Keep changing Ethan's milk is more likely to be constipating him than leaving him on it. Try giving him the occasional couple of oz of cooled (but still warm) boiled water. You need to get more fluids in him and let his gut get used to the composition of the milk.
AFM: Loving being able to feel baby move but I do wish it wouldn't when I'm trying to get to sleep! I seem to have woken up with a little bump overnight. I know its mainly bloating but I suddenly thought "Shit, I'm pregnant and my mother in law still doesn't know!"
Yeah you and hubby should still go hun even if they cant afford it. Its not like yous go out all the time. xxxx
Im gonna have little nap i think my eyes keep wanting to shut and ive just had to take my bra off. think im having we hot flush tobooo
I feel better just sitting in the bathroom lol much cooler xxx
Seth there so adorible how old is ur oldest ? And how's he reacting to the baby btw was he the only one befor the new baby? I'm wondering wat our princess is Gona react to the new baby by then she going to be 20 months but the boys are so cute Hun