Plus-Size Pregnancy

Congrats on the boy 17thy!!!

We've finally had some great news...I was approved for comprehensive insurance, no copays! Now if I get transported during my midwife led birth it's covered. :)
Our baby had another sort of quiet periid from Tuesday-Thursday, but hasn't stopped moving since Friday! It was shaking around in there so much on Friday morning I was worried it was having a seizure or something. Friday evening I was reading a book and it kicked so violently my book was knocked off my bump. I put the book down and watched my bump and the whole thing was creepy! I called my OH over to watch and of course the baby stopped moving. He put his hand on my bump and the baby immediately kicked him HARD. it actually startled him so much he jumped back.

This morning I woke up early and was just enjoying the baby kicking and turning in there when I decided to wake my OH up...he had been snoring. He's a super deep sleeper but if I tell him the baby is kicking he'll immediately scoot over and put his hand on my bump. So he did that but the baby stopped moving and my OH went back to sleeping and snoring. It got really loud and I noticed that every time he snored the baby would kick! It was really funny.

The baby has also been practicing jumping on my bladder and it is such an odd feeling.

I’m glad to hear that you all are doing well and I love your baby timeline keslinger! I think I might make one too.
Our baby seems to not kick as much when OH wants to feel or when I say that she's kicking and he puts his hand there... but if there's no hands on my belly you can watch her squirm around in there. I think she's head down (due to the patterns of the kicks, and where the strong movements are - also the pressure on my bladder 24/7 but not having to actually go that much)... I'm going to ask my doctor at my appointment. Can't believe I have less than 11 weeks to go now. We need to figure out our living situation too... we need to decide if we're going to try and stay here or move. Not sure we'll be able to afford this place with me out of work.
Ugh the "feeling like the baby is having a seizure" is the worst feeling in the world. You wonder if there is such thing as moving TOO much, you know?

Kes- I feel bad I'm not doing kick counts yet. I wonder if I should be. I get NSTs so much that if there was an issue they would notice it there though.

I've had a pretty bad day, gonna make it short and sweet for now. Long story short my sister is 18 weeks and hasn't told my dad's mom (grandma) that she's pregnant, because she lives out of state and they don't talk much. However, my grandma and I are very close, and its been getting harder for me to not accidentally say something. So I put pressure on my sister to do the right thing and tell her because she deserves to know (our dad is not alive anymore, passed in 2010, and my grandma has no other children because her daughter also passed away in the 90's and we are all she has) and it turned into this big thing about how selfish I am and how its all about me and how I can't support her through her pregnancy and blah blah... then my husband had to say some assinine things that did not help the situation and I've been crying all day.
I thought with this being a 'plus size' group you ladies would appreciate the change in my belly ...


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Hi ladies! I've been reading a thread in 2nd tri asking how much weight everyone has gained. The problem is it seems most of the women replying are under 150lbs so I'm not really getting a comparable idea for someone my size.

I weighed 273.5lbs when I got my BFP. I lost 7lbs in the first few weeks but have gained back about 2.5 making me currently 269lbs. I'm trying to swap sweets for dried fruit in the hope of keeping the weight gain to a minimum. It's hard though, I've had such a sweet tooth since becoming pregnant.

I was wondering how much you ladies in this thread have lost or gained if you don't mind me asking and how your Dr's/Midwives have reacted? Are you getting support?
Kendra, sorry to hear you've fallen out with your sister. It does put you in an awkward position if yo speak to your Grandma regularly. I hope you guys sort it out soon xx
Ugh the "feeling like the baby is having a seizure" is the worst feeling in the world. You wonder if there is such thing as moving TOO much, you know?

Kes- I feel bad I'm not doing kick counts yet. I wonder if I should be. I get NSTs so much that if there was an issue they would notice it there though.

I've had a pretty bad day, gonna make it short and sweet for now. Long story short my sister is 18 weeks and hasn't told my dad's mom (grandma) that she's pregnant, because she lives out of state and they don't talk much. However, my grandma and I are very close, and its been getting harder for me to not accidentally say something. So I put pressure on my sister to do the right thing and tell her because she deserves to know (our dad is not alive anymore, passed in 2010, and my grandma has no other children because her daughter also passed away in the 90's and we are all she has) and it turned into this big thing about how selfish I am and how its all about me and how I can't support her through her pregnancy and blah blah... then my husband had to say some assinine things that did not help the situation and I've been crying all day.

And 32 week pic :)

First of all, you look amazing! My bump looks NOTHING like that. LOL. I haven't even taken a pic recently. Maybe I should. I'm carrying really low in the bottom part of my "B" (that ugly bottom roll some ladies have)... she'll kick up past my belly button or on my sides but she's nestled down low... there's no chance this big ol' indent at my belly button will go away. That's okay though... maternity pants for the win! =)

I'm really sorry to hear about everything going on with your sister and grandma. It's amazing how our OH's can say things that are really like a smack in the face. Where is that support we all need?! I've found myself to be a lot more emotional lately, which makes me more emotional because I don't understand why I'm acting that way (hormones, yay!). I've never been a cryer, but come my third trimester I've turned into a big baby. =\

Certain parts of my family have pulled apart over the years so I totally understand parts of that. Some of it goes back to my ex living with my aunt when I was younger. He had lied to everyone repeatedly and they believed him over family. I wasn't invited to anything for years. I'm still not quite as close with them as I had been in the past.

Next comes the death of my Uncles (1999 and 2011) - things are never the same. At the funeral and before (the latest one) everyone talked about how our family needs to be closer and what not... I totally get it, but it would be a lot easier if people didn't push others away, bond more with some, have their favorites, or make rude remarks about their pregnant family members growing belly.

It's better for you to get things off your chest even if it puts you in an awkward position. Know that you're not selfish and that it's not all about you, I mean, you're looking out for your grandma, too. Can you imagine how devastated she'd be if she heard from someone aside from your sister and finds out that everyone knew except her? Because of that right there we told people really early. I told my sister who's been dealing with infertility for a great deal of time and, my heart broke for her. While I wanted to be so excited for myself, I felt like I was shattering her heart. The conversation was short, and, kinda awkward. We're still close and she's taken on a large part of the babys life already. She's throwing my baby shower and going to be one of the main care takers when we're at work (She'll be sitting on the weekends). All in all, even though your sister said hurtful things, let her know it wasn't your intentions to hurt her, that you're her sister and you'll always be there for her, at the same time, back up your opinion. Why is it that you want grandma to know? Maybe it's because you don't want grandma hurt when she finds out through someone else, or because you don't want the relationship between grandma and your sister to become more estranged than it already is. Whether we like to admit it or not, having family close to us is great, through deaths, births and every day life...

BTW, it is important to do your kick counts even this late in the game. Even having NSTs -- there could be a major shift in activity over the period of a day (umbilical cord wrapped around babys neck) -- if you notice a big shift in the timing of kicks you phone your doc, they have you come in and do an ultrasound. If the cord is around babys neck they do an emergency c-section to save the baby. Our baby gets her 10 kicks in within 10 minutes - every now and then if she wasn't awake prior to that it takes about 20 minutes to get all the kicks in (I wake her up). I was going to link you to the count the kicks site but looks like they're having some technical difficulties. They say if it takes longer than 2 hours to get 10 kicks you need to let your doctor know ASAP. They should be done at the same time everyday (or there about) and if your baby normally moves 10 times in 10 minutes and then for a couple of days it takes an hour (big shift) to let your doctor know. I always contemplate sitting there doing my kick counts. I know for a fact she moves more than 10 times in 2 hours during the times I've selected to do my kick counts... but, if it's important for the baby and the pregnancy, I sit there and do it. If you have any other questions about the kick count, kick count cards, etc, PM me on here or FB.

:hugs: You've got a baby on the way and so does your sister, it's gonna be hard to get over words already exchanged, but definitely smooth things over with her.
Hi ladies! I've been reading a thread in 2nd tri asking how much weight everyone has gained. The problem is it seems most of the women replying are under 150lbs so I'm not really getting a comparable idea for someone my size.

I weighed 273.5lbs when I got my BFP. I lost 7lbs in the first few weeks but have gained back about 2.5 making me currently 269lbs. I'm trying to swap sweets for dried fruit in the hope of keeping the weight gain to a minimum. It's hard though, I've had such a sweet tooth since becoming pregnant.

I was wondering how much you ladies in this thread have lost or gained if you don't mind me asking and how your Dr's/Midwives have reacted? Are you getting support?

I lost 10 pounds in the first trimester with no morning sickness and not watching what I was eating. Stayed the same through the 2nd trimester for the most part gaining a pound, losing a pound, 'til the end of it. Just started putting it on steadily in the 4rd trimester. At the start of my LMP I was 285. I weigh in (at home) once a week to track weight gain/loss and at 29 weeks I was up to 283.3 or something like that, I weigh a few pounds more on the doctors scale with my clothes on. (My tracker is on my phone, phone is in the other room) My doctor hasn't said much about weight gain or loss, except that I must be sticking to a strict diet to not be gaining like crazy. (nope!)... not a big deal, all depends on your doctor as to what comments will be said.
I thought with this being a 'plus size' group you ladies would appreciate the change in my belly ...

Super cute belly, keep the pics comin'! There's also a plus size baby bump thread where people of all shapes in the "plus size" department post their bump pics. <3
I am currently 17 lbs over my start weight. I did not lose any weight in first tri because I had no morning sickness. I have only gained about 5 of that in the last two months so I'm pretty happy with it. Even if I put on a pound a week until the baby gets here I won't tip over 25 so it should be easy to get back to pre-preg weight and then start a weight loss plan for summer.
I'm hoping to not gain more than a pound a week in these last 10ish weeks. We'll see though. I know this is the point where the baby really starts packing on the weight. From this point on they just about triple in size (from now 'til birth) if they're full time.
Oi. Super exhausted and at work early (OH dropped me off)... I didn't get to sleep until after 1. My dog was up all night licking (annoying!) so I finally gave him something to make him sleep... LOL, that sounds all bad. And, totally selfish. But! A pregnant woman needs her sleep! - Come to find out if I would've just threatened him with his squirt bottle like OH did, he would've gone right to bed. When I was getting his food ready this morning I noticed he has this big ol' bite on his lip... poor thing. That's the reason he was smacking his lips for hours. I gave him some antihistamines before I left and told OH to check on him when he gets home.

On another note... it's a sad, sad day in terms of my wardrobe. As most of you know I bought maternity pants a LONG time ago -- and I only really where them when out and about (they make me look pregnant, not fat!) or when taking a picture of my belly (which is long overdue... maybe for 30 weeks, lol). When I first got pregnant I was wearing a size 26 pants, yikes. Over the last few weeks my belly changed some and I was able to wear my 24's (YAY!) -- my maternity jeans are a 22/24 -- well, not this morning. My size 26 (and only pair) have a hole in them so I had to send them to the trash. My size 24's were like 2 inches from buttoning!!! OMG. Did I grow that much OVER NIGHT?! That's insane. I think my mom jinxed me... yesterday she asked if my belly was growing like crazy... my response... "nooo.." Haha. Anyway, I think the baby is just much lower than she has been which would make putting on pants that are more snug a bit more difficult. Or, from all of the orange rolls I ate yesterday I could be a bit bloated. Who knows. I guess at 29+3 I'm in maternity jeans for the rest of it. LOL -- interestingly enough, my belly band started coming unraveled, I usually never wear my maternity jeans without the belly band... my coworker is fixing them. So, I'm in maternity jeans for the first time ever at work, with NO belly band. Wish me luck, ladies.
Ha ha good luck at work and may your favourite maternity pants rest in peace :haha:

Well I've had a lovely afternoon. We went for my first scan and saw our baby for the first time....


It was just perfect. Baby had their back to us to start off but then did a really cute backflip/wriggle and faced us waving his/her arms and legs. We were so excited.

I managed to get myself worked up over nothing again as the u/s tech was lovely. She did appear to be struggling with measurements a little and I asked if it was because I was big, she said yes but was so nice about it, she didn't make me feel bad at all. The consultant was also really nice and I just felt like I was treated like a grown up and not the stupid woman who got pregnant when fat which is kinda what I was expecting.

With this and the lovely sunshine I couldn't be much happier right now :happydance::happydance:
I went for my 16 wk apt at hosp today and to my surprise I got a scan. The doc kept digging the prob thing really hard into my tummy, I think he realised it was hurting me at one stage when he saw my face. The pics on the screen were ok but not the clearest, I reckon it was all just to get through my fat belly!!!
The only time I've ever felt like weight was an issue with an ultrasound was at my NT scan but, our baby was also not in the right position at the time. And, before that, super early at my Nurse Practitioner appt... though, I think she just didn't know what she was doing because what came up on the screen was fuzzy vaginally and abdominally. Not cool. She said everything looked good and the baby had grown (how the hell did she know?! she didn't measure anything!!!) but that she couldn't get a clear view... that one ALMOST made me laugh afterward... a couple of weeks earlier I had an ultrasound with a doctor and he got a perfect shot of the baby at that stage and we haven't had a problem since. =) BTW, I do carry a lot of weight in my belly, and not the cute kind that turns into a nice hard bump either. I have that horrible "B" belly (that I keep talking about on here) and it hasn't changed much at all, parts of my belly are much harder where you can feel my uterus, that's about it.
Kes I haven't fit into most of my maternity jeans from about where you're at. I am almost exclusively in yoga pants and when I do wear jeans I am very uncomfortable, the full panel makes me go into BH contractions.
Maybe I phrased it wrong... I cant wear my prepregnancy jeans anymore... I only fit into my maternity ones now.
i have put on 9kg now im very upset about it i dont no why im getting so much bigger im eating ok not over eating hole thing getting me down anyone put on that much or anything like that i looked it up on line and thats all im ment to put on the HOLE time :(
hi guys, im at 4 weeks right now and i'm wondering, how will there be room for a baby!? i carry all my weight around my middle and really already looked like i was pregnant pre bfp. anyone else have this and experience of a healthy pregnancy and baby? i mentioned the worry to the doc at my first visit yesterday in a casual way, and although she was very nice overall, she's a tiny little thing and said nothing reassuring about the tummy fat issue. i expected to hear something to the effect of "haha, i assure you your lo will *make* room." :)

i am due december 3rd and this will be my first!

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