and add a bit more for what is recommended if pregnant. I haven't gained any pounds yet so far but the baby looks right on target and very healthy. I do wish I would have lost weight before I got pregnant just because I think it would have been easier to be lighter.

I'm aware I will gain some weight during preg and it doesn't worry that much just i hope it will not be a lot.

I attached two photos of me just so you can get to "know" me better. The first one is of me before I started the treatment and second pic. if after i lost the 15 pounds.

I really do hope that I will have a round bump :)


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You're beautiful. You and everyone else on here that is stressing about weight gain, you are PREGNANT. This isn't about how you look as it is about making sure this baby is healthy! Also, this is the one time in your life that you can eat what you want and people can't say anything! If you are already overweight to begin with, you shouldn't gain more than 20 lbs overall. I have already gained 8 but I'm not concerned because my baby is doing excellent and that's all I care about!
thank you Kendra

are you showing yet?

i really hope that i will show and have a nice round bump :)
You know I can totally relate. My OH and I couldn't be more physically different. He's 6' 160 with a 6 pack and wears a 29/30 in pants and rides his bike 30+ miles a day... and well I am 5'1/2 and 280. He thinks I'm beautiful the way I am and even after this long I look at him and wonder how he thinks that way. All the skinny women give him 2nd looks and he wont even glance. Now if he sees what he calls a " healthy" woman with a big behind and meat on her he will look. I guess one day when we are totally comfortable in our own skin we will see what they see.

Jules, I can relate to you.

My husband is also 6 feet and wears 31/32 and very active and I'm 5'5 and 270 pounds and he thinks I'm the most beautiful woman. We go walking together and he only sees me. There's ladies at church that even dare to come and get his attention without any success and they come cry to me about it, like "oh your husband is always looking at you when we talk" or "you know, when we were in high school your husband used to say hi but now he doesn't even stop to talk to me, can you talk to him about it". I can't believe the nerves on some of them.
There are ladies who have made comments about how lucky I am that he looked at if I'm the last person on earth and ugly just because I have more pounds on than they do.

I realize more and more how blessed I am. He loves me for who I am and he also helps me to love myself for who I am ( though I know I need to lose some weight for health reasons but I no longer want to lose so I can be more beautiful because I know I already am).
I am 28, size 22/24 and DW and I are pregnant with our first! I don't have my first midwife appointment until 9wks but I'm pretty certain I am due on July 18th.
I bought my first pair of maternity pants yesterday at 4wks because I am super bloated and tight pants seem to make the ms worse. Has anyone else had their tatas explode overnight really early in pregnancy!? I have gone from a 44D to wearing my DW's 44DDD!

I'm really hoping that the midwife doesn't give me a hard time about my weight. I've pretty much cut out all sodas (except ginger ale) and DW and I have been going on 1mi walks several times a week. I typically eat pretty well but since the ms started I want lots of toast and other carbs. Today hasn't been too bad and I did eat a salad for lunch. :)
Awww that's such a sweet story! Yes, I am starting to "show" in the way that people who see me regularly can tell I'm getting bigger in the belly but for other people I still just look like I'm gaining weight or am farther along than I say I am.
Okay, here are the pics! Like I said, they arent that great, but I am just so thrilled that everything is okay. The first one is profile of the entire body and the second one is of its little face head on. Hoping to get better pics at the NT scan on the 22nd.


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Well, so far I've lost 10 pounds... I look like I've lost weight but I feel bloated. I tried putting on a pair of pants this morning and there's no way in hell they'd button and zipper. haha I haven't worn them in a while so I don't know how long it's been this way. Yikes. I have my 10 week appt tomorrow. Fingers crossed for a good ultrasound and good news!
I keep eating bean soup and lentil stew and somehow those foods take the bloat away. They give me EXTRA gas lol which I think is the cause of me hardly having a bloat.

KEslinger, will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and can't wait to hear how the app. went.

Kendra, is this your first baby? I'm 8 weeks and I can't tell that I'm pregnant at all other than the fact that my little lower belly fanny pack (which I despise) has gotten a bit bigger. This is my first pregnancy and everyone is telling me that I most likely will not show until later. I'm not very tall so maybe there wouldn't be too much room for baby elsewhere but out.
I am struggling to find cheap maternity clothes in the UK in my size (over here being fat is apparently a contraceptive), all pictures in books magazines and even on here are of normal sized women. I am now looking at plastic surgery websites in the hope that I can try and make my body normal sometime in the fuuture as I am avoiding sex and mirrors at the moment as feel so damn ugly.

Oh Vix :( :hugs: I'm SO sorry you're going through this :cry:
i know exactly how this feels...

I live in the States but at the moment I'm in Romania, eastern Europe for the past 6 months with my husband. I can tell you that I feel like the fattest person on the street when I go out. They all seem anorexic here and they look down on me...I feel it and I see it. I have been told by random people that I'm obese beyond repair (I wear size 16-18 and 5'5) and that I need plastic surgery. There were many times strangers have commented about my weight here and they look at me as if I eat SO much food. I prob. eat so much less than they do but how can you explain to people that you have PCOS and you have tried so hard but to no avail... :dohh: it's unbelivable how ignorant people can be in Europe regarding weight. I have found the same problem while in France, England, Italy and Moldova...they look at you as if you are from a different planet.

Once year while in Italy visiting my sister, I got my bag stolen and had no more clothes. I wasn't able to find any clothes to wear my size. I would go in a store and they would tell me to leave because there are no clothes there my rude.

If I was in American right now and would have a stable job, I would so send you some maternity clothes...I can't even imagine having to find maternity clothes for myself here in Romania...unless I get them made.
However the sonographer was really pushing down on my tummy and it hurt like crazy. I asked her if she could be more gentle and she replied if my tummy wasn't so big she could!!!! How rude is that!!!

:cry: that is SO sad
the same thing happened to me here in Romania when I went in for my first ultrasound. She did it vaginally and she was poking me so hard in there and when she asked me if it hurts, I said "yes" and she said "well, you have so much fat in there, there are layers of fat that I have to see through and if you weren't I would be able to see". My husband about punched her in the face...some people :(

so sorry you went through that
For those of you having trouble finding clothes... try ebay! It'll be super cheap if they aren't the perfect size for you so not a lot wasted. Motherhood maternity goes up to 3x (26/28) I believe... some other retail stores have plus sizes too but I'm not sure which ones. Also, all of those empire waisted tops will work wonders! I'll be on later with an update on baby bean!
Alright ladies, no updated pic of bean for me. You could sorta see it, but not. I saw a NP this time and, to be honest, she didn't really move the probe like the doctor did a couple weeks ago... I think that had something to do with it. She also tried an abdominal ultrasound but wasn't able to get a clear picture for measurement. =\ On the plus side: We saw a very strong heart beat and a VERY active baby. It was bouncing all over the place in there. She said everything looked good. My blood pressure is always a little higher than normal when I first go in so she said they'd be keeping a closer eye on me. I have no problem with that. My next appointment is 12/2 for my NT scan -- I know we'll get good clear shots then, and then another well mom/baby check on 12/6. Around 15 weeks we're going to do the early gender scan... I was going to do it earlier but I'll be having 2 ultrasounds in 1 week at 13 weeks. =) They've already scheduled my stage 2 ultrasound (anatomy scan) for 1/11.
I'm so jealous of your active bean! My bean is always sleeping when I get a U/S

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