Plus-Size Pregnancy

hay yall ..random question.. but has any of your bellies been kinda sore after an ultrasound? i had my anomoly scan yesterday and that lady was pressing so hard it kinda hurt.. but i feel a lil sore around there todaY? :/

For my ultrasounds around 20 weeks (mine were 18+5 and 19+5) I had minor discomfort for a couple of days after, almost felt a little "bruised" inside. At my NT scan at 13 weeks the baby didn't cooperate and my stomach hurt like hell for more than a few days. OH says the lady had all of her weight on the probe. They always asked if I was okay or if it hurt but, it was only mild discomfort/pain. I think I actually had a bruise from my NT scan. In some areas it felt like I hit the gym after not going forever, like it was some sorta work out. I never tried it, but maybe a little bit of heat would help?
hi girls could i have some help i had my gtt test today 2hr one well i was fine untill i got up to walk over to have my 2nd blood test and i could just about stand i was dizzy felt sick and i think ....THINK had a panic attack almost passed out i had to have a lay down my heart rate was 125 and my bp was alittle high but its high sometimes so im not to worried about that i had to lay down for about 30 mins before i could get up ....anyone had this before this is my 3rd gtt test and iv never had this before x x
First off, I'm so sorry that happened to you. At both of my 3hr GTT's I've wondered why they put you through all that. I mean, is that much sugar all at once healthy for the baby? What if my blood sugar crashes? What if I get sick and have to do it all over again? And, regardless of what a doctor says, the dietician told me that the glucose we drink for these tests DOES affect your body differently than normal food. Normal food with equivalent carb/sugar levels are absorbed more slowly and often contain at least some fibers which helps your body to not absorb some of that sugar!

Look into what your results are.
"Some people feel nauseated, sweaty, light-headed, or faint after drinking the glucose for the test. However, this is uncommon." Is something I've been told a lot.
At my first 3hour GTT my stomach hurt after drinking the stuff, but that subsided. At 1 hour I was fine. At 2 hours I felt hot and nauseated. At 3 hours I just felt "blah". 30 minutes later I walked into my apartment, fed the animals (takes all of 5 minutes) went to make myself food and couldn't open anything to eat. I felt really slow, my hands were shaking and I had no strength. I checked my blood sugar and it was only 66. My bodys reaction to all of that glucose is NORMAL, however, because of my prediabetes/PCOS with the amount they give me it takes my body an hour longer to get where it needs to be, over producing and making me low.

This time around I felt the same as before. However, before I left the hospital we went and got some juice so my body wouldn't have the chance to crash like that. After we got home I had a small meal.

It's also recommended to take a granola bar and something to drink for right after.

My cousin has to have 3 of these tests done throughout her pregnancy. She almost passed out the last time and feels very sick after having them done, too.

Try talking to your doctor. They most likely won't be able to skip these tests but they might have some recommendations for you. I keep track of my blood sugar at home. not as much as I used to (I check my morning fasting as that's the one that's always off by a little bit).

Speaking of the 3 hour GTT, I posted about the nurse calling me after to discuss my elevated fasting (AGAIN!) even though I had passed. They sent me the same effing literature in the mail about gestational diabetes/high blood sugar. Blah. Their meal plans don't work for me and if I ate anywhere near that amount of food I'd be packing 5 pounds on a WEEK. Jeeez.

:hugs: hope you feel better hun!
Oh, and I get hot, nauseated, and feel a little dizzy (I've never tried to stand at that point) about 30 minutes after drinking it as my blood sugar peaks. I can look up my results for you if you want.
Test Result Normal Range
Glucose, fasting 104 60 - 99 mg/dL
Glucose 1h post 156 < 139 - mg/dL
(Glucose po, dose 50G )

(12/30/2011) the night before I was instructed to eat 1/2 sandwich and 1 glass of milk between 10-12
Glucose, fasting 101 < 94 - mg/dL
(Glucose po, dose 100G)
Glucose 1h post 166 < 179 - mg/dL
Glucose 2h post 153 < 154 - mg/dL
Glucose 3h post 101 < 139 - mg/dL

(3/4/2012) I didn't eat the night before - I had worked and fell asleep. When I woke up my blood sugar was normal 92 then 88. HOWEVER, I slammed my hand in the closet door and acute stress/injury can increase your blood glucose. Lame.
Glucose, fasting 104 60 - 94 mg/dL
(Glucose po, dose 100G)
Glucose 1h post 165 < 179 - mg/dL
Glucose 2h post 150 < 154 - mg/dL
Glucose 3h post 115 < 139 - mg/dL
oh thank u for getting back to me i hope i dont have to do any more iv never been so worried iv also found baby not moving much today he has moved some but really not as much as he was is he coming down of it or something ??? also i found when i come home i kinda had a sleep then got up and ate alot of sweet food then had a bad head was that come down them a high again lol im stating to feel myself but i really cant do that test again x
The day that my blood sugar crashed I ended up eating, eating again, then taking a nap. It looks like you're 28 weeks now, are you doing kick counts? Babies do go through sleep cycles and what not during pregnancy and some days they will be more active than others. I do notice days that Alyssa moves a little less, and days where she moves A LOT more.

My kick-count card starts at 28 weeks. I'm supposed to do it once a day. You need to count 10 kicks in any 2 hour window. I'll take a minute and type my instructions to you.

An easy way to check the health of your baby is to count the number of times the baby kicks once each day. At the same time every day, after you have eaten, record the amount of time it takes for your baby to kick 10 times.

Remember that every baby is an individual. They have times when they sleep and times when they are active. If you start counting and the baby isn't kicking, stop, walk around for 5 minutes, and then count again. (Helpful Hints: Count baby's kicks after you have eaten. Most babies are most avtive after the evening meal.) At the end of 2 hours if your baby has not kicked 10 times call your doctor.

Mine has boxes from week 28-43 (43?! I better not be pregnant that long!!!) lol And, has boxes for Sunday through Saturday in columns. Each row is then labeled for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours.

When my baby is really active I get 10 kicks in 2-4 minutes, active but not crazy in there and we're somewhere between 10-20 minutes. Days where she has bouts of increased activity and she's moving around like crazy she will also have a couple of hours where she doesn't move around as much.
Pulling that out reminded me... I need to fill in these forms before my next appointment. I have to take my kick count card to every appointment from here on out. I also have to fill in my prenatal anesthesia form, my preadmission form, and my birth plan. I need to do an advanced health care directive too. =\

They gave me official forms to fill in, but for practice I printed out the forms and filled them in, that way if I make a boo-boo I can fix it. =)
oh i didnt no i had to count like that im thinking iv he dont get a move on ill ring midwife he wakes up at about 10 at night and kicks the hell out of me but tonight iv had little pops but really thats it its prob coz im worried about it when i get in bed he might start lol and god 43 weeks lol NO WAY
oh i didnt no i had to count like that im thinking iv he dont get a move on ill ring midwife he wakes up at about 10 at night and kicks the hell out of me but tonight iv had little pops but really thats it its prob coz im worried about it when i get in bed he might start lol and god 43 weeks lol NO WAY

They may not do that in the UK, I know it's pretty standard in the U.S. now... your LO may have settled into a different position as well. Sometimes I just get little pops, or feel the baby rolling but don't get those strong kicks that make my whole belly move. Those are counted as "kicks" too...

Count the Kicks Here's a website devoted to the awareness of kick counting.

Here's some information from that page.

By keeping track of each time your baby kicks, rolls or pokes, you can monitor your baby’s health and begin to create a bond with him or her.

As a parent, it’s reassuring to Count the Kicks to make sure your baby is active and healthy. And counting may reduce the risk of a stillbirth, which occurs in one out of every 150 pregnancies in the United States.

&#9632;Count the Kicks every day, preferably at the same time.

&#9632;Pick your time based on when your baby is usually active, such as after a snack or meal.

&#9632;Make sure your baby is awake first; walking, pushing on your tummy or having a cold drink are good wake-up calls.

&#9632;To get started, sit with your feet up or lie on your side. Count each of your baby’s movements as one kick, and count until you reach 10 kicks.

&#9632;Most of the time it will take less than a half-hour, but it could take as long as two hours.

&#9632;Log your recorded times into a kick chart.

Charting your baby’s activity is a great way to get to know your baby and can alert you to potential problems. Your charts are also useful for visits with your doctor.

The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends you begin counting the kicks at your 28th week, or at 26 weeks if you are high risk or pregnant with multiples.

Each day, simply check the box that corresponds with the number of minutes it took to feel 10 kicks. After a few weeks, you will probably see a bit of variance from day to day in the results, but for the most part the numbers should be similar. This will continue to be the case for a healthy baby—call your doctor if you notice a significant change in your baby’s movement pattern.

If you don’t feel 10 movements during your usual two-hour counting period, try to wake your baby up by drinking fluids, pushing on your tummy or taking a quick walk. Then, repeat the kick count. Call your doctor immediately if you still don’t feel any movements.

Don’t wait!

You should also call your doctor if you notice a significant change in your baby’s movement patterns. For, example, if you normally count 10 movements within 30 minutes and then for a few days in a row you notice that it is taking the full two hours to record 10 movements.
Remember that all babies have frequent sleep/wake cycles and will sleep often. But very rarely does a baby kick fewer than 10 times during a two-hour period, as most babies don’t sleep longer than an hour at a time near the end of pregnancy.

Make sure to count every day!

If you click on the how to count your kicks tab, you can get a free kick count card to track with.

&#9632;Count the time it takes for your baby to make 10 movements. A movement includes kicks, rolls, jabs, twists, turns, and switches. Hiccups are not considered a movement. Your baby should move 10 times in less than 2 hours. Count the Kicks everyday, preferably at the same time.
&#9632;Pick your time based on when your baby is usually active, such as after a snack or meal.
&#9632;Make sure that your baby is awake first; walking, pushing on your tummy or having a cold drink are good wake-up calls.
&#9632;To get started, sit with your feet up or lie on your side. Count each of your baby's movements as one kick, and count until you reach 10 kicks or movements.
&#9632;Most of the time it will take less than a half-hour, but it could take as long as two hours.
&#9632;Log your recorded times into a Count the Kicks chart.

Hope that helps!
My husband was a giant jerk about it. He refused to turn around when I was weighed.

I'm sorry. :( I have my husband look away, too, I just don't want him to associate my crazy high weight with the woman he loves. I mean, most people who know me wouldn't think me 350 lbs. :/
hay yall ..random question.. but has any of your bellies been kinda sore after an ultrasound? i had my anomoly scan yesterday and that lady was pressing so hard it kinda hurt.. but i feel a lil sore around there todaY? :/

For my ultrasounds around 20 weeks (mine were 18+5 and 19+5) I had minor discomfort for a couple of days after, almost felt a little "bruised" inside. At my NT scan at 13 weeks the baby didn't cooperate and my stomach hurt like hell for more than a few days. OH says the lady had all of her weight on the probe. They always asked if I was okay or if it hurt but, it was only mild discomfort/pain. I think I actually had a bruise from my NT scan. In some areas it felt like I hit the gym after not going forever, like it was some sorta work out. I never tried it, but maybe a little bit of heat would help?

Ugh, me too! Every scan is kind of tortuous, they have to press so hard to see things clearly through my fat. They don't seem to realize it's painful, though. I try not to squirm, but both times the ultrasound tech has asked me "oh, is your stomach sensitive?" And I'm like "well, yeah!" But it hurts you ladies as well when they press hard on your bumps?
Hello all!!

I wanted join the thread as well. I've always been on the chunky side and now I am a 2XL or size 22. My first pregnancy i was 220 when I delivered in 2004, 250 when i delivered my 2nd son in 2005, in 2011 I was 266 when i conceived, but miscarried at 7 weeks with triplets, and now with this pregnancy, I was 270 when I conceived and now I am 264(lost weight due to morning sickness). I am 12 weeks pregnant today, due Sept 26, 2012. This pregnancy was kinda weird that it happened, because I was actually on a weight loss journey and requirements that you have to do right before you have weight loss surgery. I wasn't on birth control so I knew there would always be the chance, but with PCOS really bad, I figured it would be impossible. I knew exactly the day I was ovulating (new years eve), saw the signs from my body and told my husband. exactly 1 week later after that day( january 9th), I started having weird symptoms, such as nipples sore, breast tenderness, areola's fire engine red and moody. My husband and I thought that I actually could be pregnant, but thought it was stress. So I wanted to wait until mother nature was suppose to show. The day she did not show, we went and bought a test. Of course I knew that "murphy's law" would happen now that I bought a test and mother nature would show, and I actually started cramping, but after getting home.. it was positive :):) In denial, I waited til the next morning and tested again, and positive again. So I knew our journey would start at that moment. We are excited, and I am very impressed with my doctors, because they have monitored me so closely. I've had several tests done, progesterone therapy and several ultrasounds to make sure things are progressing. I couldn't ask for a better office. Tomorrow I have my 12 week scan and im excited and nervous because I want to make sure everything is ok.

So that is a little about me. Glad to see that I am not alone :) good luck to everyone :)
Has anyone else's doc put them on unisom and vitamin b6 for morning sickness
Yes, I use "preggie pops" that has vitamin b6 in it. Vitamin B6 and ginger are natural ways to keep morning sickness at bay.

My morning sickness has been aweful.. to the point where I couldn't keep anything down. Now that I'm 12 weeks, its starting to subside some, but can't wait for it to go completely away.. good luck!
Have any of you ladies further along started your hospital bag? What do you plan on including in it? I'm going to start mine around 30 weeks. - Weird to say that knowing it's only 2 weeks away. We still need a ton of stuff for the baby. OH's mom is ordering the crib today, we should be getting it in 7-14 days. Mattress to follow. I have enough clothes to start out with plus a bunch more on the way with the baby shower and stuff that people are giving me. We have 2 boxes of newborn diapers and a big box of size 1. Diaper raffle at the shower so hopefully we'll be getting a bunch more of those too. We need wipes. And, then we have the stuff we got for starters... 3 pack of tommee tippee bottles, pacifiers, burp cloths, thermometer, some other little stuff. I have a breast bump, still need to get the storage bags. Then we got some hand-me-down stuff - play mat and some other stuff I don't even remember (my mom still has it in her car). And, my cousins friend has passed on a shopping cart cover, a wrap or sling of some sort and some clothes. I think a can of formula too... we're still waiting for that stuff. LOL.

We need so much! Baby bath, wipes, car seat/stroller, bedding, swaddling list goes on and on. AH!

28 weeks for me today. So it was weigh in morning. I'm going to go with my scale and just keep a reference of the one at the doctors (since they're always off by a few pounds - but still reflect the same changes). I'm down 0.6 of a pound this week, at 281.4. Was 282 at 27 weeks. And, 283.4 at 26 weeks (that's when I was weighed at the doctors - their scale showed that I weighed more. I think it was off the appointment before that because my scale shows a more accurate and steady increase in weight. Odd) I was more at the doctors the week before so my application on my phone showed some weird differences. LOL -- had to go through and change those and put them in as appointments with weights. According to WIC in the 2nd and 3rd trimester I should be gaining 0.5# every week. I've either been going over or under, and my doctor doesn't care. That's the best part.

Irritating though... I have PCOS with mild insulin resistance (impaired glucose tolerance). I was diagnosed with this BEFORE I became pregnant. Therefore, it's not pregnancy related. But, Kaiser went ahead and sent me information on joining this study because I have "Gestational impaired glucose tolerance". WRONG. Do your effing homework people. My SLIGHTLY ELEVATED FASTING came LONG BEFORE my pregnancy. Label me as something I am, not something I'm not. Best part is if you DO NOT want to be contacted you have to call this number, where you leave your information and they call you back. uhm, I do not want to be contacted, do not contact me. Blah! lol
I have not started on a bag yet because I didn't get a bag for my shower! I have a friend promising to get me one since she didn't get to come to the shower but I haven't seen her in months so who knows when I would get it from her... may just go spring for one and keep the one she gives me as an extra backup.
Hey all...

I had a horrible week...on Tuesday I was walking from the subway to my office building and the sidewalk was wet, and it was dark because of the time change. I stepped on a piece of uneven sidewalk and sprained my ankle severely -grade III. I fell so hard too, right onto the wet sidewalk. I freaked out and somehow managed to make it to my office. My OH came and got me and we went to this walk in clinic in bell was very sketchy but they said it wasn't broken. I ended up missing two days of work, and my ankle is still swollen and is a horrifying color. When I fell I managed to do a crazy tuck and roll and scraped my knee and bruised my arm but my bump didn't get hit at all. I called my midwife and they said it wasn't an emergency, to get myseld checked out first and then go in for my scheduled appointment later that day. I did and baby was absolutely perfect. I was so relieved I cried.

I also seem to be experiencing morning sickness again?!? It feels exactly like it did at 8 weeks. Has this happened to anyone else?
:(:(:( I'm so sorry, hope you can have a restful weekend. I broke my ankle when I was 7 weeks pregnant, had to have a steel plate and a series of screws put in via surgery. Thing is, it didn't hurt anymore than the countless times I've badly sprained my ankle before. Sprains hurt like the devil! Get well soon.
I haven't had any morning sickness since day 1 but I do get nauseated from time to time, especially after drinking anything cold in the morning.

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