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Ooh glad you like it! I think it's still wise to go neutral, I kep having this niggling feeling that I'm actually having a boy lol. It's sitting in the corner of my living room as I type, just waiting for LO - think I'm a bit keen lol.

Thanks for the advice Hun, I will definitely exchange it. I'm a bit miffed as I ummmed and ahhhed over which size to get for ages. Grrr. Ah well, if they don't have the right size when I go back (it's the outlet so they only had 3 in stock) I'll just get my money back and order another from amazon. I was hoping it would be comfortable to sit on while watching tv! And then useful later when I'm fully cooked for bouncing on lol.

Ps - Elf is just starting on channel 4! Brilliant lol.
iv not got a bouncy chair yet but iv got a "jungle" swing :) Seth has already claimed it as his lol
My cousin is supposed to be giving me her old bouncy chair but i dont know if she is or not anymore as she was meant to come up the end of last month and didnt.

oh yes they are very comfy.. just dont inflate it 100%$ let it have a tiny bit of give on it then its extra comfy :D Its really good for helping baby get into the right position too! In fact when i have the spare cash i might just have to invest in one too .. help baby get engaged and into the right position. And as long as your posture is good on the ball then it can help pelvic pain and back ache too :thumbup:

hmmm iv seen elf too many times to really like it anymore plus hubby is on his xbox so iv no chance unless i go sit in the bedroom xx
I've not got a swing, don't think I'll be able to afford one though I'm sure they come in handy! I wanted a bouncer so that LO has somewhere to sit down stairs, all I have is a cradle in the bedroom, cot in nursery and now a bouncer. Oh and a matt on the floor (a gym I think they're called?!). So I'm glad I finally have somewhere for her to chill out that's not the floor! :)

I've only seen elf once before, so it's still good to me ;) My OH is napping as he's on nights this week so I've free run of the tv for a change! Woop woop. Not to mention a bed to myself all week. I can't wait! Haha.

When I have my ball sorted I'll be dwarf named Bouncy that week lol
have a look for a second hand one hun, i paid £20 for mine! they are about £80 in the shops. look on facebook (if you have it) for any for sale free and wanted sites in your area. Thats how i got mine :D and most of my other stuff for that matter. on tuesday i go pick up A LOT of clothes for £20 from a lady who was having a clear out of her little ones old clothes lol. I was just meant to get a little bundle.. but shes decided just to give me it all lol

ooo i still need a gym thing for bubbs. My carpet is disgusting! so many stains in it from seth or peoples dirty shoes. I need to try and use a rug doctor on it but no idea if that will help. not doing that till after xmas thjough. so just incase i want a nice big mat/gym for baby to lie on.

oooo bed to yourself.. im jelous.. my other half steals most of the bed.. if i move a little bit he steals the space i have just left lol

hahahah I think this dwarf thing is going to be fun! :D

11 days and counting till my 28 week scan.. i cant wait :D
Ah yea that's a great idea about looking on the local sale fb pages! I will definately do that in Jan when I have money again lol. OH got our gym matt from gumtree for a tenner I think, so theyre definately around cheap! That's amazing about the clothes bundle! Good for you! All my clothes except for a few have been second hand too, from charity shops (I manage one so I just get other managers to price stuff for me and then I buy it! Handy really!) and literally everything I buy is seriously on sale! I'm so not buying into the whole idea of having to spend loads to have a baby. :)

Oh I think I've seen play matts quite cheap too you know, not the ones with the arches over the top, but they have mirrors etc sewn into the matt and they're quite a lot bigger! I'll have to try and remember where I've seen them. That would be handy for you!

Aw I'm a bit jealous that you get a 28 week scan ;) I was thinking that the growth scans would be the one good thing about having GD if I do have it! Lol.

Oh and my OH does that too! I've started getting a bit mean recently and literally kicking him when he steals space or starts to snore! I need my sleep dammit ;)
:hi: can I join you guys?

I'm expecting baby no2 and am currently 13 weeks pregnant. I was a bmi of 37 with JJ and this time I'm 16lb heavier. Under consultant care this time even though with ds I had a fairly ok labour with no GD or high bp.

So far I've lost 6lbs since my BFP not through trying and aiming to gain as little weight as possible in this pregnancy
:hi: can I join you guys?

I'm expecting baby no2 and am currently 13 weeks pregnant. I was a bmi of 37 with JJ and this time I'm 16lb heavier. Under consultant care this time even though with ds I had a fairly ok labour with no GD or high bp.

So far I've lost 6lbs since my BFP not through trying and aiming to gain as little weight as possible in this pregnancy

Hi! Welcome :) Congrats on hitting the second trimester, such a great milestone! :thumbup: Hope you have a happy n healthy pregnancy!! I've been complication free so far and I had a bmi of about 39/40 when I got pregnant . I've perfect blood pressure etc, will find out early next week if I've GD but that was just a standard test :) I'm sure you'll do great!! :flower:
:hi: can I join you guys?

I'm expecting baby no2 and am currently 13 weeks pregnant. I was a bmi of 37 with JJ and this time I'm 16lb heavier. Under consultant care this time even though with ds I had a fairly ok labour with no GD or high bp.

So far I've lost 6lbs since my BFP not through trying and aiming to gain as little weight as possible in this pregnancy

:hi: huni :D congratulations on your BFP :D and congratulations on hitting second tri too :happydance:

Iv been under consultant care since 16weeks due to a bad experience with my first labor. Now being watched for pre-e with rising BP. So far (well just over a week ago) I had gained 8lb so far.. need to weigh myself again lol. xxx
How does consultant care differ to a midwife is it still the same things in an appointment? I've got my first consultant appointment 28th jan and think they are going to see how much weight I've gained in that time. I was boarder line for GD last time do makes me nervous in new year taking the GD test again .

So far first tri has been alot easier this time compared to carrying JJ
it just means its in a hospital really hun. My consultant does the same as my midwife just at the hospital lol. My consultant has not weighed me once and iv seen him twice so far. The first appointment was just to say hello and discuss my fears from my previous birth and also for him to get all the details of my previous pregnancy and birth as it was a different hospital so they have no notes or anything like that. He decided i was to have growth scans and also take aspirin due to previous pre-eclampsia and also brought my GTT forward by 2 weeks due to high bmi (44). 2nd appointment was done due to having dizzy spells when i was found to have tachycardia... my pulse has not been under 100 since i got pregnant, last reading on thursday was 112.

I see him again on the 20th after my first growth scan so see what happens in that appointment. hopefully my bp will have come down by then from 156/88 that it was on thursday! xx
:hi: can I join you guys?

I'm expecting baby no2 and am currently 13 weeks pregnant. I was a bmi of 37 with JJ and this time I'm 16lb heavier. Under consultant care this time even though with ds I had a fairly ok labour with no GD or high bp.

So far I've lost 6lbs since my BFP not through trying and aiming to gain as little weight as possible in this pregnancy

hey hun, welcome!! when are you due???
Yay welcome! I'm due in June too!

Ugh ladies I need to rant. Feel free to ignore, just need to get this out there do that maybe it'll leave my mind long enough to let me sleep.
Basically... IN-LAWS.

My in laws live 50 odd miles away so once a fortnight they take Toby for a couple of nights to spend time with him. Last time, he left on Sunday and I packed for him to be there til Wednesday. They decided to bring him back on the Friday.
So tonight I made it perfectly clear that I hate not seeing my baby boy for five whole days, I'm hormonal, I shouldbt be getting stressed and that when they take him tonight, he is to be home either Tuesday night or early Wednesday. They agreed in person, then once they'd left DH informed me that they will probably have him til Thursday because of some lame reason.
I'm so fkn angry and don't want to stop them looking after Toby but he is MY SON. He's not a doll that is to be passed around, as his mother it should be down to me to decide where he is at all times. I feel so powerless and upset. Like they have no respect for me or my wishes as a mum and they'll just decide Tony's schedule for me.

And to top it off, MIL made me feel so guilty before they left today because I told her she was not going to be in the delivery room. She said that because there's two of them I'd need an extra person. I said no. Itd be my husband and my mother. Nobody else needs to see my lady bits thanks. But she just went quiet and now I feel terrible because DH says she feels left out but it's not really something I want to change.

In summary.., BLERGH ARGH SIGH I'm going to bed.

Hope you ladies have had a better day than me lol xx
Yay welcome! I'm due in June too!

Ugh ladies I need to rant. Feel free to ignore, just need to get this out there do that maybe it'll leave my mind long enough to let me sleep.
Basically... IN-LAWS.

My in laws live 50 odd miles away so once a fortnight they take Toby for a couple of nights to spend time with him. Last time, he left on Sunday and I packed for him to be there til Wednesday. They decided to bring him back on the Friday.
So tonight I made it perfectly clear that I hate not seeing my baby boy for five whole days, I'm hormonal, I shouldbt be getting stressed and that when they take him tonight, he is to be home either Tuesday night or early Wednesday. They agreed in person, then once they'd left DH informed me that they will probably have him til Thursday because of some lame reason.
I'm so fkn angry and don't want to stop them looking after Toby but he is MY SON. He's not a doll that is to be passed around, as his mother it should be down to me to decide where he is at all times. I feel so powerless and upset. Like they have no respect for me or my wishes as a mum and they'll just decide Tony's schedule for me.

And to top it off, MIL made me feel so guilty before they left today because I told her she was not going to be in the delivery room. She said that because there's two of them I'd need an extra person. I said no. Itd be my husband and my mother. Nobody else needs to see my lady bits thanks. But she just went quiet and now I feel terrible because DH says she feels left out but it's not really something I want to change.

In summary.., BLERGH ARGH SIGH I'm going to bed.

Hope you ladies have had a better day than me lol xx

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: is all i have hun, i know how you feel.:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
oh my fkn god! I would have gone absolutely bat shit crazy if it were me hun :hugs::hugs:

Do you have anyone who could take you to pick him up on the day you want him home? That is so damn out of order what they have done. why the hell isnt your DH sticking up for you with this one? They have obv gone behind your back and told him that they are not bringing him back till the Thursday! Can i ask what the excuse was?

I am afraid if it were me i would be telling them when you either go get him or they bring him back that they will not be having him again until they realise they have to bring him back when you say so! They cant just keep him against your wishes! I wont even let anyone had my son for 1 night never mind 5 nights so i know how you feel. I hate not seeing my lil guy.

As for her trying to put the guilt trip on you.. just tell her point blank your not changing your mind. You dont need an extra person at all, if you cant hold them straight away your mum can hold one and your husband can hold the other. At the end of the day why should you let someone on the room where you are on show just because they want to be there. Your mum has seen it all before (i still wont let my mum in.. i just wouldn't be comfortable with that). I had the same problem with my best friend, if i have natural she will be there for some of the labor and she kicked off like hell that i wasnt letting her be there for the birth, but i told her straight in the end and shes not mentioned it since. There are a lot of people not happy with how i want to do things.. but its just tuff shit.. and thats all there is to it. We are the ones giving birth... and it is upto us.. and only us who comes into that room!

. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Oh cottlestonpie :hugs: had similar issues with in laws the first year with JJ . So I was very honest with them and thankfully they have realised the boundaries. In regards to delivery back you up 100% :hugs:
I'm with you on the MIL not being in the delivery room! She doesn't need to be there, and if you don't want her then that should be that! That's such a personal and very revealing experience, so you totally have the choice of who is present. The nurses will keep anyone unwanted out of the room, so make sure you tell them who is welcome and who needs to leave, and they'll be the bad guys for you.

If she presses the issue, ask her if she would want YOU there watching her use the bathroom, or during a pap smear, etc... I'm sure she wouldn't want to be exposed in front of YOU!

Things are going pretty well here... just counting down the days it seems! I see my OB on Tuesday. Hoping my weight is still stable. :wacko: The swelling and carpal tunnel are still pretty rough, especially after work, so I'm hoping she can get me off work early on disability... that way I'll get paid for it, and not have to use my maternity leave up before it's time!
Blimey, I don't think I'd even want my mum there let alone MIL! Just me and hubby is plenty in the room.
Thank ladies xxx
The only reason my mum is allowed at the birth is because hubby is a bit uncomfortable with all the encouragement and comforting stuff. He's like a rabbit in headlights bless him... Says he feels like he's being patronising when he's saying "you're ok yo can do it etc" so he doesn't like to. But I need that kind of support and he's way happier having my mum do it!

I spoke to him last night and he has agreed to back me up. We're picking Toby up Wednesday morning if they don't drop him off on Tuesday and will support whatever decision I make about MIL in the delivery room. I explained to him how vulnerable a time it is for the woman. Totally exposed, first few moments with baby, I don't need anyone there who I feel might interfere. She will try to hold the babies first when in my mind it should be skin to skin with me or straight to hubby. My mum knows and respects this so that's fine.
I also said to him "if you were in the most amount of pain you have ever been in and you boy bits were on show... Would you invite MY mother in?" and he was like ummmmmm nope. Think he understands!

In other news, had some pink spotting this morning after some pain in what felt like my cervix. I'm sure it's nothing but I might call the hospital later and see what they say. Ive had some spotting early on and did in my previous pregnancy but im erring on the side of caution this time since there was a bit of pain too.

Good luck at the OB kaly... Hope you manage to get signed off :thumbup:
With my first son my husband kept shushing me during the (unsuccessful) pushing phase. I told him if he shushed me once more I'd break his &*%$ing nose and he shut up ;)

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