Plus-Size Pregnancy

KE- I would not be happy with someone digging around for a vein. Not cool. I'm glad your tests came out well.
Kendra- very scary to have early contractions. Rest up and take care!

AFM- did any of you loose weight in your first trimester due to morning sickness? I've lost nearly 10lbs now and at 200lbs I certainly have extra to spare I am just worried should I call the doctor? Has anyone had experience with this?

Yup, I lost about 11 bs. Apparently it's pretty normal, so unless you're lacking in some sort of nutrition, there's no reason to be concerned. The baby takes what it needs! :)
KE- I would not be happy with someone digging around for a vein. Not cool. I'm glad your tests came out well.
Kendra- very scary to have early contractions. Rest up and take care!

AFM- did any of you loose weight in your first trimester due to morning sickness? I've lost nearly 10lbs now and at 200lbs I certainly have extra to spare I am just worried should I call the doctor? Has anyone had experience with this?

I lost 5lbs before I had morning sickness and another 11 once it hit. My doctor said it was nothing to worry about as long as I didn't continue to lose weight once I hit 16 weeks or so. After that I was expected to maintain or gain.
The contractions weren't big, they were just worried because they were 5 minutes apart and they were continuous. For me, they felt like under my boobs/ribcage was tightening and felt very uncomfortable. Once I was able to recognize what they were it was very obvious what they were. It wasn't really painful, just uncomfortable. And babies heart rate would jump each time too. They went on for about 5 hours just at the hospital, and who knows how long I was having them prior to that because I didn't know that's what they were! I thought it was the baby rolling around. Because when the baby has a good roll, your skin kinda tightens wherever he's at, and I didn't realize the difference between the muscle tightening from the contraction and the skin tightening.
KE- I would not be happy with someone digging around for a vein. Not cool. I'm glad your tests came out well.
Kendra- very scary to have early contractions. Rest up and take care!

AFM- did any of you loose weight in your first trimester due to morning sickness? I've lost nearly 10lbs now and at 200lbs I certainly have extra to spare I am just worried should I call the doctor? Has anyone had experience with this?

I lost 10 pounds in my first trimester, I wasn't sick and I was eating fine. My doctor was never worried about it. I'm almost in my third trimester now and still working on putting on that 10 pounds I lost.
Had my appointment earlier today.

I think their scale is off, and that the one at my house is actually more accurate. Who knows. I know that according to MY scale I gained 4 pounds in the last 4 weeks, not bad. My last weigh in at the doctors had me almost 4 pounds less than my bathroom scale... add that together and it's 8 pounds. Funny, 'cause that's what I 'gained' in the last month according to the doctors scale. LOL - so, the scale there was off before. No big deal. The doctor didn't say anything about my weight gain, and said I was doing well.
My blood pressure was PERFECT. Lab results were all great - CBC, kidney values, and 3 hour GTT (only slightly elevated fasting). Our baby is kind of a pain in the rump if you're trying to see her or listen to her heart... she kept moving away, so we got a quick peek of her on ultrasound while they were checking her heart rate. OH asked about how big she is, she said they don't have any reason to believe that she's bigger than the 50th percentile in weight, so right now she's about 2 & 1/2 pounds. I have my next appointment in 3 weeks, after that I start going every 2 weeks (from 30 weeks on). Hopefully everything stays in check.

Not that long ago I got a call from a nurse at Kaiser. LOL - annoying. We had a little chat. She said that luckily I don't have gestational diabetes... better knews... I can read, so I knew this from looking online and also from MY DOCTOR earlier in the day. Annoying #1. Then she goes about saying how my morning fasting was slightly elevated. Annoying #2. I then had to explain to her that it's always MILDLY elevated compared to normal. She said I was diagnosed with glucose intolernace in January, - now I'm more irritated, so I politely corrected her and let her know that I was actually diagnosed with "pre-diabetes" in September which goes hand-in-hand with my PCOS according to the endocrinologist. The endocrinologist told me not to worry about my fasting if the rest of my levels were fine. Annoying #3 (why do I have to tell them when they have my history in front of them)... and for annoying #4... she brings up the dietician "well are you following the diet plan" (Mind you, I'm now in the middle of babies r us) so I tell her "actually, the diet plan from the dietician doesn't work for me. it actually elevated my blood sugar. the dietician also told me that I knew enough and that the 40$ appointment was a waste of money and could have been done over the phone. I control my blood sugar completely on my own... and throwing out the SLIGHTLY elevated fasting makes my blood sugar PERFECT." her response was "then I'll just put in here that you decline the diet plan. all you'll be getting from us is the paperwork we sent to you in the mail. anyway, congratulations on passing your test and i wish you all the best in the rest of your pregnancy." -- On a side note, I already received all of the crap from them the last time I did it.

If my doctor isn't worried and says I'm fine, and so did a specialist, then I'm not too worried about a ******** nurse calling me acting like they know my complete medical history... with Kaiser it isn't hard to obtain this information and clicking on a different tab would have given her all of that information.

My doctor said with each week it gets better and better. We're now "in the clear" -- when a baby is viable outside of the womb. We're slowly winding down to the finish line here. I know I'll be having a growth scan around 34 weeks to check on the size of the baby as well as other development... I need to schedule my final 3d/4d ultrasound.
Kes- so glad to hear that things are going well for you! I am happy to hear about your GTT and that everything is ok. And if the baby is measuring normal then that's all you really needed to worry about on that end. I wish I was as lucky as you!

On top of being in the hospital on Monday with contractions I had to go back in last night for a normal non-stress test which I am now getting twice a week. They said my blood pressure was too high and wanted to run some labs so they admitted me. I had to stay there 2 hours while they waited for the lab work which all came back fine and so did my urine. However, they want to test a 24 hour sample just in case. Sooo... I have two big jugs that I get to fill with pee until 7:45 tonight. They aren't going to be happy cause I haven't drank much water because who wants to sit there and pee in a bin then pour that bin into a bucket? I just want to freakin pee and move on with my day, not measure it. So I haven't peed much.

My fear is I am going to be on bedrest because my BP was 160/90 which is the highest its been while I've been pregnant. Mind you, that was right after I came in and I had just been driving the last hour because I was coming from another Dr appt. And my stomach was hurting so I was stressed that I was having contractions. Either way, if they think that me being active and only driving is raising my BP guess what's next- bedrest. God I pray that doesn't happen because I can't afford it. I am getting NO benefits on my time off- no paid time off, nothing. I can't afford to take off any more than necessary for after delivery. If everyone could send me good juju and prayers I would really appreciate it.
I hope all goes well! Do you monitor your Bp at home at all?? I have white coat syndrome some my Bp skyrockets at the doctors and is very good at home I just keep a log to show my doctor. Maybe that could help. All that aside Bp is a serious thing and I hope all is well
Kes- so glad to hear that things are going well for you! I am happy to hear about your GTT and that everything is ok. And if the baby is measuring normal then that's all you really needed to worry about on that end. I wish I was as lucky as you!

On top of being in the hospital on Monday with contractions I had to go back in last night for a normal non-stress test which I am now getting twice a week. They said my blood pressure was too high and wanted to run some labs so they admitted me. I had to stay there 2 hours while they waited for the lab work which all came back fine and so did my urine. However, they want to test a 24 hour sample just in case. Sooo... I have two big jugs that I get to fill with pee until 7:45 tonight. They aren't going to be happy cause I haven't drank much water because who wants to sit there and pee in a bin then pour that bin into a bucket? I just want to freakin pee and move on with my day, not measure it. So I haven't peed much.

My fear is I am going to be on bedrest because my BP was 160/90 which is the highest its been while I've been pregnant. Mind you, that was right after I came in and I had just been driving the last hour because I was coming from another Dr appt. And my stomach was hurting so I was stressed that I was having contractions. Either way, if they think that me being active and only driving is raising my BP guess what's next- bedrest. God I pray that doesn't happen because I can't afford it. I am getting NO benefits on my time off- no paid time off, nothing. I can't afford to take off any more than necessary for after delivery. If everyone could send me good juju and prayers I would really appreciate it.

Thanks! And, so sorry to hear about what's going on. That must be really stressful. I had to do a 24 hour urine collection for a kidney stone analysis, it was a pain in the butt. Unfortunately, I drank enough and peed like crazy but they told me that I didn't drink enough or pee enough because it wasn't to the specified line. I'm thinking, do you know who you're talking to? I drink water ALL DAY LONG! Rude.

I hate high blood pressure. I have that white coat syndrome, too. They say my name and I can feel my pulse speed up. Kinda silly. Now I'm getting used to the appointments and I know the baby is moving and what not so I've chilled out some. Also, I've found that going with someone (OH, or a friend to talk to before the appointment) can lower your blood pressure. A friend of mine has the same issue. Her husband is in training so she goes with a friend. We always go a little bit early so I can sit there and relax for a few before the appointment. I don't always get to sit there for long, they always manage to get me in quite a bit earlier, but it does seem to help. The other thing that helps is that I was in the "honeymoon" phase of pregnancy. Third trimester you get all of the issues again. =\

What kind of lab work did they run? Because of my blood pressure being elevated before they're monitoring me for preeclampsia like a hawk. At my last few blood draws they've been looking at my kidney values.

I've had a couple of contractions... I noticed that I will have one in the middle of the night. I haven't asked my doctor about it yet. They're not painful. And it's just one. Last night and the night before I've woken up to just my belly tensed up, no pain. If I get up and move or just change position it goes away (Braxton Hicks type)... it could also be that both of those nights when it happened I woke up on my back. Who knows. If I start getting more, they last longer, they get uncomfortable, etc I'll ask about them. I might bring it up at my next appointment at the end of the month.

I hope they get it all sorted out for you. Pregnancy can be so stressful as it is, always worrying if your baby is okay. I hope they don't put you on bedrest but with your blood pressure like that and those previous contractions that sounds like it's going to be coming soon. =(

Good thoughts and prayers are sent your way... I was actually sending them yesterday when I read your post but couldn't log in on the computer to respond.

I need to take another look into my leave. I KNOW that in California we get the 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after (6 weeks for c-section). And, I believe we get the PFL for the following 6 weeks - at least that's what I saw on the EDD website. Unfortunately SDI is at 2/3 your pay and PFL is at half of your pay. California has a bunch of laws that other states don't have about maternity leave. I pay into SDI so I'm guaranteed that time. I don't know if we'll be able to afford the latter part but I'll see what I can do. I'm also taking my vacation which will be 2 weeks of paid leave. I hope I can stay with the baby that long.

Let us know how it goes!!!
Kes- they just tested it for protein. It was fine, I had a great NST last night with no contractions and baby was fine. It's definitely scary though because baby's heart rate is supposed to change dramatically I guess, its called an accel (like acceleration) and they play with the umbilical cord so if they grab onto it it restricts their blood flow so their heart rate drops! It definitely kept me a bit freaked out.

I really don't have white coat syndrome, my BP has always been high, so I think that's why they were concerned because it was higher than usual. When I go into my Dr's appts though its usually 110/50 or something so when it was 160/90 they were worried.
Have any of you looked into pediatricians yet? I was browsing Kaisers webpage looking at them and it looks like only 5 are accepting new patients. I e-mailed my OB and asked her a few questions about him and her input and what not. Trying to figure out if we have to wait until she's born or if we can select ahead of time. =\
I will be enrolling in PPO insurance when the baby is born and will be assigned a pediatrician. I figure we can always switch later if necessary.
Have any of you looked into pediatricians yet? I was browsing Kaisers webpage looking at them and it looks like only 5 are accepting new patients. I e-mailed my OB and asked her a few questions about him and her input and what not. Trying to figure out if we have to wait until she's born or if we can select ahead of time. =\

What part of California are you in. I am in San Diego area and have Kaiser. I love my pediatrician.
I have my blood work and medical history appt today. Hubby is coming with which is making more nervous. I dont want him to see how much I weigh, its stupid I know but that is so much a private number for me. I've been really sick the past few days so I know I am a little dehydrated so I am worried finding my small veins will be exta hard.....and I have white coat syndrome so I no my BP wont look good at the doc's My doc knows about it but I havent had to deal with it in pregancy yet and here it is hours before my appointment and I am already getting nervous
I have my blood work and medical history appt today. Hubby is coming with which is making more nervous. I dont want him to see how much I weigh, its stupid I know but that is so much a private number for me. I've been really sick the past few days so I know I am a little dehydrated so I am worried finding my small veins will be exta hard.....and I have white coat syndrome so I no my BP wont look good at the doc's My doc knows about it but I havent had to deal with it in pregancy yet and here it is hours before my appointment and I am already getting nervous

I don't think it is silly that you don't want him to know how much you weigh. When my hubby comes with me I just ask him not to look. He totally respects that. :)
Yeah, my OH says I'm being weird but I just don't want him to know. He might let it slip to his family and they're all tiny (a good 4 inches shorter than me, at least) so even though I haven't gaindd vry much I'm sure the total will seem HUGE to them.
I have my 1 hour glucose test today, am I supposed to eat anything special? I reaaaaaly hope I pass. I have such a huge family history of diabetes that I'm really scared that ill develop GD.
My husband was a giant jerk about it. He refused to turn around when I was weighed.
Have any of you looked into pediatricians yet? I was browsing Kaisers webpage looking at them and it looks like only 5 are accepting new patients. I e-mailed my OB and asked her a few questions about him and her input and what not. Trying to figure out if we have to wait until she's born or if we can select ahead of time. =\

What part of California are you in. I am in San Diego area and have Kaiser. I love my pediatrician.

I'm in Northern California. I contacted my OB and she said,
"You can check with Member services to be sure, but usually you will be assigned a pediatrician when you leave the hospital and generally I recommend checking out that physician and if you find it is not a good fit then you have a medical record number for your child and you can switch to a doctor with an open panel. Available doctors do change on a regular basis and it is probably too early to choose right now."

So, I contacted member services... they said,
"Congratulations on your new arrival.

We are unable to assign a newborn to a physician until after they are born. The baby will be seen by a pediatrician in the hospital and you can follow up with this physician or choose another one that is currently available.
Since we cannot confirm that Dr Cavalier will be available when your baby is born, we would recommend checking back once you deliver to check his availability.

Be healthy. Live well. Thrive."

All that searching and everything I did was basically for nothing. I'm going to have to do it all over again when I'm adjusting to life as a new mom. Blah. Maybe around my due date or a week or so before I'll start looking at who's available then. :shrug:
Yeah, my OH says I'm being weird but I just don't want him to know. He might let it slip to his family and they're all tiny (a good 4 inches shorter than me, at least) so even though I haven't gaindd vry much I'm sure the total will seem HUGE to them.
I have my 1 hour glucose test today, am I supposed to eat anything special? I reaaaaaly hope I pass. I have such a huge family history of diabetes that I'm really scared that ill develop GD.

I'm not sure about the 1 hour, but with the 3 hour they tell you to eat a half sandwich and drink a glass of milk the night before between 10p and 12a. It's a fasting test and, having carbs in your system before bed helps your body regulate things over night and the next morning. The paper they gave me for the 1 hour was also a fasting test. Guess I'm a little late replying anyway. Sorry!
To all the ladies who went to the doctors with their hubby:

One of the things I LIKE about Kaiser is that all of your vitals are done while OH waits in the waiting room. After that they have them come in. That's in respect to YOU and other people who are having stuff done at the same time (though no one has ever had it done at the same time as me).

I made a HUGE deal out of OH knowing how much I weighed/weigh. He knows now, and it's not a huge deal to him. To me, it's a huge deal - I'm up to 280 something now. I'm huge. LOL. Or at least I feel that way. He tells me all the time that I need to not worry about it etc, and I'm like "okay, I weight ALMOST 300 pounds. I have enough maternal fat stores to carry 10 babies and not gain weight" Actually, I said that last night. :haha: I'm trying not to gain a ton of weight but I'm not really doing much to stop it either. I'm sure I'm up today because of what I ate for dinner last night. Ooops. Sometimes I feel bad because I can't help but think about the diet I'll be on after delivery. Our daughter is the wakeup call I needed to live a healthier life. Starting now.

Back on topic. My blood pressure is lower when OH goes with me to the doctors. I make sure to go with at least 5-10 minutes to sit there and wait. The first few appointments were the worst for me. I didn't know what to expect and I was having all of that bleeding. OH had only gone to the first one. After I figured out the routine and started having him sit with me before hand to talk to, lean on, close my eyes and relax for 2 minutes my blood pressure started cooperating beautifully.

I hope that your future appointments go more smoothly with the whole weigh-in thing. There's nothing worse than feeling insecure about your body/weight during pregnancy. I know, I visit that land every now and then.
hay yall ..random question.. but has any of your bellies been kinda sore after an ultrasound? i had my anomoly scan yesterday and that lady was pressing so hard it kinda hurt.. but i feel a lil sore around there todaY? :/

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