Plus-Size Pregnancy

Hi ladies, I wondered if any 2nd 3rd or more time Mama's had any trouble getting an Epidural put in. I wanted a natural birth last time but after having a horrible induction I asked for an epidural for pain and they couldn't get it in, even after an hour of trying. The anesthetist said he had been doing Epidurals for 30 years and if he wasn't getting it in, no one was. I wondered if this was weight related? I was a size 20 then (now a 22/24, and just pregnant). The professionals have been non committal about it.
Hi ladies, I wondered if any 2nd 3rd or more time Mama's had any trouble getting an Epidural put in. I wanted a natural birth last time but after having a horrible induction I asked for an epidural for pain and they couldn't get it in, even after an hour of trying. The anesthetist said he had been doing Epidurals for 30 years and if he wasn't getting it in, no one was. I wondered if this was weight related? I was a size 20 then (now a 22/24, and just pregnant). The professionals have been non committal about it.

This is one of my biggest fears! I'm so sorry. How did things turn out?
Hi ladies, I wondered if any 2nd 3rd or more time Mama's had any trouble getting an Epidural put in. I wanted a natural birth last time but after having a horrible induction I asked for an epidural for pain and they couldn't get it in, even after an hour of trying. The anesthetist said he had been doing Epidurals for 30 years and if he wasn't getting it in, no one was. I wondered if this was weight related? I was a size 20 then (now a 22/24, and just pregnant). The professionals have been non committal about it.

This is one of my biggest fears! I'm so sorry. How did things turn out?

They gave me morphine which I didn't think helped much. I went from 6cm to 10cm in less than an hour so all in all it wasn't that bad, but I had been worried about being stuck at 6cm for hours and hours with only gas and air to help. (If you are induced the labour can be slower). We are looking into hypno-birthing for this time, there are 4 practitioners in my area.
ive been a 22-24 both pregs and they got epi in no bother at all xx :flower:
Hi ladies, I wondered if any 2nd 3rd or more time Mama's had any trouble getting an Epidural put in. I wanted a natural birth last time but after having a horrible induction I asked for an epidural for pain and they couldn't get it in, even after an hour of trying. The anesthetist said he had been doing Epidurals for 30 years and if he wasn't getting it in, no one was. I wondered if this was weight related? I was a size 20 then (now a 22/24, and just pregnant). The professionals have been non committal about it.

This is one of my biggest fears! I'm so sorry. How did things turn out?

They gave me morphine which I didn't think helped much. I went from 6cm to 10cm in less than an hour so all in all it wasn't that bad, but I had been worried about being stuck at 6cm for hours and hours with only gas and air to help. (If you are induced the labour can be slower). We are looking into hypno-birthing for this time, there are 4 practitioners in my area.

I wouldn't think it'd be weight related. It could just be the anatomy of your back... I worry about mine due to a back injury at work about 2 years ago, but at the same time, my back is pretty boney, with MINIMAL pushing or touching I can feel the vertebrae in my back - I don't carry much weight there, just, everywhere else. :haha:

Good luck to everyone and their birth plans, though! I just finished filling mine out. I have to turn it in at my appointment next Friday.

My baby shower is in 3 and a half weeks. I'm super excited. I don't like being "surprised" so I know most of everything that is happening at it. And, I keep watching my registry for things that people buy. I know, that's horrible. So far it's just the crib, mattress, baby brezza plus a boat-load of clothes that we didn't register for. And, someone bought the gorgeous butterfly boppy I wanted. :happydance: We're doing a diaper raffle so hopefully that'll leave us set for a while. LOL I guess the couple of people my sister has talked to haven't even looked at the registry and just got like clothes or something. We'll see. :shrug:

I have my next OB appointment on the 30th, I'll be 30 weeks. I'm going to ask if they can tell what position the baby is in. I feel like she's head down and low. Some days I waddle like no other and it's gotten harder to do some things -- like cleaning around my work with all the squatting and what not. I talked to my boss and got taken off of those duties. I feel pressure low, on my bladder a lot of the time and constantly feel the urge to pee (no UTI) and when I go, there's not much to be had. LOL Her bigger kicks/movements are either towards my sides or towards mid-belly/belly button area. Her smaller jabs are down lower. And, I can feel her roll and what not but that's usually at my sides or middle of my stomach like she's just rolling over switching positions. Not complete flips like before. But, we'll see.

I scheduled my 3D/4D ultrasound, too! Exciting. It's scheduled for April 1st. I can't wait to see her, see what she looks like. It'll be me, OH, his mom, my mom, one of my grandmas and his grandma. - They'll all be meeting for the first time, haha. Crazy. Obviously the meeting is LONG overdue. We had our first 3D/4D at the same place, the lady was amazing. I had posted about it on FB and the lady asked if we had scheduled, I sent her a PM saying I didn't know if we'd be able to with cost and everything with all of the hardships going on at the moment, so she CUT THE PRICE!!! I was so happy to learn that we'd still be able to do it. <3 We get around 30 minutes (she usually does them longer) of a recorded ultrasound on DVD, all the pictures and video clips on CD, plus 16 printed pictures. You can add stuff on, too. if the grandmas want to do that, they can, but I'm content with the package.

OH keeps saying that he can't wait until she's here. I say she can take her time up til the due date (or a week or so before lol).

We need to look into getting a freezer. There won't be enough room for me to try and build up a supply of breast milk in the freezer we have. I want to start pumping when my supply comes in, then OH can give baby a bottle at night or on his day off (while I pump, of course) and I can continue to build my supply for my return to work. I want our baby to be exclusively on breastmilk until 6 months. I know the WHO recommends 'til age 2 but I won't be able to swing that with work and what not. I'll be content with 6 months of breastmilk, then start doing solids if baby is ready, and continue to use the rest of my supply until it's gone. It's a reasonable goal and if I can go longer than that, it's an added bonus.

I can't wait for our crib to come in and for OH to get it set up. =)

My coworker is crocheting my a blanket for the baby! It's this gorgeous lavender, and she's going to go around the edges when she's done putting a border of a darker purple on it. LOVE. It'll match the baby bedding perfectly, too. =) YAY!

Does anyone have baby's going home outfit planned?
Hi ladies, I wondered if any 2nd 3rd or more time Mama's had any trouble getting an Epidural put in. I wanted a natural birth last time but after having a horrible induction I asked for an epidural for pain and they couldn't get it in, even after an hour of trying. The anesthetist said he had been doing Epidurals for 30 years and if he wasn't getting it in, no one was. I wondered if this was weight related? I was a size 20 then (now a 22/24, and just pregnant). The professionals have been non committal about it.

This is one of my biggest fears! I'm so sorry. How did things turn out?

They gave me morphine which I didn't think helped much. I went from 6cm to 10cm in less than an hour so all in all it wasn't that bad, but I had been worried about being stuck at 6cm for hours and hours with only gas and air to help. (If you are induced the labour can be slower). We are looking into hypno-birthing for this time, there are 4 practitioners in my area.

They say weight does have something to do with it. Not sure how though. lol I wonder if it has anything to do with how you are supposed to arch your back. With a baby bump and extra weight in the front I personally think it is harder to arch properly??? I have had an epidural with my first son and then two spinals with the last two. The first epidural went fine. The two spinals they have had a hard time getting them in. I weighed more with my last two then my first.
Hi ladies, I wondered if any 2nd 3rd or more time Mama's had any trouble getting an Epidural put in. I wanted a natural birth last time but after having a horrible induction I asked for an epidural for pain and they couldn't get it in, even after an hour of trying. The anesthetist said he had been doing Epidurals for 30 years and if he wasn't getting it in, no one was. I wondered if this was weight related? I was a size 20 then (now a 22/24, and just pregnant). The professionals have been non committal about it.

This is one of my biggest fears! I'm so sorry. How did things turn out?

They gave me morphine which I didn't think helped much. I went from 6cm to 10cm in less than an hour so all in all it wasn't that bad, but I had been worried about being stuck at 6cm for hours and hours with only gas and air to help. (If you are induced the labour can be slower). We are looking into hypno-birthing for this time, there are 4 practitioners in my area.

I wouldn't think it'd be weight related. It could just be the anatomy of your back... I worry about mine due to a back injury at work about 2 years ago, but at the same time, my back is pretty boney, with MINIMAL pushing or touching I can feel the vertebrae in my back - I don't carry much weight there, just, everywhere else. :haha:

Good luck to everyone and their birth plans, though! I just finished filling mine out. I have to turn it in at my appointment next Friday.

It is weight related, actually. :(. When I was in for surgery on my ankle I talked it over with the anaesthesiologist, and it's basically when there's too much fat covering the vertebrae for them to get a clear feel for where they're aiming. Totally freaks me out, but, then, Valdree here was brave and got through things okay, so I will hope for the best! :)
Hi ladies, I wondered if any 2nd 3rd or more time Mama's had any trouble getting an Epidural put in. I wanted a natural birth last time but after having a horrible induction I asked for an epidural for pain and they couldn't get it in, even after an hour of trying. The anesthetist said he had been doing Epidurals for 30 years and if he wasn't getting it in, no one was. I wondered if this was weight related? I was a size 20 then (now a 22/24, and just pregnant). The professionals have been non committal about it.

This is one of my biggest fears! I'm so sorry. How did things turn out?

They gave me morphine which I didn't think helped much. I went from 6cm to 10cm in less than an hour so all in all it wasn't that bad, but I had been worried about being stuck at 6cm for hours and hours with only gas and air to help. (If you are induced the labour can be slower). We are looking into hypno-birthing for this time, there are 4 practitioners in my area.

So brave! I'm glad it worked out okay. Best of luck for an easier time of it this round.
We need to look into getting a freezer. There won't be enough room for me to try and build up a supply of breast milk in the freezer we have. I want to start pumping when my supply comes in, then OH can give baby a bottle at night or on his day off (while I pump, of course) and I can continue to build my supply for my return to work. I want our baby to be exclusively on breastmilk until 6 months. I know the WHO recommends 'til age 2 but I won't be able to swing that with work and what not. I'll be content with 6 months of breastmilk, then start doing solids if baby is ready, and continue to use the rest of my supply until it's gone. It's a reasonable goal and if I can go longer than that, it's an added bonus.

This is such a good point,thanks for mentioning it! We need to clean out our freezer in the worst way. Our house was bult in 1927, and it has one of those big coffin freezers (gross name, I know) in the basement that seems like it's been here nearly as long. The thing still works like a charm, though, I love it.
LOL, yeah we're going to have to get one of the mini ones and have it plugged in in the dining area. There's no way in hell any amount of breast milk being stored will fit in our regular freezer.

Does your baby have obvious sleep/awake cycles?

Mine is usually wide awake and moving all over the place between 6:45-7:30a, then between like 8:30 and 11a - not always that WHOLE time, but definitely movement during then. Then we have 12:30-2ish (after lunch at work). Then from about 4-5. Then for the car ride home. She's started having less movement around "bed time"... I do my kick count now between 7 and 9, but I'm usually done by 7:30 (it takes her less than 10 minutes to move 10 times, one day it was a 20 minute count). When I go to bed she'll be active when the lights are off, but only for a couple of minutes while she nestles into my side, then she's asleep. If she's moving she's not waking me up. If I get up to pee in the middle of the night I'll have a couple of kicks while she settles back in when I lay back down.

How's everyone doing?

I'm 29 weeks today and can't wait for next weekend to come around. I have my appointment on the 30th and then the 3D ultrasound just 2 days later! So excited. Almost 30 weeks. Almost 75% of the way to my EDD. YAY.
I love reading about the babies moving. I can't wait till I can feel mine!
It's an amazing feeling. Definitely let us know when you start feeling your little one.
Had our gender scan today!!!!! OMG! :O It's a :blue: BOY!

(you'll probably see this pic a million times around the forum i just can't stop sharing it!)

He's very healthy, super active with his arms and likes to put his hands in his mouth, his bpm is 162! And she said she's 100% he's all boy. He is beautiful! Cant believe I'm going to have a daughter AND a son!
Congratulations 17thy

So I'm sure I can feel movement the past few day but its far too soon...
Had our gender scan today!!!!! OMG! :O It's a :blue: BOY!

(you'll probably see this pic a million times around the forum i just can't stop sharing it!)

He's very healthy, super active with his arms and likes to put his hands in his mouth, his bpm is 162! And she said she's 100% he's all boy. He is beautiful! Cant believe I'm going to have a daughter AND a son!

Congratulations 17thy

So I'm sure I can feel movement the past few day but its far too soon...

Around 12 weeks I felt tiny fluttery bubble type things. By 14-15 weeks I was feeling what felt like tiny flicks inside. - My mom and grandma both felt the babies super early.

Around 18 weeks I was able to feel harder flicks, sure they were kicks.

At 23w2d OH was able to feel the baby move! <3 (That was Feb 12th)

And, at 26w6d I was able to get a video of the baby kicking - moving my belly big time.

I could look up the exact dates but I'd have to read through this whole thing. LOL
Congratulations 17thy

So I'm sure I can feel movement the past few day but its far too soon...

Around 12 weeks I felt tiny fluttery bubble type things. By 14-15 weeks I was feeling what felt like tiny flicks inside.

To me I can feel like waves, maybe thats flutters that others describe??

I love the name Alyssa BTW :winkwink: Its on my list
With my first I felt movements starting at 12 weeks 0 days and she was a MOVER, she is still ridiculously overactive lol.

This one, much calmer so far haha. We have a picture of him snuggling up with his placenta for a nap at the end of the scan :cloud9: I felt him move for the first time 13 weeks 5 days. A big whooshing butterfly feeling in my tummy.
So, to make putting together a baby book a little bit easier I went ahead and figured out all of my appointments, milestones, etc. Obviously a lot of this stuff won't be going into it (and a few things are actually written on there for the future (ultrasounds next week, last day of work and edd). But interesting to see typed out.

LMP Sep 2, 2011
Appt with Endocrinologist. Diagnosed with PCOS - was told we will probably need assistance getting pregnant (pointing towards IUI or IVF) when we're ready for a baby but, they might try meds like Clomid first. Try starting a low carb diet (already been following) to help with insulin resistance. Continue to try and lose weight and go from there. :cry:

3w4d Sep 27, 2011
HPT+ :baby:

4w2d Oct 2, 2011
HCG 81

4w4d Oct 4, 2011
HCG 199

7w6d Oct 27, 2011
Appt with Dr. "Z"
Ultrasound shows 1 baby <3 EDD 6/8/2012
Everything looks good, strong heartbeat! :cloud9: Bloodwork all came back clear (including cystic fibrosis screening.) Early ultrasound due to bleeding starting 2 weeks after my LMP and never stopped. Put on pelvic rest.

10w0d Nov 11, 2011
Routine appt with the Nurse Practitioner. Baby looks "good" but no printout of picture - NP didn't seem to know what she was doing... Not happy with this NP at all. :wacko:

10w6d Nov 17, 2011
Appt with Dr. "Y" Bad bleed a couple of days before the appointment - Ultrasound shows everything is NORMAL, baby still has a very strong heartbeat, no obvious reason for bleeding. Was told to mention the bleed to the Perinatologist at the NT scan to see if they can find anything. Still supposed to be on pelvic rest even though the bleeding has NOTHING to do with anything sexual. It comes and goes as it pleases.

Started feeling tiny bubbles around 12 weeks.

13w0d Dec 2, 2011
NT scan, all looks good! :thumbup: (later compared with 1st and 2nd trimester Full Integrated Screening bloodwork; screen NEGATIVE!) Possible reason for bleeding discovered (but not recorded! wtf?!) - blood clot in uterus, not near placenta anymore (was a subchorionic hematoma). :shrug: Placenta has moved up and away from it as it should. Clot should resorb but I should expect more bleeding. Was also informed that, should the clot NOT resorb, it can cause preterm labor.

13w4d Dec 6, 2011
First routine appt with my regular OB/GYN - Dr. "K" - everything looks good. Discussed NT scan, everything looked good. Asked about blood clot and was told that it wasn't recorded. My doc called the perinatologist who said she remembers it was small and to just keep an eye on the bleeding.

14w0d Dec 9, 2011
2nd TRIMESTER!!! (according to Kaiser and the California Prenatal Screening Program) :happydance:

Started feeling twinges between 14-15 weeks. :cloud9:

15w2d Dec 18, 2011
3D ultrasound - IT'S A GIRL! (confirmed by anatomy ultrasound at 18w5d and 19w5d Jan 11th and 18th) :pink: Name was already picked out... Alyssa Lynn.

16w4d Dec 27, 2011
Failed 1 hour Glucose Tolerance Test - knew that I wouldn't pass it.

17w0d Dec 30, 2011
Passed 3 hour Glucose Tolerance Test :happydance:

18w2d Jan 8, 2012
Prior twinges have turned into "flicks"
Felt baby roll over at Nations! :cloud9:
Feeling a lot of flutters/twinges/flicks

18w5d Jan 11, 2012
Routine appt with Dr. "K"
Appt with dietician about elevated BG fastings - learned nothing! - everything she tried discussing with me led to my blood sugars probing her wrong. PCOS with mild insulin resistance is the reason for elevated fasting according to Endocrinologist. Not to worry about this unless other BG's start to raise as well. :dohh:

22w5d Feb 8, 2012
Routine appt with Dr. "K" - doc didn't realize I was still spotting, should still be on pelvic rest until 2 weeks after last day of spotting.

22w6d Feb 9, 2012
No more spotting! :happydance:

23w2d Feb 12, 2012
:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:OH felt Alyssa move for the first time. :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

26w2d Mar 4, 2012
Passed 3 hour Glucose Tolerance Test :happydance:

26w5d Mar 7, 2012
Routine appt with Dr. "K"

26w6d Mar 8, 2012
Saw baby moving from outside - got a video of it! :cloud9:

27w0d Mar 9, 2012
3rd TRIMESTER! :happydance:

And, as for the future - this is what we have booked so far.

30w0d Mar 30, 2012
Routine appt with Dr. "K" - will start seeing the Dr. every 2 weeks now. Growth scan around 34 weeks.

30w2d Apr 1, 2012
3D Ultrasound with Donovan, the moms & the grandmas (well, 2 of them)

36w0d May 11, 2012
Last day of work 'til late August or very early September.

37w0d May 18, 2012

40w0d Jun 8, 2012

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